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ny SQL f= Ghaclured Query language - y Data — Wi distinct pieces of Infommatien, or Collection Of facts Sielated lo any entity. will be Stored: nates Daibace =< Giply a Container where all-the dato 6 Database Management Sykes z- A Cettectton OF pqs which & Use -o access database, manipulate data and Aepresene doka- Types OF Matabase Management Sysune (pams) t— Revered Bn Order tw handle Aue data. we Ose pic DEME Te TE“ Lind’ — are © Hperarchied DEMS = @ network, DAMS @D Relabonad DAME &® Object _oniented DEM chil relationship > Stove Hierarchical DAME &~ Te is o parent re a0 Data, and Srusure ke atree with node epee cen elt a branches repre sentig feids- network, DAMS g- tk Ruppert many — Qrrwabere- 4p - Many Te toctiors. pic resulte 16 Cemplex data base Relationol PBME st efinee database rattuon Ship io-fom of Fables, also knacn at (lotion, TOW aNd Colum repracrete if data iknow ae -table- where Veaticad represents? known as. Scanned with CamScanner eld and hotizantal reprecentation yo record. Common -fietdc So table represent Prekkon between wo Taber Objent —Onented DAME 7- Thic “Hope Lapports Drorage of pew ate typec, tu cata Stored Snfam of Object: Sacked Quin large ESO) Tete & iy Lica Standand, Preamenny) es 1c Ux0ed for eatia felakional Databases. it) With Gat we can modify databatec, add, update oF dele He. aq base and any Me re TOWS OF data. , re tive Qubcete of Iforrotion fiom a dat Qu, Arex red sheet ate Wi) Relodrenal Pala bases like oracle, MY Are Used SOL WV Qoaniet awd Other Sql Opendlione are ax Seteut “insert, add, opcots, delete, Crea alter unitten aS Catemente toruncdt: My S@L z- |e a relational Catabate Managemen Syste n-Sounce Software, which poids muti Ure access x FH is an Ope ard woaks on) OMY plotfcwne and %4S Sopporte mutt Oe Crginer My SQ@u Wwlork bench g- A ie a yicua) daabate- designing and modelling acces¢ —fool for my sae over felational cata hate. Whee wedo modelug ef database, Gal Development ‘Scanned with CamScanner SQL Command Colegoriee § — 1) Pata Defination ee ae (ppc) > Data Manipuiction horguage. (DML) 3) Pata Cento Fong tage Ope v) Tran caction Control Language Gna) ) POL ge Concist Of Cmmandk that can be Used 40 define ue database Schema Ex: Create, rop, -OETER, TRUNCATE, COMMENT, RENAME 2 DML e— the Sql Canmonds tok deals With ths erooipuloti ofits Present in Catabace. Ex : SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE 2) DCL t— Include Commands which roalinly stele dealt uit the Tepte Permnricsiont and Other Contals of ue dato bare Lytn- Ex: GRANT, (NVOKE a 5 -trancactior) By Te g— TWe Conmancli which rainy ec with The of Patahase- Ex - Commit, Roll Back, SAvEpoINT, SET TRANSACTION. Data Modeting 2— st ic Dolaca bu decisning of Data. where. we design by © Nloimalize Sata hace @ Entry — Relattienchp Digye™ ‘Scanned with CamScanner Kum BOG — iysteamporrzD_— xa AMIN Luar 2H ‘aa 4 ; 1 t | | Peed 4uN20NId90, | xT “\uoraM) | Ww sum Fy warsiiadas 3 NY \ mpd “nad ansinsndng) v ey ee v pRNERRG oe, Perales aie on oA 2IAOTAIE | “425 laqe207 Aqua ; | 0ST IN UO P yos mom Lu cour LD By py 2004 =: uals (y=) dupuompory — hyo ‘Scanned with CamScanner i) From Hue chiggramy we can Gay -Enitice ae. _ Employer C Department , Prgect, Dependuncunr ty There ave relationshipe built in between entity Ff we Observe . FO between employee and department. there twoakefer ic One reloten and er Fe anol relowtion: Qimilaaly in betweed Depaatmenk ond & Cortrole ic relodion , inbetween employee and project wolecn Project FO between employee Ad dtpercint Depordunk-< is (elation —finodly ie felattonships. liv) There dependint entity employee ennty (When ever wy entity i _ entity) imilonly Project entity icalse relatonship betwee") ie weak entity becaue it Atpercl om ¢ depends on Otber Sa os enHty. Called as Weal weak, +. iw) where employee entity ic Steg entity the ec Wek Relstienship" Sey entity “0 weak entity i¢ alway or MORAL p between wo oer emhtt2e wy Qimilarty if relakonshi ew Projset ys aluaye like ennployee to Dependement (on) employe * Sreng telatien hip” Vv) ucbere® Sey Retateenrchip" lwr rota ship known a rojo Te a Contiol type Relaten chip. Cceunec when an employee hin cetf employee live , Bose and WO Supervisor) vi) finaly dapoiment Contle f: ‘Scanned with CamScanner Entity § Vee-Odnbulit ¢— ¢ E E-Q] Program Consist of many athibulc a8 chan 1n-fjcurey Tay awe — 9 Corposte atibulie 9) Simple -AHribultt 8) Aigte. uw) MUMIple valued Glored 6) Derived > Comps —AHnbultt +P) Composite attribwle canbe devided Composite ve Simple—HHtnbules S— Gndlivictuad Basie. struts Toto Conley Qubpaate jthece Qubbpoake Hepes With dbair Own reat where atinbulee which i not duvisible ae Simply know OA Srp € automatic Attribuloc. - a pe Nwmber 7 él Ex ; _Gueet dress —__, hy cee if Gimple Per Adress > city youre Numloer ai > Compoute SHnbutte “Zip ! @ Sine ve multivalued -Oftabutte 2 pH ribetse bourg Grog: vast -for OQ. Pantiewlow entity ic known as Sings valued adtnbutes. obiibute aray howe lever and ofper fry each individual eotity. bounds to Conshoin Ip gyubtivolued Mie Qumber of vous allaved ® Glored ve derived Ori bude 6 - “a Shaved atfribudec Which aie. already Glored Go the database. and omy which We value of molar attribute te derived ic called foe atnbute - ‘Scanned with CamScanner _Otinbuler which ae durived fim te real entities a Gre known ac derived dr buee. - =x s nikdate § Store: { Dewved Birkdate { Stored Dui bult F Age Inf E-Rj Diego nto Of -employecr { Repretent in dot lioee} te One type oF Derived atin butt. Thee attnbutes Depresent br Geosting Composite 1h Cones 04 Me cu O4 Compe OF Conmplex tribal ee axributer between 0, Lepanating fie. Componente wil cLetplaying luc ruttivalucd oFhibulle between FJ are ko Ex: f_Barece- phene (§phone (Area Cece, pme-nuumbea), _Davece ( Greet - advese { Nuorbur, rect, flat. ltumbe?, aby, Sted, xip))F Enkiy Tope, ake kaye foie SES ently 7 Employee Cempany Entity DRS 7 Nlame,-Ase, Solon Name, Heed Quatre Cuner el Fi Entity Gene Sap Hpk _pmaxcn, nrewyeah, Orde e2 oe: miavsoft, Dia, kanav amect, 24 ABK + values entree *0 ephity Cote QSe- Called as value Gate fn 20g orecrd tore Te dafyrent valuct Oe eniued - ‘Scanned with CamScanner Dilferent Tope of Mage 9 Relational Oodehase :— @ at ah aie 2) Super hey “i Be (eaern Key 1) -Clterals bey 9 Foreign ny Candidate bey eis baocally Q minimal Set cf attributes Which Can Uniquely “clenhfy upland not null Ualue present init. QomeHunes Candidate key alco a pomary koy Soper lay z- Super bay ato a One bind Of Comdicale bey here. sy ts. a ovomal Gt of atnbuter which Gn oma iduntify a. tuple eg gat wh con Be wel Primary lay ¢— 4p ic alu a Gt Corey ‘ean evry ple There Cam be mose tion On ore Canbe Chasen % pnivaay "24 ais oy 9 an 0. rotation Cur 4 wbrch ny boy # Colts lternabe kay ¢~ Concuctete 4 iper tho PN? oltemade, AY Farehicse- c f son ciate Con any Sate BS Egan aot abide, 1h vill prasieally be e195 Glo A present os vous 9 Ore Yay to we cbtribule ahr Refereed atinlede 7 rafnerys primary tay %t Hef’ Scanned with CamScanner ae A Mae re Ee (¢ Emp-ID | EMP-NAME— puone STATE Tenenre lage | | . + | AMEER ——S31905q | Telange, Tndia 2s ae -AMEER 1654120 Avdhia Tagine 3 SAMEER £43465) Delhi = uaa | 26 4 SAMEENA = FBq4850\ Mabarasha -Pudia 2\ F EMPLOYEE Dept CT-2)_ EMP-1) | DEPT-NU) Dept-NomMe ) Dl TECH | SE D2 MARKETING ) Des MARKETING fiom —Atbove two dablee Cri, ta) We can Gay cempn?, 4 tupk @ EMP NOME, PHONE NO beni Cniquely davidec) while Individually {tic Columne we can Say Caraidade ber. “ePrecent from above mentioned Cotumne of table! Ceand dat hay) FP yy cet Celumne ubich clavicle whole -luple 1 Called AX Koper bey. i h we mentioned U fir Coondiclote boy tap it fu Columns whic eI : Gimitony present on Ong uly felle fh hewe 0 mull value mony boy. L if we Chote Emp-10 a pamany Hey, tat Whe Column whic! Hae whole pte '¢ Called ab PP Ctr thon thie bye -forsGuppore Emp-ngame as Condictode bey, atenate key which 1¢ Onsucly whole tole. paibing represent dwide Prone NO Fen identified and Gmilerly ‘Scanned with CamScanner Ainaty if We Make felatwn jn belWeen “Table Land x “| by alay is Called a —Foreyn key are that should be @ Prmsvy follee (Emp-tn)'s ate. Primary kaye in hoth tables bey , fem We @hreve rumbers and thie amd make Gelatin Between lump 4 Gefen eng eprecent whole record 49 table? Normattzaitiey 1— He is a/ lechnique that Opemines fables 70 Quinta way hat Srecutiney andl dapenolsney of data ic Heduced- Bene fAoYCe - Codd ‘Alormal form } yANF \\f/ \\C a Ne NG Here we jut mele tus date: by nenmalization forms lune abe. ) where dala \ J INF —feur Aypex 3 fame Caled as INE, ONF, 3NF, BCNF will be neamalized at amy Ore ef fom Inhally af INE we if not geust-lo Aiat fom 8 ims. Suh that Orgpnne atable Ip, due we deta will & nomalined. cur. 4 ust Increasing; tue level OF romal -fa So a well monner CQL Aiibute Data Mpc — Classified ac_ OE ea ) Numeric — INT, FEOOT, Reet, DEcimaL Ci,j> 2) charaeb - String — caren), VARCHAR CH , CLOB ‘Scanned with CamScanner RBit-STRING — BIT (ny, VARYINGCn) 3) kh) Boolean — TRUE, FALSE, Onknown "s BY Pate-format — Oate ¢ Time 6) Time Stamp - Contrainte 2— In Simple tume Hie ase ue Guter thak Combe applied en te inne 4 data Fo a -lable- CTC enc tnv aa Can) ee czrc mic Columns. ONtQLE — AN tle value in a Column are lefferem- CHECK — Al) tue valuet i a Clann Gousha. Goce) Coreen DEFALLT — cet Ff cLefault valus—for Colum voben Ob vats i¢ Gruified INDEX — pie Censhain UOced Ww Create and retnve data fem Mu Databace Very quickly. SQL — Commowat_ 2— ae Create an Index —for a table. Modify actable Cadd, modifies, or del CREATE (NDEX ¢ cet athibutte) OUTER THRLE ¢ Deop THeLE + Perminently dlolete a “Table CREBTE SCHEME 2 Create Datahace SKhenya PHOTHORIZATION * Create 0 newbie. fo Osers Data bace Schema Column will not have a Mult Value. duplicate valuce Creme TOBLE NioT NOLL 3 Column will nok hove & Definee a Prony lay fr a “table. primary key * Foren key ¢ Defines a prety hey for a Tobe Scanned with CamScanner ONI QUE DEFAULT 2 Defines a default Valus—fo a Column eo 2) CHECK < Constraint Cred lo validale Aafa in a cltibute — _ Drop Vieu! ¢ Parminently clelelec @ Ws Deop (INDEX ; Perminently aeleteca lndex Mose. ace ee nM ica dynamic Barset 41048 [eatwame fron men ~poblet. Create new tobe ante Usenc data- re CREATE TABLE Ace Ve qed — pare S S@L = Data Manipulatien Commantt é- One co mole fables rows Oppate : Modify an adtnbutes valus f Commit = Peminently wee data coe Insert ¢ Inceak towcs Tiny able 2 Select tribute fre revs ci Oe Cecect Here + Resticts tha Sdetien er rove based 07 @ Corditfenc) -Capression, Giup By 2 Gioupethe eledsd rows bated on Ore or MOM atfribectec HAVING 2 Rectnct the Celection of Quped rows hated On Condition: ener By & Crderstec Solerte! Roux Phased 61) One or mose cfributes perete +: Delete Cre ex mone Howe from a-table ROLL BACK ; Restore olata to -lhety Orginal ales. Logeas Operedtore = AND | oR | NOT Componsien Cperotoe ¢ Sh =) re Sr ‘Scanned with CamScanner DESrigne -(unetione ¢ — COONIT, Miart, MAX, SUM, ave @ Gpecied Gperctors 2 BETUIEEN,, (CNIOLL, LIKE, IM, Exists, DISTINCT REV WEEN =¢ Checks whether an aHribute Value is wilh ina lag Lime + checks whether om osfribule value maces guen Grins paler IN s Checke u soy nt ay value with ty avalu list. it Exerc 4 Cheek ulbether a Subquny neteame oy H! e pictincr ; Limits unluse fo Onigua unlit Relationad Dlegbra $ Relabenal Glatt § eee ene ONLI SUSE Cera Lpany Relatrnal Operate ¢- ) Glect Cperetion 2) Prgject. Cpe ration) 2) Rename operate) fen Golect cpination ¢ FE 1 Osed to Cheose a Subset 9 aa reloctiog that Souicty a Selection Concston- disCards Project Operation ¢ Select Cestainy Column —fem the “oble and Os lta Ctber Columns. Rename Operate : ic a Coary operot oy Used as ali butte z Aa velatinn. Cet Cpeotionn ¢— ule awe different lund Of Getopnateme Qie- Present. “they ase — ( OMion Operation @® Inlercect Cpacation @ Minus Or) Excepr Operas ( Cattesian (Crose pratutt) Opercica)- ‘Scanned with CamScanner Y ei! Right Query Final Rerute eS aa ail uf \) \ ) ONION \ ) => Combine rane fier) — = SHH YY both ue Quuniec Keeps enly thece Mews which ase Comme in beth he Quines 2) Intersect ay \ ) ee a | 3) = Minus UU \ = Weepe yews-fem ths laf Gunny ~ =a = which ate not included 4 tue Coss proctuut Operotion :— apr Query i jhute Chose product between 2 Gelatent (448) wil] Houle GA Ate aatfribube 9 ‘4 'filtewed by each AHnibute qB: ach Hetord 9 2A’ wit be Pair with every Gecad ‘Bl a AXB - . i at Dept = Name Age Sex ID Dept Name Ae Sx In Dep . | Tech Amer 26 mM 1 Teh Amery 26 Mj ae eer saron Raw ay M7 2 Edam Oe Sy ag | Ted Gummy 27? Ren 24 M8 Edu Guormy oy F |! Teh Gumny 27 FX edu ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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