Arnold Schwarzenegger Motivational Story

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Arnold Schwarzenegger's Amazing Motivational Story

When I was younger I got bullied because I was fat. I was on the verdict of being obese several times. I
felt like shit, I even considered suecide I felt really bad about myself. But then the summer when I was 13
I decided to change. I went out jogging, I followed my dad to the gym. It was hard, so often I just felt like
quiting. It was especially hard when we went to my grandoms house out on the countryside because
there was no equipment. But I went out jogging sometimes but I just lost my motivation, that´s when my
dad went to the store and bought me Adidas clothing. He pushed my out of the house and said go and
work out, he even went with me to keep me going. I would never have made it without my father. That
summer holiday (10weeks) I went from 100kg to 74kg. I felt so good and I finally didnt feel ashamed when
I saw myself in the mirror. However I didnt stop there, I started eating more protein, I went to the gym
more often, I kept going and my father kept pushing me. I´m currently 16 years old (soon 17) and since
that summer I´ve put on 12kg of muscle. I´m not as big as Arnold, I do not have a ripped body but I keep
going to the gym, I eat healthier then ever and I do very well in school at the same time.  I will keep
pushing myself, I do not need my father to push myself any longer but I have him to thank for everything.
The road is hard and you will lose your motivation, I was lucky that I had my father to keep pushing
myself. You might not be as lucky to have someone there to keep you going, but know that if you keep
going, stay consistant then you will achieve what you want.

Most people get off work, go home and fall asleep on the couch.  Arnold got off work and hit the gym for 3
hours and woke up early the next day to continue working out.  That's the difference between people who
succeed and those who don't.

Exactly.  If he hadn't won that competition he eventually would have succeeded anyways with that kind of
motivation.  He didn't just out work his peers he out worked military men!

The people who have a sense of self worth and those who end up getting good things for themselves.
Notwithstanding those who do great for others.

SmoothCobra 3 Look at what he have become, he is legend no doubt about that, and it's not being a
narcissist it's being proud of what he became, he worked so hard to be where he is at right now why
wouldn't he be proud? I know I would, I would be extremely proud. Still if he was a narcissist he is a very
humble man and provides motivation for many people and that is what I like him for MOTIVATION! You
got to have a positive mind set about yourself you got to stare in the mirror and say "damn boy you look
good" that is what keeps you going, you can't expect to be "amazing" at something if you think negative or
not care, you have to strive for greatness. :)
There is a massive difference between being confident or positive and narcissistic. If you don't think he is
a narcissist, go read his book. A man who built his career on testosterone, who spent years pumping iron
and staring at himself in mirrors, who thrived in the egocentric troika of sports, Hollywood and politics.

He earned his degree in business, worked construction, had a mail order business. And part of the reason
he was Joe's golden boy is because he worked his ass off to build that physique. He had no silver spoon
at birth. Once he started making money, he became involved with real estate investment. You make it
sound like he left Austria as a homeless guy with no skills without ever accomplishing anything, then
some guy in Southern California took him under his wing and paid him all kinds of money, and Arnold just
took it. Sorry. That ain't the way it happened. 

I understand why you might think that but I think you're wrong. A narcissist is someone who only does
things for fame, fortune, and their ego. Arnold didn't do everything he did for fame and fortune, he did it
because he LOVED IT, he had a passion for entertaining and leading people. Yeah, he may be in love
with himself but honestly dude who isn't? lol Also, judging people and being self-righteous doesn't exactly
make you humble.

It's fine to be passionate and be driven. Any person who spends years and years working out and looking
at themselves in a mirror will be narcissistic on some level. You can see from Arnies old video's that he
has competitive streak which all revolves around being the best looking bodybuilder. Then if you add
more fame and success from films, it only multiplies his ego more. Calling something for how it is, bares
no relevance to who I am. It's not self righteous to speak the truth. Me saying someone is a narcissist has
nothing to do with how humble I am as a person. Most famous people truly do believe that they are

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