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(641) Bachelor of Education (Second Year)
Term End Examination, 2021-22
School Culture Management & Teacher
Time : 3 hrs. ] [ Maximum Marks : 40
uksV – 
Note – The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.
[bdkbZ&1 / Unit-I]
What do you understand by inclusive school culture ? What changes need for development of it at
present existing school ? Clarify.
vFkok OR

What do you understand by the democratic conception of school ? Discuss.

[bdkbZ&2 / Unit-II]
2. 8
Explaining the kind of private educational institutes describe their problems.
vFkok OR

State the education related provisions in the constitution of India.

[bdkbZ&3 / Unit-III]
3. 8
What do you think by school management ? Throw light on its scope and problems.
vFkok OR

Throw light on the role of community in school management system.

[bdkbZ&4 / Unit-IV]
4. 8
What principles should be taken into consideration while preparing the time table.
vFkok OR

Write suggestions for a successful classroom management as a teacher.

[bdkbZ&5 / Unit-V]
5. 8
What is the meaning of accountability in school education and how is accountability determined in
school education ?
vFkok OR

Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Professional Ethics (b) Rating of Teachers by the community
(c) Teacher’s social security

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