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Sacred Science Publishes Financial Text Introducing the Planetary Time Forecasti ng Method The Sacred Science Institute

introduces a new author, Catalin Plapcianu who has written, Time Projection and Technical Analysis". Mr. Plapcianu is a Romanian eng ineer and mathematician with a Masters Degree in International Business with a c ompletely original approach to technical analysis, Gann research, and planetary influences. Idyllwild, CA, June 10, 2011 -- The Sacred Science Institute announces publicati on of Time Projection and Technical Analysis, a first time work by Romanian engine er and mathematician, Catalin Plapcianu. The hardcover text includes 273 pages f illed with 210 charts demonstrating the novel approach to planetary-based foreca sting. Plapcianu presents a novel methodology to project market tops and bottoms by projecting pairs or groups of planets into the future. No one has seen or used this technique before because the projections are so com plex that they require a mathematician with Plapcianus expertise. Sample time pro jection charts are available on the Sacred Science website. The calculations to project a single planetary pair for one year require approximately a dozen pages of complicated mathematics. The Sacred Science Institute has incorporated these calculations into Market Analyst software so the reader will not have to perfor m these complex tasks. The result: Plapcianus method projects highly accurate fut ure timing points with a false signal ration of less than two out of ten. The ti me projections are highly accurate, generally exact within plus or minus one day , even from projection points 30 years in the past. Projections, depending on the particular planetary combinations, distinguish bet ween major market turns, intermediate turns, and minor turns. Some combinations also give accurate polarity projections, whether the turning point will be a top or bottom. By overlaying multiple combinations of planetary configurations, the trader obtains key multiple confirmations of important turning points. With mul tiple confirmations, forecasting accuracy improves even further, to better than nine out of ten. In the second portion of the book, Plapcianu introduces a variation on W.D. Ganns Square of 9 technique. He also includes several other useful tools including a mathematical measuring stick that allows any trader to gauge the speed of the mark et in different phases and predict the range for the trend even up to five years in duration. TABLE OF CONTENTS PUBLISHERS PREFACE INTRODUCTION PART I TIMING BY CYCLES CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION TO ASTROLOGY - THE PLANETS - PLANETARY ASPECTS - THE ZODIAC - PLANETARY LONGITUDE - PLANETARY DECLINATION - COMBUSTION - THE EPHEMERIS CHAPTER 2 INTERPRETATION OF PLANETARY ANALYSIS - EXPLANATION OF THE TECHNIQUE - GEOCENTRIC CYCLES - HELIOCENTRIC CYCLES CHAPTER 3 - THE INTEGRATION OF OVERLAPPING PLANETARY CYCLES - TECHNICAL EXPLANATION

- GEOCENTRIC OVERLAPS - HELIOCENTRIC OVERLAPS - GEOCENTRIC & HELIOCENTRIC ANALYSIS PART II THE MECHANICAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER 4 - EXPLANATION OF THE MEAN ANALYSIS - CALCULATING THE SPEED OF THE MARKET - T-BOND DATA CHAPTER 5 - PRICE ANALYSIS - GANNS SQUARE OF 9 - MATHEMATICAL CALCULATIONS PART III TRADING APPLICATIONS CHAPTER 6 - TRADING ANALYSIS - LONG-TERM PROJECTIONS - ASPECTS - DECOMPOSITION OF MAJOR CYCLES - CORRELATION WITH MECHANICAL TIME PROJECTION TOOL - INTERMEDIATE-TERM PROJECTIONS - SQUARE OF 9 & MECHANICAL PRICING TOOL - LONG-TERM PROJECTIONS CHAPTER 7 - TRADING EXAMPLES - TRADES 1-9 CHAPTER 8 - SHORT-TERM TRADING CHAPTER 9 - CONCLUSION About Sacred Science Institute: The Sacred Science Institute is a non-denominati onal, non-sectarian, non-religious, and non-academic Research Institute dedicate d to the rediscovery and application of Sacred Science in all fields of technolo gy, science and philosophy. The Sacred Science Institute is intent upon making accessible the wisdom traditi ons of a variety of cultures, both ancient and modern, focusing on their scienti fic, philosophical and spiritual traditions, so as to promote understanding and communication based upon the core teachings and principles of these great tradit ions. We feel that many cultural barriers may be overcome by developing a deeper understanding of the laws of nature and the universe, and by discovering the co rrespondences between the representational modes of logic and symbolism used by groups and individuals separated by space and time. Contact: Lee Stein Sacred Science Institute PO Box 3617 Idyllwild, CA 94549 +1 951-659-8181

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