ASQ Quality Progress June 2021

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June 2021  VOLUME 54 NUMBER 6


16 || Engineering
If you engage and take
care of your employees,
they will take care of your
business and customers.
by Santosh Mishra
and Dennis Delgado

40 || Essential
Don’t overlook evaluating
the effectiveness of your
corrective and preventive action

plan to ensure the solutions
implemented are effective
and working.
by José Rodríguez-Pérez and
32 || Course of Action DIGITAL EDITION Manuel E. Peña-Rodríguez
There’s a basic four-step process to begin
enterprise strategic planning, which must QP is now available in
consider organizational culture. a new digital format to
by Casey Bedgood make it easier to access
the quality information
you need on the go.
Make sure to log in
to view the link.

Fear of the Unknown
Learn the keys for successful
change management—which
include addressing organizational
culture—and advice for better
managing resistance to change.
by Santosh Mishra and
Natella Isazada || QP || 3
June 2021 VOLUME 54 NUMBER 6

05 || Foreword 13 || Mr. Pareto Head

06 || Seen & Heard 14 || Career Coach

Editor in Chief and Publisher Design
Removing toxicity and hostility Seiche Sanders GLC
08 || Expert Answers from your workplace and your life.
Media Sales
Taking on missing training records. Senior Editor SmithBucklin
46 || The Download Mark Edmund 866-277-5666
10 || Progress Report Data quality is the cornerstone of 4.0.
Editorial Offices
Quality could help boost Assistant Editor 414-272-8575
Lindsay Pietenpol
election integrity. 51 || Field Notes
Quality Progress/ASQ
Vaccination authorization
Publications Specialist 600 N. Plankinton Ave.
PLUS vs. approval. Valerie Ellifson Milwaukee, WI 53203
Copy Editor Amanda Hankel Telephone
to Know … 54 || Statistics Spotlight Creative Services Manager
Jon McLaughlin Confirmation and validation using Cathy Milquet Fax 414-272-1734
independent data. Advertising Production Email
Barbara Mitrovic
57 || Standard Issues
The major revisions to the aerospace Article Submission Process
Quality Progress is a peer-reviewed publication with 85% of its
standard AS9104-1.
feature articles written by quality professionals. To learn more
about article submission and the manuscript review process,
60 || Marketplace visit under “Tools and Resources”
and click on Author Guidelines.

62 || Footnotes Photocopying Authorization

Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use

or the internal or personal use of specific clients is granted
64 || Try This Today by Quality Progress provided the fee of $1 per copy is paid
SHOW-ing off an upgraded to ASQ or the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood
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Orders for ASQ’s member and nonmember buyer lists can be
purchased by contacting Michael Costantino at the Infogroup/
Edith Roman List Management Co., 402-836-6626 or fax

Quality Progress (ISSN 0033-524X) is published monthly

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Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53203. Editorial and advertising offices:
To help celebrate ASQ’s 75th anniversary AT YOUR 414-272-8575. Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee, WI,
this year, take a trip down memory lane and at additional mailing offices. Institutional subscriptions
FINGERTIPS are held in the name of a company, corporation, government
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Check out these extras Postmaster: Please send address changes to ASQ, PO Box
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4 || QP || June 2021

Sue Peiffer, HSHS Sacred Heart





Management & Performance

When developing
strategic plans,
organizations must
look well beyond the
next three to five
years. At the same
time, organizations
must be able to
pivot and evolve

their strategic plans
in real time (within
reason) to remain
Enterprise Strategic planning
strategic must be methodical,
well thought out,
planning for inclusive of the
the 2020s and right stakeholders
and aligned with
beyond requires customer expecta-
a heavy dose of tions. There’s a basic
transformation  four-step process
to begin strategic
by Casey Bedgood planning.
An important
element to
this planning is

Jane Keathley
culture. Strategy
is just a theory
unless interwoven
NT into organizational
culture. Long-term
change will only be
achieved through

culture transfor-
mation, which is
predicated on vision,
mission, values and

Keathley and Company, LLC


|| QP || 33

32 QP || June 2021


Frank Murdock JUST THE


ASQ’s Vision
In today’s world
volatility, uncertainly,

FKM Consulting, LLC

ambiguity, and
is inevitable.change
many changeBut
initiatives are
with employee met
tance. The resis-
invested employees
are in the
state, the current

ASQ will be the thought

they are tomore likely

anything that resist
NT change that. may
eliminated, can’t
but it
can be reduced
the right approach. with

Allen Wong
The authors
the key componentaddress
of successful
provide tips and

leader and community

advice for and
managing better
to change. resistance

ENGA Managing


Getty Images
by Santosh to change
Mishra and
Natella Isazadainitiatives 

AKW Consulting, LLC

MirageC via

|| QP || June 2021

of choice for individuals



and organizations seeking

.com || QP || 27

to add strength
your people  
Power to your quality programDelgado
to and Dennis

excellence through quality.

by Santosh


Nancy Nouaimeh
The authorcorrelation
of the high quality
return 120%in value
are your their salary between
Employees and employee and
most important to the organiza-
take tion. Employeealso engagement,
asset. If you they what you can
care of them, engagement
to ensure your
will take care and is key to a strong
culture are
sustainableand the employees con-
your business emotionallytheir work.
customers. of quality, services
of nected to
that quality
Research shows and products.
engaged employees

Abela & Co.

via Getty
Dimitri Otis

ASQ Administration
|| QP

Leigh Ann Schildmeier

|| June 2021

16 || QP

OFFICER Ann Jordan Park Avenue Solutions

Edwin Garro
Ride the tide of change by forging a rock-solid culture
OFFICER PXS Performance Excellence
Sid Bhatnagar Solutions or most people, the So while culture transcends clear

CHIEF FINANCIAL Michael Kirchner COVID-19 pandemic definition, there are very decided
OFFICER Jim Monnat Retired profoundly altered steps you can take toward improv-
Therese Steiner the way they work, ing your organization’s culture.
LexisNexis especially for those This article explains exactly how.
Andrew Schroeder John Conner who started or still are working from “Fear of the Unknown,”
DRT Aerospace
CHIEF MEMBER home. And you’d think—based on all p. 26, addresses another cul-
QP Editorial Review Board the sourdough-making, pet-adopt- ture-​centric topic: change
Kristen Spriggs
Randy Brull, CHAIR ing, family road tripping and puzzle management—​something every
piecing—that people would have a organization is grappling with
INC. CEO Administrative Committee
Jim Templin Brady Boggs, Randy Brull, lot more time on their hands. While these days. All levels within an
Jim Jaquess, Scott Laman, that may be the case (is it just me, organization must be actively
Senior Leadership Lou Ann Lathrop, R. Dan Reid,
or does dressing from the waist up engaged in any change initiative or
Richard Stump
Janet Raddatz, Sargento cut your morning routine in half?), it will undoubtedly fail. This article
Foods (retired) Technical Reviewers it turns out people still are stressed. includes helpful advice and guid-
Naveen Agarwal, Ashraf Ali, Suresh And the cause might surprise you. ance for overcoming resistance and
CHAIR-ELECT Anaganti, Zubair Anwar, M. Onur Artan,
A. Blanton Godfrey, North N.T. Balakrishnan, Aditya Bansal, Andy A new survey reveals that 41% engineering successful outcomes.
Carolina State University Barnett, Matthew Barsalou, Brooks of U.S. workers feel exhausted, “Course of Action,” p. 32, details
Carder, Bernie Carpenter, L.N. Prabhu
PAST CHAIR Chandrasekaran, Ken Cogan, Rucha overwhelmed and burnt out from a four-step process for strategic
Austin Lin, Google Deshpande, Ahmad Elshennawy, Brian chronic workplace stress. You can planning, which forms the under-
Galli, Sureshchandar G.S., Brenda
TREASURER Georgensen, T. Gourishankar, Tolga find more results from the study on pinnings of your organizational
Wayne Brown, retired Göcer, Roberto Guzman, Lynne Hare, page 12, but what struck me about culture and change efforts. While
aerospace executive Gary Jing, Trevor Jordan, T.M. Kubiak,
and industry advisor/ William LaFollette, Denis Leonard, Pradip the findings is that the root cause long-term strategic plans serve as
consultant Mehta, Arvind Parthasarathy, Stephanie of most of the stress leads back to a necessary roadmap for continued
Parker, Larry Picciano, Gene Placzkowski,
Ritam Priya, Peter Pylipow, Imran Ahmad organizational culture—the heart success, organizations must remain
Directors at Large Rana, Narahari Vittal Rao, James Rooney, of any organization and theme of agile and change course constantly
Ayman Sakr, Anusha Selvakumar, Abhijit
Linda Andrade Gonzalez this month’s issue. to accommodate a rapidly changing
Sengupta, Mahboubeh Shabani, Luigi
KSR International Sille, A.V. Srinivas, Herman Tang, Tiea “Engineering Engaged Employ- environment.   QP
Jami Kovach Theurer, B. Vaithiyanathan, Manu Vora,
Denise Wrestler, Doron Zilberstein ees,” p. 16, stresses the importance
University of Houston
To promote discussion of issues in the
of ensuring employees are tended
Paulo Sampaio
University of Minho field of quality and ensure coverage of to and cared for. Employees, in turn,
all responsible points of view, Quality
will take better care of custom- Seiche Sanders
Glenn Walters Progress publishes articles representing
conflicting and minority views. Opinions ers, driving improved results. Editor in Chief
New Mexico Small
Business Development expressed are those of the authors
The authors contend that quality and Publisher
and not necessarily of ASQ or Quality
Center Network
Progress. Use of the ASQ logo in is a direct byproduct of engaged
advertisements does not necessarily
TCC constitute endorsement of that particular
employees, and these efforts are
Wanda Sturm, RGP product or service by ASQ. propagated by strong leadership. || QP || 5

In response to “Expert Answers: April 2021” (p. 6):

Unfortunately, the answer [to whether W. Edwards

Deming invented the plan-do-check-act cycle] is
neither full nor exact. Walter A. Shewhart’s cycle
had three steps: specification, production and the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle,
inspection. But it was just Shewhart who gave a they gave names (letters) to the steps
sound explanation as to why the variability of all of Deming’s wheel.
processes requires a cycle instead of a straight line. The difference between PDCA
So, in the quality world, Shewhart is the inventor. and plan-do-study-act is the interpre-
Deming drew a four-step cycle in his famous 1950 tation of what’s most important. The
lecture, but—as the expert outlined—the letters letter “C” (check) could be interpreted
“PDCA” were absent from that drawing. However, as closer inspection, while Deming
the essence of the corresponding actions were insisted on studying the results.
presented there. So the Japanese did not invent Vladimir Shper, Moscow


THIS MONTH’S QUESTION changed the way you communicate and interact with your coworkers/
managers/employees? How has it impacted productivity?
According to a recent survey, 41% of U.S. workers feel exhausted,
overwhelmed and burnt out by chronic workplace stress. For about Sameer Choughule, Dubai, writes:
one-third of employees, their work-related stress is so extreme it Honestly, I am not a fan of working from home, or remote working.
affects their personal lives, too. While a supportive organizational In the initial few months, it was nice to be near family more, work
culture can help employees maintain a healthy work-life balance, from the comfort of my home and have the liberty to do other chores
many organization ignore the issue. How do you manage workplace that usually don’t get my time. Eventually, though, I missed meeting
stress? What does your organization do to foster a healthy work- colleagues for healthy face-to-face discussions and being able to
life balance? concentrate better in the workplace.
. It’s been almost a year now that I have been working from home,
and it is getting increasingly frustrating for me. Personally, I would
jump at the chance to return to the workplace.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many organizations transitioned
to remote work. Some already had the infrastructure in place to
make the switch, but many didn’t and had to figure it out on the fly.
Prepared or not, working remote for an extended period of time can Join the discussion on myASQ at,
be difficult when you’re used to working face to face. What are some or on LinkedIn at
of the challenges of remote work? What are some benefits? How has it

6 || QP || June 2021
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new training, document the training

and monitor its effectiveness.
THIS MONTH’S QUESTION This is where I would draw a line,
though. Management systems should
not be implemented to superficially meet
What is a best practice for requirements or just to obtain ISO 9001
addressing missing training records certification—organizations should real-
for existing employees? My organization ize financial and economic benefits from
will be seeking ISO 9001 certification this year, and departments implementing the management system.
often hold informal training for their processes but don’t generate If your product, process and system are
training records. New employees aren’t an issue because measures ineffective and are not meeting goals
have been implemented to ensure training records are generated and objectives, you should be willing to
and retained for new hires. go above and beyond ISO 9001 require-
ments to meet your business goals.
After you get past this issue and
operationalize your management
If the missing training records are system, and in the spirit of having an
for product, process or system-related effective management system, explore
knowledge, you could explore a few ways to make training administration
his is a common situation. options. One commonly used approach and record keeping simple and easy to

Even mature, well-established is grandfathering. As long as the indi- implement. For example, offer group
organizations fail to capture viduals who are missing records have training for experienced employees
training records. When the required qualifications and experi- and issue one record that provides
an organization applies ence to perform their responsibilities proof of training for all attendees
for ISO 9001 certification, there is effectively, you may exempt them from instead of creating individual records.
an agreed-on effective date for the the training record requirement for You also could create a self-reporting
implementation. If you started imple- a certain period. You cannot exempt training and professional development
menting ISO 9001 requirements in the them from documenting training portal where employees report their new
past six months or year, for example, records in perpetuity, though. This may skills and knowledge acquisition. Shar-
the starting point is when your effec- be applied as a one-time correction of ing the names of the high-performing
tive implementation starts. You do not the situation. Future training would employees in a newsletter or on the
have to demonstrate your compliance require documented training records organization’s intranet may motivate
to management system requirements consistent with organization manage- others to follow suit.  QP
beyond this starting period. ment system requirements.
That said, there may be other legal, The other approach is more fact BIBLIOGRAPHY
regulatory or statutory requirements that based. If you can retrieve the outputs International Organization for Standardization
(ISO), ISO 10014:2021—Quality management
are independent from whether you have of the experienced employees and
systems—Managing an organization for quality
implemented ISO 9001. These require- analyze their product and process results—Guidance for realizing financial and
ments might necessitate training records quality records, you may be able to economic benefits.
for a retention period that must be met. assess whether they require training ISO, ISO 9001:2015—Quality management systems—
I suggest evaluating the following irrespective of satisfying ISO 9001 or Requirements.
for experienced employees with miss- organizational system requirements.
ing training records: If the missing If your product and process quality

training records are required for legal, records indicate that quality, safety,
regulatory or statutory requirements, productivity and other key perfor- This response was written by Govind Ramu,
conduct a group training and generate mance indicators are not meeting manager business process excellence, Google LLC,
a record of evidence. goals and expectations, conduct a Mountain View, CA.

8 || QP || June 2021
A digest of trends, research & late-breaking news


Electo ral QMS Needed to

Boost Election Integrity
laims of election fraud, assertions of suspi-

cious recounts and charges of vote dumps.
Cyberthreats to the election process, partisan
litigation disenfranchisement, gerrymandering
and misinformation campaigns.
There’s no question that the controversies surrounding
U.S. elections since 2000, as well as last year’s historic U.S.
presidential election, have created an unprecedented level of
public mistrust around U.S. elections and contributed to the
perceived decline in the integrity of the U.S. electoral system.
For instance: Bobuskyi/johnwoodcock

– A survey by researchers from a university consortium of

Northwestern, Harvard, Northeastern and Rutgers late last
year found that, overall, 38% of Americans said they lacked
confidence in the fairness of the 2020 presidential election.1
– A Gallup poll before the November elections found that
59% of Americans said they didn’t have confidence in the
honesty of elections.2
Members of the ASQ Election Excellence Group know
the gravity of the situation and think there’s at least one
way to address these difficulties and restore some faith
in U.S. elections: quality management.
“When a democracy works well, it can foster greater levels
of peacekeeping, human development, economic growth,

10 || QP || June 2021

Chip Shortage
human rights, civic engagement,
and the exchange of new and innova-

Causes Automakers
tive ideas,” the group’s authors wrote
in a recently released position paper.

To Hit Pause
“There is an urgent need to address
the shortcomings and risks that cur-
rently afflict U.S. electoral processes.
Quality management provides an As the global semiconductor shortage
effective and proven solution.” continues, several automakers—including
In the position paper, the group General Motors, Toyota and Ford—have sus-
outlines the risks impeding the pended production and extended downtime.
integrity of U.S. elections and advo- Semiconductor chips are used throughout high-revenue, high-profit models running,”
cates for the adoption of an election vehicles for things such as in-car entertain- Hearsch said. “And when you see that they
quality management system (QMS) ment, driver assistance and warning systems, can’t do that, that is your indication of just
in U.S. jurisdictions based on ISO/ navigation and battery management. how difficult this is.”
TS 54001 and ISO 9001. Dan Hearsch, managing director at the According to the Alliance for Automotive
“A standardized electoral QMS global consulting firm AlixPartners, said Innovation, a lobby group and trade associ-
can improve election procedures automakers are trying to protect their truck ation, 1.3 million vehicles could be lost due
and operations, thereby bringing and SUV plants, which typically bring in the to the shortage. AlixPartners estimates the
transparency to, and restoring con- most revenue. crisis will cost the auto industry $61 billion.
fidence in, election results,” wrote “All the [original equipment manufacturers]
the paper’s authors, who include are working very hard to try and keep the  Read more at
prominent ASQ members, subject pickup trucks, large SUVs, the high-value, chip-shortage-automakers.
matter experts and representatives
of the ASQ Government Division.
“Increasing public mistrust of
U.S. elections is a significant threat


to democracy. The pursuit of elec-
tion excellence through an electoral


QMS based on ISO/TC 54001:2019
would foster greater election integ-
rity and bolster the legitimacy of
democratic processes in the U.S.,” Western U.S. cities seem to be the best spots The cities were ranked after reviewing
the authors wrote. for women to land science, technology, engi- median income data for female STEM
neering and math (STEM) jobs, according to employees, the share of women in manage-
 Visit a recent ranking. New York City took the top ment positions, unemployment rates, as well
research to download the 10-page paper, spot and Chicago came in at No. 7, but cities as many other variables. The full ranking
titled “Advancing a Quality Management out west rounded out the top 10, including: includes the 120 U.S. cities with a population
System for U.S. Elections.” There, you also – San Francisco. of at least 200,000.
can access other ASQ original research, – Seattle.
including “Quality’s Impact on the Global – San Jose, CA.  For further details on how the
Pandemic Response.” – Fremont, CA. rankings were compiled, more specific
– San Diego. results and a regional break-
REFERENCES – Oakland, CA. down of top cities—which was
1. Stephanie Kulke, “38% of Americans – Oxnard, CA. compiled by CommericalCafe,
Lack Confidence In Election Fairness,”
Northwestern Now, Dec. 23, 2020,
– Los Angeles. a real estate research group—
2. Alexa Lardieri, “Majority of Americans
Don’t Trust Elections, Poll Finds,”
U.S. News, Feb. 13, 2020, || QP || 11
There’s a new ASQ conference focused on building leadership skills for
quality professionals. The inaugural ASQ Leadership Conference, which
takes place virtually on July 15, explores how quality professionals at any stage
of their career can seek to influence, affect and inspire creation of meaningful
change and lasting improvements in an organization’s culture and operations.
The conference will offer insights into individual value, keys to leadership,
methods of inclusivity and empowerment, and adapting to change.

 For more details, visit

More than half of all manufacturers will be

testing or using fifth-generation cellular wire-
QP wants to showcase the best and brightest young talented less technology (5G) in some way by the end
quality leaders and trailblazers of tomorrow. If you or someone of 2021, according to a new study from the
you know is young, passionate and a rising quality leader who is push- Manufacturing Institute. Other results from
ing boundaries and making a difference in quality—let us know. the survey include:
– 91% of manufacturers said they believe 5G connectivity
Nominate your boss, an employee, a colleague—or yourself. Submit will be important to the overall future of their businesses.
your nomination at – 91% of manufacturers indicate the speed of 5G deployment
before June 30. will have a positive impact on their ability to compete globally.
– 88% of manufacturers indicate 5G connectivity will allow engi-
In the nomination form, be sure to present the most significant neers to troubleshoot remotely.
accomplishments and attributes of your nominee, along with The institute surveyed 105 manufacturers to develop the whitepaper,
other observations. Nominees must be 40 or younger and display titled “How 5G Is Transforming the Manufacturing Landscape.”
professionalism, potential and a passion for quality.
Individuals will be highlighted in the November issue of QP.  Visit to download the 44-page report.


Workplace Stress Hits U.S. Employees Hard

More than a year after the pandemic started, COVID-19 has – 40% of people agree that remote work supports better work-life
taken a toll on so many parts of people’s lives. Now, a new survey balance—yet remote workers struggle to prevent work from
finds that 41% of U.S. workers are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed bleeding into nights and weekends. 
and burnt out by chronic workplace stress. – 60% of people agree taking mental health days is important,
The research found that 87% of employees said their job affects but the average worker left seven days of unused
their mental health, yet only 17% of workers feel their organiza- vacation time at the end of 2020. 
tions make mental health a priority. Without a supportive organizational
The survey of 1,000 Americans (working from home culture, burnt-out employees are Kvaratskhelia

for an organization that has office space or working in unlikely to enact the work-life balance
an office most of the time) also found that work- they need, researchers wrote. Orga-
ers were reluctant to take off days using their nizations that ignore this problem
allotted time. Just 14% of workers took all of can face costly losses, disruptive
their vacation days in 2020, despite the fact turnover and an ailing workforce
that 28% can’t roll unused days into the new that struggles to remain productive.
year. Other findings include:
– 37% of employees are experiencing job  For more from this survey, developed by
stress that’s so intense that it frequently Clever, visit
affects their personal life.  mental-health-2021.

12 || QP || June 2021

Jon McLaughlin Dedhia Tabbed

Field services manager, East Coast Metrology (ECM),
Topsfield, MA.
As Professional
Bachelor of science degree in mechanical Of the Year
EDUC ATION engineering, University of Massachusetts
(UMass)-Lowell. Long-time ASQ contributor and quality
thought leader Navin S. Dedhia has been
named this year’s Quality Magazine Professional
During college, there was a machine shop class in which we learned to machine of the Year. Over the course of his illustri-
parts on a Bridgeport milling machine. Next, we checked the parts using hand
to quality: ous 50-plus years in quality, the ASQ fellow
tools such as calipers and micrometers.
has published two books and more than 50
Peter Avitable was a mechanical engineering professor of mine at UMass-Lowell technical papers and 100 articles, given more
A teacher who
who influenced me because he stressed the importance of paying attention to than 75 presentations and taught many quality-​
influenced you
detail. He instilled in me the importance of presenting a report in an organized related courses.
more than others:
and meaningful way, always making sure that attention is paid to the details.
He adds this latest honor to his collection
A mentor who has of 20 prominent awards, including two ASQ
Gary Confalone gave me my first career opportunity after college and has set
made a difference medals (the Distinguished Service Medal and
me up for success in the metrology industry.
in your career: the Lancaster Medal),
Best career advice: Money is not everything. Feeling fulfilled and challenged is more important. the Asian Pacific
Noteworthy Quality Organization
I am Coordinate Metrology Society level-one certified. Harrington-Ishikawa
outside activities:
Medal, the ASQ Inspec-
“Tracking the Tokamak—The Holy Grail of Renewable Energy,”
Published work: tion Division’s Lessig
a case study published by ECM detailing one of the longer jobs I worked on.
Award, the ASQ Los
Recent award: ASQ Inspection Division’s 2021 Inspector of the Year. Angeles Section’s Simon
Favorite ways Watching movies or NFL games, going on nature walks and hikes, Collier Quality Award,
to relax: and hanging out with family and friends. and the Kachchhi Oswal
Books currently I am reading Dune, the 1965 science-fiction novel by Frank Herbert. Jain Association in
reading: My favorite authors include J.R.R. Tolkien and Philip K. Dick. North America Lifetime
Achievement Award.
“Don’t lose sight of the fact that your quality findings can have massive
repercussions. As routine as some inspections may appear, the instant
Quality quote:  Read more about Dedhia’s award
you become complacent, mistakes will be made, and in this line of work,
mistakes cannot happen.” at

Mr. Pareto Head b y M i k e C r o s s e n || QP || 13


Be the
Change You
Want to
Surviving hostility in
an unpleasant world 
by Teresa Whitacre

he COVID-19 pandemic has Stressors related to the pandemic, and changes of the pandemic affected

changed some people’s behav- and the changes those stressors forced, many of us in ways we aren’t used
ior and attitude toward others. really can wear on you. Organizations to. Have you been in a toxic situation,
In some situations there were and employees have had to adapt in whether personal or professional? Did you
positive changes; in others, the ways never before seen. And quality or could you recognize whether you were?
changes were damaging or destructive. professionals aren’t immune to the What is going on around us and how we
It often is unclear why situations stressor effects. People in leadership are treated by others often changes our
such as a pandemic can change people. roles, especially, must be cognizant behaviors without us realizing it.
Whether out of fear of risk or liability, of how behaviors affect them, and The focus of this column is on hostile
many groups that used to help the com- those who report to them. If you once and toxic workplace situations, but most
munity stopped. Soup kitchens and meal were pleasant to be around but now of these examples also apply outside of
delivery services, for example, were are a miserly grouch, you must look the workplace. Poltavets

limited or nonexistent. Community clos- at why. How has your situation or life
ets, which provide warm, clean clothing, been affected to create such a drastic Pay attention to yourself
weren’t open. Even compassion for oth- change in your behavior or personality? We often experience changes in our-
ers seemed to dwindle. In communities Over the past year, the world has selves without realizing it because they
and workplaces, human behavior spun experienced a swift change toward happen subtly. Are you sleeping more or
180 degrees in the opposite direction. hostility and toxicity. The pressures less than usual? Have there been major

14 || QP || June 2021
changes in your diet? Has your mood – Participating in or being a victim reviews, committee meetings
or thought process changed signifi- of gaslighting. or investigative reports.
cantly and remained that way? Ask your – Finding that whatever you do is never Detail and report specific inci-
coworkers if they've noticed changes in good enough, in any situation, even if dents. As you are documenting
you. If you can’t see the changes in your- you do it exactly as you were asked to. things, list as many details as you
self, those close to you often can. can, such as times, dates, places
If you see signs that you have Gather data and look for and people—just like you would in
changed, seek the appropriate pro- solutions an audit report. Who, what, when,
fessional or medical assistance. Early Have you experienced any of the where, why and how are all import-
intervention can help rectify the issue. situations in the break-it-down stage ant facts when looking for solutions.
as an employee? Have you taken any of Look introspectively. After you have
Break it down with root cause these actions as a manager? Have these gathered data, what changes would you
analysis and five whys recommend? What solutions do you see?
If you have identified changes in Research shows that emphasizing respect
yourself, next look at why those things and professional interactions helps.
happened. Perhaps you are in a toxic, Regardless of your role in the organi-
hostile or bad environment. Being zation, set the stage: Treat others as
subjected to such environments you want to be treated, and realize
can cause mental, physical and that what you promote is what
emotional health issues. you permit. What you allow
Research shows that tak- Detach from the toxicity to happen is what occurs.
ing certain types of actions, through social time, The most difficult thing
or being subjected to is to stop negative self-talk.
getaways, hobbies,
those actions, can con- Stop telling yourself you
tribute to health issues. exercise or volunteering, deserve this kind of behavior.
These actions include: for example. Instead, tell yourself what you
– Not providing the needed are worth. Review what you
feedback to timely correct wrote out and set clear, actionable
a problem or solve an issue. goals for talking yourself into trying
– Being excluded from meetings something or working on something
that you should be part of. rather than out of it. Instead of believ-
– Being the subject of, or partic- ing that you are not good at something,
ipating in, peer group gossip try it and prove to yourself that you are.
about performance. Take care of yourself in whatever
– Being completely exhausted things happened to you as a participant way works best for you. Detach from the
and having no energy for pursuits or leader in an organization? If you saw toxicity through social time, getaways,
you used to enjoy. yourself in any of those actions, think hobbies, exercise or volunteering, for
– Publicly humiliating your staff like a quality professional: Gather data example—anything that changes your
or group members, or allowing and look for solutions. thoughts and provides positive change.
it to happen. Document everything. No matter Work on an exit strategy to remove
– Giving or getting only criticism, how small you think the item is, write the toxicity or hostility from your life.
never praise for something well done. it down. In times of stress, we often Remember the most important solution
– Having or being a micromanager. don’t remember everything. Writing is the outcome that is best for you.  QP
– Finding it difficult to get up in things down can help you gather your EDITOR’S NOTE
the morning. thoughts and serves as documenta- A bibliography of resources used for this column can be
– Playing the blame game. tion for later events, such as personnel found on this column's webpage at

Teresa Whitacre is a senior quality engineer and principal at Marketech Systems in Pittsburgh. She holds a bachelor’s degree in organizational
leadership from Ashford University (now called the University of Arizona Global Campus) in San Diego, CA. She is an ASQ-certified quality
auditor, engineer, Six Sigma Green Belt, and manager of quality/organizational excellence. An ASQ fellow, Whitacre is an instructor for ASQ’s
Pittsburgh Section’s certified quality inspector refresher course and past deputy regional director for ASQ Region 8. || QP || 15

Dimitri Otis via Getty Images

16 || QP || June 2021




Power to your people to add strength

to your quality program 
by Santosh Mishra and Dennis Delgado


Employees are your return 120% of The author outlines

most important their salary in value the high correlation
asset. If you take to the organiza- between quality
care of them, they tion. Employee and employee
will take care of engagement also engagement,
your business is key to a strong and what you can
and customers. sustainable culture do to ensure your
of quality, and the employees are
Research shows that quality of services emotionally con-
engaged employees and products. nected to their work. || QP || 17

T wo quotes highlight the importance of employee engage-

ment in an organization. One is from Richard Branson:
“Clients do not come first. Employees come first. You take
care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.”1
The other is from Jack Welch: “There are only three
measurements that tell you nearly everything you need to
know about your organization’s performance: employee engagement,
customer satisfaction and cash flow.”2
Furthermore, the relationship between quality and employee
engagement is highly correlated, and the quality of any service
or product depends greatly on how engaged employees are.
Creating an emotional connection to the work is at the heart
of taking employees from simply being satisfied to being engaged.
That is a far cry from what employers
really want: engaged employees. Engaged
employees go beyond what simply is
required for the job and expend energy
to solve problems, delight customers and
reach organizational goals. And the best
part is they do it because they want to.
In this article, we draw from our expe-
riences and exposure to quality, and from
observing the direct consequences of services
and products provided to customers from
engaged and disengaged employees—the
latter having catastrophic consequences for
According to Brent Gleeson, “Today, more than ever, organizations businesses. Supported by data, we dwell on
rely on the energy, commitment and engagement of their workforce to what employee engagement means, why it is
survive in the 21st century. As a former Navy SEAL, I can assure you so important for quality and what can be done
that one of the fundamental reasons we continue to dominate our bat- to develop the workforce to be fully engaged,
tlefields is due to the fact that we have 100% employee engagement.”3 which leads to a superior quality culture.
To understand the importance of employee engagement to qual-
ity, we first must understand what an engaged employee means. What is employee engagement?
An engaged employee is different from a satisfied employee. A satisfied First, we must understand what employee
employee may like his or her job a lot and have no intention of leaving it, engagement is. Only then can we explore its
but he or she does only what is necessary to keep it. importance to quality and what we can do
about it. The best way to explain employee
engagement is by using Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of employee
engagement model—from being disengaged (survival) up to being
highly engaged (self-actualization). (See Figure 1, p. 20.)
Employee engagement has been and is being talked about
animatedly the world over as if it is the newfound key to
business success. So, where did it start? The first pub-
Engaged employees go lished mention of the term “employee engagement” was
beyond what simply is in William Kahn’s 1990 paper, “Psychological Condi-
required for the job tions of Personal Engagement and Disengagement.”4
The best organizations build and sustain a cul-
and expend energy to ture of engagement, led by CEOs who understand
solve problems, delight that employee engagement is not just nice to have,
customers and reach but critical to achieving business results. Leaders
in these elite organizations also understand that
organizational goals. employee engagement primarily is their responsibility.
Employee engagement is a heightened emotional
connection that employees feel for the organization,
which influences them to exert greater discretionary effort
to their work. Employee engagement rates go up exponentially
when there is a clear correlation between employee action and

18 || QP || June 2021

Signs of Engagement
Tell-tale signs of an engaged workforce include:
– A shared vision of the organization across the
business and goal congruence at all levels.
– High growth and profits.
– Delighted and happy customers;
customer concerns are resolved quickly.
– A high level of trust and mutual respect.
– Faster decision making.
– Absence of fear.
– High-performing teams.
– A focus on continual improvement.
– Innovative ideas are encouraged and acted upon.
– Transparent operation and internal communication;
employees find ways to save resources.
– High energy all around.
– High accountability in operations.
– No favoritism.
– No water cooler gossip.
– Low employee turnover.
– Employees volunteer to take on extra work.
– “That is not my job” is not heard.
– Volunteering in the community is fostered.
—S.M. & D.D.

organizational success. The bottom line is that employee engagement affects any
organization’s bottom line (see Figure 2, p. 21).
An engaged employee is defined as one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic
about work, and who takes positive, proactive actions to further the organization’s
reputation and interests. Engaged employees work with passion and care deeply about
the organization’s success. They drive innovation and are emotionally invested in
committing their time, talent and energy to add value to their team and advance the
organization’s initiatives.5
As author and inspirational speaker Simon Sinek said, “No customer will ever love
a company until the employees love it first.”6
Creating an emotional connection to the work is at the heart of taking employees
from being satisfied to being engaged. In many ways, an engaged workforce is the holy
grail of the business world and has proven just as elusive. So, this begets the question:
Are we attacking the symptoms rather than the root cause?
According to Axero, an intranet software company, a 5% increase in employee
engagement is linked to a 3% increase in revenue growth in the subsequent year. Also,
65% of employees in the United States and 87% of employees worldwide are engaged
in their work. Engaged employees give 3.9 times the earnings per share. On the flip side,
David Crockett via Getty Images

unhappy U.S. workers cost U.S. businesses $550 billion annually in lost productivity.7, 8
Furthermore, employee turnover costs U.S. organizations $1 trillion,9 and Deloitte
found that organizations with effective recognition programs reduced their voluntary
turnover by 31%.10 (See Figure 3, p. 22.)
According to the Canada Human Resource Centre, 89% of Candidian employers
believe that employees leave their organization for more money, when in reality, || QP || 19

only 12% of employees actually do leave because they want Combining these performance metrics into an overall
more money.11 composite performance metric, teams in the 99th percentile
Also, fully engaged employees return 120% of their salary had four times the odds of success (or above-average perfor-
in value, partly engaged employees return 100%, somewhat mance) compared with those in the first percentile.
disengaged employees return 80% and disengaged employ- Though team performance isn’t perfectly predictable,
ees return 60%.12 these results provide strong evidence that it is possible to
The 2014 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends report measure the cultural elements of a team that predict how
found that 87% of business leaders rate retention and well that team will perform. In other words, team culture
employee engagement as urgent or important, and employee is, indeed, “stat-able.” Businesses that measure and manage
experience represents the biggest opportunity for HR today.13 those elements can increase performance and improve their
See the sidebar, “Signs of Engagement,” for the characteris- chances of success.
tics of engaged employees. Engagement has accelerated the most over the past
decade, with a seven-point improvement in the percentage
What does quality have to do with it? of engaged employees and a five-point drop in actively dis-
When Gallup researchers compared teams in the top quar- engaged employees. This represents about 10 million more
tile to those in the bottom quartile on the measurement of people with engaging jobs over the past decade.15 A truly
engagement, they found median differences in performance, engaged employee is a truly committed employee. However,
as reflected in the bar chart in Online Figure 1, which can be investing in a superlative employee experience requires
found on this article's webpage at discipline and hard work, and it takes time to fructify.


Maslow’s hierarchy of employee engagement

On average, less than

1 HIGHLY ENGAGED 15% reach this level. HIGH FLYER

• What can I do for others? • I love working here. SELF-

• I inspire others to do their best. • I'm a high flyer. 2 and 3 have a
direct impact and
can be moved up
2 ENGAGED by the 4 enablers
IMPORTANCE of engagement
• I'm a vital part of the business. • I'm an achiever.
• I feel important at work. • I'm really busy and likely stressed.

• I might leave if I'm tempted. MOTIVATIONS
• I know I'm part of something bigger. • There are no career
• I'm proud to work here. development opportunities.


• I'm not interested in overtime. • I don't like my job much. SECURITY

• I take more sick days than I should. • I read job ads.


• I'm here for the money. • I'm a clock watcher. SURVIVAL

• I am leaving when I can. • I'm a jobs-worth.

Source: “Employee Engagement,” SlideModel,

20 || QP || June 2021


Employee engagement
Service Growth
Employee Customer Customer
engagement satisfaction loyalty
Retention Profit



Long before employee engagement became a trend, by common values and norms (positive culture) with
American statistician and business philosopher W. Edwards a high degree of consensus among organizational members
Deming formulated the 14 principles of effective man- (cohesive culture).22
agement. Deming’s principles laid the foundation for the Many authors consider TQM to be the ideal way to manage
modern total quality management (TQM). The 14 points first quality in organizations.23-25 According to a research article on
appeared in Deming’s 1986 book, Out of the Crisis.16 A closer TQM and organizational culture, quality management “should
look at these 14 principles reveals that many are linked to be studied as a cultural phenomenon with a coherent set of
improving employee engagement. The principles are foun- underlying assumptions that form an ideal quality culture.”26
dational to a robust quality culture and are highly dependent This research also suggests that quality managers must under-
on employee engagement. stand the existing organizational culture and bridge any gaps
ISO 9001—from the 2000 revision onward—is based on for it to be compatible with quality culture.
seven principles, one of which is people engagement. Creat- Gil Luria presented the psychological explanation for
ing value occurs when people in the organization feel engaged employees’ behaviors toward quality and the importance of
and understand how they contribute to creating and deliver- leadership in managing those behaviors.27 Transformational
ing value. leadership—that is, the actions of leaders who raise the needs
In addition, the newly released ISO 10018:2020 Quality and motivations of followers, and promote dramatic change
management—Guidance for people engagement provides in individuals, groups and organizations—is important in
guidelines on how an organization might build, develop, the journey toward a strong quality culture.28, 29
cultivate and nurture the kind of culture that gives strength Survey-based research to understand the obstacles to
to the roots of people engagement.17 When people engage- TQM success found the second most significant barrier was
ment is nurtured, it feeds further development of an “inadequate human resources development and management.”
organization’s quality culture. Elements of this particular barrier include:30
– Employees aren’t trained in quality improvement skills.
Why is culture so important? – Employees, teams or both aren’t recognized
According to Dwayne W. Lehman, “Culture is an important for quality improvement achievements.
aspect of any institution and yet, it is difficult to find a single, – Employees aren’t trained in prob-
unified definition of culture.” 18 Organizations start with lem identification techniques.
individuals wanting to achieve a common goal, followed by – Employees aren’t trained in group discus-
establishing artifacts (roles and rules), and creating norms sion and communication techniques.
and values among members.19 – Employees aren’t empowered to imple-
Among the three levels of organizational culture—namely ment quality improvement efforts.
artifacts, espoused beliefs and values—and basic underly- – Cross-functional teams aren’t employed.
ing assumptions, the latter is an invisible dimension of the On the other hand, other research revealed that
organization not easily expressed in concrete ways.20 These empowerment and contingent reward, charisma
invisible and visible elements of an organization are shaped and intellectual stimulation are important factors
by the organization’s culture.21 A strong culture is manifested for successful implementation.31 || QP || 21


U.S. employee engagement trend (annual averages): 2019

% Engaged % Actively disengaged

34 35
32 33
30 30 30
28 28
26 26

18 17 18 18 17
16 15 14 13 13

'00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19

Note: 2018 results are for January through June

Source: Jim Harter, “4 Factors Driving Record-High Employee Engagement in U.S.,” Gallup, Feb. 4, 2020,

22 || QP || June 2021

TA B L E 1 In short, organizational culture forms

abstract and concrete aspects of organizations.

BEST principles Organizations are run by people with common

values and goals. Organizations with a positive
culture have a high degree of consensus among


Create an enabling culture at work.
Demand excellence.
their members and possess a strong culture.
A strong quality culture (that is, the quality
– Ugoals
nderstand the organization’s mission and strategic
as critical drivers of engagement. aspect of a strong organizational culture) is

Live the values—zero tolerance for violations.
Strive to be a leader in the domain.
built by transformational leaders who provide

– Don’t micromanage.
– L(theeadsingle
by example as a leader, not a manager. Walk the talk
the mechanisms for employee participation
and consultation, thus encouraging a highly
Business most effective employee engagement strategy
leaders have at their disposal). engaged workforce.

Overcommunicate—daily updates/huddles.
Keep every promise made.
Improving employee engagement

Make decisions based on data.
Make policies and processes lean and not restrictive. The following includes some practical ways to
– Share results. Employee engagement skyrockets when there is
a clear, positive correlation between employee action and the improve employee engagement. For the quality
organization’s success. aspect of the organizational culture to be sus-
– Parerovide clarity on goals at an individual level; ensure they
aligned to the business. Clarity is the first step to inspiring
tainable, there must be:
Senior management leadership and com-
ownership and commitment.

Remove obstacles to achieve goals.
Provide challenging assignments.
mitment. Senior management or the owner—​or
both—must show quality leadership and com-
– Create a hassle-free work environment.
– LDon’t
isten to employees and encourage frequent feedback. mitment by providing the necessary resources
let feedback drop off your radar. to manage quality in the organization. Quality
– Maintain job rotation and job enrichment programs.

Ensure trust and respect. leadership is shown by having a quality policy,
Have state of engagement meetings by group leaders
and supervisors.
leading by example, following the quality policy
– Focus more on soft skills, attitude and culture fit during hiring. and fostering a no-blame environment.
Moreover, commitment is manifested by

Provide an open work environment.
Provide collaborative platforms. monitoring quality key performance indicators
– Use public displays of appreciation freely and often.
As Mother Teresa said, “There is more hunger for love
(KPI), budgeting for quality training, establish-
and appreciation in this world than for bread.”1 ing mechanisms for employee participation and
– Encourage creativity. consultation, and implementing a suitable QMS.
Provide tools for efficiency and productivity.
Provide opportunities to bond after work hours,
such as at a social club.
Employee participation and consulta-
tion. Employees performing the task know the

Hold an annual awards night.
Offer work-life balance activities, flexible work hours essence of quality problem risk reduction and
Support and wellness programs. continual quality improvement. It is good prac-
– Share success stories.

Encourage open sharing of bad news, such as employee complaints. tice to involve employees when:
Have an ombudsman employees believe and respect, and can go to
for any issue. – Reviewing quality policies and procedures,
– Measure the employee pulse every quarter to maintain and sustain
employee engagement through tools such as,,
particularly when formulating work instruc-
tions and standard operating procedures.,,,,,,, w, 6Q, etc.
Use technology to connect and measure.
– Establishing quality targets and action
plans to attain them.
– Support frameworks for giving back to society and corporate social
responsibility activities. Sponsor a charitable event. – Discussing quality problems and action plans
to correct and prevent them from recurring.
– Oandffercareer
continuous training and upskilling per business needs
development. (Good companies’ full-time employees – Formulating plans to improve overall prod-
receive 110 hours of training per year per person). uct and service quality.
Training –
Establish a formal mentoring or buddy program for all new hires.
Ddaysevelop an effective induction program. Make employees’ first
Quality management system (QMS)
memorable. implementation. QMS implementation must
– Build a knowledge repository or how-to guide. be suitable to the organization’s operation.
Dimitri Otis via Getty Images

It goes beyond having documented informa-

tion, such as a quality policy, procedures and
BEST = business, employee, support, training instructions. The system is a management
REFERENCE tool for lowering the risk of quality issues,
1. Mother Teresa, Quotable Quote, communicating quality requirements and || QP || 23

IoE Report: Leadership Is Key

Employee engagement is crucial to an organization’s To deliver actionable guidance to our member communities
success—that’s why it’s so important for organizations to pursue best practices in organizational excellence and oper-
to invest in their workforces. When employees are happy, ations, the IoE 2020 Annual Research Report gathered data
they are engaged and emotionally connected to their work, on current leadership practices that may be surprising to some:
which improves product and service quality, and builds a eight in 10 respondents indicated their leaders are on board
sustainable quality culture. with quality to some degree, but this commitment does not
According to the authors of “You Get What You Give,” run deep. Only four in 10 said their leaders are fully open to
employee engagement is leadership’s responsibility: “The best change and dialogue on quality engagements.
organizations build and sustain a culture of engagement, Considering the past year's challenges, the need for
led by CEOs who understand that employee engagement is guidance within this constant quality journey is even more
not just nice to have, but critical to achieving business results.” paramount. The IoE foundational data set provides members
Last year, Forbes Insights, in partnership with ASQExcel- with real-world insights on this topic and acts as a maturity
lence (ASQE) and ASQ, examined how quality initiatives are model of performance levels to inspire the advancement
progressing in the digital era, based on the views and experi- of organizational excellence best practices.
ences of 1,036 executives and quality professionals from global
enterprises. The results from ASQE’s Insights on Excellence Visit to learn more about
(IoE) Benchmarking Data allow ASQE to bring real-world the ASQE Insights on Excellence and view the 2020 IoE Annual
metrics and quality insights to ASQE and ASQ members. Research Report.

performance, and enhancing quality KPI performance. The key to a culture of quality
It should apply consistently with its purpose, and reflect People are your most important asset. If you take care of
the organization’s activities and practices. Everyone in your employees, they will take care of your business. Engaged
the organization must know the system’s requirements, employees are the most effective evangelists and ambassa-
and conformance to requirements must be monitored dors of your brand.32 Employee engagement is key to a strong
regularly. New client and regulatory requirements, sustainable culture of quality. Nurture employee engagement
and advancements in technology and quality improvement in whatever way you can. That will never fail.  QP
plans must be reflected in the QMS, and everyone must be EDITOR’S NOTE
notified of the changes. Also follow the business, employee, References listed in this article can be found on the article’s webpage
support and training principles laid out in Table 1 (p. 23). at

Santosh Mishra is a quality leader at Saab Technologies

Ltd. in Burnaby, British Columbia. He received a master’s
degree in electronics and telecommunication from Pune
LEVERAGE LEAN University in India. A senior member of ASQ, Mishra is
an active member and past chair of the ASQ Vancouver
Although typically associated with manufacturing, Section and is a certified Black Belt.
lean also can help improve culture and engagement
in organizations. Learn how eliminating waste and
nonvalue-​adding activities can improve employee Dennis Delgado is an occupational health and safety
engagement—and the organization’s bottom line—
professional at Athabasca University in Edmonton,
in the ASQTV episode, “Leveraging Lean to Improve
Engagement and Culture.” See the episode at videos. Alberta. He received an MBA from the University of the Philippines Diliman in Quezon City. A senior member of
and-culture. ASQ, Delgado is the treasurer, past chair and past vice
chair of the ASQ Vancouver Section. He also is an ASQ-certified manager
of quality/organizational excellence.

24 || QP || June 2021
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MirageC via Getty Images

Managing employee resistance to change initiatives 

by Santosh Mishra and Natella Isazada

26 || QP || June 2021


In today’s world of
volatility, uncertainly,
complexity and
ambiguity, change
is inevitable. But
many change
initiatives are met
with employee resis-
tance. The more
comfortable and
invested employees
are in the current
state, the more likely
they are to resist
anything that may
change that.
Resistance can’t be
eliminated, but it

can be reduced with

the right approach.
The authors address
the key component
of successful change
management, and

provide tips and
advice for better
managing resistance
to change.
N || QP || 27

C “People are not stressed because there is too much change

in organizations but because of the way change is made.”

hange management (CM)

has been the talk around
boardrooms for more than
two decades. In today’s world of volatility, uncertainly,
complexity and ambiguity, change is inevitable; it’s our new
normal. Table 1 (p. 30) summarizes the top forces stimulating
organizational change.2
According to a PricewaterhouseCoopers survey, 76% of
CEOs said their ability to adapt to new changes will be a key
source of competitive advantage in the future. 3 Change is
something that can't be wished away, yet there is no perfect
—Peter Drucker1

amygdala, which controls the brain’s fear circuitry. Error

detection signals can push people to become emotional and
act more impulsively. Animal instinct takes over. Trying to
change a routine behavior causes the brain to send a strong
message that something is not right. This message grabs the
individual’s attention and can overpower rational thought.6

Anatomy of resistance
Resistance originates from fear, prejudice, anxiety and
ignorance. People fear the unknown and are comforted by
the familiar. The more comfortable and invested employees
way to introduce and manage change. It also is reported that are in the current state, the more likely they are to ignore
70% of CM projects are unsuccessful.4 There are many vari- or sabotage the reasons for change.
ables and moving parts, and unless all are aligned, success is When people resist change, they resist the prospect of
unlikely. This trend will continue if we keep focusing on the losing what they have and hold dear—whether it’s losing
symptoms of the problem rather than the root cause. the control they currently hold, their comfort zone, their
One of the strongest human emotions is fear, and the old- job security or opportunities. They may fear an increased
est and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Change, workload with unrealistic new demands and tight timelines.
by definition, brings with it many unknowns. So, we must It does not help if past failures cause employees to distrust
look more closely at the human fear of uncertainty and find the champion of the current initiative.
ways to address it. To better understand the anatomy, the entire process
One study reported that 39% of change failures are due to is laid out in Online Figure 1, which can be found on this
employee resistance to change.5 Human behavior in organi- article's webpage at
zations does not work the way many executives think it does. Change is a process, not an event. Time will elongate if it
So, seeing change as an oversimplified version of Kurt Lew- is not managed properly, and the process may never reach
in’s well-known unfreeze-change-refreeze model, shown in the upslope predicted in Online Figure 1. Resistance can-
Figure 1 (p. 31), doesn’t consider that change is not always a not be brought to zero, no matter how hard you try, but it
rational process. It’s true that firm before-change and after- can be reduced with the right approach. Discussed later
change points exist, but everything in between is nonlinear. are suggested practices based on our experience in leading
So, how can we explain resistance? change initiatives.
This article addresses what we see as the key component
of successful CM, namely managing resistance. We focus on Emotional baggage
practical aspects based on our experiences, and provide tips People experience change on an individual level well before
and advice on better managing resistance to change. they begin seeing it at an organizational level. Sometimes,
the fear of the unknown makes people cling to the old meth-
Is it psychological or physiological? ods without questioning their effectiveness, efficiency
Research on brain function shows that resistance is not only or even adequacy.
a psychological reaction to change, but also a physiological Overtaken by anxiety, employees are quick to resist the
reaction. We must understand the physiological connection change without giving it a chance or fully understanding
to appreciate why we resist. the benefits it offers. This often originates from a lack of
Located above the orbitofrontal cortex—the eyes—where clear communication around the subject. Lack of leadership
error signals are generated, there is a small organ called the communication on the vision and strategy leaves room for

28 || QP || June 2021

rumors, which in turn Middle

feed into people’s neg- Building a culture of management
ative emotions toward holds the key
the change. This espe-
open communication and Middle managers
cially affects people employee engagement are pivotal to any
who bring into the is an important piece of change initiative,
workplace heavy bag- the puzzle, and is highly and therefore,
gage of past failures and they require spe-
unresolved resentment.
correlated to the success cial attention. For
For example, we once of the change initiative. middle managers,
had a manufacturing change is neither
employee who saw any sought after nor wel-
change as an immediate come. It is disruptive
threat to his job. You may and intrusive, and upsets
call it an overreaction, but with the balance.
any change to company processes, Though often unwritten,
written procedures, equipment or the psychological dimension
technology, he suspected there would be underpins a manager’s personal
personnel cuts and that he would be the first commitment to individual and organiza-
one out the door. tional objectives. This gives a different message
A change to the company’s job traveler process threw him to their subordinates who take the cue readily.
off completely. He panicked and started a series of rumors— As helpful as it would be to have middle managers on
and backed up those rumors with vivid stories of disregard board with promoting the change to the rest of the team,
and mistreatment he had just experienced at his previous job, the amount of work they already have on their plates cannot
which was going through a similar change. be underestimated. They must manage daily operations
Only through numerous discussions and coaching ses- and allocate resources to ensure the timely progress of all
sions did it become clear that the damaging experience this existing projects and uninterrupted workflow throughout
person kept referring to had taken place at least 15 years ear- the organization. The change initiative creates extra work
lier. But to him, those memories were still fresh. This person for them, and they must manage it without any additional
relived the effects of his past trauma every time a change in resources. Is this extra workload manageable, or is it putting
the workplace triggered him. It took a lot of effort to help unreasonable strain on middle management?
him get over his fears and anxieties about change. If nothing comes off their workload, middle managers
It requires a lot of work and dedication from leaders to may still say yes to the executives, but when they flounder,
understand what’s behind the resistance, especially when the consequence eventually will show. If they cannot resist
it emanates from past experiences. Speaking about those openly, there always will be a risk of stalling progress in
experiences helps. other ways. For a while, there could be a false impression
Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan, authors of The Three Laws of things going well—and senior executives will believe it.
of Performance, point out that people are constrained by But in reality, things will not be moving in the right direction
what they aren’t saying. When they can address and articu- to realize the intended benefits of the change.
late what has been holding them back, space begins to open.7 Resistance to change from mid-level managers directly
A change in organizational culture is paramount to contributes to employee resistance. When workers see their
creating a safe space to discuss the underlying issues behind managers give a half-hearted effort to the change, they will
resistance. Building a culture of open communication and have a hard time taking the change seriously. Commitment
employee engagement is an important piece of the puzzle, from management must come first because managers are
and is highly correlated to the success of the change initia- directly responsible for implementing the change. All stake-
tive. Cultural change must involve and engage all layers of holders of affected processes must demonstrate that the
the organization because they each carry an important role proposed change is beneficial and, at a bare minimum,
in ensuring the change initiative succeeds. not harmful to the business. || QP || 29

System approach IMPROVE ENGAGEMENT Exercising a system approach

Because effects of the change thoroughly analyzes what and
may spread inside and outside For more on improving employee engagement, who will be affected by the
the organization, any new check out the ASQ webcast “Lean Tools to change, and how. What are the
initiative must be reviewed Improve Employee Engagement.” Lonnie Wilson, repercussions of the change on
from the perspective of con- a lean manufacturing and cultural transforma- other processes? This includes
straints it may impose on the tion expert, presents a mini-workshop on how direct and indirect processes,
to leverage lean tools and the catchall method
organization or its parts. This as well as those spreading
to substantially improve strategic deployment.
also includes constraints due beyond the boundaries of the
Watch the webcast at
to existing agreements, such employee-engagement-webcast. organization. What are some
as union contracts, vendor of the potential conflicts
contracts and commitments with the existing priorities?
to existing policies. The easiest way to adopt this
A system is a set of interconnected parts forming a complex approach is by reviewing change from the perspective of
whole. It’s also a set of detailed methods, procedures and rou- resource allocation. Start by asking yourself: Are there any
tines created to perform a specific activity or resolve a specific parallel projects that will be affected by or have an effect on
issue. An organization is a system relating to other systems, the change I am managing? Will we have to pull resources
contained within its industry and society. Any proposed from those projects to accommodate the change? Pulling
change usually is aimed at changing a business process to resources and forcing people to stretch thin is a definite
increase value for the business and its customers. A change way to fuel resistance.
in any one process has complex consequences for various The initial changes usually bring the most tangible results.
parts of the system. After the most apparent problems are solved, further changes
will be incremental, resulting in less visible benefits. With this,
TA B L E 1
you may start paying less attention to the possible implications
of the changes in other areas. But you must follow through

Six forces for stimulating

with the systems approach until the end to remain aware of
any potential bottlenecks.

organizational change Tips and advice for managing resistance

For the change to become a permanent part of the corporate
culture, resistance must be controlled by accounting for
all factors that contribute to it. Unless people rally behind
Force Examples the change and feel the desire to support it, results will be

Nature of the – Aging

More culture diversity half-hearted. Change only happens if you can create that

workforce – Increased
population conviction and desire. That is where you should focus your
– immigration and outsourcing efforts—explaining the burning platform behind the change.
– computers
Faster, cheaper and more mobile
and handheld devices
To overcome their indecision and confusion, people need
a clear destination. Create that crystal-clear picture of the
Technology – Emergence and growth of social
media networking sites
desired future state so your valuable time and resources

– Deciphering of the human genomic code aren’t wasted.

– Rise and fall of global housing market If the change initiative fails because of communication
Economic shocks – Global recession
Financial sector collapse breakdown, develop a strategy for communicating key infor-
– mation. Don’t assume that all the right people will somehow
– Global competitors find out everything they must know regarding the change.
Competition – Increased
Mergers and consolidations If you don’t manage the communication channels prop-
– government regulation of commerce erly, people will rely on the grapevine for information.
– Increased environmental awareness Over-communicating the vision always is preferred to
Social trends – Liberalization of attitudes toward gay,
lesbian and transgender people
– More multitasking and connectivity People often resist because they are more focused on what
– Rising healthcare costs they might lose as a result of the change. It’s the job of leaders

World politics – Negative social attitudes toward

business and executives
to reorient the focus and show people what can be gained
instead. Bumps in the road are expected, but here are some
– Opening of markets in China helpful tips to effectively manage the change:

30 || QP || June 2021


Kurt Lewin’s change management model

Unfreeze Change Refreeze

– Engage the right resistance managers, sponsors According to research from Prosci, senior management partici-
and champions. Increase their awareness skills pation and involvement have been consistently at the top of the
(58% of sponsors do not understand their roles8). success criteria for the past 20 years.10
– Engage middle managers in particular. Demonstrate The top three aspects that make any change initiative
your commitment to the change by removing barriers a success are:
and providing resources. 1. Management explaining the “why” behind the change
– Focus on identifying, creating and outlining the consequences of not taking action
and rewarding new desired behaviors. toward the change effort.
– Ensure constant feedback from resistors; 2. Focusing on one change at a time and creating that desire.
create that framework and safe space. Change happens at individual levels only.
– Share success. Over-communicate 3. Treating all change initiatives like a formal project,
the vision and small wins. with continuous communication and sustenance in mind.
– Explain why (the business need) repeatedly, including With even a single successful project under your belt,
the consequences of maintaining the current state. you can navigate other changes with fewer impediments.  QP
– Invest time and effort on desire. The awareness, desire,
knowledge, ability and reinforcement model/sequence References contained in this article can be found on the article’s webpage
is important.9 at
– Provide simple, clear choices and consequences
so ownership shifts to the individual.
– Try to convert the strongest dissenters, but do not focus
time and energy on only them because the outcome is Santosh Mishra is a quality leader at Saab Technologies
limited. Instead, focus on those who are enthusiastic Ltd. in Burnaby, British Columbia. He received a master’s
about the change and see value in the change. degree in electronics and telecommunication from Pune
– Keep up hope and a positive spirit, and make University in India. A senior member of ASQ, Mishra is
a personal appeal. an active member and past chair of the ASQ Vancouver
Section, and is an ASQ-certified Black Belt.
Managing success
Change can be difficult, hard and arduous, nonlinear and
unpredictable. In practice, it is far from the unfreeze-
change-refreeze process. Resistance to change is a normal, Natella Isazada is an environmental, health and safety
human, physiological reaction that is to be expected. About manager at Treehouse Foods in Delta, British Columbia.
70% of change initiatives fail. One of the key contributors to She received a master’s degree in public administration
failure is the half-hearted acceptance of middle managers from the University of Nebraska Omaha. A senior
and close to no involvement from top management. member of ASQ, Isazada is chair of the ASQ Vancouver section, an ASQ-certified
But all is not lost—this reality can be reversed. With some of manager of quality/organizational excellence and a trained ISO 9000 lead auditor.
the tips provided, change initiatives can be managed to succeed. She is the author of Quality 4.0: Are You Prepared? (2018). || QP || 31

32 || QP || June 2021


When developing
strategic plans,
organizations must
look well beyond the
next three to five
years. At the same
time, organizations
must be able to
pivot and evolve
their strategic
plans in real time
(within reason) to
remain viable.
Enterprise Strategic planning
strategic must be methodical,
planning for well thought out,
inclusive of the
the 2020s and right stakeholders
beyond requires and aligned with
a heavy dose of customer expecta-
tions. There’s a basic
transformation  four-step process
by Casey Bedgood to begin strategic
An important
element to
this planning is
culture. Strategy
is just a theory
unless interwoven
into organizational
culture. Long-term
change will only be
achieved through
culture transfor-
mation, which is
predicated on vision,
mission, values
and trust. || QP || 33

s strategists consider strategic centered on reducing costs, improving service and magnify-
planning options for the 2020s and ing customer satisfaction.
beyond, the million-dollar question Some organizations created continuous improvement func-
becomes, “What are the ideal focus tions that focused on cyclical process improvement initiatives
areas?” Will strategies of the past centered mainly on incremental improvements. The good
work in the new decade? Or is a news is that incremental process improvement can produce
new prescription needed? great return. But the downside is these mechanisms take time
The market is constantly to realize those returns.
evolving, and new horizons will While many organizations were focused on creating
require innovative strategies to regional improvement roadmaps for their high-performance
ensure organizations can com- journeys, the market shifted again with a renewed customer
pete, remain viable and grow focus on innovative thinking and disruptive activities. This
their footprints as the evolution new market paradigm shifted focus away from regional oper-
continues. All good strategies ations to the national healthcare stage. Moreover, the new
begin with a reflection of market required fast-paced transformational change instead
where the market has been, of incremental improvements. This shift also placed custom-
where it is currently and ers into the driver’s seat, where all facets of healthcare must
where it is projected to pivot. be customer-centered.
One common misstep for organizations is to focus
solely on improving the current state of operations during Masters of excellence
a three to five-year period. The new world, particularly in In this market environment, healthcare organizations
healthcare, will require improvement plus a heavy dose are required to master five elements of excellence: service,
of transformation. Subsequently, a new strategic prescrip- cost, quality, people and value. Service, cost and quality are
tion—laden with innovative ideas, speed to execution and self-explanatory and common across all industries. The peo-
customer-centric foci—is needed to help organizations plan ple factor relates to initiatives such as workforce engagement,
for the road ahead beyond the next three to five years. turnover and employee satisfaction. The general industry
In healthcare, for example, there have been several stra- consensus is that higher levels of workforce engagement
tegic pivots in the past decade or so that have reshaped the and satisfaction are correlated with higher levels of orga­
operating landscape. For years, healthcare organizations nizational performance.
were focused on outperforming local competitors. The main Value is the new norm in which many organizations are
strategy was to magnify brand loyalty by providing the high- struggling to crack the code.1 Simply stated, value is anything
est quality services in the local community. This was mainly related to accuracy and timeliness. Customers are unwilling
a bricks-and-mortar strategy in which enterprises succeeded to pay for or tolerate delays or errors in the current health-
by meeting operational goals tied to cost, service and quality. care setting. In addition, revenue sources for healthcare
If hospitals could outpace the local competition, customer are quickly becoming dependent on value and organiza-
word of mouth all but ensured their market dominance for tions’ abilities to meet and exceed customer expectations.
years to come. Hospitals are being financially incentivized to become
In recent years, however, the market shifted from a local masters of excellence.
to a regional focus. Depending on the organizational foot- After high-performance health systems reach this new
print, regional could mean a state or country. Moreover, the threshold of excellence, the market now dictates they maintain
healthcare market leaped toward high performance in which a continuous improvement culture. All facets of the orga-
newly emerging regional competition required enterprises nization’s fabric must be targeted for magnifying customer
to meet and exceed goals tied to service, cost and quality. satisfaction, creating innovative access points for customers
Thus, there was a massive influx of process improvement to receive care and realizing continued cost reductions.

methods and experts into the healthcare industry. Many This new operating environment has spawned a renewed
organizations began training lean Green Belts or Six Sigma interest for some enterprises to invest in talent, such as
Black Belts as internal consultants to reduce and elimi- strategy and innovation officers. Some health systems have
nate process-related waste. Improvement strategies were created internal innovation centers and hubs to traverse the

34 || QP || June 2021


Strategic planning cycle

Fast track pulse check
1 2
performance review Roadmap planning
– Gap analysis
– Regulatory requirements
– Strengths, weaknesses,
– Market forces
opportunities and threats
– Vision, mission and values
– Improvement hot spots
– Three-year plan
– Organizational risk
– Goals and objectives

4 3

– Measure results – Roadmap
– Control wins – What, who and when

new market expectations. In some instances, the innovation The result will be organizational disruption because the
hubs focus on merging continuous improvement, research and traditional local and regional focuses are no longer relevant.
new technologies. The only question is, “How many healthcare enterprises will
The innovation models and success potential depend on be able to pivot and survive?”
the organizational scope, resources and market. In retro-
spect, some of these models have succeeded while others The road forward (strategic process)
have failed. The real question is whether healthcare inno- By definition, a strategy is “a careful plan or method for
vation will be a fad or fashion. Fads tend to be short lived achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of
and morph into a distant memory. On the contrary, fashions time.”2 All organizations should consider long and short-term
evolve and retain a long-term market presence. strategies. Common strategic focus areas historically have
As the market is currently idling around excellence, included topics such as revenue growth, cost containment
transformation and continuous daily improvement culture, and transforming the quality of services provided. In many
the next pivot is just around the corner. The market always organizations, traditional strategic planning initiatives occur
forecasts its next step. The next evolution point will be cen- annually, and effectiveness tends to be measured at year’s
tered on price transparency, consumerism and fee-for-value. end each year.
These have been extremely hot topics as of late on the national Will strategies of the past work in the new decade?
stage and momentum is gaining. The most prevalent answer is, “Probably not.” What needs
In layman’s terms, this means that hospitals and health to change? Essentially, everything related to the process,
systems must be the high-quality, low-cost provider of health focal points and frequency of strategic planning. A simple
services when compared to other enterprises across the country. four-step basic strategic planning process is a good start-
Also, these institutions must be more transparent with their ing point.
costs by making this information readily available to consumers. Step one: Assess the organization and current market
Anything else will be unacceptable to customers. space. This step answers, “Where are we now?” Focal points || QP || 35

FIGURE 2 objectives must be aligned directly to the vision and multiyear

organizational strategy. If not, the organization’s final desti-

Strategic planning focus areas nation will not coincide with the next market pivot.
Leaders must focus on micro, divisional and enterprise
goals during tactical planning. Enterprise goals alone will not
move the ship in the right direction. Frontline leaders and
staff must understand how their micro goals connect directly
to the organization’s vision and strategy. The divisional lead-
ers are the conduit that will ensure this process is effective.
If not, organizational culture will erode the strategic plan at
its core. Communication cascade is one of the most important
Operations Talent Regulatory aspects of the planning stage.
Step three: Craft the implementation plan. This stage
answers the question, “How do we get there?” Implementation
must center on the organization’s financial performance should include tangible plans to activate the organizational
(that is, costs and revenues), internal strengths and weak- roadmap. This includes a simple what, who and when. In other
nesses, along with external opportunities and threats. words, what is to be done, who owns it and when will it be done.
The assessment also should include a deep-dive root cause Progress should be tracked and any implementation items not
analysis for weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Leaders on track should be elevated to the senior leaders and board
must view the assessment with the customer at the center of for correction.
the process. What does the customer require now and will Step four: Measure and control. This answers the ques-
it potentially require soon? Market data and projections are tion, “Did we make it?” to the ideal destination. In years past,
vital to making accurate current and future-state predictions. healthcare organizations, for example, implemented annual
Next, the enterprise should focus on the roadmap strategic goals and measured the outcomes typically at year’s
planning stage. This stage answers, “Where do we need to end. In the new market environment, periodic pulse checks
go?” Leaders must review vision, mission and values during should be conducted throughout the year. Frequency depends
this phase. Vision is simply where the organization must go on organizational scope, resources and analytics capabilities.
compared to where it is. The mission answers, “Why are But the market is moving too quickly to wait until the year’s
we here?” Values represent the cultural expectations of the end to assess how the organization is performing. An annual
organization. Does the vision statement and culture of the pulse check may not prevent an organizational misstep as
organization align with the current and future market direc- market pivots occur.
tion? If not, recharter the course quickly
by updating vision and values. Strategy focal points
Step two: Leaders should craft the The strategy process must ensure
three-year operating plan for the the plan is aligned with customer
organization related to technology, expectations and current market
talent, finances and improvement requirements, and is agile enough
goals for the enterprise at min- to pivot with future market
imum. The three-year plan shifts. The basic recipe for
must be pliable and nimble the new healthcare market
because the market likely is to focus on operations,
will change annually, people and regulatory
if not more frequently. requirements during the
It’s imperative to note strategic planning process
again that the three-year (see Figure 2).
plan must align with the Operations is the traditional
future direction of the market. focal point in which organiza-
If not, the organization will sail tions primarily ensure revenues

in the wrong direction. exceed costs. It’s a good idea to proj-

After the vision and direction ect cost and revenue streams three to
are decided, tactical goals and objec- five years out to ensure enough capital
tives should be solidified. The goals and will be available to fund strategy. Without

36 || QP || June 2021

– Lack of organizational awareness. As it has been said, – Excluding regulatory experts in strategic planning.
“Ignorance is bliss.” Unfortunately, in today’s operating Strategy leaders must include all the relevant stakeholders
environment, organizations cannot afford to be unaware during the assessment and planning phases. Healthcare is
of the market’s current state and next projected pivot. one of the most highly regulated industries, and regulations
Lack of perspective as to organizational alignment with tend to change often. A good example is a health system
current and future market requirements is detrimental. that attains ISO 9001 certification, which requires the orga-
Thought leaders must scan the horizon, think several nization to have a continuous improvement method, tools
years ahead and measure organizational performance and outcomes. If continuous improvement is not included
frequently along the journey. Strategic pulse checks, in the strategic plan, the organization will not be compliant,
corrections and pivots are the new norm. thus, jeopardizing its revenue stream and market relevance.
– Lack of communication. Communicate to executives, – Lack of understanding or focus on value. Regardless of
divisional leaders, and frontline leaders and staff effectively industry, all customers expect to receive value from each
and regularly. Overcommunicate the organization’s mission, transaction with any organization. Value is essentially any-
vision, values and guiding objectives. Incorporate goals and thing a customer is willing to pay for. If the organization is
objectives into a performance-based incentive program. laden with delays or errors, for example, the customer will
Reward high performers and incentivize low performers to look elsewhere for that good or service. Value add is the
change. Long-term organizational change will be achieved new norm and the minimum expectation for service indus-
only through culture transformation, which is predicated tries, particularly healthcare. Organizations that add value
on vision, mission, values and trust. Strategy is just a theory will thrive while those that don’t will shrivel on the vine.
unless interwoven into organizational culture. Goals will not – Focusing on the new shiny models, concepts and
be attained if no one knows what they are. technology. The basics must be in place for the shiny
– Bad strategic process. The strategic planning process to work. A good example is an organization that invests
should include a minimum of four steps: assessment, in a new technology that the workforce does not under-
planning, implementation and measurement. After goals stand or support. Years ago, a healthcare system invested
are attained, control mechanisms must be in place to in an internal social media platform. The leaders and staff
prevent operational slippage. The process must be as already used more than a dozen communication plat-
nimble as the market. If the market is pivoting every one forms such as cell phones, work phones, pagers, e-mail,
to two years or sooner, three-to-five-year strategic plans external social media and many others. The internal
may be irrelevant. Strategy leaders must understand the platform was seen as just another time zapper and was
current market state, its volatility and destination for the not accepted or used by the leaders and staff. Thus,
next pivot with reasonable certainty. If not, the enterprise’s the new technology was not worth the investment and
aim will be off target. Strategic plans must be visionary did not improve organizational performance or customer
at the core, but moldable to the market shifts and rate satisfaction. Master the basics before leaping toward
of change. new shiny objects. —C.B.

funding, strategy will remain an elusive theory with minimal satisfaction each customer has with each touchpoint during
impact on organizational outcomes long term. his or her service journey. A touchpoint is anywhere the cus-
Another crucial piece of operational strategy focus is ser- tomer touches the organization and vice versa. This is a more
vice. In the healthcare industry, service essentially equates to holistic approach to assessing, measuring and improving the
customer experience. In years past, the lingo was “customer overall customer experience while providing service recovery
satisfaction,” which organizations measured how satisfied in as real time as possible.
customers were with the organization’s performance overall The second and arguably most important strategic
during a service interaction. focal point is people. Peter Drucker and other thought leaders
Now, healthcare organizations have shifted to the tag line have alluded to the fact that “Culture eats strategy for break-
of “customer experience,” which measures the service-level fast”3 or lunch. Thought leaders must consider the talent || QP || 37

pool currently available, Sample risks may include

organizational culture turnover, succession
and learning when planning, transferring
crafting strategic plans. knowledge throughout the
As previously noted, organization, implementing
organizational culture new technologies, partner-
is the way work is done in ships, emergency management
the enterprise. Is the culture plans, capital funding and many
change-resistant? Or does the others. Don’t wait until the risk
culture accept change? Strate- becomes a reality. Reward leaders for
gists can create amazing plans that thinking outside the box and mitigat-
ultimately will sink like a lead balloon ing risks early. Leaders must understand
if culture is not aligned properly. that risk to the organization is a risk for the
Another important aspect is the customer, and vice versa. All risks should be
current talent pool and learning strategy. It’s imperative controlled and mitigated before affecting the customer.
to know whether the organization’s talent pool is equipped
and aligned with the strategy. A good example includes the The new prescription
adoption of new technology over a three-year period. If the The new norm and only constant in today’s market is change.
strategic plan includes tactics to implement the new tech- As the market changes, so must organizational strategic plan-
nology in year one, the leaders must have talent skilled prior ning processes. Strategic planning must be methodical, well
to the implementation. If the talent pool needs two years of thought out, inclusive of the right stakeholders and aligned
training to upskill, the strategy will not be successful as with customer expectations.
planned. Timing, talent and strategy execution are not mutu- The old prescription focused solely on improving organi-
ally exclusive. In reality, they are intermingled and required zational performance over long periods no longer will suffice.
elements of successful strategic execution. The new prescription must include a heavy dose of transfor-
The final focal point of strategic planning is regulatory. mation where the organization’s future state will become
We have experienced this many times in healthcare organi- radically different quickly.
zations in which regulatory experts are not included in the Moreover, as the market continues to pivot, organizations
strategic planning process. Subsequently, strategies must be must evolve their strategic plans in real time (within reason)
adjusted or reworked after the fact as regulatory require- to remain viable. Ultimately, more does not always equate to
ments emerge. Thus, strategies become fractured and less better. If an organization focuses on the new shiny innovative
effective. Ultimately, operating plans instead of visionary foci when fundamentals, such as culture, process and struc-
canvases transform the organization. ture, are missing, there is a good probability that the shiny
The main regulatory focal point should be risk. By defi- will become a distant memory sooner than later.  QP
nition, risk “is the possibility of loss or injury.”4 The new
lingo used in many progressive healthcare organizations is REFERENCES
risk-based thinking.5 Risk-based thinking requires enterprise 1. Atrium Health, “Redefining Value for Healthcare,” Institute of Industrial & Systems
leaders and strategists to identify, control and improve risks Engineers, IM Magazine, April 2019.
during organizational planning. The goal is to be proactive, 2. Merriam-Webster, “Strategy,”

not reactive. The questions strategists should answer are: 3. Bertrand Ross, “Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast,” Management
“What are the risks if we don’t change?” and, “What are the 4. Merriam-Webster, “Risk,”
risks if we do change?” Mitigation plans for all risk types 5. International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 9001:2015—
should be included in the strategic canvas. Quality management systems—Requirements,

Casey Bedgood is the system accreditation optimization officer and Six Sigma Black Belt at Navicent Health in Macon, GA. He received
a master’s degree in public administration from Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville. Bedgood is an Institute of Industrial
and Systems Engineers-certified Lean Green Belt, Six Sigma Green Belt and Six Sigma Black Belt, and a member of the American College
of Healthcare Executives.

38 || QP || June 2021
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Don’t overlook assessing the

effectiveness of your CAPA Corrective and Often, organizations The authors offer
system and your solutions  preventive action don’t thoroughly advice on evaluating
(CAPA) systems are evaluate the the system and
by José Rodríguez-Pérez and widely used in many effectiveness of the verifying the solu-
Manuel E. Peña-Rodríguez industries to assess CAPA plan, as well tions implemented
how a quality man- as the actions being are effective and
agement system is taken to eliminate working.
performing. the problems.

Jorg Greuel via Getty Images

40 || QP || June 2021
C APA SYSTEM || QP || 41

Within the same line of reasoning, sometimes you inves-
tigate a new problem and discover the situation was created
by a root cause that you already fixed. In this case, you have
evidence that the previous corrective or preventive action
was ineffective.
Figure 2 (p. 45) shows the interrelationships between the
ost organiza- corrective or preventive actions, and the root cause(s) they
tions devote an are addressing directly. It is always important to specify
important part which root cause(s) each corrective or preventive action is
of their resources addressing. Otherwise, you will have actions not linked to any
to dealing with root cause(s) not addressed with any action.
incidents, investigations, and corrective and preventive action There also are some misunderstandings related to verifying
(CAPA) systems. Figure 1 shows the closed-loop CAPA system, the effectiveness of the actions implemented. Some organiza-
which consists of three phases: investigation, the CAPA plan tions document that the action was implemented—not whether
implementation and effectiveness evaluation. the action worked. If the action is not implemented, it does not
The third phase—effectiveness evaluation—is a critical have a chance to be effective. The implementation verification
part of the CAPA system, but unfortunately, this phase often is a different concept.
is overlooked. This article addresses that and presents many At this point in the CAPA cycle, the QMS requires evidence
common pitfalls you may encounter when using CAPAs, that the implemented corrective or preventive action was
as well as some best practices to help you make your next effective, and the intended objective was indeed accomplished.
CAPA system most effective. Root causes are detected through the symptoms they
A robust quality management system (QMS) must moni- produce. Therefore, to determine whether a corrective
tor its processes continually to identify existing or potential action was effective, analyze the process that root cause
sources of nonconformities. Investigations are performed to acted upon. A typical question here is, “How long does it
find the root causes of any nonconformities. Next, corrective take to verify the effectiveness of the actions?” Some orga-
or preventive actions are identified and implemented. Finally, nizations have a fixed period (three months, six months or
it’s time to determine the effectiveness of the corrective one year), while others take the correct approach by linking
or preventive actions. Talking in terms of problems and that period to the frequency of the process being fixed.
solutions, we must verify that the solutions actually work. A rule of thumb we recommend using is the “double-digit”
Two main elements here are how and when the verification rule. It requires having at least 10 repetitions of the process
is accomplished. in which the corrective or preventive action was applied prior
to establishing whether the action was effective. If you use a
Verifying the solutions worked fixed period (for example, one month) and the process is per-
One of our favorite things to do at the beginning of a CAPA formed weekly, you have only four or five results (in the best
training session is to ask participants what and how they case) to determine such effectiveness.
evaluate the effectiveness of implemented actions. Most Statistically, there is a large probability that those first four
participants mention that an action is effective if the problem or five repetitions are fine simply by chance—even though the
does not recur. Rarely does someone define it correctly as the action did not work. By extending the evaluation to at least 10
lack of recurrence of the same root causes. repetitions, you increase the confidence level. With 10 good
After we define what a corrective or preventive action is results, you can be confident that the action worked.
(the action that addresses the root cause), everyone under- The documentation of the effectiveness evaluation should
stands that the effectiveness relates to the causes—not to be generated along with the rest of the CAPA plan. After
symptoms or problems. If similar symptoms are observed, documenting the implementation of the action, the only
don’t jump to the conclusion that the action was ineffective. remaining (open) task from the plan is the effectiveness
To be able to conclude this, you must first identify the evaluation. The vast majority of CAPA effectiveness plans
root causes of this repeated symptom. If you reach the same are totally reactive. We always recommend establishing
Jorg Greuel via Getty Images

root cause, you can conclude that the previous action was a verification method that proactively looks for measures
ineffective. If you discover that, this time, the problem of effectiveness.
was the result of a different root cause—which is a common A typical situation is implementing a corrective action after
situation—the effectiveness of your previous action is not receiving several complaints on a product. In this scenario,
in question. the action is considered effective if no complaints are received

42 || QP || June 2021


Closed-loop CAPA process

Existing or potential




Root cause?

Yes Product disposition

CAPA plan

CAPA plan

Interim actions preventive action
corrective action
(if applicable)
Effectiveness evaluation

No Was


Close effectiveness

CAPA = corrective and preventive action || QP || 43

during the next three months. READ MORE However, nothing is said about train-
Lack of complaints does not nec- ing effectiveness: Did they like the
essarily mean that the issue was training? Did they learn something?
For more details on CAPAs, see José
fixed because most complaints Are they using what was learned? Has
Rodríguez-Pérez’s Handbook of Inves-
are delayed by many weeks or the organization benefited from the
tigation and Effective CAPA Systems,
even many months. second edition, Quality Press, 2016. training efforts?
A more adequate way to Additional information about the book
determine the effectiveness can be found at Common pitfall: lack of
of the corrective action is display-item?item=H1504. effectiveness evaluation of
monitoring the next five or 10 action taken
batches produced using an A corrective action is consid-
appropriate sampling plan. ered effective if it can avoid the
This statistically sound sampling plan can provide an ade- recurrence of the cause. Therefore, the evaluation of the
quate confidence level about the effectiveness of the action. effectiveness cannot be tied to the presence or absence of the
And yes, it is fine if you also include as a second element symptom because:
of this effectiveness verification some criterion regarding – The same symptom can be produced by different
a reduction in customer complaints associated with this root causes.
root cause. – The same root cause can create different symptoms.
There also are misunderstandings related to the verifica-
Training effectiveness tion of effectiveness. Some organizations document that the
Most corrective or preventive actions require some sort of action was implemented rather than provide evidence that
training or retraining. Measuring training effectiveness, how- the action worked as intended. From our experience, the two
ever, is not a task that many organizations perform. Training is major flaws in the effectiveness verification are:
a critical component in any organization’s strategy, but organi- 1. Actions are not clear enough.
zations rarely evaluate the impact of their training programs. 2. There’s a lack of adequate metrics.
The management of effective training provides the overall One way to analyze the effectiveness verification state-
structure needed to ensure that training programs have pro- ments during investigation and CAPA expert certification
cesses in place to support the operations. Organizations that is to determine whether those statements have these three
monitor training effectiveness and strive to improve weak- elements: actions, a timeframe and metrics.
nesses are consistently the best performers. It is important Examples of inadequate verification of effectiveness
to develop methods to measure, evaluate and continuously include: “The corrective action was implemented,” or,
improve training. “The problem did not appear during the past three months.”
Often, the training function is seen as an expenditure An example of an adequate verification of effectiveness is:
center rather than as one of the most critical activities in “During the next two months, a performance evaluation of 15
any organization, especially in highly regulated environ- associates (five from each shift, randomly selected) will be
ments in industries such as nuclear, aerospace, medical and performed to verify compliance with the procedure related
pharmaceutical. In these industries, training results must to the use of personal protective equipment. Corrective action
be measured. Incorporating selected training metrics into will be considered effective if all evaluated operators were
a reporting strategy can help demonstrate the real value of following the procedure.”
training. Measurements that consider performance improve- Note that this effectiveness verification statement has
ments can provide a benchmark for training effectiveness. actions (the performance evaluation), timeframe (two
An important consideration is that most of the corrective months) and metrics (all operators follow the procedure).
or preventive actions are related to some training efforts,
and therefore, the effectiveness of these training actions must Best practices
be evaluated. For most organizations, however, the only record When structuring your CAPA system, we strongly suggest
generated from training activities is simply the attendance clearly defining the evaluation of the effectiveness of the
sheet itself. corrective or preventive actions. Also establish statistically
Jorg Greuel via Getty Images

When evaluating the possible impact of training during sound verification plans, or at least use the double-digits rule
nonconformance investigations, these sheets merely deter- of thumb—that is, allow enough time to permit the evaluation
mine whether the personnel involved in the failure signed of at least 10 repetitions of the process under evaluation.
the corresponding training roster. If so, they conclude that For a daily process, for instance, one month is a good
training can be discarded as a root cause of the situation. amount of time to establish effectiveness. If the process is

44 || QP || June 2021


Interrelationships between CAPAs and root causes

Corrective and/or
preventive actions
Causal Root
factor cause
Corrective and/or
preventive actions
Existing or

Causal Root Corrective and/or

factor cause preventive actions


CAPA = corrective and preventive action

performed about every week, three months should be enough.
If the process runs about every month, one year should be See a two-part webcast on the basics of
a reasonable period to determine whether the corrective root cause analysis, including corrective and
action was effective. preventive actions, with James J. Rooney,
Assessing the effectiveness of your CAPA system will an ASQ fellow and quality veteran with
ensure you get answers to your questions around nonconfor- more than 30 years of experience. To access
mances, and you’re able to make the appropriate adjustments the recording, visit
to your QMS in a timely manner.  QP keyword/preventive-action.

José Rodríguez-Pérez is president of Business Excellence Consulting Inc. in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. He has a doctorate in biology from the
University of Granada in Spain. Rodríguez-Pérez is a senior member of ASQ and an ASQ-certified auditor, biomedical auditor, hazard analysis
and critical control points auditor, engineer, manager of quality/organizational excellence, pharmaceutical good manufacturing practices
professional and Six Sigma Black Belt. He is also the author of the best-selling books Handbook of Investigation and Effective CAPA Systems,
second edition, Quality Risk Management in the FDA-Regulated Industry, second edition, The FDA and Worldwide Current Good Manufacturing
Practices and Quality System Requirements Guidebook for Finished Pharmaceuticals, and Human Error Reduction in Manufacturing, all available from Quality Press.

Manuel E. Peña-Rodríguez is a consultant at Business Excellence Consulting Inc. He earned a Juris Doctor from Pontifical Catholic University
in Ponce, Puerto Rico, and a master’s degree in engineering management from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. Peña-Rodríguez is a senior
member of ASQ and an ASQ-certified quality engineer, auditor, manager of quality/organizational excellence, Six Sigma Black Belt, biomedical
auditor, and hazard analysis and critical control points auditor. He also is the author of the books Statistical Process Control for the FDA-Regulated
Industry and Process Monitoring and Improvement Handbook, second edition, both available from Quality Press. || QP || 45
Quality 4.0 and the Digital Revolution


The Cornerstone
Of 4.0 When leveraging digital systems to improve quality,
data quality directly affects quality of outcomes
by Nicole Radziwill

n January, I preregistered for so (of course) the first thing I did was

my COVID-19 vaccination request an appointment date of Jan. 1,
appointment. A chronic med- 2016 to see what would happen. What
ical condition since childhood better way to beat a pandemic than to
puts me at a higher risk of com- be prepared far in advance?
plications, so I was jubilant when the No luck, though: No appointments
email finally arrived with a link to sign available for that date. The system gave
up for my time slot. (I’m glad it wasn’t a me the option to request a vaccination
phishing email because I clicked on that on any of the 4,017 days between then
link with lightning speed.) and Dec. 31, 2026, so surely something
But there was a problem: There would be available next week, or even
weren’t actually any appointments next month. But there was nothing.
available. That didn’t stop me from Eventually, I found another way
trying the link every waking hour or to get a vaccination appointment:
so, expending not only time but also Completely bypass this system. It’s
emotional energy, and getting more and good that they didn’t attempt a more
more disappointed with every dead end. sophisticated artificial intelligence
The email told me it was my time, (AI)/machine learning (ML) system
so my appointment had to be in that to match people with the right brand
system somewhere! I was determined of vaccine and the best time to receive
to stick with what would ultimately be it because they would have fallen far
a fruitless search. short of that goal.
A few days later, the same link took Why was my experience so frustrat-
me to a new webpage. Finally, I was able ing? Why did I look for different ways to

to enter a date to request an appoint- get the job done? Why was the vaccine
ment. My current company provides distribution effort ill-prepared to drive
software and data quality assurance, value through AI or ML? Because each

46 || QP || June 2021
of the problems I encountered shares
a root cause: issues with data quality. 
To make things even more com-
What’s good enough? plicated, not all people have the same
Data quality is challenging in many requirements for “good” data.
ways. Problems can be introduced and Consider customer records. Market-
exacerbated in so many places, and can ing departments might need to ensure
compound over time as people manipu- that email addresses connect with
late and interact with the data—or let it real people who are part of your target
gather dust. market. Account executives might care
For example, a typo or slipped finger about whether the customer record means—and making sure data quality is
might affect data quality right at the good enough for everyone’s needs to be
point of entry. The software’s user inter- met—doesn’t have to be overwhelming
face might be programmed to accept and doesn’t require a multimillion-dollar
values that aren’t legitimate (such as investment in a chief data officer (CDO)
the date selector I encountered try- and a specialized staff.
ing to get my vaccination), or may At any sized company, you
not have adequate validation. might feel powerless to be a
The interface might be pro- When you leverage dig- champion for change in which
grammed to accept values data quality is concerned.
that the database hasn’t
ital systems to improve But whether your data
been prepared to receive. quality, the quality of quality initiatives are
The way the values were the data directly will enterprise-wide or grass-
measured can make them affect the quality of roots, you personally can
useful or useless. A business take steps that will help you
user accessing data through a
the outcomes. (and your CDO, if you have
dashboard or business intelli- one) advance data quality at your
gence system (BIS) might choose organization:
the wrong field for the problem he – Think like a CFO—When
or she is solving, or misunderstand data quality improves, what busi-
what that field actually represents. ness outcomes do you want to see?
Also, people on the business side Why do you need better accuracy,
think about data quality differently consistency, completeness or valid-
than those in IT. If you’re on the busi- represents someone who’s interested in ity? Don’t invest in improving data
ness side, you’re asking: “Can I use this buying more. A product manager might quality just to make the data better.
data? Do I trust it?” care only whether the customer records Data quality also should drive spe-
If you’re on the technology side, for people in focus groups are accurate, cific, measurable quality outcomes
you’re concerned with whether the complete and not duplicated.  for the business.
right constraints or triggers are on your Can I use it? Can I trust it? Are these
database, or whether completeness, con- data fit for use? Key stakeholders will
sistency and uniqueness requirements have their own unique answers to these
are met. You’re naturally attuned to dif- questions. Figuring out what “good”
ferent perspectives and languages that
describe what “good” actually means. || QP || 47


ASQ’s Quality 4.0 Summit is scheduled

earth-shattering insights in all for Oct. 25–27 in San Antonio, TX.
the data you can collect right now The theme of the event is “Quality
… when you can get around to 4.0: Advances, Adoption and Advo-
cacy.” Visit
mining it. Even though it might
quality-4-0 for further details.
be tempting to save everything,
– Apply the Pareto principle—Focus don’t. 
on data quality for the most import- – Establish lean governance—
ant data sources and data flows. For Knowing the rules that govern
many organizations, only a small part how people and data interact is For the past few years, I’ve been help-
of the data ecosystem drives the bulk essential. Who can interact with ing organizations of all sizes get ready
of the business value. But first, you your data under what circumstances for digital transformation initiatives.
have to find it. and when? Where is the data coming These organizations are anxious to
– Promote visibility—To find them, from? Why is it being produced? How automate—and even more eager to use
data flows must be visible to the is it monitored and controlled? data science and ML to catalyze contin-
businesspeople and engineers – Recognize that data quality soft- uous improvement.
who use them, and there must ware is not an instant win—Don’t But without a solid foundation in
be a shared understanding of the fall into the trap of deciding to data quality and data management,
concepts and high-level process. improve data quality by purchasing their initiatives are bound to deliver
Map the links between the incom- an expensive system that makes big less than expected or fall flat. 
ing raw data, the tasks to clean promises. Without the other points in Data quality is the cornerstone. When
and process it, the reports or other place—and especially data governance you leverage digital systems to improve
locations where the processed data processes that make sense to the peo- quality, the quality of the data directly
appear, and the business questions ple who interact with the data—the will affect the quality of the outcomes.
the stakeholders ask when they software only will be a placebo. You don’t need to invest millions
examine them.  to benefit from improved data quality,
– Shorten time to interpretability— It’s always about data quality but you do need to treat it as a busi-
Shared data dictionaries are essential, Here’s an example of how these ness problem rather than a technology
but too often, they are difficult to fit together: problem.  QP
understand. Make sure it’s easy for I’ve been working with an organi-
anyone who works with data to find zation that wants to migrate and test
out exactly what that data mean, nearly 200 reports and the automated
how they were collected or created, tasks that produce them. Nicole Radziwill is senior
and who is responsible for them. By shifting from a legacy BIS to one vice president of quality
– Eliminate one-way streets—Being that’s more flexible and maintainable, and strategy at Ultranauts
able to go back and recover from the organization hopes it will have Inc. in New York. She holds
errors is important, so make sure more control over data quality. a doctorate in technology
that your raw data, clean data Rather than leaping into migration, management (quality systems) from Indiana State
and processed data are preserved. we made the data flows more visible University in Terre Haute. She is an ASQ fellow and
Especially for audits that require the and traced backward from the business an ASQ-certified Six Sigma Black Belt and quality
ability to get a snapshot of your data questions to the parts of the system that manager. Radziwill is the author of Connected,
at a point in time, make sure that your supported them. Intelligent, Automated: The Definitive Guide to Digital
processes don’t delete or overwrite Taking this approach showed that Transformation and Quality 4.0 (Quality Press, 2020)
data that may be needed later. Some only 15 reports and a subset of the data and the former editor of Software Quality Professional.
data lakes come with these capabili- sources in the organization’s data eco-
ties built in. system were essential. 
– Don’t archive everything—Storage
is cheap, and there are bound to be

48 || QP || June 2021
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Zooming in on industry-specific issues


Authorization vs.
Approval A rundown of the process of issuing an
emergency use authorization for vaccines
by Ajit Basrur

he COVID-19 pandemic approval of a vaccine and the FDA’s The EUA process is an expedited one

has negatively affected emergency use authorization (EUA). and is different than an FDA approval.
the entire world, causing This column walks through the differ- Under an EUA—given the urgency due
historic social and economic ent stages of EUA taken by the FDA, to the pandemic—the FDA makes a
disruption. The metrics of helps differentiate between authori- product available to the public based
confirmed cases and confirmed deaths, zation and approval, and describes on the best available evidence without
especially in the United States, are the controls the FDA has established waiting for all the evidence that would
certainly depressing and make us all to ensure the vaccine’s safety, effec- be needed for a regular FDA approval.
wonder when this will end and what tiveness and quality. The Centers for In the case of vaccine approval, the
the new normal will look like. Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) manufacturers must submit a biolog-
In this fight against COVID-19, and the FDA say the processes in place ics license application (BLA). For its
measures such as social distancing make the vaccine safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccine, for example, Pfizer
and wearing masks reduces the chances submitted its EUA with only a couple of
of being exposed to the virus, but they What does EUA mean? months of data. Usually, a BLA requires
are not enough. More robust solutions, The EUA is part of the Project BioShield several months of data to ensure
such as vaccines, are necessary. Act of 2004 that was designed in the continued safety, purity and potency.
Among the responsibilities of the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks. To issue an EUA, the FDA evaluates
U.S. Food and Drug Administration The measure provides additional and the chemistry, manufacturing and
(FDA), the federal regulatory body more flexible authorities and funding controls information for the vaccine,
charged with protecting public health, to financially support the development using all its available tools and infor-
is reviewing lab data and clinical trials and procurements of medical counter- mation—including records review, site
to ensure vaccines, such as the ones measures (MCM) against chemical, visits and previous compliance history—
developed to combat COVID-19, meet biological, radiological and nuclear to assess compliance with current good
safety, efficacy and quality require- (CBRN) threats. manufacturing practices. In short, the

ments—in terms of purity and potency. The act also gives the FDA Commis- FDA ensures the vaccine’s safety, effec-
The extreme urgency that surrounds sioner the authority to issue EUAs to tiveness and quality, and works with
developing a vaccine to fight COVID-19 allow the use of unapproved medi- the vaccine developers and undertakes
and bringing the world back to some cal products or unapproved uses of a rigorous evaluation of the scientific
type of normalcy has brought to light approved medical products (including information through all phases of
the differences between formal FDA vaccines) during CBRN emergencies. clinical trials, which continues after || QP || 51

a vaccine has been approved by the FDA public notice of each issued EUA previous ones issued on April 21,
or authorized for emergency use. in the Federal Register. 2020; July 23, 2020 and Oct. 2, 2020.9
Currently, there are three
Summary of EUA issuance COVID-19 vaccines authorized by Future EUAs
process the FDA. On Dec. 11, 2020, the FDA The FDA published a guidance docu-
The process of issuing an EUA involves issued the first EUA that allows the ment to provide sponsors of requests
four steps.1 Pfizer-​BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for EUAs for COVID-19 vaccines with
1. Determination of an emergency: to be distributed in the United recommendations regarding the data
This is issued either by the Depart- States.4 On Dec. 18, 2020, the FDA and information needed to support the
ment of Defense Secretary for issued an EUA that allows the issuance of an EUA under section 564
military emergency or significant Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to be of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3)
potential for military emergency; distributed in the United States for for an investigational vaccine to pre-
the Department of Homeland Secu- use in individuals 18 years of age and vent COVID-19 for the duration of the
rity (DHS) Secretary for domestic older.5 On Feb. 27, a third EUA was COVID-19 public health emergency.10
emergency or significant potential issued to Johnson & Johnson.6
for domestic emergency; the Depart- “We recognize the urgent need Robust oversight process
ment of Health and Human Services to develop a safe and effective A lot has changed since the pandemic
(HHS) Secretary for public health vaccine to prevent COVID-19 and hit us in early 2020. Being a well-knit
emergency or significant potential continue to work collaboratively globalized community, the COVID-19
for public health emergency; or the with industry, researchers, as well virus spread rapidly and affected sev-
DHS Secretary for a material threat. as federal, domestic, and interna- eral countries and citizens around the
In the case of COVID-19, the tional partners to accelerate these world. This prompted the World Health
Secretary of Health and Human efforts. While the FDA is committed Organization, regulators and several
Services (HHS) on Feb. 4, 2020, to expediting this work, we will not agencies from different countries to
determined—pursuant to his author- cut corners in our decisions and are authorize and support the development
ity under section 564 of the Federal making clear through this guid- and procurement of MCMs to contain
Food, Drug and Cosmetics (FD&C) ance what data should be submitted the growing pandemic.
Act—that there was a public health to meet our regulatory standards,” The FDA, in particular, could not
emergency that had a significant said FDA Commissioner Stephen have responded so quickly without its
potential to affect national security M. Hahn, M.D. “We have not lost robust oversight process that ensures
or the health and security of U.S. sight of our responsibility to the these unapproved but authorized
citizens living abroad. This threat, American people to maintain our MCMs comply with safety, efficacy
of course, involved a novel (new) regulatory independence and ensure and quality requirements. Through
coronavirus (nCoV) first detected our decisions related to all medical these efforts, let’s hope we can put
in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, products, including COVID-19 vac- the pandemic behind us as soon as
China in 2019 (2019-nCoV).2 cines, are based on science and the possible.   QP
2. Declaration of an emergency: available data.”7
Based on the determination of the 4. Termination of declaration of References listed in this article can be found
public health emergency on Feb. EUA: In most cases, an EUA will on this column’s webpage at
4, 2020, the HHS Secretary also remain in effect until it is revised or
declared that circumstances existed revoked by a subsequent FDA order.
to justify the authorization of emer- The FDA may specify a duration (for
gency use pursuant to section 564 example, one year) for an emergency
of the FD&C Act, on the same day.3 dispensing order, but it also may
This declaration is specific to EUAs extend the order as appropriate.
and is not linked to other types of As a result of the continued conse- Ajit Basrur is the manager
emergency declarations. quences of the COVID-19 pandemic, of quality systems at Bose
3. Issuance of EUA: The FDA Com- and after consultation with public Corp. in Framingham,
missioner, in consultation with the health officials as necessary, the MA. He holds a bachelor’s
HHS Assistant Secretary for Pre- HHS Secretary on Jan. 7 renewed degree in microbiology from
paredness and Response, the CDC the determination that a public Mumbai University in India. Basrur is a senior member
and the National Institutes of Health, health emergency exists.8 This of ASQ and an ASQ-certified medical device auditor
issued the EUA. The FDA publishes was the fourth determination with and pharmaceutical GMP professional.

52 || QP || June 2021
Leadership Conference
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ASQ’s inaugural Leadership Conference is designed
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JULY 15, 2021

Visit for program
information and to register.
Solving quality quandaries through statistics


Thou Shall
Confirm Confirmation and validation using independent
data are a characteristic of good science, good
analytical studies by Ronald D. Snee

ou have completed a designed that offer brief mentions of confirma- These studies are from personal experi-

experiment project, which tion runs.6-8 ence accumulated over several years.
included some confirmation An old proverb states that, “The
runs that were predicted proof of the pudding is in the eating.” Model verified as it was used
accurately by the design of In other words, you must try food to A lubricant blending study was designed
experiment (DoE) model. There is the know whether it is good. In terms of to develop a model to determine the
nagging question: “Will the model pro- quality, you only can judge something’s amount of additive needed to produce
duce accurate predictions over time?” quality (or fitness for use) if you have a lubricant with desired viscosity given
The statistician George E.P. Box told tried, used or experienced it. the composition of the blend.9
us that “all models are wrong, but some In the case of problem solving, pro- The 18 blends in a blending design
are useful.”1 Will this model be useful cess improvement and DoE, you must were evaluated, and a viscosity predic-
in the long run? validate findings with independent tion model was developed.
Model validation has been of interest data—particularly in the case of empir- The usefulness of the model was
for a long time.2 Many textbooks on DoE ical models because validation may evaluated by analyzing the prediction
and regression analysis check model continue over the life of the model. accuracy associated with formula-
accuracy by performing lack-of-fit tests, Of critical importance is the broader tions developed for eight customers
doing residual analyses and assessing question: “How do we confirm the over subsequent months. The results
the model adjusted R-square and root findings of projects that do not involve were outstanding.
mean square error statistics. All these confirmation runs?” This question The model prediction accuracy was
checks are important and necessary, covers all types of problem solving and less than 0.04% of the measured value.

but they are insufficient. improvement endeavors. Where does Because each customer application
While there is renewed interest in the independent data come from? was based on the model prediction,
confirmation studies, 3-5 classic text- What follows is a series of case the resulting data could be used to
books do not mention confirmation studies illustrating various types of assess model prediction accuracy
runs. But there are three exceptions assessments of “problem solutions.” as long as the model was in use.10

54 || QP || June 2021
Model prediction accuracy of data collected during a two-month opportunities to confirm your findings.
assessed using the given data period identified four major sources of Consider these case studies that illus-
A frequently used approach to check errors (before phase). Process changes trate such opportunities.
the prediction accuracy of regression in the form of new procedures were An ambient carbon monoxide (CO)
models—given a set of data such as that identified and deployed. Analysis of modelling study used data collected
collected on a manufacturing process—is the next month of data (after phase one) by government agencies in 1962—1971.14
to split the total data set into the estima- produced disappointing results: There An analysis of these data showed that in
tion set (sometimes call the training set), was no change in the error rate. a given year, there was a linear relation-
and the prediction set is used to check After investigation, it was discov- ship between the standard deviation
the model accuracy. ered that the new procedures were not and average of the data. Such a relation-
There is a better way to split the being used because it was believed that ship is characteristic of a log-normal
data when the data are collected over “management was not serious about distribution. This analysis used data
time, which is frequently the case: Split implementing the new procedures.” from six major U.S. cities involving about
the data on time of collection using the An “all-hands” meeting was held, and it 82 “location-years” of data. The question
initial data to build the model and the was: “Are there other data at different
latter data set to check the model pre- locations that could support or refute
diction accuracy. This simulates how the log normal distribution finding?”
the model will be used over time. It was learned that New Jersey had
A major question is, of course, an extensive CO sampling program.
what time point do you use to The analysis of the associated data
split the data? This point often (99 “location-years” collected
is easy to determine given the You must validate find- between 1965 and 1973) demon-
data pedigree. ings with independent strated that the log-normal
Donald Marquardt and data—particularly in model was appropriate,
I wrote about a corn yield and the standard devia-
the case of empirical
study involving data col- tion-average relationships
lected during a four-year models because valida- were similar. This result
period covering four distinct tion may continue over led to the conclusion that
growing seasons.11 The data the life of the model. log-normal model assumption
from years one to three were was appropriate for CO model-
used to build the models and ling studies.
prediction accuracy being deter- Earlier in my career, I worked on
mined from the year four data. Such another study at DuPont that involved
an approach simulates how the model the analysis of the results of mutation
will be used over time. studies. It had been established that
many chemicals cause mutations on their
Before and after studies was communicated in no uncertain way to causing cancer.
In almost all projects, there are “before” terms that management was serious, Cancer studies are expensive and
and “after” phases. Indeed, every proj- and the new procedures were to be used. take two years to complete in animals.
ect report should include data and plots The next month’s data were analyzed, Mutation testing is done in a few days
of what the performance was before and a 40% reduction in errors was in a lab. Mutation testing is a big deal
the recommended process change was observed (after phase two). Over the for chemical companies because a false
implemented, and what the process per- next six months, errors were reduced by positive or false negative result could
formance looked like after the process 60 to 70% (after phase three). This case produce erroneous conclusions regard-
change. Such an approach—illustrated illustrated that the after phase may take ing the cancer-causing potential of the
with appropriate graphics—clearly a while to become truly effective. compound. As a result, it is important
demonstrates the effect of the project to have a good, defensible method for
recommendations. Look broadly for analyzing the data.
A case in point is the newspaper confirmation opportunities You can see quickly that repeat
accuracy study.12-13 The error rate in In some projects, you find solutions but mutation tests have a non-normal
the newspaper was too large, and a have no internal data to use to confirm distribution that is skewed to the right.
study was initiated to identify how to the results. Sometimes, it’s helpful Because of the importance of muta-
reduce the errors. A Pareto analysis to look outside your organization for tion testing, it was decided that the || QP || 55

power transformation model would optimization experiment. One factor 3. Willis A. Jensen, “Confirmation Runs in Design of
be used to identify the appropriate was found to have no effect over the Experiments,” Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 8,
transformation to be used in the anal- ranges studied. A combination of No. 2, 2016, pp. 62-177.
4. Nathaniel T. Stevens and Christine M. Anderson-
ysis.15 The DuPont labs’ data analysis the other two factors minimized the Cook, “Design and Analysis of Confirmation
indicated that a power transforma- impurity. A new product was found. Experiments," Journal of Quality Technology,
tion with lambda, depending on the The predicted measured impurity of Vol. 51, No. 2, 2019, pp. 109-124.
mutation test being used (lambda = 0 this combination was about 50% lower 5. Christine M. Anderson-Cook and Lu Lu, “Statistics
[log scale], 0.15 and 0.2), was the appro- than that of the current product. Spotlight: Why Not Sequential DoEs?” Quality
Progress, November 2020, pp. 44-47.
priate transformation. A bonus was that the model devel- 6. Douglas C. Montgomery, Design and Analysis
Now, we had to figure out how to con- oped accurately predicted the impurity of Experiments, 10th edition, Wiley, 2020.
firm this result. Was the result unique of the old product, which was well out- 7. Raymond H. Myers, Douglas C. Montgomery
to DuPont mutation testing or will this side the region of the experiment. This and Christine M. Anderson-Cook, Response Surface
model work in other labs? We learned suggested that the model could be used Methodology: Process and Product Optimization
using Designed Experiments, Wiley, 2016.
that the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the future to identify formulations for 8. C.F. Jeff Wu and M.S. Hamada, Experiments:
has done inter-lab studies on mutation other applications, which could produce Planning, Analysis and Optimization, Wiley, 2009.
tests in several labs. The associated low impurity levels. 9. Ronald D. Snee, “Designs for Quadratic Models in
data were obtained and analyzed Constrained Mixture Spaces,” Technometrics, Vol. 17,
using the power transformation model. Thou shall confirm 1975, pp. 149-159.
10. Ibid.
The DuPont results were confirmed by You should be a bit skeptical of proposed 11. Donald W. Marquardt and Ronald D. Snee,
the labs in the NCI program.16-18 problem solutions. Always ask, “Is this a “Ridge Regression in Practice,” American Statistician,
useful solution? Will it work short-term? Vol. 29, 1975, pp. 3-20.
Use what you have Long-term? Please show me the data.” 12. Ronald D. Snee and Roger W. Hoerl, Leading
When analyzing study results, you must Every problem solution, process Holistic Improvement With Lean Six Sigma 2.0,
FT Prentice Hall, 2018.
watch for opportunities to confirm the improvement and predicted process 13. Roger W. Hoerl and Ronald D. Snee, Statistical
results of the analysis. These case stud- optimum operating conditions should Thinking—Improving Business Performance,
ies illustrate such opportunities: be confirmed with data collected inde- third edition, Wiley, 2020.
A formulation study was designed pendently of the data used to produce 14. Ronald D. Snee and J.M. Pierrard, “The Annual
to determine the effects of five compo- the result. Thou shall confirm! Average: An Alternative to the Second Highest Value
as a Measure of Air Quality,” Journal of Air Pollution
nents on the hardness of plastic parts.19 Confirmation and validation using Control Association, Vol. 27, 1977, pp. 131-133.
One of the blends in the design couldn’t independent data are a characteristic of 15. George E.P. Box and Dennis R. Cox, “An Analysis
be tested because the plastic part pro- good science and good analytical stud- of Transformations,” Journal of the Royal Statistical
duced was too soft. The hardness of the ies. Confirmation should be considered Society, Series B, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1964, pp. 211-252.
other 20 blends varied from four to 300 a best practice to be used in all analyt- 16. Ronald D. Snee and J.D. Irr, “Design of a Statistical
Method for the Analysis of Mutagenesis at the
units. The quadratic blending model ical studies. Confirmed and validated HGPRT Locus of Cultured Chinese Hamster Ovary
fit the data well, yielding an adjusted solutions add credibility to the results of Cells,” Mutation Research, Vol. 85, 1981, pp. 77-93.
R-square value of 98%. the problem-solving process, as well as 17. Joseph D. Irr and Ronald D. Snee, “A Statistical
The loss of the blend that was too increasing the credibility of the team or Method for Analysis of Mouse Lymphoma L5178Y
soft to measure was a concern until it individual who conducted the study.  QP Cell TK Locus Forward Mutation Assay: Comparison
of Results Among Three Laboratories,” Mutation
was realized that the blend could be © Ronald D. Snee 2021 Research, Vol. 97, 1982, pp. 371-392.
used to check the prediction accuracy 18. Ronald D. Snee and Joseph D. Irr, “A Procedure
of the model. The predicted value for REFERENCES for the Analysis of Ames Salmonella Assay Results:
the hardness of the blend was 2.5 units, 1. George E.P. Box and Norman R. Draper, Empirical Comparison of Results Among Four Laboratories,”
Model-Building and Response Surfaces, Wiley, 1987. Mutation Research, Vol. 28, 1984, pp. 115-125.
which was smaller than the smallest
2. Ronald D. Snee, “Validation of Regression Models: 19. Ronald D. Snee and Roger W. Hoerl, Strategies for
measured hardness value of four units. Methods and Examples,” Technometrics, Vol. 19, Formulations Development: A Step-by-Step Guide
Thus, a potential problem was turned 1977, pp. 415-428. Using JMP, SAS Press, 2016.
into an opportunity. In this case, it added
credibility to the prediction of the model,
at least at low hardness levels
The goal of a new product devel- Ronald D. Snee is president of Snee Associates LLC in Newark, DE. He has a
opment study was to identify a better doctorate in applied and mathematical statistics from Rutgers University in New
product—that is, a product with less Brunswick, NJ. Snee is an honorary member of ASQ and has received ASQ’s Shewhart,
impurity than the existing product. Grant and Distinguished Service Medals. He is an ASQ fellow and an academician in
Three factors were studied in a 23-run the International Academy for Quality.

56 || QP || June 2021
Standards-related developments and activities

Major Significant revisions to
AS9104-1 improve the value of
AQMS certification by Tim Lee

n early 2000, the International Aerospace – AS9104-2—Requirements for the oversight of avia-
Quality Group (IAQG) developed the globally tion, space and defense quality management system
harmonized industry controlled other party certification programs.
(ICOP) scheme. This was meant to support – AS9104-3—Requirements for aviation, space and
the certification of AS9100/9110/9120 avia- defense auditor training, development, competence
tion, space and defense (ASD) organizations’ and authentication.
aerospace quality management systems (AQMS). Figure 2 (p. 59) shows the ICOP management process.
The certification scheme is built on existing
International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and Inter- Change
national Organization for Standardization (ISO)/ Requirements have changed over time, and the ICOP
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) scheme requirements must change as well. A major
requirements for certifying an organization’s quality revision to AS9104-1 is coming this year. IAQG is
management system (QMS). ISO/IEC certification in the final stages of re-balloting and publishing a
criteria, as supplemented by unique ASD require- revised AS9104-1 certification requirements standard.
ments, best summarizes this approach. These highly anticipated changes incorporate lessons
learned and strengthen the alignment between the
What is ICOP? ASD industry and IAF. The ultimate objective of this
ICOP describes the IAQG and industry-managed revision is to improve the value of AQMS certification
certification scheme for auditing and certifying and increase stakeholder confidence.
an organization’s AQMS by accredited other-party
certification bodies (CB), in accordance with the OCAP
requirements defined in the AS9104-series standards. One key change to AS9104-1—and a real game
The objective is to support AQMS certification with changer—is a new interactive organization certifica-
active industry participants and to hold all parties tion analysis process (OCAP). The process enhances
in the scheme accountable for conformance. understanding of the organization's context, identifies
IAQG established a trilogy of ASD standards to organization risk and ensures audit time calculation
support deploying and overseeing the ICOP scheme is driven by verifiable data, which should lead to a
(see Figure 1, p. 58). The standards are: value-added AQMS audit and associated report.

AS9104-1—Requirements for the certification of The ICOP scheme requires CBs to use OCAP
aviation, space and defense quality management to support management of the AQMS certifica-
system certification programs. tion program. In conjunction with applicants || QP || 57


ICOP scheme
IAF requirements The ICOP Scheme ASD
and peer review 9104-2 oversight authorities


Author Training
Accreditation bodies authentication provider approval
ISO/IEC 17011 & 9104-1 bodies bodies
9104-3 SMS
Accredit Authenticate Approve
Accredited certification bodies Authenticated Training
ISO/IEC 17021-1, IAF MDs & 9104-1 Employ auditors Train providers

Certify Audit
Organization certification analysis process (OCAP) and
Year 0 9100-9110-9120 Year 3

Certified organizations Recertification Data Online aerospace
supplier information
system (OASIS) database

Recognize, manage and oversight per 9104-1, 9104-2 and 9104-3

ASD = aviation, space and defense IEC = International Electrotechnical MD = mandatory document
IAF = International Accreditation Forum Commission OPMT = other party management team
IAQG = International Aerospace Quality Group ISO = International Organization RMS = registration management structure
ICOP = industry controlled other party for Standardization SMS = sector management structure

and certified organizations, the CB performs a com- Scope statements summarize the organization’s products,
prehensive analysis of the organization’s QMS scope, services and supporting activities (such as manufacture,
site structure, certification audit program and risk design, repair, distribution, servicing or testing, for exam-
analysis prior to each initial surveillance or recertifica- ple), and align with the organization’s AQMS.
tion audit. The results and supporting information are IAQG has simplified the certification structure require-
documented and retained. ments and eliminated the use of multiple certification
The process steps are depicted in the revised AS9104-1 structure options. Going forward, the ICOP scheme no
standard, as shown in Figure 3. longer will use campus or several site certification struc-
CBs in the ICOP scheme must clearly understand the tures. The revised certification audit program is based
context of the organization that is seeking AQMS cer- on single or multiple site certification structures only.
tification. This ensures the correct AQMS standard is The determination and justification for the certification
selected and supports creation of the certification scope. structure is documented by the CB.

58 || QP || June 2021
FIGURE 2 organization continually maintains a conforming
and effective AQMS that meets ASD customer

ICOP management process

expectations. This process replaces the IAF process
for advanced surveillance and recertification proce-
dures (IAF MD3:2008). Certified organizations are
rewarded with an appropriate reduction in audit time
upon successful implementation and maintenance of
this process.

Next steps
9120 AS9104-1 was scheduled for a six-week re-ballot in
9104-003 9104-002 March. Upon successful ballot, the target for publication
ICOP industry is August. After AS9104-1 is published, a comprehensive
Auditor training
control and supplemental rule document will be available. The sup-
and authentication
oversight plemental rule will contain timelines for implementing
these revised requirements and transitioning existing
ICOP = industry controlled other party AQMS certification programs.


Organization certification analysis process steps

Organizational Certification audit AQMS risk Audit
context program analysis time

AQMS = aerospace quality management system

The use of an AQMS risk analysis is the real game changer. Ultimately, the goal of the ICOP scheme is to improve
The ICOP certification process uses performance-based AQMS performance and increase stakeholder confidence.
elements for risk analysis that include on-time delivery, Our scheme will use competent aerospace auditors with
conformity of delivered product or service (such as item escape sufficient audit time to conduct a value-added audit and
rate), customer satisfaction and AQMS process effectiveness. provide a comprehensive audit report to the industry
The results of this documented analysis are used that reflects the current AQMS health of a certified ASD
to increase audit time when risks are high, or reward organization.  QP
high-performing, “low-risk” organizations with audit time
reductions. In addition, if access to audit results data is
granted, this data may be available to support a customer’s
external provider control processes. Tim Lee works in supplier quality at the Boeing Co.
in Kansas City, MO, and holds industry leadership
Performance-based surveillance/ positions in the International Aerospace Quality
recertification process Group, including other-party management team
The implementation and maintenance of an optional sur- oversight chair and Americas Aerospace Quality Group registration
veillance and recertification process is available in this management committee voting member. He received a bachelor’s of
revision. The qualification and continued use of this pro- business administration degree in management. A member of ASQ,
cess is based on a certified organization’s performance, Lee is the international document representative and project lead for
including objective evidence and demonstration that the AS9104-1, and a team member on multiple standards initiatives. || QP || 59
MARKETPL ACE Newly released products and tools


Petite and powerful

A prominent UMT-H surface mount ceramic fuse family now includes
40 A and 50 A current ratings with a breaking capacity rating of 500 A
at 125 VAC/72 VDC.
The series was developed by Schurter, a Swiss manufacturer of electrical
and electronic components, and provides unprecedented overcurrent and
short-circuit protection performance in a package size of 5.3 x 16 mm.
The UMT-H originally was developed to provide a smaller alternative
to through-hole mounted 5 x 20 mm cartridge fuses, commonly used for
primary circuit protection. The range has since grown to include 26 rated
currents from 160 mA to 50 A.
Rated voltage is maximum 277 VAC/250 VDC, with an interrupt capacity
rating of 1,500 A for current ratings up to 6.3 A. The time-lag T character-
istic of the UMT-H withstands high inrush and pulse currents. Its 277 VAC
rating is intended for use in circuits using one of three-phase wiring schemes,
common with commercial and industrial lighting in the United States. | 707-636-3000


Producing easy-to-read test results

There’s a new test machine that can better perform force testing and produce test
results that are easier to read and export for further analysis.
The digital Chatillon CS2 Series of force testers can perform the most commonly
used tests in most industries—from basic static force testing to multistage testing
and cyclic. The CS2 Series force testers feature a large working area of up to
180 mm that allows the operator flexibility to not only test the product, but also
test its packaging with a simple grip change.
The CS2 Series is available in two load capacities, with the CS2-225 for testing
up to 1 kN (225 lbf) and the CS2-1100 for testing up to 5 kN (1,100 lbf). Both force
testers provide operators with an intuitive, easy-to-use touch-screen console.
The user interface makes performing tensile testing, compression testing, flexural
testing or advanced multistage testing that conforms to International Organization
for Standardization or American Society for Testing and Materials standards a breeze. | 727-538-6000

60 || QP || June 2021

Eyeing Controlling
the right motion control
solution A new soft memory controller (MC) compact micro-
controller lets any original equipment manufacturer's
Touted as the new generation of augmented reality (AR) smart programmable logic controller (PLC) seamlessly con-
glasses, Epson has released its new Moverio BT-40 and BT-40S trol any motion control component—including robots,
innovative eyewear. drives and motors—to add innovation and modularity
Epson, a Japanese electronics manufacturer, said the new inno- to packaging systems.
vative smart glasses offer users a wider field of view (FOV), full HD Specifically, the new softMC lets packaging
1080p display resolution, high contrast, improved connectivity and machine-builders interface with Rockwell Automation
a more comfortable, adjustable and easy-to-wear design. PLCs and EtherNet/IP networks
With a wide 34° FOV at a comfortable position for the eyes, to add multi-axis motion control to
the Moverio BT-40 and BT-40S deliver a unique heads-up, any existing system. The controller
hands-free experience with higher resolution equivalent to delivers Industry 4.0 machine-to-
viewing a 120-in. screen from a distance of 15 ft. machine communication while
The smart glasses also feature improved connectivity in a new simplifying and reducing the overall
headset design with advanced weight distribution and optional cost of motion control system design
nose pads, which allows for enhanced comfort. An up to 500,000:1 and configuration. At the same time,
contrast ratio lets unused display space appear transparent, softMC increases the flexibility and
and an improved aesthetic design offers glasses-style form factor efficiency of automated packaging
and optional dark shades. The binocular design offers a see-through lines and expands OEMS’s capabilities
Si-OLED display. to innovate.  | 800-463-7766 | 630-408-7033


Rugged for harsh environments

A new dual channel power supply—specific for marine engine
control—​has made a splash on the marketplace.
Called the ENMA500D24/2x27-CC, the dual channel power
supply technology can provide two 27 V/20 A isolated outputs
and a total power of 540 W. The power supply is housed in a robust
IP56 case, it is mechanically designed for efficient conduction cooling,
and it complies with DNV/GL standards.
Developed by PowerBox, a European power supply company,
the ENMA500D24/2x27-CC is powered by the low voltage 24 V
distributed supply to electronics equipment. It also can tolerate
a wide operating range of 18 to 36 V, and is able to accommodate
a large voltage drop down to 10V for 10 seconds.
In addition, the ENMA500D24/2x27-CC delivers 27 VDC/20 A
and a total power of 540 W, and has an efficiency superior to 85%. | 603-310-5200 || QP || 61
FOOTNOTES Additions to your quality library

Beyond Compliance Design ISO 56000: Building an

Of a Quality System Innovative Management System

2020 | 120 PP. | $28 MEMBER | $40 LIST (BOOK). $42 MEMBER | $60 LIST (BOOK).

Much has been published about how to develop a sustainable, This book provides an overview of the ISO 56000 series
documented quality management system (QMS) in organizations of standards, but the real focus is on ISO 56002, innovation
seeking certification to one or more of the internationally recognized management, which has been designed to integrate with
standards. Similarly, much has been published about how to prepare ISO 9001 using the high-level structure, so that an integrated
an organization for maintaining its certifications that are subject to system can be developed to drive quality and innovation.
external scrutiny and validation by auditors of the external certifica- The book then addresses the key clauses of ISO 56002
tion bodies. by chapter, including context, leadership, planning, support,
In a concise and practical manner, the authors share a series operation, performance management and improvement.
of best practices they developed or were involved with on how The benefit of ISO 56000 is it gives customers, business
to develop a QMS aligned with auditors' expectations. partners, funders and academia the confidence that an
The book is divided into 10 chapters, each of which covers a strategy organization can deliver innovation consistently.
for developing a robust and sustainable QMS designed to support The author discusses this technical and potentially dry
the organization’s mission and business objectives. Chapter one sets topic with an energy and interest deserving of innovation.
the tone for the remaining nine chapters, where topics that are aligned He provides an understanding of innovation in everyday
with the requirements of ISO 9001 are covered. language using ISO 56002 as the guide and infrastructure.
A critical element of any QMS is risk analysis. Chapter four pro- The book is interesting and moves quickly, with quotes
vides guidelines on detecting and measuring visible and hidden risks, from Peter Drucker, Henry Ford, W. Edwards Deming,
as well as opportunities for improvement, by applying the process grid Peter Senge and others, and includes examples of innovation
walk tool as an integrated part of the auditing-beyond-compliance and its challenges from Ford, General Motors, IBM, Kodak,
concept. By using a five-step process, auditing beyond compliance Apple, Lego and Zappos.
provides extended benefits to the organization. The author addresses an often-asked question about how
Chapter 10 highlights the difficulties some organizations have in innovation and standards can work together, and provides
conducting effective management reviews, and introduces a model for rich descriptions of how innovation can be harnessed and
conducting the reviews to gain their intended benefits. Each chapter managed. There also is a section on how to create a culture
includes several scenarios relevant to the covered concept followed by of innovation, and the book includes a tool to assess innova-
lessons learned, and concludes with the authors’ perspectives. Useful tion culture. It ends with a path forward, including initial plans,
templates also are included. phases, ideas and suggestions.
This is a valuable resource for any organization embarking on imple- This is an interesting and well-written book on a new,
menting a QMS, as well as those that are struggling with maintaining emerging series of ISO standards that will be of partic-
and improving their existing QMS and are fearful of losing their ular use to those involved in innovation, management
certification whenever they are audited by a certification body. and auditing.

—Herzl Marouni, Houston —Denis Leonard, Northern Ireland

62 || QP || June 2021
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T R Y THIS Best in
TO DAY Updating 5S
principles for
a modern heat-
A new twist on an established quality concept
treatment facility
by Tim Griffin

irst established in Japan by tool or part can be found in moments for The banners display the SHOWcase

Toyota, the 5S method has the benefit of employees and customers. (an example of the zone looking its best),
grown in prominence and When I discussed my project with the SHOWman (the zone champion) and
is used in a wide variety of my supervisor, he recommended the SHOWoff (a team member recog-
industries. As a special project workflow as another pillar of my new nized for outstanding performance).
manager at a heat-treatment plant, system. Again, it adapts 5S principles (See Photo 2 and Online Photo 1, which
I was tasked with governing our 5S for our purposes by promoting a more can be found on this column’s webpage
program. Using the foundations set by efficient workplace. at The banners
5S as a guide, I created a new system Safety, housekeeping, organization and keep the SHOW program in the forefront
that incorporates the fundamentals workflow: The SHOW was on the road. of employees’ minds and also recognize
of 5S while being more accessible and those who are making an extra effort.
realistic for a modern heat-treatment Measuring success Additionally, we set up a bulletin
facility. I call it “best in SHOW.” Any initiative must be measurable and board near our production schedule.
actionable. I needed a method of mea- Each week, I pin up black-and-white
suring the system’s success and how it example photos of the plant not being
was affecting our plant, and I needed a best in SHOW. I give color copies of the
way to take action to correct problems photos to the zone champions, who in
where they appeared. turn give them to their team members.
When we first established 5S at our This gives the champions an opportunity
plant, we divided the shop floor into six to work directly with their team and take
zones. Each zone had a few employees, ownership of the program. When the
or team members, assigned to it and a problem has been fixed, the color photo is
zone champion to guide the employees. pinned on top of the black-and-white one.
For SHOW, I subdivided the zones Thus, as the week progresses, the board
Sitemap and SHOWroom example
into smaller areas called SHOWrooms gradually comes to full color as we reach
(see Photo 1). Each employee now is best-in-SHOW status.
SHOW is an acronym for safety, responsible for a specific part of the
housekeeping, organization and work- plant. The last 30 minutes of every shift Upgrade
flow. Roughly translated from Japanese, are SHOWtime. Employees are expected 5S has stood the test of time and has
the pillars of 5S are sort, set in order, to ensure their areas are best in SHOW. innumerable benefits to a modern work-
shine, standardize and sustain. With With the help of a graphic designer, place. This doesn’t mean that it can’t be
the goal of updating the method for our I created large banners for each zone. updated or even upgraded. 5S is not for
needs, I started with the most important everyone and not for every plant, but
and fundamental need of a workplace: Prototype SHOW banner everyone can be best in SHOW.  QP
safety and housekeeping.
Next, while I appreciated 5S’s atten-
tion to detail with regard to labelling,
permanently demarking an area in our
job shop—which has a wide assortment Tim Griffin is a special
of customers and materials on the floor projects manager for
at any given time—for one specific pur- Bodycote Thermal
pose was unrealistic. Instead, what I took Processing in Covington,
away from the 5S pillars “sort” and “set in GA. He received a bachelor’s
order” was the importance of organiza- degree in music from Reinhardt University in Waleska,
tion: keeping an orderly workplace so any GA, and is a certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt.

64 || QP || June 2021
The foundational data set established by ASQExcellence’s Insights
on Excellence (IoE) study provides ASQE and ASQ members with
real-world insights to inspire a culture of quality.

The research identifies emerging industry trends, including data

about workforce engagement, skills and training. When asked
what skills need the most improvement in their workforce, one
in four global respondents indicated that change management,
Download the 2020 Insights on
strategic implementation and the ability to work effectively with
Excellence Annual Research Report
cross-functional teams need the most attention.
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