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My zine is a modern twist on the 90s Riot Grrrl zine. It’s going to include
writing from myself and a plethora of outspoken, angry women. As the
zine is a safe space for women to be loud- I’ve given my writers the
options to write about a subject they’re passionate about (good or bad)
or things they’ve experienced in their womanhood. As the writers are
still mulling over the perfect situation to write about, I’ve only got a few
solid subjects thus far. These include:
 Issy Hobson (me)- writing about common misconceptions created
by the patriarchy along with a fun quiz
 Lowe ser- writing about the stigma of bi-sexual girls
 Me- sexual assault story
 Anonymous- STDs and how it affected them
 Rach Hobson- The stigma of being a female and getting older
These are the solidified contributors thus far; people have chosen to
stay anonymous over sensitive subjects.

As this is for celebration of all women- I’ve also spoken to my sister,

who attends Bournemouth fine arts university, and her and a couple of
her classmates would be keen to get their art involved in my zine.
These art pieces will play with misogyny and just in general, showcase
the beautiful work from beautiful women.
Some examples of my first draft of the art I’m creating will be included
in the next section.

A massive inspiration for my work has been Kathleen Hanna- the lead
singer of Bikini Kill. She was loud about injustice, unapologetically
herself and determined for change.
Here’s some of her own zines that have inspired me. As you can see it’s
a mix of photos writing and graphic art. The writings short but angry so
definitely packs a punch. This is the same effect I’m after.

Some newer inspiration includes Vice magazine. Vice isn’t shy to speak
about taboo subjects and has helped me come to terms with my
woman hood. I remember reading an article by them, when I was
around 14, about discharge. It’s so natural but due to the lack of sex
education focused on vaginas, every time I discharged it led me feeling
like something was wrong with me. Being young this obviously scared
me- but I remember reading this article and feeling relieved. I wasn’t
weird, different or dying- I was a normal female experiencing normal
things. The feeling this gave me at 14 made it obvious that this was
what I was destined to do with my life- be open and honest for other
people to feel normal in themselves. Some recent article examples:
Here's some of my own art I’ve created thus far. I wanted to
play around with misogynistic views. I’m going for a conceptual
art type- I want people to look at my art and laugh to prove the
stupidity behind the misogynistic mind set. The first piece, “if u
think my attitude stinks u should smell my minge”, is mocking
the common stella drinking, woman objectifying man. The
second piece of the girls faces on slabs of meat, is a play on
how women are viewed for their bodies, like a piece of meat,
and are treated in the same sense. The art will all be similar
styles to these. Below is a sneak peak at photos from my recent

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