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Advanced Set 37

Target Vocabulary:

Bu bölümde öğrenmenizi hedeflediğimiz ‘’hedef kelimeler’’.

enclose: to surround something

⇒ çevrelemek, kuşatmak
⇒ The house has a small backyard, enclosed by a high brick wall.
⇒ The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.

imitate: to copy the way someone behaves, speaks, moves etc, especially in order to make people

⇒ taklit etmek, benzetmek

⇒ She was a splendid mimic and loved to imitate Winston Churchill.
⇒ She's really good at imitating our teacher's Scottish accent.

disperse: to spread across or move away over a large area, or to make something do this

⇒ dağılmak, dağıtmak
⇒ Police dispersed the crowd that had gathered.
⇒ When the rain came down the crowds started to disperse.

indignant: angry because of something that is wrong or not fair

⇒ kızgın (haksızlıktan dolayı), içerlemiş

⇒ He became very indignant when it was suggested he had made a mistake.

repeal: if a government repeals a law, it officially ends that law

⇒ feshetmek, yürürlükten kaldırmak

⇒ Congress repealed the ban on women flying Naval combat missions.
⇒ Legislators repealed the sales tax.

cognitive: connected with thinking or conscious mental processes

⇒ bilişsel, zihinsel
⇒ Studies show a connection between aerobic exercise and cognitive ability.
⇒ As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper.

undo: to remove the effects of something that happened earlier

⇒ yaptığını geri almak

⇒ It’s difficult to undo the damage caused by a father who abandons his child.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

⇒ We cannot undo the damage of a lifetime in only 30 days.

2. to unfasten something that is fastened or tied

⇒ açmak, çözmek, çıkarmak vb.

⇒ Can someone help me to undo my seat belt?
⇒ I undid the buttons on my blouse.
⇒ I think it got stuck, can you help me to undo the zip?

airtight: not allowing air to get in or out

⇒ hava geçirmez
⇒ Sealing food in an airtight jar starves the bacteria of oxygen and they are unable to
⇒ Put the cookies in an airtight jar to keep them fresh.

A) Exercise: Öğren!
Fill in the blanks with the target words!

enclose imitate disperse

indignant repeal cognitive
undo airtight

1. Ata Demirer _____________________ Bülent Ersoy so well that sometimes I can’t

understand the difference.
2. The watch is entirely _____________________ in plastic to make it waterproof.
3. Police used tear gas to ______________________ the violent protestors.
4. Biscuits will stay crisp if you keep them in an _____________________ container.
5. He had eaten so much that he had to ____________________ his belt a couple of notches.
6. Educational practice in this country has acknowledged the _____________________ side of
learning but has often neglected the affective side.
7. The garden was completely ___________________ by a high wall.
8. The candidate promised to ________________________ a number of current unfair laws if
he is elected.
9. I know I can’t ___________________ the things I have done to you but I am very sorry. Can
you give me another chance to make it right this time?
10. He gently began to ____________________ the zip at the back of her dress.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

11. She wrote an _____________________ letter to the newspaper complaining about the fake
news about her.
12. He has a unique ability to ____________________ any sound he has heard.
13. The convention center has been ______________________ within a 10-foot-high fence in
order to keep out protestors.

B) Match the Words! Pekiştir!

enclose imitate disperse

indignant repeal cognitive

undo airtight

1) ___________________: not allowing air to get in or out

2) ___________________: to remove the effects of something that happened earlier
3) ___________________: to spread across or move away over a large area, or to make
something do this
4) ___________________: angry because of something that is wrong or not fair
5) ___________________: if a government repeals a law, it officially ends that law
6) ___________________: to copy the way someone behaves, speaks, moves etc, especially in
order to make people laugh
7) ___________________: to unfasten something that is fastened or tied
8) ___________________: connected with thinking or conscious mental processes
9) ___________________: to surround something

C) Write a sentence of your own for each of the words you’ve just learned! ++ Write
Turkish meanings of the words. – Uzmanlaş!

- Öğrendiğiniz kelimelerin Türkçe karşılıklarını hiçbir yere bakmadan yazın, daha sonra bu
kelimelerle en az 1 tane örnek cümle yazın. (Verilen her anlam için bir örnek)

indignant: _________________________________________________________________________.

undo: _____________________________________________________________________________.

cognitive: _________________________________________________________________________.

imitate: ___________________________________________________________________________.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

airtight: ___________________________________________________________________________.

repeal: ____________________________________________________________________________.

disperse: __________________________________________________________________________.

enclose: __________________________________________________________________________.


A: imitates, enclosed, disperse, airtight, undo, cognitive, enclosed, repeal, undo, undo, indignant,
imitate, enclosed

B: airtight, undo, disperse, indignant, repeal, imitate, undo, cognitive, enclose

C: Kendi cümleleriniz + kelimelerin anlamlarını en üstten kontrol edebilirsiniz.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

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