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Diana-Elena Găvenea

The syntax of explanations

Explanation essentially deals with providing answer to a

why-question (Skow 2016). In the study of syntactic
phenomena, not only what is seen as a good “why-question”,
but also what is seen as a good answer to such a question
differs considerably.
In this presentation, I will address the topic the syntax of
In linguistics, “syntax” refers to the rules that govern the ways
in which words combine to form phrases, clauses,
and sentences. The term “syntax” comes from the Greek,
meaning “arrange together.” The term is also used to mean the
study of the syntactic properties of a language. In computer
contexts, the term refers to the proper ordering of symbols and
codes so that the computer can understand what instructions
are telling it to do.
An explanation is a set of statements usually constructed to
describe a set of facts which clarifies the causes, context and
consequences of those facts.
Definition of Explanation: a description of something or
someone in order to clarify it.
Types of Explanations:
 Prediction and explanation
A prediction is what someone thinks will happen. So a
prediction is a statement about the future. It's a guess,
sometimes based on facts or evidence.
d.e. You will know what this word means only after you
have finished reading this explanation.
 Causal explanations
Diana-Elena Găvenea
The principle of causal explanation requires investigation
into the causal mediating mechanisms that underlie a
relationship of interest.
d.e. If you want to lose weight, exercise.
Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until the
feeling passes away.
 Structural explanations
Structural explanations consider the phenomenon to be
explained as part of a larger phenomenon that sets
constraints on the behavior of the interdependent parts.
d.e. – throwing a penny into a pool.
 Interpretive explanations
Interpretive comes from the Latin word “interpretari”,
which means “explain, expound, understand”. It’s a
subjective response that involves the thing that’s being
interpreted and the person doing the interpreting. A reader
book, a guide will give an interpretive description of a
painting for a tour group and so on.
d.e. Homer’s use of the smile “like a fox” (IX.23) ilustrates
Odysseus’s clever ability to deceive his enemies.

Therefore, explanation is certainly more than description.

Explanation involves the logic of connections among terms
and statements.

Syntactic analysis
S V A V A noun phrase
nominal V
“Jane, be still;/¹ don’t struggle so, like a wild frantic bird/²
that is rending its own plumage in its desperation./³ (Jane
Diana-Elena Găvenea
Eyre by Charlotte Bronte) DO indirect
- Interpretive explanation (Charlotte Bronte uses this
expression to show the independence and freedom of the
protagonist Jane Eyre.)
S1 – simple declarative sentence, formed of 3 clauses
C1 – main clause, finite verb
C2 – adverbial purpose clause, finite verb
C3 – attributive clause, non-finite verb, -ing clauses.


 Aitchison, Jean. Language Change: Progress or

Decay? Cambridge University, 2001.

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