SOAL AKM B Ing 9 PAT Fix 2022

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Ds. Bakalan, Kec Tambakrejo, Kab. Bojonegoro

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : IX

Hari, Tanggal : ………………………… Waktu : 60 menit

Petunjuk Umum :
1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian Lembar Jawaban yang disediakan;
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab;
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas bila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau
jumlah soal kurang;
4. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah;
5. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban dan atau beberapa jawaban yang benar sesuai dengan
bentuk soalnya.
6. Apabila Anda ingin memperbaiki/mengganti jawaban, bersihkan jawaban semula
dengan penghapus sampai bersih, kemudian gantilah dengan jawaban yang
menurut Anda benar;
7. Periksalah seluruh jawaban Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

Answer these Questions!

Stand-Up Comedy 2021 Championship

SMPN 1 Tambakrejo 2021

In the school's 40th Anniversary celebrations, November 9, 2021, SMP Negeri 1

Tambakrejo held a festival. Various events and championships are held. Art and Galery
exebitions, Volleyball, basketball three in one, futsall, poster competition. One of the
events in the festival is the Stand up Comedy Tambakrejo 2021 Championship.
The Stand-up Comedy Championship is held from November 6 to 9, 2021 at the
Auditorium of SMP Negeri 1 Tambakrejo.
This championship was attended by 50 participants from grades 7, 8, 9. After
going through registration rounds, the preliminary, quarter-final and final rounds, golden
show, the jury consisting of Mr. Benu Setiawan, Mr. Marhen and Mrs. Noviana, lead by
Mr. Marhen decided: Khoirul, finally got the highest score of 177 in the Golden Show,
and was crowned the first winner ( 1st winner).

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This is one of the greeting cards that Khoirul received:

On your success, you are the best Stand-Up Comedian in this community. Bravo! I
always wait your next jokes success. Be yourself and enjoy the winning, excellent!
Your English teacher,
Bambang Hariyanto.

1. Choose the correct answer!

Khoirul became the first winner in stand-up comedy in 2021. What is the framework of
the championship?

A. Graduation anniversary 2021

B. 40th school anniversary celebration
C. Commemoration of National Teacher's Day 2021
D. 40th anniversary of independence

2. Based on the text above, put a tick ( √ ) in front of these correct statements!
o Khoirul is one of the SMPN 1 Tambakrejo’s student
o Mr. Marhen is the leader of Stand –up Comedy’s jury
o Mr. Bambang is an English Teacher
o One of the participants is Mrs. Noviana

3. State that True or False, give a thick ( √ ), based on this text above!

Number Statement T F
1 The Stand-up Comedy will be held from November 6 to 9, 2021
2 Mr. Benu is one of the SMPN 1 Tambakrejo’s student
3 November 9, 2021 is 40th Independent Day Anniversary

Stand-up Comedy championship was attended by 50


4. Based on the text, match the following statements!

The festival of Tambakrejo 40th Anniversary is held for … days. ○ ○ 5

The numbers of judges Stand-up Comedy competition is …. ○ ○ 50
Stand-up Comedy competition runs in … round. ○ ○ 3
This championship was attended by … participants. ○ ○ 177
○ 4
○ 2021

5. SMPN 1 Tambakrejo’s Birthday is celebrated every ….

6. Based on the text, If the number of participants for the 2021 Stand-Up Comedy Contest
is 50 participants, and in the Golden Show round 2 participants are selected, what is the
probability that the contestants will become participants in the Golden Show?
Explain by your own words!

The Champions of Tour de Bojonegoro, February 20th, 2021.

Soal AKM PAT 9 B Ing/Bambang Hariyanto/2022 2
Left to right : Tono, Joni, Bejo

Tour de Bojonegoro 2021 held by the KK club. Held on 13 February 2021. 220
participants participated. Participants came from Bojonegoro district and its surroundings.
Covered four stages with each stage 15 kilometers apart. The first stage from the start line
to the city of Kalitidu sub-district. The second stage is from the city of Kalitidu to the city
limits of the Ngasem sub-district.
The third stage is up to Wana Wisata Dander and the fourth stage is towards the
finish at the KK Club headquarters in the city of Bojonegoro. The route traversed by the
participants is full of challenges and beautiful scenery. All the participants and the
committee as well as their supporters were very enthusiastic and enthusiastic in
completing this competition.
In this competition, a participant named Joni from Trucuk sub-district became the
second winner. One of the congratulatory cards from his Friend Parto for him is like this:

Dear Joni,
Congratulations on your success in the Tour de Bojonegoro Bicycle Race 2021!
Bravo, Enjoy your 2nd thropy winning success today, and always be wise and
look forward to your future race success. We are proud of you.
Your friend,

7. What race did Joni join?

A. Tour de Jawa Bicycle Race 2021
B. Tour de France Bicycle Race 2021
C. Tour de Bojonegoro Bicycle Race 2021
D. Tour de Bravo Bicycle Race 2021

8. Which of the following is a way to congratulate someone … ( choose more than one)
o Happy your graduation!
o Congratulation on your success!
o Have a nice day!
o Well done! You did it!
o See you next time!

9. Based on the text above, put a ( √ ) T for TRUE or F for FALSE of each statement.

Number Statement T F
1 Congratulation is the saying to congrate someone’s success
2 Congratulation is something that you have to say or to do to greet.
3 Congratulation is the act of expressing joy of achievement
4 Congratulation is the feeling of being sorry for somebody

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10. Match these sentences !

Congratulation on .... o o Greeting Card

The card to congratulate o o Hi, good evening,
someone is ….
The feeling of being grateful o o I am sorry to hear that
Say to do greet o o Thank you so much
The act of expressing your o o Look, all move
o Your winning in this
o Follow me in turn

11. Fill in the blank space !

Tour de Bojonegoro 2021 held by the KK club, covered ….

12. If the distance from the start to the finish is 60 km and the participants are cycling at an
average speed of 30 km per hour, how long will it take the participants to get to the
Explain your answer!
13. If participants leave at 08.00 am, what time will the participants arrive at the finish?
Explain your answer!

New Lozenges

Mardi and Mira are siblings. They live with their parents in the city of Binjai. a city that is
famous for being viral because of “salam dari Binjai”.
Mardi is 14 years old. He is in the eighth grade at SMP Negeri 1 Binjai. Her sister Mira is
half the age of Mardi. She is in the second grade of SD Negeri 2 Binjai.
On Monday, March 14, 2022, Mardi and Mira were unable to attend their school due to
illness/sick. Their mother contacted the school where they studied to allow them both. Then
their parents took him to Doctor Budi, their next door neighbor. He examined them and told that
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they had a mild sore throat. He gave medicine and advised them to rest for 3 days from that
One of the drugs given by the doctor Budi labeled like this above.

14. Look at this label! From the label, we know that the product .....
A. can help to relieve headache
B. contains herbal ingredients
C. can be used by todler
D. contains no sugar

15. What is the purpose of reading this label?

A. To see the use of the medicine
B. To recognize the symptoms of the disease
C. To understand the dosage of the medicine
D. To know the detailed information of the medicine

16. What symptom can be relieved by this medicine?

o Sore throat
o Headache
o Blocked nose
o Cough

17. Based on the text, put a ( √ ) on T for TRUE or F for FALSE of each statement!

Number Statement T F
1 This medicine not to be used in children under 2 years of age
without medical advice
2 Vick VapoDrops + cough Lozenges are formulated to avoid
3 Adult and children over 12 years dissolve 1 lozenges every 2 hours
4 Sore throat often arrive with blocked nose and a cough

18. Based on the text, match these sentences !

If sympthom persist consult .... o o Herbal ingredients and sugar

Vick VapoDrops + cough
o o Every two hours as needed
Lozenges contains of ….
This medicine must store …. o o Your healthcare professional
Adult and children oer 6
o o Cough, blocked nose and sore throat
years : Dissolve 1 lozenge ….
This Vicks can relieve …. o o Below 25 degrees celcius

o Your stomachache
o Professional technician

Fill in the blank space, based on this text!

19. Mardi and Mira are brothers. If Mardi is 14 years old this year and Mira is half the age
of Mardi. How old does Mira in this year? Mira is … years old.
20. When Mardi will be 50 year. How old will be Mira? Mira will be …years old.

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