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Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3 (NTSC/J only)

Playstation 2
Version 3.0

written by Simon YH TSUI

email :
username at Gamefaqs : simontyh


Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3 is the the last fighting game developed by Banpresto
exclusively for PS2. It includes all significant and well-known Ultraman from the original one
to the Cosmos era. Memorable scenarios and almost all powerful moves from the Ultraman
series can be found. It is the most completed Ultraman game in history up to the present.

The purpose of this strategy guide is to expose the secrets of the game as well as to
obtain S rankings in the story mode. Other than these, characters' bios, the gameplay modes,
the control system and a brief walkthrough will also be included.

This is my first faq for Gamefaqs. Any assistance is much appreciated.


Ultra Mode : Story Mode

Battle Mode : consist 5 rounds
VS Mode : Duel Mode
Tag Mode : 2 (Players) vs 1 Mode (CPU)
Custom Mode : for customization of special moves
Training Mode : testing mode
Tutorial Mode : teaching mode
View Mode : Characters' Models
Battle Data (replay saved battle data)
Game Options : Configuration


Gomorra Scenario
- clear Zetton stage with A rank or above

Sliverbloome Scenario
- clear Magma Sejin stage with B rank or above

Evil Tiga Scenario

- clear Golza stage with B rank or above

Gantanzoa Scenario

<<<THE END>>>
- clear Evil Tiga Scenario with B rank or above

Fake Dyna Scenario

- clear Reyvcus stage with B rank or above

Agul Scenario
- clear GanQ Scenario with B rank or above

10 Cities Invsaion Stage

- finish all original scenarios of Ultra Mode
- get A rank or above for Cosmos Scenario

Dada Scenario
- get A rank or above for all stages of Ultra Mode

Redking Scenario
- unlock all other stages and Ultraman80 is available

Delusion Ultraseven Scenario

- clear the Redking Scenario with A rank or above


Zetton Stage
- Ultraman's Ultra Binding Ring & Ultra Saw Disc have no effects on Zetton
- Zetton will reverse Ultraman's Specium Ray by its Final Beam
- Ultraman will die and Zoffy will appear
- Zoffy will form a red energy field and take Ultraman back to home planet
- if you use Specium first, Zetton will defeat Ultraman too, but
- Zetton will be explode by the rocket of Ultra garrison,
- Zoffy will not enter the fight but
- he will still form a red energy field and take Ultraman back to home planet

Kingjoe Stage
- Ultraseven's special moves will have no effects on Kingjoe until
the garrison car point at him and you sucessfully grab it
within the boundary, thus the car will shoot him

Jack Stage
- go to the arrow pointed area to trigger the event when
MAT team shoot out Twintail's eyes
- Twintail will be eventually killed by Gudon

Ace Killer Stage

- Ace Killer will seize the power from Ultra brothers if Ace fall on the ground
- you will game over if it happens 5 times
- Ace will gather the energy to use Space Q to defeat Ace Killer
if you use Space Q

<<<THE END>>>
Tyrant Stage
- Ultra brothers make Ultra signals before Taro fight with Tyrant (press L1)
- if the above have not been done, your Ultra brothers will be attack and
lost much health (before Taro fight it)
- eliminate all Tyrant¡¦s health but not finish it
- let Tyrant use its special move and successfully defend it
(press the same button)
- Taro will cut its hand and throw it back like a light arrow
to Tyrant which instantly kill it

Magma Stage
- Magma will summon 2 monsters jointly as a powerful move
to eliminate most Ultraseven's health if Magma's health is
eliminated by about 25%
- if Ultraseven is defeated, Leo will join the fight
- Leo will use continuous Leo Kick to defeat the 2 summoned monsters
- Magma will run away if he has more than half health before Leo comes

Golza Stage
- before 2:00 time, Golza will absorb any attack of light beam special moves
- the Volcano Explosion event will trigger if time reaches 2:00

Reyvcus Stage
- Reyvcus will use his fireballs to break the ice-ground
- crushing attack will have no dizzy effects if Reyvcus near the edge of ice and
fall into the water

GanQ Stage
- it will use its special move to absorb the jetfighter
- you can enter its body inside by letting it do so
(you can boost the rank by this event)
- it will summon many small eyes to protect it
- if you cannot pass them to attack the core eye, they will
attack you simultaneously and eliminate most of your health

Cosmos Stage
- defeat Justice and Cosmos will persuade him to forgive human beings,
Csomos says human being has "hope"
- let Guroker-Bishop eliminate half of your health to trigger the event that
Justice assist and heal you, then fight Guroker-Bishop with Justice jointly
- now you can use the joint finishing move as Cross Perfection
- tap the button repeatedly to resist the destructive beam fired from
Giga Endora and Legend will appear to finish it
- defend Jusitice by Luna Mode Cosmos about 1 minute and let him defeat you
- then Justice instead of Cosmos will fight Guroker-Bishop
- let Guroker-Bishop eliminate half of your health to trigger the event that
Cosmos assist and heal you, then defeat Guroker-Bishop with Cosmos jointly
- now you can use the joint finishing move as Cross Perfection
- tap the button repeatedly to resist the destructive beam fired from

<<<THE END>>>
Giga Endora and Legend will appear to finish it

Gomorra Stage
- let it come near the castle, it will automatically shoot by
a rocket from Ultra squad, then dizzy
- use Saw Disc to cut its tail and throw it can rip off his horn (press X)

Sliverbloome Stage
- hit and throw Sliverbloome (press X) to trigger the event that
Leo pull out the captured Jetfighter inside

Evil Tiga Stage

- let Evil Tiga eliminate your health slightly less than half before 2:00 time
- eliminate most of Evil Tiga¡¦s health after 2:00 time
- when Geoshark appears at 2:00 time
- use Zepellion Ray against Evil Tiga and
he will shoot his ray at the same time
- win the duel and Evil Tiga will be sliced by Tiga and defeated

Gantanzoa Stage
- change to Power Form and use Miracle Balloon Beam once
- Tiga will be defeated by the special move of Gantanzoa
and change to stone statue
- the Jetfighter will come to attack Gantanzoa 4 times,
the hope of human being will render power to revive Tiga
- Tiga will become Glitter Form Tigger

Fake Dyna Stage

- Fake Dyna will block any light beam special moves at initial stage
- go near the electric barrier to trigger the event that you are hurt
- let him eliminate slightly more than half of your health
- the human being nearby will then encourage you to counter-atttack,
you can now use Strong Form Garnate Bomber to finish him

Agul Stage
- defeat Agul by pressing Circle when the special move meter is full
(he and Gia will hurt / finish each other and fall onto ground)
- Zorlim will appear and Agul will give his energy to you to be V2
- Gaia will change to Supreme Ver. to use Phontom Stream to finish Zorlim
if its health is eliminated

Dada Stage
- Dada can all monsters by his special
- Ultraman will appear after Dada captured 1 monster
- Dada can change face 3 times vs Ultraman (pressing L1)

10 Cities Invsaion Stage

- another Ultraman will appear to help you in the 5th battle
- Baltan Sejin will appear at the final battle at the Science Base
(of Ultraman episode)

<<<THE END>>>
Redking Stage
- Redking will resurrect when defeated
- block its attack about 10 seconds successfully (must near the arrow point)
- Redking will be become very fierce, many nearby building will collapse
(crushing attack has no effect for triggerring special moves)
- grab and throw it to the jar at the building shown initially (very difficult),
and it will finally be captured and the stage ended
- grab and throw it to trigger and use special moves to finish it

Delusion Ultraseven Stage

- throw Delusion Ultraseven near the hospital, event happens
- his power will increase a lot, crushing attack have no effect
- a Yullian event will appear as a cameo when time 1:30,
you can now finish Delusion Ultraseven


- finish Battle Mode as Ultraman, Ultraseven, Jack, Ace & Taro
in chronological order more than 1 times

- finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode by Leo
(to get Double Flasher)
- finish Battle Mode as Leo by using Double Flasher as finishing move

- unlock all other Ultraman including Zoffy, Astra,
Gaia (V2 & Supreme Ver.), Agul V2 & Justice
- get at least A rank for all scenarios of Ultra Mode including
the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- clear Battle Mode for all other Ultraman

- defeat Agul in the Gaia's Ultra Mode
- then use Gaia V2 to beat Battle Mode

- defeat Justice in the Ultra Mode

- get A rank or above in the Cosmos Ultra mode while
Legend will appear in the ending
- he cannot be save at the Memory Card

- defeat Zetton in the Zetton scenario of Ultra Mode by Zoffy
(Ultraman should use Specium Ray against Zetton

<<<THE END>>>
to make Zoffy appear)

Twintail & Gudon

- defeat them in Jack Ultra Mode by getting A Rank or above

Ace Robot
- defeat Ace Killer in Ace Ultra mode by Ace Robot

Bemstar, Redking, Bakishimu & Dada

- use each captioned monster once to defeat Ultraman at
the Ultra Mode of Dada's scenario before Dada defeat Ultraman

Delusion Ultraseven
- get A rank or above in the Ultraman80 vs Delusion Ultraseven
Ultra Mode scenario

Evil Tiga
- get at least A rank in Tiga/Evil Tiga Ultra Mode and then
finish the battle mode as Tiga over 2 times continually

Fake Dyna
- get at least A rank in Dyna/Fake Dyna Ultra Mode and then
finish the battle mode as Dyna over 2 times constinually

- beat Tag Mode once with Cosmos & Justice


- Ultra Double Saw Disc :
finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Ultra Ring Shoot : complete battle mode once
- Ultra Binding Ring : complete battle mode twice
- Ultra Shower : complete battle mode when time up for each round
(your health should be larger than the opponent when time up,
then, you will win (you should not kill your opponent);
equip Ultra Double Saw Disc Ultra Ring Shoot & Ultra Binding Ring only

- Ultra Knock Tactics :
finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Emellium Ray B pose : clear battle mode once
- Emellium Ray C pose :
clear battle mode with only Emellium Ray A & B equipped
- Continuous Handmill Ray : clear battle mode twice
- Eye Beam : clear battle mode 3 times

- Ultra Lance : finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode

<<<THE END>>>
- Ultra Spark : finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Ultra Shield : finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Ultra Slice Hand : complete battle mode once
- Ultra Throw : complete battle mode once
- Ultra Hurricane : defeat Zetton using Specium Ray in battle mode

- Star Ray : get C rank in Ace's Ultra Mode
- Ace Blade : finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Timer Shot : clear battle mode once
- Vertical Guillotine :
equip only Ultra Guillotine to clear battle mode
- Horizontal Guillotine :
equip only Ultra Guillotine & Vertical Guillotine
to clear battle mode
- Cross Guillotine :
equip only Vertical Guillotine & Horizontal Guillotine
to clear battle mode
- Guillotine Shot :
equip only Vertical Guillotine, Horizontal Guillotine &
Circular Guillotine to clear battle mode
- Space Q : automatically unlock when you get all moves of
Ultraman, Ultraseven, Jack, Ace & Zoffy

- Neo-Storium Ray : finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Taro Shooting Beam : complete battle mode once
- Taro Spout : complete battle mode twice
- Cosmo Miracle Ray :
complete tutorial mode 3 times continuously and
clear the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode again,
then play the tutorial mode once more

- Handmill Ray : finish the Silverbloome Ultra mode
- Leo Umbrella : finish the Silverbloome Ultra mode
- Ultra Double Flasher : finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Leo Nunchaku : clear battle mode once
- Jump Beam : clear battle mode once
- Red Energy Ball : clear battle mode twice
- Superability Shot : clear battle mode three times

- M87 Ray B pose : finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Z Ray : clear battle mode once

- Ultra Lance Ray : finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Body Energy : complete battle mode once
- Counter Saxium Ray : complete battle mode by equipping only with

<<<THE END>>>
Saxium Ray and using it as finishing move for each round

- Timer Flash (for Multi Mode) :
get A rank or above in Gatanozoa Ultra Mode
- Tiga Head Crush (for Power Mode) :
finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Tiga Slicer (for Multi Mode) : play battle mode once
- Tiga Freezer (for Sky Mode) : play battle mode once

- Garnate Bomber (for Strong Mode) :
finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Flash Cycler (for Flash Mode) : play battle mode once
- Attacking Revolium Wave (for Miracle Mode) :
play battle mode once with Reverse Revolium Wave
(Reverse Revolium can be trigger by
successfully defend opponent's beam special move when
at Miracle Mode)

- V2 : finish Zorlim Ultra mode
- Shining Blade (Supreme Ver. only) :
finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Gaia Blizzard (V2) : play battle mode once

- Agul Stream (V2) :
finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode
- Photon Screw (V2) : play battle mode once

- Luna Purifying Beam (Luna mode only) :
evade opponent¡¦s attacks until special move gauge max
- Cross Perfection (Future mode only) :
finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode.
(a combination move with Justice)

- Cross Perfection (Crusher mode only) :
finish the 10 Cities Invasion Stage of Ultra Mode.
(a combination move with Cosmos)

- Final Beam :
defeat Ultraman in the Dada Story Mode by Zetton
before Dada finish him


<<<THE END>>>
Zetton Scenario
- using all available special moves from Ultraman (Specium Shot as final)
- then Zetton will use Final Beam to defeat Ultraman and Zoffy will appear
- using Zoffy defeat Zetton with over 50% health and before 1:30 time

Kingjoe Scenario
- defend its attacks until 2:00 time and
the garrison car will point at him
- grab its within the boundary and the car will shoot him
- then defeat it before 1:30 time and with over 50% health remains,
and using Wide Shot as finishing move

Gudon and Twintail Scenario

- go to the arrow pointed area to trigger the event when
MAT team shoot out Twintail's eyes
- Twintail will be eventually killed by Gudon
- then defeat Gudon before 1:30 time and with over 50% health remains

Ace Killer Scenario

- kill Ace Killer by Ace Robot

Tyrant Scenario
- defeat Tyrant by Zoffy (regardless of health and time remains)

Magma Scenario
- defeat Magma by Ultraseven

Golza Scenario
- change to Power Form and use special move for it to absorb
before the Volcano Explosion event
- change back to Multi Form and defeat it with only one special move

Reyvcus Scenario
- let the event of ice-break happens when Reyvcus emits its fireballs
- change to Miracle Dyna and do a Reverse Revollium Ray
against its special move
- then use the Attack Revollium Ray to defeat it before 1:30 time
and with over 50% health remains

GanQ Scenario
- let it absorb the jetfighter and let it use the special move
to enter its body inside
- defeat the eye core before 1:30 time and with over 50% health remains

Justice Scenario
- defeat Justice
- then let Guroker-Bishop to eliminate half of your health to
trigger the event that Justice assist and heal you, then
defeat Guroker-Bishop with Justice jointly
- tap the button repeatedly to resist the destructive beam fired from

<<<THE END>>>
Giga Endora and Legend will appear to finish it
- with less than 1:30 time and more than 50% health
- just use Luna Cosmos's Luna Purifying Beam against Justice

Gomorra Scenario
- let it come near the castle, it will automatically shoot by
a rocket by Ultra squad, then dizzy
- use Ultra Saw Disc to cut its tail and throw to rip off his horn (press X)
- then defeat it before 1:30 time and with over 50% health remains

Sliverbloome Scenario
- hit and throw Sliverbloome (press X) to trigger the event that
Leo pull out the captured Jetfighter
- defeat it before 1:30 time and with over 50% health remains

Evil Tiga Scenario

- let Evil Tiga eliminate your health slightly less than half before 2:00 time
- eliminate most of Evil Tiga¡¦s health after 2:00 time
- when Geoshark appears at 2:00 time, evade its attack
- use Zepellion Ray against Evil Tiga and
he will shoot his ray at the same time
- win the duel and Evil Tiga will be sliced by Tiga and eventually defeated
- before 1:30 time and have more than 40% health remains

Gantanzoa Scenario
- kill it by Tiga Power Mode before 1:30 time and
with over 50% health remains

Fake Dyna Scenario

- Fake Dyna will block any light beam special moves at initial stage
- go near the electric barrier to trigger the event that you are hurt
- let him eliminate slightly more than half of your health
- the human being nearby will then encourage you to counter-atttack,
you can now use Strong Form Garnate Bomber special move to finish him
- before 1:30 time and with more than 20% health remains

Agul Scenario
- defeat Agul by pressing Circle when the special move meter is full
(using Phantom Edge before to boost the rank)
- defeat Zorlim before 1:30 time and with over 50% health remains

Dada Scenario
- capture only one monster (Bakishimu recommended)
- defeat Ultraman with the only one monster before Dada finish Ultraman
- Dada must change face 3 times (pressing L1)
- before 1:30 time and with over 50% health remains

10 Cities Invsaion Stage

- finish the stage by killing Baltan Sejin before 1:30 time

<<<THE END>>>
and with over 50% health remains,
using the most powerful finishing move of the selected Ultraman

Redking Scenario
- Redking will resurrect when defeat
- block its attack about 10 seconds successfully (must near the arrow point)
- Redking will be become very fierce while many nearby building are collasped
(crushing attack has no effect for triggerring special moves)
- grab and throw it to the jar at the building shown initially (very difficult),
and it will finally be captured and the stage ended
- before 1:30 time and with over 50% health remains

Delusion Ultraseven Scenario

- throw Delusion Ultraseven near the hospital, event happens
- his power will increase a lot and crushing attack have no effect
- defend and/or throw him to counterattack
- a Yullian event will appear as a cameo when time 1:30
- defeat Delusion Ultraseven before 1:20 time and with 50% health
or above remains


- first, Banpresto for this promising Ultraman game for all Ultraman fans
- second, the useful and inspiring contributions
from Scareletshadow, Tanzer26, David CHENG & Kuuga
- third, the link from the Japanese site :
- our honourable Gamefaqs site

- I am willing to share my faq with any ultraman fans/internet friends
- Please inform me for any error to be rectified
- Please also notice any updates and further comments are welcome

<<<THE END>>>

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