Sample Size: Response Rate

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+ What is the instrument?

+ How did you design the questionnaire and what form did the questions take (e.g.
multiple-choice, Likert scale)?
+ Did you conduct surveys by phone, mail, online, or in person, and how long did
participants have to respond?
+ Mô tả quá trình tìm kênh để phát survey: group FBE, personal contacts…
+ Whether the data for your study were all collected at one point in time (i.e. cross-
sectional) or at multiple points in time (i.e. longitudinal)?
+ What was the sample size and response rate?

The survey, written entirely in English, was developed using Google Forms. It consisted of 10
multiple-choice questions and 12 questions that were measured on a 5-point Likert scale. The
questionnaire was based on the reviewed literature and research instruments used in similar
studies, including ‘Reading Habit and Students’ Attitudes Towards Reading’ (Jamiah, Faiza
2020) and ‘Reading Habits Among Students and its Effect on Academic Performance’ ( Micheal
Owusu 2014).
The survey was conducted online. In order to collect the valid results, the survey was posted in
FBE groups as well as sent to personal contacts.
To improve the reliability and validity of the research instrument, the questionnaire was pilot-
tested on similar but smaller sample group on October 24th 2021. Observed errors, corrections
and re-wordings discovered were effected and incorporated into the main instrument.
The data were collected from 17th to 30th November, 2021
Sample size :
Response rate:
The aim was to conduct the survey with 100 students of Foreign Trade University

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