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Structural interpretation of the tertiary in an area of the SE of Mxico.

Valdez Cruz Isauro Abinad, Instituto Politcnico Nacional Rocha de la Vega Francisco Rubn, Instituto Politcnico Nacional
Summary Was performed the structural interpretation for obtain the geological-structural behavior of the subsurface, putting together geological and geophysics information, building so the geological-structural model. Introduction The area of the interpretation is characterized for the high content of salt in the subsurface that even in a few points are 400m deep. The survey was acquired in 1998, with 17.47 km2 in order to determine the structural tramps of anticline type as a result of the area folds and the association of salt intrusions. On this basis and for the necessity of the oil industry is necessary identifying the salt body that intrudes the tertiary sediments by the interpretation of the 3D seismic data. Method The information of the survey was obtained by the Perforadata company in 1998, and processing by the CGGVeritas company in a joint project whit IPN in 2011, obtaining an 3D image in time domain. The interpretation basically consisted of pick each Inline and Crossline, 1 to 1 because the salt body had an irregular behavior, listed below are the steps taken.

Figure 1: Of the 114 Inline , showing the interpretation of the top (blue) and base (yellow) of the first salt body (conopy).

Selection of the target horizons with correlation and continuity principles. Sections pick, following the target reflectors, for this case only the first salt body in the data. Review of intersection lines. Reading times and configuration of maps of isochores Show results
Figure 2: Showing the Canopy body, characteristic of this structures. and it elongated form,

Structural interpretation of the tertiary in an area of the SE of Mxico.

Conclusions We recognizes two bodies of salt en the 3D image, the first which was interpreted, have a top of high amplitude and low frequency, which facilitated their interpretation, on the other hand for the basis interpretation we had difficulties because the events are observed with incoherent form of low frequency. By the way for the salt body, we considered to be a canopy and not a salt dome. In order to verify and analyze precisely this canopy is recommended to obtain the migration of these data in depth domain, and so improving the image quality and then delineate the basis of the canopy and the other salt body.

Acknowledgments We are grateful to Fernando Gomez Santiago and Jovan Hernandez Ramos who helped us in the part of processing of the data.

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