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When collecting condensation for drinking water,

a sponge used to mop up and store condensation must be kept salt free
only condensation on the bottom of the canopy should be collected
it should be strained through a finely woven cloth
chlorine tablets should be used to make it drinkable

2. (1)

Frapping lines are fitted to lifeboat davits to __________ .

reduce the swinging of the lifeboat as it is being lowered from the embarkation level
secure the lifeboat in the davits when in the stowed position
allow the bow and stern to be lowered evenly
be used as a safety line in an emergency

3. (1)

What is placed on the under side of an inflatable life raft to help prevent it from being skidde
Ballast bags
A keel
Sea anchor

4. (1)

Enclosed lifeboats which have been afloat over a long period of time require __________.
frequent opening of hatches to permit entry of fresh air
regular checks of bilge levels
use of ear plugs to dampen engine noise
frequent flushing of the water spray system with fresh water

5. (1)
Signaling devices which are required on inflatable liferafts include _____
a rocket shoulder rifle
an oil lantern
red flares
an air horn

6. (1)

The heading of a vessel is indicated by what part of the compass?

Lubber's line

7. (1)

The No. 2 lifeboat on a vessel would be found _________.

aft of No. 1 lifeboat port side
aft of No. 1 lifeboat starboard side
on the port side
on the starboard side

8. (1)

The floor of a rigid liferaft shall

insulate persons from the cold
be used to keep equipment
be used for sitting down
be used for lying down

9. (1)

After abandoning ship, you should deploy the sea anchor from a liferaft to ________.
keep the liferaft from capsizing
navigate against the current
keep personnel from getting seasick
stay in the general location

10. (1)

A raft should be manually released from its cradle by

cutting the straps that enclose the container
removing the rubber sealing strip from the container
loosening the turnbuckle on the securing strap
pushing the button on the hydrostatic release

1. (1)

The tops of the thwarts, side benches, and the footings of a lifeboat are painted which of the f
International orange

2. (1)

In each inflatable liferaft, what equipment is provided to make quick, emergency, temporary
No equipment is provided.
Glue and rubber patches.
Several various-sized sealing clamps
Self-adhesive rubberized canvas patches

3. (1)

Seawater may be used for drinking water __________ .

at a maximum rate of two ounces per day
after mixing with an equal quantity of fresh water
if gather during or immediately after a hard rain
under no circumstance

4. (1)

Generally, when lifting an inflatable life raft back aboard ship, you would use the_________
towing bridle
main weather cover
external lifelines
righting strap

5. (1)

Passenger ships of 500 GT and over are required to carry

at least 2 rescue boats on each side
at least 1 rescue boat on each side
at least 1 rescue boat on one side
at least 2 rescue boats on one side

6. (1)

Your vessel has 3 lifeboats on each side. The aftermost boat on the port side is designated as

7. (1)

A magnetic compass card is marked in how many degrees?


8. (1)

The No. 3 lifeboat would be _________.

next to boat No. 2 on the starboard side
aft of boat No. 1 on the port side
aft of boat No. 1 on the starboard side
aft of boat No. 2 on the port side

9. (1)

In each inflatable rescue boat, what piece of equipment is provided to make quick, emergenc
No equipment is provided.
Glue and rubber patches.
Several various-sized sealing clips.
Self-adhesive rubberized canvas patches.

10. (1)

When operating the air supply system in a covered lifeboat the_________.

fuel supply valve should be closed
hatches, doors, and oar ports should be closed
air cylinder shut-off valve should be closed
engine should be shut off

1. (1)

You are at sea in an inflatable life raft. In high latitudes, the greatest danger is _________ .
collapse of the raft due to cold temperatures
asphyxiation due to keeping the canopy closed
hypothermia caused by cold temperature

2. (1)

Most enclosed lifeboats will right themselves after capsizing IF the__________.

lower ballast tanks are filled with water
fuel tanks are not less than half full
passengers are strapped to their seats
sea anchor is deployed to windward

3. (1)

Which step should normally be taken FIRST by those who have boarded a liferaft in an emer
Ration food and water supplies.
Take anti-seasickness pills, if available.
Determine position and closest point of land.
Check pyrotechnic supplies.

4. (1)

You should deploy the sea anchor from a life raft to

keep the life raft from capsizing
navigate against the current
keep personnel from getting seasick
help stay in the general location

5. (1)

A self-righting survival craft will return to an upright position provided that all personnel ___
are seated with seatbelts on and doors shut
are seated with seatbelts on and doors open
are to shift to one side to right it
escape from the craft
6. (1)

When lowering a personnel net to pick up personnel from a boat, the personnel basket should
lowered over open water
tied to the vessel with a tag line
dropped in the water
tied to the rig with a tag line

7. (1)

If the liferaft capsizes, all personnel should leave the raft and __________.
climb onto the bottom
swim away from the raft
right the raft using the righting strap
inflate the righting bag

8. (1)

Using a sea anchor with the survival craft will __________.

reduce your drift rate
keep the survival craft from turning over
aid in recovering the survival craft
increase your visibility

9. (1)

After abandoning ship, you should deploy the sea anchor from a liferaft to __________.
keep the liferaft from capsizing
navigate against the current
keep personnel from getting seasick
stay in the general location

10. (1)
If you must land on a beach with an oar-propelled lifeboat through a heavy surf, the recomm
keep the bow directly in toward the beach, and tow the sea anchor off the stern
ride in on the back of a large breaker
keep the bow into the seas with the sea anchor out over the bow, and row to meet the breaking waves
head directly into the beach by staying between the crests of the waves

1. (1)

"PAN-PAN" repeated three times over the radiotelephone indicates which type of message w
All clear

2. (1)

After you activate your emergency position indicating radio beacon, you should __________
turn it off for five minutes every half-hour
turn it off and on at five-minute intervals
turn it off during daylight hours
leave it on continuously

3. (1)

Parachute rocket pyrotechnics on ships bridge, display

Smoke signals
A lighted flare
A flashing light
A flag

4. (1)

Under Annex IV of COLREG, the following may be used as a distress signal

Flag Oscar
Flag Bravo
Flag Tango
Continuous sounding with fog signalling apparatus

5. (1)

How can rescue personnel detect that a SART is transmitting in the immediate vicinity?
The SART's blips on the PPI will become arcs and eventually become concentric circles.
The DSC unit will react to the SART's signal and respond with the two-tone alarm.
The SART can provide an approximate location to within a two nautical mile radius, per IMO standar
The SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes; the effect of heavy swells on a SART.

6. (1)

When should you use distress flares and rockets?

Only when there is a chance of their being seen by rescue vessels
At half-hour intervals
At one-hour intervals
Immediately upon abandoning the vessel

7. (1)

Each EPIRB shall be tested using the integrated test circuit and output indicator every _____
two weeks

8. (1)

When firing, the line throwing apparatus should be held at:

30 degrees to the horizontal
45 degrees to the horizontal
60 degrees to the horizontal
75 degrees to the horizontal

9. (1)

What should you do with your emergency position indicating radio beacon if you are in a life
Bring it inside the liferaft and leave it on.
Bring it inside the liferaft and turn it off until the storm passes.
Leave it outside the liferaft and leave it on.
Leave it outside the liferaft but turn it off.

10. (1)

You are in a survival craft broadcasting a distress message. What information would be essen
The nature of the distress
The time of day
Your radio call sign
Your position by latitude and longitude

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