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An Internship Report

General Banking of Southeast Bank Limited

Submitted By
Kazi Md. Sumon Mia
ID No: 09102101189
Intake: 21st
Program: BBA
Major in Finance

Submitted To

Mr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed

Department of Finance
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)

Bangladesh University of Business &Technology (BUBT)

Submission Date: November 18, 2013

Letter of Transmittal

Date: November 18, 2013

Mr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed
Department of Finance
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)

Sub: Submitting the internship report

Honorable Sir,

It is my great pleasure to submit the internship report titled “General Banking of Southeast Bank Limited”
to you. As per requirement of BBA, I have completed the Internship in Southeast Bank Limited.

The internship program has given the opportunity to learn about different aspects of a reputed organization.
Before facing the real Business world, I have gathered a pre idea about the organizational culture. I have
tried to exert all the thinks that I gathered from through working with Southeast Bank Limited.

It took me twelve weeks to prepare the report and I have tried to gather as much information as possible
within limited time period and business due to my preoccupation. Although the stipulated time is not
enough to have an in depth knowledge about the real corporate world, this report gave me much insight in
the products of Southeast banks in Bangladesh.

For further query please do contact with me.

Sincerely yours

Kazi Md. Sumon Mia

ID No: 09102101189
Intake: 21st
Program: BBA
Major in Finance


I declare that the internship entitle “General Banking of Southeast Bank Limited” embodies the results of
my own research work, perused under the supervision of Mr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed, Lecturer,
Department of Finance, Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT).

I future affirm that the work reported in this internship is original and is no part or any other students for
the completion of BBA have submitted whole of the report.


Kazi Md. Sumon Mia

ID No: 09102101189
Intake: 21st
Program: BBA
Major in Finance

Certificate of Supervisor

This is to certify that Kazi Md. Sumon Miais a student of BBA, ID No: 09102101189 successfully
completed his “Internship Program” entitled “General Banking of Southeast Bank Limited” under my
supervision as the practical fulfillment for the award of BBA program.

He has done his job according to my supervision and guidance. He has tried his best to do this successfully.
I think his program will help him in the future to build up his career. I wish his success and prosperity.


Mr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed

Department of Finance
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)

At the beginning I want to pay my homage to the almighty Allah who made me capable to continue my
everyday tasks both inside and outside the workplace during the whole period of my internship program.
Afterward I want to pay my deepest gratitude to Mr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed, Lecturer, Department of
Finance, Bangladesh University of Business & Technology the supervisor of me.

If I don’t mention some names of the staffs of Southeast Bank Limited, Rupnagar branch, my
acknowledgement will be uncompleted. In this part I am highly grateful to Mr. Kayser Imtiaz, the Senior
Assistant Vice President & Head of Branch (Rupnagar) and Ms. Anna Arif, the Principal Officer who
helped me to get this opportunity to prepare my internship report in SEBL.

In account opening section, I want to give thanks Mrs. Zakera Wadud, Mrs. Marina Jahan providing me a
lot of information about the general banking system of Southeast bank Limited and guidelines to prepare
this report.

I also say thanks some clients of SEBL who has provided me necessary support by expressing their
opinion about SEBL’s services.

Successful completion of any course requires support from various people. I have been fortunate to get the
guidance and supervision of my teachers, friends, Southeast Bank Officials and others.

Executive Summary
This report is based on the General Banking of Southeast Bank Limited (SEBL).

Internship program is the pre-requisite for the graduation in BBA. Classroom discussion alone cannot
make a student perfect in handling the real business situation; therefore, it is an opportunity for the
students to know about the real life situation through this program. A report has to be built for the
university and organization requirement. The topic of the report is “General Banking of Southeast Bank
Limited”. The main purpose of the report becomes very clear from the topic of the report. The report
discusses about the different commercial facilities, approval process, monitoring and performance.

This report is broadly categorized in six different parts. At First there is prefatory where I describe the
banking sector and Bangladesh’s economy along with introduction, objective, scope, limitation and
methodology. The main objectives of the report are identifying the commercial approval and monitoring
and their overall performance in the last few years. Part one narrates the company profile including
Southeast Bank’s history, their vision, mission and strategy, products and services, activities and

Part 2 describes the different aspects of organizational overview. Part three forces on the literatures behind
banking credit. It includes services of banking sector, different loan categories, and credit analysis, loan
review and handling default loans. It also describes in details about the procedure of sanctioning credit,
loan documentation, and execution, stamping witness and other legal formalities. It also describes the
issuance of different bank guarantees. Findings and analysis of the information are in Part five of the
report. It includes outstanding, recovery, and classified loan ratios. Difference between the outstanding and
the classified loans in different sectors over the last four years are also analyzed. It also includes the
summery of findings. Findings of the report say about the prior and neglected sectors of the credit
facilities. It also contains the outstanding, recovery and classified loan status in different sectors over the
past few years. The last part ends with competitive analysis, SWOT Analysis, recommendations and

Table of contents

Letter of Transmittal
Student Declaration
Certificate of Supervisor
Executive Summary

Prefatory Page Number

History of Bank

History of Banking in Bangladesh

Overview of private commercial banks in Bangladesh

Bank Licensing

Bank mix

Current Structure of Banks in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Economy

Banking Sector

Chapter-1 Introduction & Background of the Study

1.1- Introduction

1.2-Objective of the study


1.4-Scope of the study

1.5-Limitation of the study

Chapter-2 Organization Overview




2.4-Commitment to Clients

2.5-Values of the Southeast Bank Limited

2.6-Organizational overview of SEBL Rupnagar branch

2.7-Our core strengths

Chapter-3 performance of SEBL


3.2-Loans and advances

3.3-Capital and reserves

3.4-International trade operations of SEBL in 2010

3.5-Swift operations

3.6-Products and services

3.7-Bank’s Profit

Chapter-4 General Banking

3.1-Account Opening Section

3.2-Cash Section

3.3-Remmittance Section

3.4-Clearing Section

 Clearing

 Clearing house

 Members of clearing
 Types of clearing house

 Return cheque

 Bills collection

 Types of bills collection

3.5-Debit & Credit card section

 What is debit card?

 Yearly charges on debit card?

 What is credit card?

 Types of credit card?

 Yearly charges on credit card?

 Documentation for credit card?

4.6- loans & advance section

 Types of advance

4.7-Accounts section

4.8- foreign exchange section

Chapter-5 Findings and Analysis

 SWOT Analysis

 Financial Highlights

 Customer Satisfaction

 Competition Analysis

Chapter-6 Recommendations and
 Recommendation

 Conclusion



History of Bank

The word ‘bank’ comes from the Italian word ‘Banco’ or ‘Banque’. Banco or Basque means a bench. In
early stage money transaction activities was generally done by sitting on the benches in a market. Some
body says the word ‘bank’ comes from the German word ‘bank’ that means the joint stock fund. But now
this word ‘bank’ deals with the money transaction
that made in an institution by following some prescribed rules.

The development of a country depends on the economic condition of the country. Attainment of the desired
level of economic development is targeted by the developing economics for a number of reasons viz.
increasing population, scarce resources, high rate of unemployment, technological backwardness, low level
of standard of living, etc. the process of economic development needs capital formation besidesother
structural changes like improvement in skill and efficiency of manpower, better organization, health and
education system, etc. Capital formation is deemed as the most significant variable of economic
development. An efficient and well-organized financial system contributes to the much- desired economic
development through capital formation, which can be divided into three stages viz., savings, financing and

Banks play a dynamic role in the economic development of a nation. Schumpeter regarded the
banking system as one of the two key agents (the other being entrepreneurship) in the whole process of

Historically, the focus of the commercial banking system was entirely short term, providing only
working capital and trade finance. But the areas of commercial banking have been expected over time. In
the universal banking system of Germany, commercial banks are also an important source of investment
finance. They function like investment banks and provide underwriting and brokerage, and they also have
considerable control over firms both through their own equity holding and proxy votes for private
investors, and by appointing representatives on the boards of firms.

History of Banking in Bangladesh

Bangladesh inherited its banking structure from the British regime and had 49 banks and other
financial institutions before the Partition of India in 1947. The Dhaka Bank established in 1806
was the first commercial bank in the Bangladesh region of British India. Bengal Bank, the first

British-Patronized modern bank established in
India in 1784, had opened its two branches in 1873 in Sirajganj and Chittagong of Bangladesh
region. Later in 1862, the Bengal Bank Purchased the Dhaka Bank and opened its first branch in
Dhaka in the same year by reconstituting and merging the Dhaka Bank. Thereafter, another branch
of Bengal Bank was opened in Chandpur in 1900. A number of other branches of Bengal Bank
were opened in this region and some branches had been closed in Course of time. There were six
other branches of Bengal Bank in operation in the territory of Bangladesh until the Partition of
British-India in 1947 and these branches were at Chittagong (1906), Mymensing (1922), Rangpur
(1923), Chandpur (1924), and Narayanganj(1926).
In the
beginning of 1971, there were 1130 branches of 12 banks in operation in East Pakistan. The
foundation of independent banking system in Bangladesh was laid through the establishment of
the Bangladesh Bank in 1972 by the Presidential Order No. 127of 1972 (which took effect on
16 December, (1971). Through the Order, the eastern branch of the former State Bank of
Pakistan at Dhaka was renamed as the Bangladesh Bank as a full-fledged office of the central
bank of Bangladesh and the entire undertaking of the State Bank of Pakistan in, and in relation to
Bangladesh has been delivered to the Bank.
Bangladesh Bank has been entrusted whit all of the traditional central banking functions including
the sole responsibilities of issuing currency, Keeping the reserves, formulating and managing the
monetary and credit policy, regulating the banking system, stabilizing domestic and external
monetary value, preserving the par value of Bangladesh Taka, fostering economic growth and
development and the development of the country’s market.

The Bangladesh Banks (Nationalization) Order enacted in 1972 nationalized all banks except
foreign ones. Six nationalized banks were formed through merging the existing banks of the
The rate of growth and development of banking sector in the country was extremely slow until
1983 when the government allowed to establish private banks and started denationalization
process: initially, the Uttara Bank in the same year and thereafter, the Pubali Bank, and the Rupali
Bank in 1986. Growth pattern of banks during the period 1973-1983.

Economic history shows that development has
started everywhere with the banking system and its contribution towards financial development of
a country is the highest in the initial stage. Schumpeter (1933) regarded the banking system as one
of the two main agents (other being entrepreneurship) in the whole process of development.
Keynes also emphasized the role of banking services in the process of economic development of a
country, while SHE was addressing the House Lords regarding International and Monetary
System (quoted in Sharma 1985). Moreover Alexander Gerashchenko (1962) in his popularly
known “Gerschenkron’s Hypothesis” explained the banking system as the key role player at
certain stage of the industrialization process.
Modern banking system plays a vital role for a nation’s economic development. Over the last few
years the banking world has been undergoing a lot of changes due to deregulation, technological
innovations, globalization etc. These changes in the banking system also of brought revolutionary
changes in a country’s economy. Present world is changing rapidly to face the challenge of
competitive free market economy. It is well recognized that there is an urgent need for better,
qualified management and better-trained staff in the dynamic global financial market. Bangladesh
is no exceptions of this trend. Banking Sector in Bangladesh is facing challenges from different
angles though its prospect is bright in the future.

Overview of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

There were no domestic private commercial banks in Bangladesh until 1982; When the Arab-Bangladesh
Bank Ltd. commenced private commercial banking in the country. Five more commercial banks came up
in 1983 and initiated a moderate growth in banking financial institutions. Despite slow growth in number
of individual banks, there had been a relatively higher growth of branches of nationalized commercial
banks (NCBs) during 1973-83. There number had increased from 1512 in 1973-74 to4603 in 1982-83.
Financial sector reforms to strengthen the regulatory and supervisory framework for banks made headway
in 2006 although at a slower than expected pace. Overall health of the banking system showed
improvement since 2002 as the gross Non-performing Loans (NPL) declined from 28 percent to 14 percent
while net NPL (less Provision) reduced to 8 percent from 21 percent. This led significant improvement in
the profitability ratios. Although the Private Commercial Banks (PCB) NPL ratio registered a record low of
6 percent, the four Nationalized Commercial Banks (NCB) position are still weak and showed very high
NPL at 25 percent. The NCBs have large capital shortfalls with a risk- Weighted capital asset ratio of just
0.5 percent (June 2006) as against the required 9 percent. For the PCBs risk-weighted capital asset ratio
stood at 10 percent. Bangladesh Bank issued a good number of prudential guidelines during the year 2006
and the first quarter of 2007 which among others relate to:
• Rationalization of prudential norms for loan classification and provisioning,
• Policy for rescheduling of loans,
• Designing and enforcing an "integrated credit
risk grading manual",
• Credit rating of the banks, and
• Revisions to the make-up of Tier-2 capital.

Besides, recent decision of the Government to corporative the remaining three NCBs along with the
initiative to sale the Rupali Bank are bound to usher in changes in the banking sector competitiveness
aspect. Bangladesh Bank has also taken up the task of implementing the Basel II capital accord. Further,
the recent enactment of the Micro-credit Regulatory Authority Act (MRAA) for the regulation of the Micro
Finance Institutions (MFI) has been a major development in the year 2006. Since 1998 CAMEL rating of
banks gradually improved and in 2006 Bangladesh Bank updated this rating model by incorporating the
market risk and the new
Model is known as CAMELS.

Modern banks play an important part in promoting economic development of a country. Banks
provide necessary funds for executing various programs underway in the process of economic
development. They collect savings of large masses of people scattered throughout the country, which in the
absence of banks would have remained idle and unproductive. These scattered amounts are collected,
pooled together and made available to commerce and industry for meeting the requirements. Economy of
Bangladesh is in the group of world’s most underdeveloped economics. One of the reasons may be its
underdeveloped banking system. Government as well as different international organizations have also
identified that underdeveloped banking system causes some obstacles to the process of economic
development. So they have highly recommended for reforming financial sector. Since, 1990, Bangladesh
government has taken a lot of financial sector reform measurements for making financial sector as well as
banking sector more transparent formulation and implementation of these reform activities has also been
participated by different international organization like world Bank, IMF etc.

Bank Licensing
Bank Company Act, 1991, empowers BB to issue licenses to carry out banking business in Bangladesh.
Pursuant to section 31 of the Act, before granting a license, BB needs to be satisfied that the following
conditions are fulfilled: "that the company is or will be in a position to pay its present or future depositors
in full as their claims accrue; that the affairs of the company are not being or are not likely to be
conducted in a manner detrimental to the interest of its present and future depositors; that, in the case of

a company incorporated outside Bangladesh, the
Government or law of the country in which it is incorporated Bangladesh as the Government or law of
Bangladesh grants to banking companies incorporated outside Bangladesh and that the company complies
with all applicable provisions of Bank Companies Act, 1991."

Licenses may be cancelled if the bank fails to comply with above provisions or ceases to carry on
banking business in Bangladesh.

Banks Mix
The commercial banking system dominates the financial sector with limited role of Non-Bank Financial
Institutions and the capital market. The Banking sector alone accounts for a substantial share of assets of
the financial system. The banking system is dominated by the 4 State Owned Commercial Banks, which
together control more than 30% of deposits and operates 3383 branches (50% of the total) as of June 30,

Current Structure of Banks in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Bank (BB) has been working as the central bank since the country's independence. Its prime jobs
include issuing of currency, maintaining foreign exchange reserve and providing transaction facilities of all
public monetary matters. BB is also responsible for planning the government's monetary policy and
implementing it thereby. The BB has a governing body comprising of nine members with the Governor as its
chief. Apart from the head office in Dhaka, it has nine more branches, of which two in Dhaka and one each in
Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Bogra, Sylhet, Rangpur and Barisal. Following is the country’s banking system
as on 29 April, 2010.

Nationalized Commercial Banks (NCBs)

1. Sonali Bank
2. Janata Bank
3. Agrani Bank
4. Rupali Bank

Local Private Commercial
1.Pubali Bank
2.Uttara Bank
3.National Bank Ltd.
4.The City Bank Ltd.
5.United Commercial Bank Ltd.
6. Arab Bangladesh Bank Ltd.
7.IFIC Bank Ltd.
8.Islami bank Bangladesh Ltd.
9.Al Baraka Bank Bangladesh Ltd.
10.Eastern Bank Ltd.
11.National Credit & Commerce Bank Ltd.
12.Prime Bank Ltd.
13.South East Bank Ltd.
14.Dhaka Bank Ltd.
15.Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd.
16.Social Investment Bank Ltd.
17.Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd.
18.Mercantile Bank Ltd.
19.Standard Bank Ltd.
20.One Bank Ltd.
21.EXIM Bank
22.Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.
23.Mutual Trust Bank Ltd.
24.First Security Bank Ltd.
25.The Premier Bank Ltd.
26.Bank Asia Ltd.
27.The Trust Bank Ltd.
28. Shah Jalal Bank Limited (Based on Islamic Shariah)

Foreign Banks
1.American Express Bank
2.Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank
3.Habib Bank Ltd.
4.State Bank Of India
5.Credit Agricole Indosuez (The Bank)
6.National Bank of Pakistan
7.Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd.
8.City Bank NA
9.Hanvit Bank Ltd.
10.HSBC Ltd.
11.Shamil Islami Bank Of Bahrain EC
12.Standard Chartered Bank
Development Banks 1.Bangladesh Krishi Bank
2.RajshahiKrishiUnnayan Bank
3.Bangladesh Shilpa Bank
5.Bank of Small Industries & Commerce Bangladesh Ltd.

Development Bank s

1.Bangladesh Krishi Bank

2.RajshahiKrishiUnnayan Bank
3.Bangladesh Shilpa Bank
5.Bank of Small Industries & Commerce Bangladesh Ltd.

1.Ansar VDP Unnayan Bank
2.Bangladesh Samabai Bank Ltd. (BSBL)
3.Grameen Bank
4.Karmasansthan Bank

Bangladesh Economy
As the world is getting out of the impact of the global financial meltdown, the investors of our Bangladesh
would also feel encouraged to initiate new ventures. Moreover, our main export industry, i.e. RMG and Textile
sector also managed to absorb the shock of the global financial crisis and it had a 6% growth in loans and
advances in 2009 and expects this figure to rise in 2010.

Table 1: Projected GDP Growth for FY10 and FY11

Growth in constant prices

Actual Projection
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

GDP 6.4 6.2 5.9 5.5 5.5-6.1

Private Consumption 5.9 5.5 6.0 7.0 6.0

Government Consumption 6.4 3.6 4.0 6.5 6.5

Gross Fixed Investment 8.7 -0.7 9.3 3.8 5.9-7.5

Exports, GNFS 13.0 7.0 12.2 4.0 6.0-8.0

Imports, GNFS 16.0 -2.1 15.2 7.0 8.0-9.0

Real GDP growth attained in 2009 is estimated by BBS
at 5.9% against 6.2% growth of 2008, subsequently revised downward as the global downturn started impacting
export growth and investment momentum. Agriculture sectors performed strongly. But growth in industry and
Services weakened mainly due to weakening of export demand.

Banking Sector
The banking sector especially the private sector banks made significant progress and growth in terms of
significant market share of deposits and advances through improved customer service, introduction of new
products and switching over to online banking keeping pace with the globalization process. The 30 banks in the
private sector posted a 24% in operating profits in 2009 over the previous year.
Bangladesh Bank has been playing an important role for bringing out discipline and dynamism in exercised by
the central bank, there had been a continuous progress in the reduction of percentage of classified loans in the
banking sector with the recovery of default loans. The banking sector of the country, Due to stringent
supervision and control is in better position so far.


Introduction & Background of the study


This internship was to my job exposure and provided me with learning experience and knowledge in
several areas. I was not only learned about the activities and operations of correspondent Bank, but also
gathered some knowledge about the basic business of the banking in first one month for the purpose to
build up my career.

It is possible to gather theoretical knowledge passing through books but it is insufficient to acquire
practical experience. We collect data to know about unknown factors, we can have accurate knowledge
about the factors by analyzing data.

As a student of finance department in Bangladesh University of Business & Technology, I have earned
theoretical knowledge, which is not exactly same with the practical business environment. The company
internship program applied by the faculty of Business study helps them to have practical experience and
it’s reporting also.

Through this internship program, I come to know about the organization structure, problems, prospects and
operational procedures of Southeast Bank Ltd. So, it is impossible to deny the importance of internship of

Objective the study

The objective of practical orientation is to familiarize with the practical Market and to familiarize with the
practical market and to compare it with the Business theories that we have learnt.

The main objectives of the practical orientation are as follow :

 To familiarize with practical job
 To have and exposure on the financial institution such as banking environment of Bangladesh.
 To gain experience on different functions of the different department of the Bank.
 To observe Banker- customer relationship.
 To relate the theories of Banking with the practical Banking.
 To examine the profitability and productivity of the Bank.


The report was fully exploratory in nature. Data have been collected from both primary and secondary

Primary sources of data

 Face to face conversation with the bank officers and staffs.

 Informal conversation with the clients
 Practical work exposures from different division of the bank.
 Relevant files and documents as provided by the concerned officer.
Secondary sources of data

 Annual report of Southeast Bank Ltd.

 Different papers of Southeast Bank.
 Office file
 Various books, articles, manuals etc.
 Information about the organization from their company profile.
 Web Sites of Bangladesh Bank, Islamic Development Bank, IBBL, Southeast Bank etc.
 Unpublished data.
 Different text books.


The reports cover the Banking service to the customers especially the customer service of Southeast Bank
Ltd. This report has been prepared though extensive discussion with Bank employees and also with the

The study was kept to the Rupnagar Branch of Southeast Bank Ltd. This Bank deal with all type of general
Banking operations foreign exchange and credit operations according to the rules and regulations provided
by the Bangladesh Bank.


 The main constraint of the study was shortage of time.

 The constraint of the study was insufficiency
of information, which is highly required for the study. Southeast Bank is a new unable to provide
some formatted documents and publications for the study.
 Since the Bank personnel were very busy, they failed to given me enough time to complete the
 The clients were very busy, so they were unable to give me much time for interview.
 I carried out such a study for the first time. So, inexperience is one of the main factors that
constituted the limitation of the study.
It is also a limitation that only 100 client’s opinion takes as a sample of whole Bank, which may
not represent the overall of real condition of the Bank.


Organization Overview

Southeast Bank Limited was established in 1995 with a dream and a vision to become a pioneer banking
institution of the country and contribute significantly to the growth of the national economy. The Bank was
established by leading business personalities and eminent industrialists of the country with stakes in
various segments of the national economy. The incumbent Chairman of the Bank is Mr. AlamgirKabir,
FCA, a professional Chartered Accountant. Mr. M. A. Kashem a member of the Board and Mr. Yussuf
Abdullah Harun were past Presidents of the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and
Industries (FBCCI).

Southeast Bank is run by a team of efficient professionals. They create and generate an environment of
trust and discipline that encourages and motivates everyone in the Bank to work together for achieving the
objectives of the Bank. The culture of maintaining congenial work - environment in the Bank has further
enabled the staff to benchmark themselves better against management expectations. A commitment to
quality and excellence in service is the hallmark
of their identity.

Southeast Bank takes pride for bringing women

into the banking profession in a significant
number for gender equality. At present, 32% of
SEBL's employees are women that will rise to
45% over the next five years.

To be a premier banking institution in Bangladesh and contribute significantly to the national economy.


 High quality financial services with state of the art technology

 Fast customer service
 Sustainable growth strategy
 Follow ethical standards in business
 Steady return on shareholders’ equity
 Innovative banking at a competitive price
 Attract and retain quality human resource
 Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

Commitment to Clients
 Provide service with high degree of professionalism and use of modern technology
 Create long - term relationship based on mutual trust
 Respond to customer needs with speed and accuracy
 Share their values and beliefs
 Grow as our customers grow
 Provide products and service at competitive pricing
 Ensure safety and security of customers' valuables in trust with us

Values of the Southeast Bank Limited:

 Integrity
 Respect
 Fairness
 Harmony
 Team Spirit
 Courtesy
 Commitment
 Service Excellence
 Insight and Spirit
 Enthusiasm for Work
 Business Ethics

Our Core Strengths

 Transparent and Quick Decision Making
 Efficient Team of Performers
 Satisfied Customers
 Internal Control
 Skilled Risk Management
 Diversification


Performance of SEBL
The Bank mobilized total deposits of Tk. 107,729.59 million as of December, 2010 as compared to Tk.
96,669.05 million in 2009. Competitive interest rates, attractive deposit products, deposit mobilization
efforts of the employees and condense reposed by the customers in the Bank contributed to the notable
growth in deposits. e Bank introduced a number of attractive deposit schemes to cater to the
requirement of small and medium savers is improved not only the quantum of deposits but also brought
about qualitative changes in deposits structure. The deposit mix of the Bank as on December 31, 2010
was as follows:

Loans and advances

Year 2010 saw many ups and downs in the economic
field of the country. The capital market witnessed unprecedented surge from the middle of the year and
also the market started to decrease in the last quarter. The commercial banks faced liquidity problem and
had to squeeze their lending to some extent. The loans and advances portfolio stood at Tk.92, 452.62
million as on 31st December, 2010 in comparison to Tk.77, 497.57 million as on 31st December, 2009
registering a growth of 19%.

The loan portfolio of the bank covered deferent sectors like readymade garments, textile, spinning, dyeing,
ceramics, pharmaceuticals, telecommunication, petroleum, steel, and engineering, ship scrapping, cement,
edible oil, sugar industry, real estate, transport, agriculture, SME and other commercial products ensuring
diversification without concentration in any specific sector.

Capital and Reserves

The Authorized Capital of the Bank was Tk.10, 000.00 million and paid-up Capital wasTk.6, 930.84
million as of December 31, 2010.The Capital and Reserve of the Bank in 2010 stood at Tk.17, 095.90
million compared to Tk.9, 927.16 million of the previous year showing an increase of 72.21 percent.

Analysis of Income and Expenditure Statements

A brief analysis on Bank’s income and expenditure in 2010 is given below:

Interest Income
For the year 2010 interest Income of the Bank was Tk.10, 257.04 million as against tk.8, 962.09 income
growth generated mainly from Loans and Advances which remained the main contributor.

Interest Expenses
Total Interest Expenses in 2010 was Tk.7, 580.85 million as against Tk. 7,555.99 million in 2009, posting
an increase of 0.33 percent.

Net Interest Income

The net interest income of the Bank for the year 2010 stood at Tk.2, 676.19 million against Tk.1, 406.09
million of the previous year.

Investment Income
In 2010, Bank’s income from investment was Tk.3, 788.43 million as compared toTk.2, 615.82 million of
the previous year. Income increased by Tk.1, 172.61 millionregistering a growth of 44.83 percent.
Investment income consists of interest earned andcapital gain on treasury bills and bonds dividend
received from shares and gain frominvestment in shares.
Other Income
In the year under review, commission, exchange and brokerage earnings increased to Tk.1, 700.99 million
from Tk.1644.22 million of 2009. This was due to enhanced treadrelated fee based activity.

Operating Expenses
In the year under review, total operating expenses stood at Tk.1, 735.54 million as against bTk.1, 244.55
million of previous year, thus, registering an increase of 39.45 percent.

Project Finance and Value Addition to GDP

From the very inception, Southeast Bank’s lending policy is projected to finance the prime sectors
contributing more to GDP and 2010 was not any exception. Besides RMG, the Bank has significant
exposure in ceramics, healthcare, sugar, petroleum and infrastructure projects contributing significantly to
the GDP of the country. In the years to come, the bank expects to mobilize additional financing in new
project ventures like agro based industries, jute & jute goods, oil and petroleum, gas, light engineering
products etc.

Investment Scenario

The investment portfolio of the Bank during the year 2010 was Tk.18, 327.65 million against Tk.21,
350.23 million in the previous year. The portfolio of investment included Government Treasury Bills, Prize
Bonds, Shares of Public Limited Companies etc. The Bank has always given emphasis on investment of
Funds in high yield areas simultaneously maintaining Statutory Liquidity Requirements (SLR) as fixed by
Bangladesh Bank.

International Trade Operations of Southeast Bank in 2010

Southeast Bank has always focused on facilitating its corporate customers with state-of-the-art solutions
for conducting international trade business. A team of seasoned professionals at our 21 Authorized Dealer
branches are adequately trained and have the expertise to handle the Import and Export Letters of Credit,
Foreign Guarantees and Standby Letter of Credits and Documentary Collections of our valued customers.
Apart from the 21 Authorized Dealer Branches, our non-Authorized Dealer branches located all over the
country are also sufficiently staffed and have the infrastructure to handle international trade of their
corporate customers through the AD branches. With the combination of experienced foreign exchange
professionals, timely and efficient trade finance solutions and strong infrastructural support, Southeast

Bank has seen the gradual and steady growth in its
International Trade activities over the years since its incepti on.

Import Trade

In 2010 Southeast Bank has seen another year of sustained growth in its Import Business.This year the
total Import finance of the Bank was Tk. 103,726.7 million (eqvt. USD 1466.10 million) registering a
growth of 49% over the Import finance of 2009. Apart from essential commodities such as Wheat, Sugar
and Edible Oil, our other major imported items for 2010 were Capital Machineries, Fabrics and
Accessories, Scrap Vessel, Live Ocean Going Vessel, Steel Billets and Passenger Aircraft.Year-wise Import
Finance Figures of the bank for last 6 years are as below:

Export Trade

Acknowledging the fact that a country’s export sector is the lifeblood for its economy, Southeast Bank has
given utmost thrust to boost the Country’s export sector through offering prioritized services to the
exporters. Since 2003, Southeast Bank has seen a Substantial and consistent growth in its export trade.
Despite the aftershock of global economic downturn, which still persisted in 2010, Southeast Bank
registered a sound growth in its export finance in 2010. The combined foreign currency endow from export
and foreign remittance has enabled our Bank in efficient treasury fund management to settle our import
commitments without being dependent on the highly volatile local inter-bank foreign exchange
market in 2010. The major export items of our Bank in 2010 were Readymade Garments, Jute and Jute
made goods, Ceramics, Frozen Fish and Agricultural products. In 2010 the total export finance of the
Bank was Tk.58, 158.06 million (equivalent to USD 822.02 million) which is 24% higher than that of

Inward Foreign Remittance

The year 2010 has not been a promising one for the country in remittance business. Against an increase of
10% for the year 2009, remittance growth fell to 2.2 % for the country in the year 2010.There are a number
of factors for this downward trend in remittance. First, the global depression has been one important reason
for the fall in remittance. Second, the manpower export has also fallen in 2010 that has in turn negatively
affected remittance growth.

In the context of the depressing national growth, Southeast Bank’s remittance business has grown by 18%.
In the year 2009, we brought home Tk. 23,779.20 million in remittance. In 2010, the amount grew to Tk.
28,082.25 million. In bringing home this amount, we have moved into the sixth place among the private
banks in the remittance business. Our share in the overall remittance business has increased from 3.21% of
the market to 3.67%. In the year 2010, we have strengthened the structure of the remittance business
substantially. Abroad, we have entered into business relationship with a number of leading exchange
houses in different countries.

Within the country, we have entered into agreement with a number of established NGOs in order to use
their outlets for distributing remittance money to the beneficiaries. We have entered into these agreements
in order to overcome our own weakness where our 66 branches and 10 added towards the end of the year
are alone very inadequate for remittance business. As a result of these agreement, our total outlets for
distributing money to the beneficiaries stand at 900.

In anticipation of the usefulness of mobile technology in the remittance business, we have entered into an
agreement with Grameen Phone Limited. Bangladesh Bank has given them permission to execute the
agreement which will be done as soon as Grameen phone receives the approval of Bangladesh Bank. We
are also in discussion with other mobile operators to enter into agreement with them.

In order to help the expatriates, SEBL has launched a new product that we have named

“ProbashiReen”. _is has been done as part of a
DFID (Department for International Development, UK) aided project under the guidance of Bangladesh
Bank and in partnership with Bangladesh Consultant Limited. _e expatriate workers who have jobs abroad
and have received training will be given loan under this scheme at a reasonable rate of interest to pay the
manpower agent to save them from borrowing money from the money lenders at exorbitant rate of interest,
often by selling or mortgaging whatever land or property they possess. This scheme will also help the
expatriate workers to have their documents checked by the Bank so that they do not become victims of
fraud and deceit.

Assets Portfolio

As on 31st December, 2010, the total assets of the Bank stood at TK.1, 31,943.48
million. The break-up of the total assets are given below:

Taka in Million

a) Cash and Cash Equivalent 10,836.19

b) Investments 18,327.65
c) Loans and Advances 92,452.62
d) Fixed Assets 4,463.08
e) Other Assets 5,863.94

SWIFT Operations

Southeast Bank has become member of SWIFT in 2000 to ensure smooth, reliable and secured financial
transactions for its retail and corporate customers. Our SWIFT team consists of one of the most
experienced and trained experts available in the local banking sector. Over the years our expert SWIFT
team has introduced many innovative features in its existing SWIFT system. In the last quarter of 2010,
Southeast Bank Limited SWIFT unit introduced web based centralized software “SWIFT Alliance
Messenger – SE” (SAM) so that all branches can be hooked up to SWIFT uninterrupted with more than
9,000 Live User Institutions in 210 countries around the world.

Products and Services

In line with the Bank’s objective to become market leader, Southeast Bank Limited adopted a customer-
oriented service policy and developed diverse products to meet the needs of corporate, commercial and
retail customers. _at is why the Bank increases its branch network always to reach all classes of the
potential customers of the Bank. In continuation to this, bank converted its all SME Services Centers into
SME/Agri Branches and opened another five new SME/Agri Branches and five new state-of-the-art
branches in the year 2010. In addition, the Bank also intensified and strengthened its technological
infrastructure to ensure that transactions are executed safely and faster at competitive prices.

Year-wise Net Profit for the last five years

Net profit of the Bank stood at Tk.2, 763.14 million as on 31st December, 2010 as against Tk.1870.19
million in the previous year showing an increase of 48 percent. The total lending for the last 5 years are
given below:

Year Amount Growth

(Taka in million) Rate
2010 2,763.14 47.75%
2009 1,870.19 110.80%
2008 887.24 (27.41%)
2007 1,222.97 34.41%
2006 909.88 143.15%


General Banking
General Banking Department

General Banking Department is the heart of all banking activities. This is the busiest and important
department of a branch, because funds are mobilized, cash transactions are made; clearing remittance and
accounting activities are done here. Since bank is confined to provide the services everyday, general
banking is also known as retail banking. In SEBL Rupnagar branch, the following department is under
general banking section:

1. Account opening section

2. Cash section
3. Remittance section
4. Clearing section
5. Debit & Credit Card section
6. Loans & Advance section
7. Accounts section
8. Foreign Remittance section

4.1 Account opening section

Account opening is the gateway for clients to enter into business with bank. It is the foundation of banker
customer relationship. This is one of the most important sections of a branch, because by opening accounts
bank mobilizes funds for investment. Various rules
and regulations are maintained and various documents are taken while opening an account. A customer can
open different types of accounts through this department.

Savings Bank (SB) Account

Savings Bank (SB) Account is designed for savers who want to save a small part of their income to
be used in the near future and also intend to have some income on such savings. They can deposit a
small amount and can withdraw whenever they desire but the total numbers of withdrawals over a
period of time are limited.

Features and Benefits

Bank pays attractive interest.

Personalized MICR Cheque Book is available.

Nominal service charge.

Any branch banking facility (Cash withdrawal and deposit from any branch).

Bank accepts and supports Standing Instructions.

Nomination facility is available to nominate beneficiary for account proceeds.

Interest is payable on half yearly basis.

Charge free statement of A/C, Balance Confirmation Certificate twice in a year on half yearly basis.

Option is available to collect e - Statement on monthly basis.

Resident Bangladeshi National

Age: 18 years or above.

Joint account can be opened.

Minor account can be opened under the supervision of his / her / their guardian.



Applicants must satisfy the following documentation requirements for Personal Banking:

Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License;

Two copies of recent passport size photograph duly attested by the introducer.

The account requires an introduction by an existing and satisfactory account holder of Southeast Bank

Certified document(s) for source of income.

Tax Certificate.

Proof of communication address: Photocopy of an Electricity Bill / Gas Bill / Wasa Bill / Telephone Bill.

Initial deposit of Tk 5,000/- for urban clients and Tk 1,000/- for rural clients.

Nominee form and photograph of nominee(s) (signature attested by the account holder). In case of minor
nominee, copy of the birth certificate and photograph required;

Personal Information Form.

Transaction Profile.

KYC Form.

Fees & Charges

Rate of Interest : 6.50%

Cheque Book Issuance fee (10 leafs per book): Taka 60/-

Standing Instruction charge TK 100 for compliance of each Instruction

Account Closing Charge Taka 250/-.

Vat applicable for all fees & charges @15%.

Online Transactions - free of service charge.

Rate of Interest : 6.50%

Cheque Book Issuance fee (10 leafs per book): Taka 60/-

Standing Instruction charge TK 100 for compliance of each Instruction

Account Closing Charge Taka 250/-.

Vat applicable for all fees & charges @15%.

Online Transactions - free of service charge.

Current Deposit (CD) Account

Current Deposit (CD) Account is a transactional account where there is no restriction on number
of transactions in the account. It is an easy - to - use cash account.

Features and Benefits

Unlimited transactions are allowed.

Personalized MICR Cheque Book is


No any withdrawal notification required.

Nominal service charge.

Any branch banking facility (Cash withdrawal

and deposit from any branch)

BanBank accepts and supports Standing


No Nomination facility is available to nominate beneficiary for account proceeds.

CD Account can beChCharge freeforstatement

opened both of and
Individual A/C,Corporate
Balance Confirmation
bodies. Certificate twice in a year on half
yearly basis.
CD Account can be opened both for resident and non - resident Bangladeshi Nationals.
Option is available to collect e - Statement on monthly basis.
Age bar for Personal CD Account: 18 years or above.

Joint account can be opened.

Minor account can be opened under the supervision of his / her / their guardian.

Account can be opened in the name of Trust / Club / Association / Societies / Non - Trading


i. Proprietorship firm:

There is a different account opening from for the proprietorship firm by the Southeast Bank Ltd. For this
account, a customer must need to submit the papers with the from:

 Photograph.
 Signature and Rubber- stamp seal of the client.
 And introducer of Southeast Bank Ltd. Introducer must be account holder.
 Chairmen certificate of the proprietor.
 Trade license.
 Voter ID Card

Current deposit account is opened with neither a sum of nor less than 1000. The introducer must attest

ii. Partnership firm:

There is a different account opening from for the proprietorship firm. Interaction for running an account is
giving in this.
The following documents are required to open this type of accounts.

 Photograph.
 Signature and Rubber-stamp seal of the service receiver.
 Chairman certificate of the partners.
 And introducer of Southeast Bank Ltd. Introducer must be CD Account holder.
 Trade license.
 Partnership deed registered by Notary public.
 Partnership letter along with address and signature.
 Voter ID Card

Current deposit Account is opened with neither a sum of nor less than Tk. 2000. The photographs must
attested by the introducer.

Limited company:

A separate account from is used for limited company. There are two kinds of limited company – public
company and private limited company. The Bank always takes precautions for opening this type of
accounts. Several documents are submitted by the clients, which should be checked carefully by the Bank
to be legally in a safe position. Requirements to open an account are as follows:

a. Private limited company:

 Photograph.
 Signature and Rubber- stamp of the client.
 Chairman certificate of the owner.
 An introducer of Southeast Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. Introducer must be CD account holder.
 Trade license
 Certified copy of memorandum and articles of association.
 Incorporation Certificate.
 Membership Certificate.
 Memorandum.

b. Public limited company:

 Photograph.
 Signature and Rubber- stump seal of the client.
 Chairman certificate of the directors.
 An introducer of Southeast Bank Ltd. Introducer must be CD account holder.
 Trade license.
 Certificate of Incorporation.
 Certificate copy of memorandum and articles of association.
 List of directors as per return of joint stock Company with signature.
 Certificate of commencement of business.

Club society:

The following document duly completed shall be obtained from the customer at the time of current
deposit account of Association/Club/Charity/Trust/Society etc.


Signature and Rubber-stamp seal of the client.

An introducer Southeast ofBank Ltd. Introducer must be CD account holder.

Chairman certificate of the client.

Certified true copy of constitution/By-laws/Trust deed/Memorandum and articles of association.

Certified of registration of the association/Club/Charity/Trust/Society (For inspection and returned

only certified.)

List of members of the Governing body/Executive committee of the Association

/Club/Charity/Trust/Society with their address.

Exact of resolution of the Association/Club/Charity/Trust/Society for opening the account and

authorization for its operation duly certified by the chairman sectary of the
Association/Club/Charity / Trust/ Society. Etc.

Fees & Charges

Rate of Interest: 0.00%

Cheque Book Issuance fee
Tk. 150/- for cheque book of 20 leafs
Tk. 300/- for cheque book of 50 leafs
Standing instruction charge Tk. 100 for compliance
Account closing charge Tk. 350/-
VAT applicable for all fees & charges @15%
Half yearly service charge
Taka 1,000/- on each account of urban branches.
Taka 500/- on each account of rural branches.
Online transaction- free of service charge.

Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) Account

Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) Account offers the customers the opportunity to invest a fixed amount
for a fixed period at a fixed rate of interest. The customers have the option to re - invest their funds
both principal amount and interest amount on maturity or principal amount and the interest amount
being paid into their SB or CD accounts.

Features and Benefits

Money can grow with attractive interest rate with flexible tenure.

Automatic renewal facility at maturity.

Loan facility against FDR Account to meet urgent financial needs.

The customer may avail loan facilities against FDR Account as security.
FDR Account can be opened both for Individual and Corporate bodies.
Premature closure facility at savings rate.
Only Resident Bangladeshi National is allowed to open Personal FDR Account.

Age bar for opening of Personal FDR Account: 18 years or above.

Joint account can be opened.

Minor account can be opened under the supervision of his / her / their guardian.

FDR Account can be issued for senior citizen with attractive rate.


Fees & Charges

No fees and charge except duplicate issuance of FDR. (i.e. Taka 100/- for FDR account value up
to 1 lac and Taka 300/- for FDR account value above Taka 1 lac );
Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) For both Individual and Corporate
For any amount
1 (one) month 12.50%
2 (two) months 12.50%
3 (three) months 12.50%
6 (six) months 12.50%
1 (one) year 12.50%
For Senior Citizen Scheme: 12.50% (For Any Amount)

VAT applicable for all fees & charges @15%.

Double Benefit Scheme (DBS) Account

Double Benefit Scheme (DBS) Account is a time specified deposit scheme for clients where the
deposited money will be doubled on maturity.

Features and Benefits

Amount to be deposited TK 10,000 or its multiple;

Deposited amount will be doubled in 6 years;

Account can be opened at any working day of the month;

Allowed to open more than one DBS Account at any branch of the Bank;

Loan facility against lien of DBS Account;

The Scheme is covered by Insurance and Insurance Premium is borne by the bank;

Premature closure facility.


DBS Account can be opened both for Individual and Corporate bodies.

Only Resident Bangladeshi National is allowed to open Personal DBS Account.

Age bar for opening of Personal DBS Account: 18 years or above.

Joint account can be opened.

Minor account can be opened under the supervision of his / her / their guardian.
Fees & Charges
 No fees and charges

Special Notice Deposit (SND) Account

Special Notice Deposit (SND) Account is an interest bearing deposit where advance notice is required
for withdrawal. SND Account is very much similar to CD Account.

Features and Benefits

Bank pays attractive interest.

Personalized MICR Cheque Book is available.

Nominal service charge.

Any branch banking facility (Cash withdrawal and deposit from any branch)

Bank accepts and supports Standing Instructions.

Nomination facility is available to nominate beneficiary for account proceeds.

Interest is payable on half yearly basis.

Charge free statement of A/C, Balance Confirmation Certificate twice in a year on half yearly / yearly basis.

Option is available to collect e - Statement on monthly basis.


SND Account can be opened both for Individual and Corporate bodies.

SND Account & NBFIs : 4.50%
be opened both for resident and non - resident Bangladeshi Nationals.

Age bar for Personal SND Account: 18 years or above.

Corporate Premium Account (average balance Tk 100 crore& above): Will be fixed upon specific
Joint account can befrom Head Office on case case basis.

Minor account can be opened under the supervision of his / her / their guardian.

Account can Account
be opened (IPO):
in the Will
name of be fixed
Trust upon/ Association
/ Club approval from Head Office
/ Societies / Nonon- Trading
case to case basis.

Cheque Book Issuance fee

Taka 150/- for cheque book of 20 leafs

Taka 300/- for cheque book of 50 leafs

Standing Instruction charge TK 100 for compliance of each Instruction

Account Closing Charge Taka 350/-.

VAT applicable for all fees & charges @15%.

Half yearly Service Charge

Taka 1,000/- on each account of urban branches.

Taka 500/- on each account of rural branches.

Online Transactions - free of service charge.

Fees & Charges

Special Notice Deposit (SND)Account

Banks and NBFIs : 5.50%
Below Tk. 1.00 Tk. 1.00 Crore& Tk. 25.00 Crore& Tk. 50.00 Crore& Tk. 100.00 Crore&
Crore above but below above but below above but below above
Tk. 25.00 Crore Tk. 50.00 Crore Tk. 100.00 Crore
6.00% 6.25% 6.25% 6.50% 9.00%

Mother Account (IPO): Will be fixed upon approval from Head Office on case to case basis.

Monthly Savings Scheme (MSS) Account

Your dreams may turn into reality through Southeast bank's Monthly Savings Scheme (MSS)
Features and Benefits

Matured Amount
Monthly Installment (Tk 500 3 Years 5 Years
and it's Multiple)
500/- 21,500/- 41,000/-
1000/- 43,000/- 82,000/-
5000/- 215,000/- 410,000/-
10000/- 430,000/- 820,000/-
25000/- 1,075,000/- 2,050,000/-

Tenor: 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 years term;

Deposit on monthly installment basis;

Attractive rate of interest;

Account can be opened at any working day of the month;

Monthly installment can be deposited through a standing debit instruction from the designated CD/SB

Monthly installment can be deposited in advance;

An account can be transferred from one branch to another branch of the bank;

Credit facility for maximum of 2 years can be availed at any time during the period of the scheme;

Allowed to open more than one MDS Account for different amount at any branch of the Bank;

Fees & Charges

Account transfer fee is Taka 500/-

Account closure fee is Taka 500/-

Penalty of Taka 200/- for failure to pay monthly installment within the stipulated time;

VAT applicable for all fees & charges @15%

All Accounts Requirements
Applicants must satisfy the following documentation requirements:

Two copies of passport size photograph;

Cheque on Self or Cash deposit or Standing debit instruction from the designated CD/SB Account;

Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card /
Driving License.

Photograph of Nominee. In case of minor nominee, copy of the birth certificate and photograph
4.2 Cash Section

Cash section of any Bank plays a vital role in general banking procedure. Because it deals with the most
liquid assets. There are several counter works simultaneously in cash section of Southeast Bank,Rupnagar
branch. There are also some electronic counting machines by which a huge amount of case money can be
counted within a few minutes.

a. Cash receiving procedure:

The work of case receiving counter is examining deposit slips. Depositor user the prescribed deposit slip
supplied by the Bank for deposit cash, draft, cheque, pay order etc.
In all types of deposits teller must cheek the following things:

 The slip has been properly filled up.

 The title of the account and its umber.
 The amount in figure and in words is same.
 Instrument signed by the depositor.

After checking all these things the teller will accept the cash, cheque, draft, pay order etc. Against deposit
slip, the teller will please the cash in the drawer account to denominations. The teller will place signature
affix “cash receipt, rubber stamp seal” and record in the cash received register book against the account
number, at the end of thisprocedure, the cash officer passes the deposits slip to the computer section for
posting purpose and returns the customer’s copy.

Accounting treatment:

Date Particulars Debit Credit(Tk.)

Cash A/C Dr. Xxx Xxx
To Customer’s A/C

b. Cash payment procedures

In order to safeguard the position the paying Banker has to observe the following precaution before
honoring the cheque:
 A cheque must look whether it is an opened or closed cheque.
 The paying officer should see whether the cheque is drowning on his branch.

 He must see if the cheque is postdated .A letter must not pay post- dated cheque.

 The officer must carefully see the apparent tenor of the cheque. If it is mutilated of materially
altered then the officer must not honor it.

 The offer must compare the signature of the cheque with the signature of the specimen signature

 The officer must verify the regularity of the endorsement.

 The officer may allow overdue against a
cheque if prior arrangement is done with the bank.

Padding a cheque:

After verifying the above mentioned things the offer to make payment by putting ‘pay cash’ seal the cash
officer make it clear to pay. The cash officer gives the cash amount to the holder and record in the cash
paid register.
Account treatment:

Date Particulars Debit(Tk) Credit(TK)

Customer A/C Dr. Xxx

To Cash A/C

4.3.Remittance Section:

Banks have a wide network of branches over the country and offer various kinds of remittance of the
public. The main instrument used by the AL-ARAFAH ISLAMI Bank of remittance of funds is:

 Payment order (PO)

 Demand Draft(DD)
 Telegraphic Transfer(TT)
 On-Line Transfer.

a. Demand Draft (DD):

It is an instrument containing an unconditional order of one Bank to another to pay a certain amount of
money to the named or order the amount therein on demand. DD is very munching popular instrument for
remitting money from one corner of a country to another. Commission for DD is 0.1% of the principle

b. Accounting treatment:

(DD by Cheque/cash)

Date Particulars Debit(Tk.) Credit(Tk.)

Cheque/Cash A/c Dr. Xxx
To Demand Draft Xxxx
To DD commission A/c Xxxx

c. Different between pay order and demand draft:

There are some different between pay order and
demand draft, which are:
 In case of demand draft both the payee need to have account. But there is no certain rule for pay
 PO is used in the same clearing area. DD is used for all kinds. DD can not be done in the same
clearing area.
 DD is drawn on a certain Bank officer. But there is no certain rule for PO.

d. Telegraphic Transfer (TT)

Telegraphic transfer is the quickest method of transferring funds from one place of another. Sometimes the
remitter wants that the money to be available to the payee immediately. In that case bankers are requested
to remit the fund telegraphically. Here the remitter bears the additional charge of telex/telephone. Charge
for TT is 0.15% of the principal amount and the addition charge telex/telephone is Tk. 30.00 In case of TT
both the parts must have accounted.

4.4 Clearing Section:

a) Clearing:

Clearing is a system by which a bank can collect customers fund from one bank to another through
clearing house.

b) Clearing House:

Clearing House is a place where the representatives of different banks get together to receive and
deliver check with another banks.
c) Member of Clearing House:

SOUTHEAST Bank Ltd is a scheduled Bank. According to the Article 3 7(2) of Bangladesh Bank
Order, 1972, the banks, which are the member of the clearinghouse, are called as Scheduled Banks.
The scheduled banks clear the cheque drawn upon one another through the clearinghouse.

d) Types of Clearing:
i. Outward Clearing: When the Branches of a Bank receive cheque from its customers drawn
on the other Banks within the local clearing zone for collection through Clearing House, it
is Outward Clearing.

ii. Inward Clearing: When the Banks receive cheque drawn on them from other Banks in the
Clearing House it is Inward Clearing.

e) Types of Clearing House:
There are two types of clearing house:

i. Normal Clearing House.

ii. Same Day Clearing House.

1) Normal Clearing House:

a) 1st house: 1st house normally stands at 10 am to 11 am.

b) 2nd house: 2nd house normally stands after 3 p.m. and it is known as return house.

2) Same Day Clearing House:

a) Who will deposit cheque for Clearing: Only the regular customers i.e. Who have Savings, Current, STD
& Loan account in the bank can deposit cheque for collection of fund through clearing house.
b) Precaution at the time of cheque receiving for Clearing, Collecting, Collection of LBC, OBC &

I. Name of the account holder same in the cheque& deposit slip.

II. Amount in the cheque& deposit slip must be same in words & in figure.
III. Date in cheque may be on or before (but not more than six months back) clearing house date.
IV. Bank & Branch name of the cheque, its number & date in the Deposit slip.
V. Cheque must be signed.
VI. Signature for confirmation of date, amount in words / in figure Cutting & Mutilation of cheque.
VII. Cheque should be crossed (not for bearer cheque).
VIII. Account number in the deposit slip must be clear.
IX. Depositor’s signature in the deposit slip.

f) Return Cheque:
In the time of clearing process some instruments might be returned. If client wants to get back their return
cheque then authorized officer issue a debit voucher, which is as follows:-

Debit head:- Parties account

Narration: - Being the amount return on cheque no drown on.(Name of drawn Bank) return on

And this debit voucher posted on cash departments compute by debating parties account.
In the case of replacement

If client wants to replace their return cheque for clearing then authorized officer put another endorsement
seal on the back of that instrument. Endorsement as follows:
First payee’s endorsement confirmed and account credited and
Second payee’s account credited for SEBL, Gazipur then branch, and Dhaka.
He issues a credit voucher which is as follows:

Credit head:- Parties account

Narration: - Being the amount…cheque no drawn on dated …sent for collection.

g) Bills Collection:

In modern banking the mechanism has become complex as far as smooth transaction and safety is
concerned. Customer does pay and receive bill from their counterpart as a result of transaction.
Commercial bank’s duty is to collect bills on behalf of their customer.

h) Types of Bills for collection

a) Outward Bills for Collection (OBC)
b) Inward Bills for Collection (IBC)

a) What is OBC?
OBC means Outward Bills for Collection. OBC exists with different branches of different banks outside
the local clearinghouse. Normally two types of OBC:
1) OBC with different branches of other banks.
2) OBC with different branches of same bank.
Procedure of OBC:

1) Entry in the OBC register.

2) Put OBC number in the Cheque.

3) “Crossing seal” on the left corner of the cheque& “payees account will be credited on realization”
seal on the back of the cheque with signature of the concerned officer.

4) Dispatch the OBC cheque with forwarding.

b) What is IBC?

When the banks collect bills as an agent of the
collecting branch, the system is known as IBC. In this case the bank will work as an of the collection
bank. The branch receives a forwarding letter and the bill.

Procedure of IBC:

1) IBC against OBC:To receive the OBCcheque first we have to give entry in the IBC register. The
IBC number should put on the forwarding of the OBC with date.
2) Deposit of OBC amount: OBC cheque amount is put into the “sundry deposit sundry creditors
account”, prepare debit & credit voucher of it.
3) If the OBC cheque is dishonored, the concerned branch is informed about it.
4) Again place in the clearing house or send the OBC cheque with return memo to the issuing branch
according to their information.

4.5 Debit & Credit card section

Carrying of cash is not so safe in today’s world. There is always a chance of losing or hijacking of cash.
On the other hand, the desire to purchase any desired item of one may not be fulfilled for the want of cash
at the time of that willingness. To remove these problems, debit & credit card has been introduced which is
very popular to face the mentioned problems.

a) What is debit card?

Debit card / ATM card means automated teller machine. SEBL ATM card give opportunity to their
customer that they can withdraw their money at any time, any days even holidays. By using ATM
subscriber can give various utility bill such as gas, telephone, electricity bills etc.

b) Yearly charges on ATM card?

ATM card holders have to pay 1000 taka annually and in the case of card lost subscriber also pay
additional 500 taka.

c) What is credit card?

It is a card that assures a seller that the person using it has a satisfactory credit rating and that the issuer
will see to it that the seller receives payment for the merchandise delivered.

d) Types of credit card?

Southeast Bank Limited offers mainly two types of credit card according to the geographical area. These
are Local and International credit card. According to the level of income the local and international credit
cards are divided into two categories Visa Gold card and Silver card.
These types of credit cards are described below:

1) Local Credit Card:

Local credit card is valid only in Bangladesh. Out side Bangladesh the card is invalid. Local card are
two types: they are Gold local and Silver local card. The card limit of gold card is Tk. 50000to Tk.
100000 and silver card is below Tk.50000.

2) International Credit Card:

International credit card is valid mainly outside Bangladesh. But for the payment of roaming facilities
for Grameen Phone, cardholders can use international credit card in Bangladesh.
e) Yearly charges on credit card?

Types of Card Local International

Gold TK. 5600.00 US$ 70.00
Silver TK. 2800.00 US$ 35.00
Visa TK. 600.00 US$ 07.50

f) Documentation for a credit card:

Any person whose monthly income is 10000 can be a credit card holder of SEBL. The requirements of a
card are:

For Local card:

1. The fulfillment of the application form.
2. 2 copies of Photographs.
3. TIN certificate.
4. A security. (MSS, SDS or FDR as lien).
5. Charge documents.

For International card:

1. The fulfillment of the application form.
2. 2 copies of Photographs.
3. TIN certificate.

4. A security. (MSS, SDS or FDR as
5. Charge documents.
6. The photocopy of passport.

4.6 Loans & Advance section

This is the survival unit of the bank. The reason is, unit and unless the success of this section, the survival
is a big question. This is the main earning unit of the bank. Banks accepts deposits from the depositors in
condition of providing interest to the depositors in condition of providing interest to them. Now the
question is how bank provides interest to their clients. The simple answer is—interest from advances. The
bank provides interest to the borrowers because:
 To earn interest from borrowers and give depositors the interests get back. The rest are the profit of
the bank.
 To accelerate economic development.
 To meet the interest groups.

Credit is a continuous process. Recovery of one credit gives rise to another credit. In this process of
revolving funds, bank earns in the form interest. A bank can invest its fund in many ways. Bank provides
loans and advances to traders, businessmen and industrialists. Moreover, nature of credit may differ in
terms of security requirement, disbursement provision, terms and conditions etc.

Bank often uses loans and advances as an alternative to one another. But academically this concept is
incorrect. Academically advances is the combination such items where loans is a part only. For this credit
section of the banks is known as advance section.

Advance division is heart for any bank. A big portion of income of the SEBL is comes from this advance
division. This income comes from different types of investment of depository money. Investment decision
is the most important which is taken by the management of the SEBL. SEBL advance division plays a vital
role for economical development.

Types of advances


4.7Accounts section

Accounts department plays vital role in commercial banking. In privet banking sector accounts department
of SOUTHEAST Bank Bangladesh Ltd. Performs its tasks properly.

The activities of account section are as follows:

o Record all transaction in the cash book.
o Record all transaction in the general subsidiary ledger.
o Prepare daily fund function, weekly position, period statement of affairs etc.
o Prepare necessary statement for reporting purpose.
o Make salary statement and pay salary.
o Branch to branch fund remittance and support for accounting treatment.
o Budgeting for branch.
Make charges for different types of duties.

4.8Foreign Exchange Section

The year 2010 has not been a promising one for the country in remittance business. Against an
increase of 10% for the year 2009, remittance growth fell to 2.2 % for the country in the year
2010. There are a number of factors for this downward trend in remittance. First, the global
depression has been one important reason for the fall in remittance. Second, the manpower export
has also fallen in 2010 that has in turn negatively affected remittance growth.

In the context of the depressing national growth,
Southeast Bank’s remittance business has grown by 18%. In the year 2009, we brought home Tk.
23,779.20 million in remittance. In 2010, the amount grew to Tk. 28,082.25 million. In bringing
home this amount, we have moved into the sixth place among the private banks in the remittance
business. Our share in the overall remittance business has increased from 3.21% of the market to

In the year 2010, we have strengthened the structure of the remittance business substantially.
Abroad, we have entered into business relationship with a number of leading exchange houses in
different countries.

Within the country, we have entered into agreement with a number of established NGOs in order
to use their outlets for distributing remittance money to the beneficiaries. We have entered into
these agreements in order to overcome our own weakness where our 66 branches and 10 added
towards the end of the year are alone very inadequate for remittance business. As a result of these
agreement, our total outlets for distributing money to the beneficiaries stand at 900.

We are services of all foreign remittance exchanges:

1. Western Union Money Transfer.
2. Ria Trans Fast.
3. Al- An sari.
4. Royal Exchange.
5. Xprees Money


Findings and Analysis
4.1 SWOT Analysis

 Strong corporate identity
According to the customers, SEBL is the leading provider of financial services identity worldwide.
With its strong corporate image and identity, it has better positioned itself in the minds of the
customers. This image has helped SEBL grab the personal banking sector of Bangladesh very rapidly.
• Strong employee bonding and belongings
SEBL employees are one of the major assets of the company. The employees of SEBL have a strong
sense of commitment towards organization and also feel proud and a sense of belonging towards
SEBL. The strong organizational culture of SEBL is the main reason behind its strength.
• Efficient Performance

It has been seen from customers’ opinion that SEBL provides hassle-free customer services to its
client comparing to other financial institutions of Bangladesh. Personalized approach to the needs of
customers is its motto.
• Young enthusiastic workforce

The selection & recruitment of SEBL emphasizes on having the skilled graduates & postgraduates
who have little or no previous work experience. The logic behind is that SEBL wants to avoid the
problem of 'garbage in & garbage out'. And this type of young & fresh workforce stimulates the whole
working environment of SEBL.

Empowered Work force

The human resource of SEBL is extremely well thought & perfectly managed. As from the very first,
the top management believed in empowering employees, where they refused to put their finger in
every part of the pie. This empowered environment makes SEBL a better place for the employees. The
employees are not suffocated with authority but are able to grow as the organization matures.

Strong Financial Position
It has been seen that the net profit has been gradually rising over the years. Furthermore, SEBL is not
just sitting on its previous year’s success, but also taking initiatives to improve.

High charges of L/C

Presently SEBL charges same rates for all types of import L/C. But for import L/C of exports-oriented
industry, SEBL should reduce the charge of L/C. As a result, exporter will be benefited and the
country will earn more foreign exchange. The commission often even rises up to 30%.

Discouraging small entrepreneurs

SEBL provides clean Import Loan to most of its solvent clients. But they usually do not want to
finance small entrepreneurs whose financial standing is not clean to them.
• Absence of strong marketing activities
SEBL currently don't have any strong marketing activities through mass media e.g. Television. TV ads
play vital role in awareness building. SEBL has no such TV ad campaign. Although they do a lot of
CSR activities compared to other banks.
• Not enough innovative products
In order to be more competitive in the market, SEBL should come up with more new attractive and
innovative products. This is one of the weaknesses that SEBL is currently passing through but plans to
get rid of by 2010.
• Diversification
SEBL can pursue a diversification strategy in expanding its current line of business. The management
can consider options of starting merchant banking or diversify it to leasing and insurance. As SEBL is
one of the leading providers of all financial services, in Bangladesh it can also offer these services.
• Lack of Proper Motivation
The salary at SEBL is very decent, but it lacks other sorts of motivation. Incentives such as bonuses
are given for acquiring a particular figure, but all in all these are the only motivational factors.
• High Cost for maintaining account
The account maintenance cost for SEBL is comparatively high. Other banks very often highlight this.
In the long run, this might turn out to be a negative issue for SEBL.


Distinct operating procedures

Repayment capacity as assessed by SEBL of individual client helps to decide how much one can
borrow. As the whole lending process is based on a client's repayment capacity, the recovery rate of
DBL is close to 100%. This provides SEBL financial stability & gears up SEBL to be remaining in the
business for the long run.
Country wide network
The ultimate goal of SEBL is to expand its operations to whole Bangladesh. Nurturing this type of
vision & mission & to act as required, will not only increase SEBL's profitability but also will secure
its existence in the log run.

• Experienced Managers
One of the key opportunities for SEBL is its efficient managers. SEBL has employed experienced
managers to facilitate its operation. These managers have already triggered the business for SEBL as
being new in the market.

• Huge Population
Bangladesh is a developing country to satisfy the needs of the huge population, a large amount of
investment is required. On the other hand, building EPZ areas and some Govt. policies easing foreign
investment in our country made it attractive to the foreigners to invest in our country. So, SEBL has a
large opportunity here.

El Dorado Program

It is software which enables customers to deposit and withdraw money from any bank with the cheque
or deposit of any other bank. Although a select few has implemented this program, this poses as an
opportunity for SEBL as the number of transactions would drastically increase.

• Bigger Market
Although the GDP per head decreased a bit in 2009 from 2008, there is a huge untapped market that
requires loans and intends to deposit also.


• Upcoming Banks/Branches
The upcoming private, local, & multinational banks posse’s serious threats to the existing banking
network of SEBL: it is expected that in the next few years more commercial banks will emerge. If that
happens the intensity of competition will rise further and banks will have to develop strategies to
compete against and win the battle of banks.

Similar products are offered by other banks

Now-a-days different foreign and private banks are also offering similar type of products with an
almost similar profit margin. So, if all competitors fight with the same weapon, the natural result is
declining profit.

Default Loans
The problem of non-performing loans or default loans is very minimum or insignificant. However,
this problem may rise in the future thus; SEBL has to remain vigilant about this problem so that
proactive strategies are taken to minimize this problem.

• Industrial Downturn
Bangladesh is economically and political unstable country. Flood, draught, cyclone, and newly added
terrorism have become an identity of our country. Along with inflation, unemployment also creates
industry wide recession. These caused downward pressure on the capital demand for investment.

• Financial Crisis
Although people have recovered a bit from the shock, it may still pose as a threat. People are still
hesitant to take loans or even deposit them.

4.2 Financial Highlights of SEBL at a Glance –PerformanceAnalysis
Net profit of the bank stood at TK. 2,763.14 million as on 31st December, 2010 as against
TK. 1870.19 million in the previous year showing an increase of 48 percent. The total lending for
the last 5 years are given below:

Year Amount Growth

(Taka in million) Rate
2010 2,763.14 47.75%
2009 1,870.19 110.80%
2008 887.24 (27.41%)
2007 1,222.97 34.41%
2006 909.88 143.15%

4.3 Customer Satisfaction

I have done questionnaire method and face-to face interview lust secondary information to collect the
following data.

How do you rate the quality of services of Southeast Bank Limited?

Result Frequency Percent Cumulative

Excellent 18 36.0 36
Good 17 34.0 70
Moderate 15 30.0 100
Poor - 00.0 -
Very poor - 00.0 -
Total 50 100.0

From the survey, I found that out of 100 percent 36 percent of the total sample size said that the
overall quality of SEBL is excellent, 34 percent good and 30 percent moderate.

How satisfied you are by the Loan Department of Southeast Bank Limited?

Result Frequency Percent Cumulative

Very satisfied 20 40.0 40
Satisfied 17 34.0 74
Moderate 10 20.0 94
Dissatisfied 2 4.0 98
Very dissatisfied 1 2.0 100
Total 50 100.0
Here I find that among 50 (100%) clients 20 (40%) are very much satisfied with the loan department
of SEBL whereas only 1 (2%) is very dissatisfied with the performances. But average percent is good.
Here we can see that 2 clients are dissatisfied and 1 is very dissatisfied. The reason that he was
dissatisfied was because he wanted more time to pay his installments. But SEBL did not allow this.

Here in the graph we can see BRAC Bank have maximum ATM booths around 120, next we have
DBBL who have total of 65 ATM booths. EBL and SCB have almost equal number of ATM booths.
Mercantile Bank, AB Bank and Dhaka Bank have least ATM booth in different division in
Bangladesh. Surprisingly MTB and UCBL don’t have any ATM booth, in order to meet up with
customer requirements they have co-branding with DBBL for providing ATM service.

4.4 Competition Analysis

Item Figure in BDT Percentile Growth
Operating Profit 2,810 million 10.9%
Increase in Bank’s Deposit (excluding 60,918 million 7%
call deposits)

Loans and Advances 52,910 million 6%

I have compared all the companies in the B Class Category by the CAMELS Rating.

Chapter- 6



 Banking is service oriented marketing. Its business profit depends on its service quality.
That’s why the authority always should aware about their service quality.
 To provide service to the customer it is necessary to have a trained team of an
organization of an institution. For this reason the Bank should recruit more fresh, bright
and energetic person.
 Bank should offer Bank is launching “Customer Credit Scheme” Southeast Bank is
failing to launch this kind of Scheme. The management can undertake such sort of
Schemes and earn more profit.
 As soon as possible the Bank should stat more benches in DhakaCity as well as the other
cities of the country.
 Now a day’s world is going very fast. Now most of the Bank opens online customer
service system. So, in order to compete in the world market they should adopt online
Banking system.
 The Bank should attempt to enter into the share market by issuing share to capitalize
more money and invest thereafter by expanding the number of branches around the city.
 The recruitment process of the Bank is very length an expensive. The bank should select
the employee by reducing the lengthy process.

 In general banking department it is necessary to implement modern Banking process

instead of tradition system. The department should be more computerized.
 Data base networking is the most modern technology to transfer data from branch to
branch or branch to head office and vice versa. So, they must use this technology in
information technology (IT) department of the Bank.
 The loan sanction process should be easier that the clients can feel convenient to take
loan from the Bank.
 To make exchange process more prompt the authority should use modern
communication system such as E-mail, Fax, win Fax Internet etc.


The last 3 months was quite intriguing to do my internship at Southeast Bank Limited, Rupnagar
Branch. I found out about the nature of actually working in a professional environment.

Credit policy is a very convenient banking tool for the business world. The value of this service is
immense. It has gathered such a position in the banking sector that people at developed and also
developing counties are very much depended on this service. In Bangladesh credit facilities or loans
started to become very attractive in recent periods. But still lots improvements in services and
facilities have to be made in this department.

The study of the report refers to the fact that people are aware of loan facilities in our country but they
are not fully aware of the services or features of the loan process and its rules and regulations
especially in case of individual or consumer loans. From the study it seems that Southeast Bank
focuses on the corporate sectors for the credit facility. But in case of consumer loans there are lots of
restrictions created by the bank.

Credit Division of Southeast Bank has a very qualified and dedicated group of officers and staffs who
are always trying to provide the best service to the clients. They always monitor the credit in different
sectors and their position. Before providing the loan they analyze whether the loan will be profitable
and whether the client is good enough to repay the loan within the given period of time.

Credit department diversified their loans in different sectors classified by them. Among the sectors
they don’t provide any loans in the agricultural side. The reason they showed is that this sector is very
risky and depends on natural climate and they still didn’t expand their service in the rural side. They
also didn’t provide any loan in the small & cottage industry. The reason is that the return from this
sector is not very good and also the sector is very uncertain. They provide most of the credit facility in
term loan mainly in long-term loans. Return from short-term loan is very good and also proves to be
very safe to finance.

The main competitive advantage SEBL is enjoying that it has online banking where as other local
commercial bank can not yet achieve that advantage. But all the commercial banks are now trying to
achieve this. In this bank the employees are highly motivated by their remunerations and other

benefits. Here, all the employees are very much
cooperative with their customers, colleagues and simply visitors.


Southeast Bank Annual Report 2011

• Their website

• Their regular circulars

• Bangladesh Bank Credit Policy

• Office files

• Working papers


• Annual Reports of other Banks

• CSE and DSE Listings


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