Geec113: Great Books Activity Code: M1L1Q2 Name: Ermianne Casaclang Course and Section: BSNED I-1

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GEEC113: GREAT BOOKS Activity Code: M1L1Q2

Name: Ermianne Casaclang

Course and Section: BSNED I-1

1. I believe that Cupid and Psyche’s story conveys two things about love --- trust and timing. As we all
know, trust is one of the very important characteristics of a relationship be it with your partner, parents,
children, or friends. In the case of Psyche, she became impatient because of certain issues from people
around, leading her to be reluctant and destroy her relationship with Cupid. She has forgotten that when
you love, you have to give your trust and believe that there is a proper time for everything. When she
listened to other people, she ruined her happy and blossoming romance with her future husband. Her
actions led her to pain and she eventually faced many challenges. In real life, many relationships are
getting ruined because people lack trust. Sometimes, pressure from peers and social media get in the
picture. Let’s say in example, seeing your friends in facebook getting married, bragging lifestyles, or even
posts about people cheating in a relationship. And so instead of waiting for the proper time, we put
pressure not only in ourselves but also to our partners. We must always remember that there is time for

Another very important lesson that I got from the story is perseverance. Love endures everything, even
pain and sufferings. Despite the most painful and troublesome experiences that Psyche experienced in the
hands of Venus, she still persevered and I believe that it is because of her unconditional love towards
Cupid. As we say in Filipino, “sa hinaba-haba ng prosisyon, sa simbahan parin ang tuloy..” And we all
should learn from it. This is applicable to all parts of our lives not only in the sense of loving. Your
frustrations, your pain and sufferings, your sacrifices are not permanent. There will come a time when all
your hard works will pay off and you’ll eventually congratulate yourself for a job well done. One day,
you will thank yourself for not giving up despite the challenges. Because one day, you’ll be able to make

2. Love was portrayed in a way that is unconditional. How can you love someone you’ve never seen in bare
eyes? How can you love someone who only sees you at night? How can you love someone who is
completely unknown? But Psyche did it. And it shows how love knows no boundaries. The story made
me believe that love isn’t seen but felt and that there is unconditional love after all. Betrayal on the other
hand was portrayed in a magical but meaningful way. Because of pressure, Psyche became impatient and
curious, reluctant to see her lover. But it is meaningful in a way that Psyche wouldn’t endure all hardships
if she’s not determined to be with Cupid again. As it says in a song:
“Love will lead you back
Someday I just know that Love will lead
you back to my arms. Where you
belong. I'm sure, sure as stars are
One day you will find me again, it won't
be long. One of these days our love will
lead you back…”


1. Cupid and Psyche’s story is more of a classical romantic love while “Beauty and the Beast” is a
magical and elemental romance. Both love stories tell about unconditional love tested by various
challenges. The first one deals with the two main characters overwhelming strong forces like Venus
who served as the villain, creating obstacles among the lovers. Despite the issue of betrayal and
jealousy, the two managed to persevere and had a happily ever after. “Beauty and the Beast” on the
other hand bares that a love that is incomparable. A love that is felt and not based on the physical
appearance of a person. However, it can be noted that both female characters have totally opposite
attitude. Psyche is more of a curious, stubborn and adamant lady who gave in to pressure so she went
on to see the real appearance of Cupid. While Belle was a patient but fearless lady who managed
patiently to understand the Beast and in the end, transformed him into his real self.

2. The last movie that I watched is a Filipino Film entitled “Can We Still be Friends”. The story is
totally different with Cupid and Psyche’s but the reason that I’m writing about it is because I want to
compare a classic love story to an indomitable millennial story. From the traditional way of courting
and dating, today’s generation is very different. The Film from the title itself presents a proverbial
question: Can exes really be friends? The main characters Sam (Arci Munoz) and Digs (Gerald
Anderson) were a couple for 8 years when they both decided to breakup. Both decided to move on
with their lives and date separately while still living in the same roof they bought together when they
were still a couple. Problems like Dig’s lack of push in terms of building his career and finding a
stable job has been the clear reason why Sam decided to give up. Sam on the other hand seems to be
too pushy, ambitious, pressured by a co-worker’s career and love life. The ex-couple however still
consistently check on each other under the guise of “friendship” only to find out that they still love
each other. If we compare this type of story to the classic romance we read and watch, the depth of
love can easily be discerned. While classic is more like courting a “Maria Clara”, marrying the love
of your life, and even sacrificing thyself, the millennial type of romance is more adventurous, wild,
and sometimes shallow. Majority of millennials easily fall in love and fall out of love. Easily tested
and easily give up. Easily stunned and easily quit.

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