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Robbie Lewis


P. 6

BNW: Pre Reading Ch.1

This module divides the novel into three main sections:

● The World State: Chapters 1-6 introduce the setting, the main concepts, and the

main characters of the novel.

● The Reservation: Chapters 7-9 describe the experiences of Bernard and Lenina on

the mesa and introduce John, the Savage, and his mother Linda, who is from the

World State.

● The Savage in Civilization: Chapters 10-18 describe the experiences of John, the

Savage, as he attempts to live in what he calls a "Brave New World" quoting a

Shakespearean character Miranda from the drama The Tempest.

Cover Prediction Topics

- With the cover where one person stands out, there’s no perfect society

- Shows the concept of punishment

- Some form of brainwashing

- No personal value

- Created through egg and sperm, not sex

‘Brave New World’ predicted today’s world better than any other novel

- Henry Ford is god

- Assembly line is how everything is made, including people

- Parts of human experience is missing

- Enslaved population loves their slavery

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