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Department of Electrical and Computer

Course Name :-Electrical machines
Lecture 2: Transformers

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Preliminary considerations
 A transformer is a static device that changes one voltage level to another voltage level through the

medium of magnetic field and without a change in the frequency.

 It consists of one or more coil(s) of wire wrapped around a common ferromagnetic core. These coils
are usually not connected electrically together.
 However, they are connected through common magnetic flux confined to the core.

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The transformer winding which receives energy from the supply mains is called
primary winding and the other winding which delivers electrical energy to the load is
called secondary winding.

If the secondary winding has more turns than the primary winding, then the
secondary voltage is higher than the primary voltage and the transformer is called
a step- up transformer.

When the secondary winding has less turns than the primary windings then the secondary
voltage is lower than the primary voltage and the transformer is called step - down

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The most important tasks performed by transformers are:-

i) Changing voltage and current levels in electrical power systems

ii) Matching source and load impedances for maximum power transfer in electronic
and control circuit (Adjusting the source impedance or the load impedance)

iii) Electrical isolation (isolating one circuit from another )

Transformers are used extensively in ac power systems. why not dc???

AC electrical power can be generated at one central location,

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there are basically two types of transformer,

 the core-type and
 the shell-type.
Core type winding
The coils used are form wound and they are form circular, oval, or rectangular

The circular cylindrical coils are used in most of the core

type transformers because of their mechanical strength.
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The magnetic core of a transformer is made up of stacks of thin laminations (0.35mm) of
cold-rolled grain oriented silicon steel sheets lightly insulated with varnish.
Silicon steel has the desirable properties of low cost, low core loss and high
permeability at high flux density (1 to 1.5T).
The primary and secondary coils are wound on the core and are electrically insulated from
each other and from the core.

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The windings surround a considerable part of steel core

requires less iron but more conductor material

The vertical portions of the core are usually called limbs or legs and the top and bottom
portions are called yoke.

for single-phase transformers, core-type has two-legged core

most of the flux is confined to high permeability core.

However, some of the flux leaks through the core legs and non-magnetic material
surrounding the core. The flux called leakage flux, links one winding and not the other.

A reduction in this leakage flux is desirable as it improves the transformer performance

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Shell type
• The steel core surrounds a major part of the windings

 has three-legged core.

 The low voltage and high voltage
windings are wound over the central
limb and are interleaved or
 The flux in the central limb divides
equally and returns through the outer
two legs
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In both core and shell-type transformers, the individual
laminations are cut in the form of long strips of L's, E’s and I's as
shown in Figure.

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working principle of transformer
 Works on the principle of electromagnetic induction between the two
coupled circuits/coil. linked by common magnetic flux.
 When, primary winding is connected to a source of alternating voltage,
alternating magnetic flux is produced around the winding.
 Then core provides magnetic path for the flux, to get linked with the
secondary winding.
 As the flux produced is alternating (the direction of it is continuously
changing), EMF gets induced in the secondary winding according to
Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. This emf is called 'mutually
induced emf', and the frequency of mutually induced emf is same as that
of supplied emf.
 If the secondary winding is closed circuit, then mutually induced current
Cont.... Where N1= primary winding number of turns
I1 = current in the primary winding
N1 I1
 R = reluctance of magnetic circuit

 Using faraday’s law, Ep and Es are determine as
N p d
Ep   Ep
dt Where = induced voltage in the primary winding
Np = no of turns in the primary winding
 The voltage induced in the secondary winding is
Es  

Taking the ratio, Ep Np

 a a is known as transformation ratio
Es Ns
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Impedance transformation

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For a transformer to be an ideal one, the various assumptions are as follows

The primary and secondary windings have zero resistance (Winding resistances
are negligible).
All the flux set up by the primary links the secondary windings i.e. all of the
flux is confined to the magnetic core.
The core losses (hysteresis and eddy current losses) are negligible.
The core has constant permeability, i.e. the magnetization curve for the core is

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Power in an Ideal Transformer

The power supplied to the transformer by the primary circuit is given by the

where pis the angle between the primary voltage and the primary current. The power
supplied by the transformer secondary circuit to its loads is given by the equation

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Practical Transformer(No load)

 To understand the operation of a real transformer, refer to

Figure below.
 The primary of the transformer is connected to an ac
power source, and the secondary winding is open- circuited.

 current flows in its primary circuit, even when the

secondary circuit is open-circuited.
 This current is the current required to produce flux . It
consists of two components:

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1. The magnetization current IM , which is the current required to
produce the flux in the transformer core

2. the core-loss current which is the current required to make up

for hysteresis and eddy current losses

Practical transformer =Ideal transformer + leakage impedances)

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The transformer’s equivalent circuit

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Leakage flux in real transformer
 The portion of the flux produce in the primary coil
Passes through the secondary coil(mutual flux);the rest
passes through eternal medium (leakage flux):

 The leakage flux in primary winding produce a voltage


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Equivalent circuit of a real transformer

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The exact equivalent circuit of a real transformer

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Approximate equivalent circuit of a transformer

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Determining the values of components

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Determining the values of components

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Determining the values of components

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Determining the values of components

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Determining the values of components

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Polarity Test
On the primary side of a two-winding transformer, one terminal is positive
with respect to the other terminal at any one instant.

 At the same instant, one terminal of the secondary winding is positive

with respect to the other terminal.

These relative polarities of the primary and secondary terminals at any instant
must be known if the transformers are to be operated in parallel or are to be
used in a polyphase circuit.
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 When the voltmeter reads the difference
E1–E2, the transformer is said to possess
a subtractive polarity
 when voltmeter reads E1+E2 the
transformer has additive polarity

Figure Polarity test on a two winding transformer (a) subtractive polarity and (b) additive polarity

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Transformer Voltage Regulation and Efficiency
The output voltage of a transformer varies with the load even if the input voltage remains
constant. This is because a real transformer has series impedance within it.

Full load Voltage Regulation is a quantity that compares the output voltage at no load with
the output voltage at full load, defined by this equation:
V S ,nlVS , fl At noload a 
Regulation up   100% Vp
VS , fl
V S , nlVS , fl VP / a   VS , fl
Regulation down   100% Regulation up  x 100%
VS , nl VS , fl
 In a per-unit system VP / a   VS , fl
Regulation down  x 100%
VP / a

Ideal transformer, VR = 0%.

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Transformer Phasor Diagram
 To determine the voltage regulation of a transformer, it is necessary understand the
voltage drops within it.

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Ignoring the excitation of the branch (since the current flow through the branch is
considered to be small), and voltage is equal more consideration is given to the series
impedances (Req +jXeq).
Voltage Regulation depends on magnitude of the series impedance and the phase
angle of the current flowing through the transformer.
Phasor diagrams will determine the effects of these factors on the voltage regulation. A
phasor diagram consist of current and voltage vectors
Assume that the reference phasor is the secondary voltage, VS. Therefore the reference
phasor will have 0 degrees in terms of angle.
Based upon the equivalent circuit, apply Kirchoff Voltage Law,
 VS  Req I S  jX eq I S 33
 For lagging loads,
VP / a > VS so the
voltage regulation
with lagging loads
is > 0

 When the power

factor is unity, VS
is lower than VP so
VR > 0.

 With a leading power

factor, VS is higher
than the referred VP so
VR < 0
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Transformer Efficiency
• Transformer efficiency is defined as (applies to motors, generators and
Pout Pout
  100%   100%
Pin Pout  Ploss

 Types of losses incurred in a transformer:

 Copper I2R losses; accounted for by series resister
 Hysteresis losses; accounted for by resister Rc
 Eddy current losses; accounted for by resister Rc
 Therefore, for a transformer, efficiency may be calculated using the
 Since out put power is

VS I S cos 
 x100%
PCu  Pcore  VS I S cos 
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 conditions which must be fulfilled for the satisfactory parallel operation of two or more single-phase transformers
are as follows:

 the transformer must have the same voltage ratios, i.e with the primaries connected to the same voltage sources to
the secondary voltage of all transformers should be equal in magnitude.

 The same phase angel and frequency

 The equivalent leakage impedance in ohms must be inversely proportional to their respective KVA ratings. In
other words, per unit (pu) leakage impedance of transformers based on their KVA rating must be equal.

 The ratio of equivalent leakage reactance to equivalent resistance i.e. Xe/re should be the same for all
transformers.( the same impedance )

 The transformer must be connected properly as far as their polarities are concerned.

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The autotransformer
• When the primary and secondary voltage are derived from the same winding.
• There is no electrical isolation between the primary and secondary winding.
 Features of Autotransformer
 Lower leakage
 Lower losses
 Lower magnetizing current
 Increase kVA rating
 No galvanic Isolation

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• The voltage across the common winding is
called common voltage Vc and the current
through this coil is common current Ic. the
voltage across series winding is called series
voltage VSE

• The current through that coil is series current ISE

• The voltage and the current on the low voltage

side is called VL AND IL

• The voltage and the current on the high voltage

side is called VH AND IH

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Advantage and disadvantage of autotransformer
The advantages
• Losses in Autotransformer are less
• The efficiency of the autotransformer is more
• Copper Requirement is less
• The core requirement is less
The disadvantages are
• Autotransformers cannot be used for high voltages. Since any discontinuity in the primary winding
would result in complete primary voltage on the secondary side, therefore it cannot be used for high
• The insulation requirement is more. Since autotransformer is both electrically and magnetically
coupled, the requirement of insulation is more.
• Because of common winding, a neutral connection is difficult.

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Application of autotransformer
• used to compensate for voltage drops in transmission and distribution lines(used for voltage

• used for reducing the voltage supplied to a.c motors during the starting period(for starting
induction motors)

• used for continuously variable supply.

• used to transform voltages when the primary to secondary ratio is close to unity

• used for laboratory purposes.

• used in many industrial applications like paper mills, factories, etc.

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Comparing autotransformer with two winding transformer

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3-Phase Transformers (Reading Assignment)

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3-Phase Transformer Connections

 Three-phase transformers may have the following four

standard connections

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The End!

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