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University of Technology

Chemical Engineering Department

Chemical processes branch

Evening study

Design of

Distillation Column
Prepared by

Abu – Alqasim Abbas

Mohammed Hamza
Huda Mumtazz

2020 - Baghdad
Contents: Page
1 – Introduction ………………………………………………………………. ( 2 - 3 )
1-1 Industrial application ……………………………………………………….. ( 3 )
2- The problem ……………………………….………………….……………..... ( 4 )
3 - Antoine Equation Application …………………………............................. ( 5 - 6 )
4- Vapor – Liquid Equilibrium ……………………………………..…………..... ( 7 )
4-1 Pentane – Hexane System Table 1 ………………..…………...…….……..... ( 8 )
4-2 Boiling point diagram of Pentane δ Hexane …………...……………...….. ...( 9 )
5-Tray Design........................................................................................................ ( 10 )
5-1 X , Y phase diagram for Binary system ………..………………………...… ( 10 )
5-2 Minimum NO. of stages …………………………………………...…………(11)
5-3The theoretical And Actual No. of stages ……………………………………(12)
6- Conversion for F , D , W …………………………………………………… (13)
7- Overall Material Balance ……………………………………………………..(13)
8-Physical properties …………………………………………………….…(14 – 15 )
9-Sieve Plate design ……………………………………………………….……( 16 )
9-1Pressure drop calculation ………………………………………………….…(16)
9-2Rectifying Section (top) ……………………………………………………..( 17)
9-3Column Diameter of Rectifying section ……………………………………(17)
10-Liquid flow pattern ………………………………………………………….. (18)
11-Provisional plate design ……………………………………………………..(19(
12-Check Weeping …………………………………………………………….. (19)
12-1 Weir length …………………………………………..………………. (19 - 20)
13 – Two Trial ……………………………………………………………....(21 -24)
14- Three Trial ……………………………………………………………. ( 25- 28 )
15 – Plate pressure drop ……………………………………..……………...…. (29)
16– Reference ……………………………………………………….…………. (30)

1- Introduction

Continuous distillation, a form of distillation, is an ongoing separation in which a mixture

is continuously (without interruption) fed into the process and separated fractions are

removed continuously as output streams. Distillation is the separation or partial

separation of a liquid feed mixture into components or fractions by selective boiling (or

evaporation) and condensation. The process produces at least two output fractions.

These fractions include at least one volatile distillate fraction, which has boiled and been

separately captured as a vapor condensed to a liquid, and practically always a bottoms (or

residuum) fraction, which is the least volatile residue that has not been separately

captured as a condensed vapor .

Throughout operation; therefore, a separate exit point is needed for each fraction. In

practice when there are multiple distillate fractions, the distillate exit points are

located at different heights on a fractionating column. The bottoms fraction can be

taken from the bottom of the distillation column or unit, but is often taken from a

reboiler connected to the bottom of the column.

Each fraction may contain one or more components (types of chemical compounds).

When distilling crude oil or a similar feedstock, each fraction contains many

components of similar volatility and other properties. Although it is possible to run a

small-scale or laboratory continuous distillation, most often continuous distillation is

used in a large-scale industrial process.

1-1Industrial application
Distillation is one of the unit operations of chemical engineering. Continuous

distillation is used widely in the chemical process industries where large quantities of

liquids have to be distilled. Such industries are the natural gas processing,

petrochemical production, coal tar processing, liquor production, liquefied air

separation, hydrocarbon solvents production and similar industries, but it finds its

widest application in petroleum refineries. In such refineries.

the crude oil feedstock is a very complex multicomponent mixture that must be

separated and yields of pure chemical compounds are not expected, only groups of

compounds within a relatively small range of boiling points, which are called

fractions. These fractions are the origin of the term fractional distillation or

fractionation. It is often not worthwhile separating the components in these fractions

any further based on product requirements and economics.

2 - The problem :

Design of Distillation Column : Project NO. 24 { A : Pentane / B : Hexane }

Feed Flow Rate ( ton/hr ) 6.7 ton / hr

Feed Composition ( mol % ) XFA 30 mol % Pentane

Product purity ( mol % ) XPA 95 mol % Pentane

Bottom Composition ( mol % ) XBot.A 5 mol % Pentane

Operation Pressure ( bar ) 5 bar

Feed Temperature out ( ºC ) Saturated liquid

3 - Antoine Equation Application :
For N-Pentane ( A )

Ln (vapour pressure) = ANTA - ( at Vol.6 Appendix C page (937) )

Vap. Press = mm Hg , T = K

ANTA , ANTB , ANTC : constants of Antione Equ. for Pentane

( at Vol.6 Appendix C page (947) )

ANTA = 15.8333

ANTB = 2477.07

ANTC= - 39.94

Ln ( 5 * 760 mmHg ) = 15.8333 -

8.2428 = 15.8333 -

T – 39.94 = 326.34

T =366 K

T = 93 oC

For N - Hexane ( B )

Ln (vapour pressure) = ANTA - ( at Vol.6 Appendix C page (937) )

Vap. Press = mm Hg , T = K

ANTA , ANTB , ANTC : constants of Antione Equ. for Hexane

( at Vol.6 Appendix C page (949) )

ANTA = 15.8366

ANTB = 2697.55

ANTC= - 48.78

Ln ( 5 * 760 mm Hg ) = 15.8366 -

8.2428 = 15.8366 -

T – 48.78 = 355.23

T = 404 K

T = 131 oC

According to the above Data , If feed temperature is saturated liquid

4 - Vapor – Liquid Equilibrium

Take 4 different temperature between ( 366 – 404 )K

o o
Now , Find PA , PB From Antoine equation

At T = 366 K

Ln (vapour pressure) = ANTA -

Ln ( PA mmHg ) = 15.8333 -

Ln ( PA mmHg ) = 8.182

PA o = 3577.05 mmHg

Ln (vapour pressure) = ANTA -

Ln ( PB mmHg ) = 15.8366 -

Ln ( PB mmHg ) = 7.3329

PB o = 1529.78 mmHg

And find Xa and Ya

XA = ( P - PB o ) / ( PA o - PB o)

XA = ( ( 5 * 760) – 1529.78 ) / ( 3577.05 – 1529.78 )

XA = 2270.22 / 2047.27

XA = 1.11 ≈ 1

YA = (PA o * XA ) / P

YA = ( 3577.05 * 1.1 ) / ( 5 * 760 )

YA = 1.04 ≈ 1

Pentane – Hexane System Table 1

T(K) PA o( mm Hg ) PB o( mm Hg ) XA YA

366 3577.05 1529.78 1 1

373.6 4292.54 1866.55 0.80 0.90

381.2 5108.74 2256.83 0.54 0.73

388.8 6033.39 2705.65 0.33 0.52

396.4 7070.17 3218.10 0.15 0.28

404 8238.63 3799.31 0.0001 0.0003

Boiling point diagram of Pentane δ Hexane

5 – Tray Design

4-1 X , Y phase diagram for Binarg system

5-1 Minimum NO. of stages

Minimum No. of stages = 7

5-2 The theoretical And Actual No. of stages

the theoretical No. of stages = 11

Actual No. of stages = Theoretical No. of stages / efficiency
ƞ =Efficiency = 60 %

Actual No. of stages =

Actual No. of stages = 18

6- Conversion for F , D , W

M.wt of Pentane = 72.151 g/mol ( at Vol.6 Appendix C page (946) )

M.wt of Hexane = 86.178 g/mol ( at Vol.6 Appendix C page (948) )

( M . wt ) = (X1 * M . wt1 ) + ( X2 * M . wt2)

For F : ( M . wt ) = ( 0.3 * 72.151 ) + ( 0.7 * 86.178 ) = 81.97 g/mol = 81.97 kg/kmol

For D : ( M . wt ) = (0.95 * 72.151) + ( 0.05 * 86.178 ) = 72.85 g/mol = 72.85 kg/kmol

For W :( M . wt ) = ( 0.05 * 72.151) + ( 0.95 * 86.178 ) = 85.48 g/mol = 85.48 kg/kmol

7 - Overall Material Balance

Where F= 6.7 ton/hr * 1000 kg / ton = 6700 kg/hr

Moles of F = 6700 / (M.wt ) of F = 6700 / 81.97 = 81.737 kmol /hr


81.737 = D + W ……(1)

M.B On Comp A :

(0.3 * 81.737) = ( 0.95 * D) + ( 0.05 * W) By Solve the equation

D = 22.7 Kmole/hr

W= 59.04 Kmole/hr

F= 81.737 Kmole/hr * 81.97 kg/kmole = 6700 kg/hr

D= 22.7 Kmole/hr * 72.85 kg/kmole= 1653.7 kg/hr

W= 59.04 Kmole* 85.48 kg/kmole = 5046.7 kg/hr

8- Physical properties

Tav = = 385.5 k

Density :

for Pentane ( A )

ρL = A B – ( 1- T/Tc) n ( Ludwig's Applied Process Design page 759)

ρL = 0.23143 * ( 0.26923 )-(1-385.5/469.65)0.28215

ρL = 0.519 g/ml → ρ = 519 kg / m3

for Hexane ( B )

– ( 1-T/Tc)n
ρL = A B ( Ludwig's Applied Process Design page 759)

ρL = 0.23242 * (0.26500) – (1 – 385.5 / 507.43)2.00182

ρL = 0.568 g/ml → ρ = 568 kg / m3

Liquid density of mixture

ρL = ρL X1 + ρL X2

ρL= ( 519 *0.95) + ( 568 * 0.05)

ρL= 521.5 kg/m3

Vapor density of mixture

ρv = P * M.wt /(R*T) General ideal gas law

where : ρv =vapor density kg/m3 , P = total pressure kPa , T = absolute temperature K

M .wt av = 72.85 kg/kmol , P = bar = 5 * 101.325 kPa , Tav = 385.5 k

ρv = 5 * 101.325 * 72.85 / 8.314 * 385.5 → ρv = 11 kg/m3

Surface tension:

for Pentane ( A )

σ = A * (1- T/TC)n ( Ludwig's Applied Process Design page 758)

σ = 52.090 * ( 1 – ( 385.5/ 469.65 )) 1.2054

σ = 6.557 dyn / cm

σ = 0.007 N/m

for Hexane( b )

σ = A * (1- T/TC)n ( Ludwig's Applied Process Design page 758)

σ = 56.081 * ( 1 – ( 385.5 /507.43) ) 1.2843

σ = 8.97 dyn/cm

σ = 0.009 N/ m

Mixtures of Surface tension

σ mix = σ1 X1 + σ2 X2

σ mix =(0.007 * 0.95 ) + ( 0.009 * 0.05) = 0.0071 N/m

9- Sieve Plate design


1- Pressure drop at each tray 100 mm Water

2- Tray spacing 0.45 m
3- Cross flow tray single pass
4- Maximum Vap , Liq = Vn , Ln minimum of 70 Vn & Ln
5- A value of 85% of flooding Velocity used
6- Assume that the Hole - Active area is 10 %
7- Hole diameter 5 mm
8- First trial take the downcomer area a 12% of the column area
9- weir height = 50 mm
10-Plate thickness = 5 mm

9-1 Pressure drop calculation

No. of real plates = No. of actual stages – 1 ( reboiler )

No. of real plates = 18 -1

No. of real plates = 17

Assume pressure drop per plate is 100 mm water

Column pressure = 100 * 10-3 * 1000 * 9.81* No. of real plates

Column pressure = 0.1*1000*9.81*17

Column pressure = 16660 Pa = 0.165 bar

Top pressure = operating pressure = 5 bar

Bottom Pressure = Top pressure + Column pressure = 5.165 bar

9-2 Rectifying Section (top)

Ln = Rop * D

Ln = 5.04* (1653.7 kg/hr)

Ln = 8334.65 kg/hr → Lmin. = 0.7 * 8334.65 =5834.25 kg/hr

Vn = Ln + D

Vn = (8334.65 + 1653.7 )

Vn = 9988.3 kg/hr → Vmin. = 0.7 * 9988.3 = 6991.81 kg/hr

9-3 Column Diameter of Rectifying section

For Top

Vapor density → ρv = 11 kg /m3

liquid density → ρL= 521.5 kg/m3

Ln = 8334.65 kg/hr

Vn = 9988.3 kg/hr

F Lv = *√

F Lv = 0.12

From figure 11.27 Vol 6 page (568) at plate spacing 0.45 m

K1 = 0.075

Correction for surface tensions

K1 * ( )0.2 = 0.074 (0.007 /0.02)0.2 = 0.0608

uf = k1 * √ Where uf = vapor flooding velocity m/s

uf= 0.0608 *√ = 0.41 m/ s

uf = 85% uf → uf = 0.85 (0.41) = 0.35 m/s

Net area of tray =An = Q/ uf


Q =Volumetric Vapor flow rate = 𝑉𝑛/𝜌v = 9988.3 /11 =832.36 m3/hr =0.25 m3/sec

An= Q/ uf =0.25 /0.35 =0.72 m2

Take down comer =12%

Column cross sectional area = 0.72 / ( 1 – downcomer area ratio %)

Column cross sectional area = 0.72 / ( 1 – 0.12 )

Column cross sectional area = 0.81 m2

Column cross sectional area =

Dc = 1.02 m

10- Liquid flow pattern

Maximum Volumetric liquid rate =

Maximum Volumetric liquid rate = 8334.65 / 521.5 * 3600

Maximum Volumetric liquid rate = 4.4 * 10-3 m3/s

Dc = 1.02 m

From fig ( 11.28 ) at Vol 6 page ( 569 )

So flow pattern = Cross flow tray single pass

11-Provisional plate design

Diameter of column = Dc = 1.02 m

Area of column=Ac=0.81 m2

Area of downcamer=Ad= 0.12* 0.81 =0.10 m2

Active area=Aa= Ac - 2 Ad = 0.619 m2

Net area = An = Ac – Ad = 0.81 – 0.10 = 0.72 m2

Holes area=0.1 * Aa=0.1 * 0.619 = 0.062 m2

Hole diameter= 5 mm

Weir height = 50mm

Plate thickness= 5 mm

12 – Check weeping

= (0.7 * 9988.3 ) / 11 = 582.65 m3/hr

= 0.177 m3 /s

Actual minimum vapour velocity =

Actual minimum vapour velocity = 0.177 /0.0527

Actual minimum vapour velocity = 3.3 m / s

12-1Weir length

For 𝐝/ 𝐜 = 12%

From figure ( 11.31) ( at Vol.6 page (573) )

Iw / Dc = 0.75

Iw = 0.75 * 1.02 → Iw = 0.76 m

Minimum Liquid rate = 70% * Ln

Lw = 0.7 * 8334.65 =5834.25 kg/hr → Lw = 1.62 Kg /s

how = 750 (

how = height of the liquid over the weir in mm

Lw = liquid mass flow rate kg/s

ρL = liquid density kg/m3

Iw = Weir length m

how = 750 ( 1.62 / 521.5 * 0.76 )2/3

how = 19.11 mm

at minimum rate ( hw + how ) = 50 + 19.11 = 69.11 mm

form figure ( 11.30 ) ( at Vol.6 page (571) )

K2 = 30.6

Hole diameter= 5 mm

Predicted minimum vapour velocity = ( K2 – 0.90 (25.4 – dh ) / (ρv)1/2 )

Predicted minimum vapour velocity = ( 30.6 – 0.90 (25.4 – 5 ) / ( 11 )1/2 )

Predicted minimum vapour velocity = 3.69 m /s

Predicted minimum vapour velocity (uh) > Actual minimum vapour velocity

So weeping

13 - Two Trial

Assume that the Hole - Active area is 8 %

Column Diameter of Rectifying section

For Top

Vapor density → ρv = 11 kg /m3

liquid density → ρL= 521.5 kg/m3

Ln = 8334.65 kg/hr

Vn = 9988.3 kg/hr

F Lv = *√

F Lv = 0.12

From figure 11.27 Vol 6 page (568) at plate spacing 0.45 m

K1 = 0.075 → K1 = 0.075 * 0.9 → K1 = 0.068

Correction for surface tensions

K1 * ( )0.2 = 0.068 (0.007 /0.02)0.2 = 0.055

uf = k1 * √ Where uf = vapor flooding velocity m/s

uf= 0.055 *√ = 0.37 m/ s

uf = 85% uf → uf = 0.85 (0.37) = 0.32 m/s

Net area of tray =An = Q/ uf


Q =Volumetric Vapor flow rate = 𝑉𝑛/𝜌v = 9988.3 /11 =832.36 m3/hr =0.25 m3/sec

An= Q/ uf =0.25 /0.31 =0.80 m2

Take down comer =12%

Column cross sectional area = 0.80/ ( 1 – downcomer area ratio %)

Column cross sectional area = 0.80 / ( 1 – 0.12 )

Column cross sectional area = 0.90 m2

Column cross sectional area =

Dc = 1.07 m

Liquid flow pattern

Maximum Volumetric liquid rate =

Maximum Volumetric liquid rate = 8334.65 / 521.5 * 3600

Maximum Volumetric liquid rate = 4.4 * 10-3 m3/s

Dc = 1.07 m

From fig ( 11.28 ) at Vol 6 page ( 569 )

So flow pattern = Cross flow tray single pass

Provisional plate design

Diameter of column = Dc = 1.07 m

Area of column=Ac=0.90 m2

Area of downcamer=Ad= 0.12* 0.90 =0.1 m2

Active area=Aa= Ac - 2 Ad = 0.688 m2

Net area = An = Ac – Ad = 0.90 – 0.1 = 0.80 m2

Holes area=0.08 * Aa=0.08 * 0.688 = 0.055 m2

Hole diameter= 5 mm

Weir height = 50mm

Plate thickness= 5 mm

Check weeping

= (0.7 * 9988.3 ) / 11 = 582.65 m3/hr

= 0.177 m3 /s

Actual minimum vapour velocity =

Actual minimum vapour velocity = 0.177 /0.055

Actual minimum vapour velocity = 3.2 m / s

Weir length

For 𝐝/ 𝐜 = 12%

From figure ( 11.31) ( at Vol.6 page (573) )

Iw / Dc = 0.75

Iw = 0.75 * 1.07 → Iw = 0.81 m

Minimum Liquid rate = 70% * Ln

Lw = 0.7 * 8334.65 =5834.25 kg/hr → Lw = 1.62 Kg /s

how = 750 (

how = height of the liquid over the weir in mm

Lw = liquid mass flow rate kg/s

ρL = liquid density kg/m3

Iw = Weir length m

how = 750 ( 1.62 / 521.5 * 0.18 )2/3

how = 18.45 mm

at minimum rate ( hw + how ) = 50 + 18.45 = 68.45 mm

form figure ( 11.30 ) ( at Vol.6 page (571) )

K2 = 30.4

Hole diameter= 5 mm

Predicted minimum vapour velocity = ( K2 – 0.90 (25.4 – dh ) / (ρv)1/2 )

Predicted minimum vapour velocity = ( 30.4 – 0.90 (25.4 – 5 ) / ( 11 )1/2 )

Predicted minimum vapour velocity = 3.63 m /s

Predicted minimum vapour velocity (uh) > Actual minimum vapour velocity

So weeping

14 - Three Trial

Assume that the Hole - Active area is 6 %

Column Diameter of Rectifying section

For Top

Vapor density → ρv = 11 kg /m3

liquid density → ρL= 521.5 kg/m3

Ln = 8334.65 kg/hr

Vn = 9988.3 kg/hr

F Lv = *√

F Lv = 0.12

From figure 11.27 Vol 6 page (568) at plate spacing 0.45 m

K1 = 0.075 → K1 = 0.075 * 0.8 → K1 = 0.060

Correction for surface tensions

K1 * ( )0.2 = 0.068 (0.007 /0.02)0.2 = 0.049

uf = k1 * √ Where uf = vapor flooding velocity m/s

uf= 0.049 *√ = 0.33 m/ s

uf = 85% uf → uf = 0.85 (0.33) = 0.28 m/s

Net area of tray =An = Q/ uf


Q =Volumetric Vapor flow rate = 𝑉𝑛/𝜌v = 9988.3 /11 =832.36 m3/hr =0.25 m3/sec

An= Q/ uf =0.25 /0.28 =0.90 m2

Take down comer =12%

Column cross sectional area = 0.90/ ( 1 – downcomer area ratio %)

Column cross sectional area = 0.90 / ( 1 – 0.12 )

Column cross sectional area = 1.02 m2

Column cross sectional area =

Dc = 1.14 m

Liquid flow pattern

Maximum Volumetric liquid rate =

Maximum Volumetric liquid rate = 8334.65 / 521.5 * 3600

Maximum Volumetric liquid rate = 4.4 * 10-3 m3/s

Dc = 1.14 m

From fig ( 11.28 ) at Vol 6 page ( 569 )

So flow pattern = Cross flow tray single pass

Provisional plate design

Diameter of column = Dc = 1.14 m

Area of column=Ac=1.02 m2

Area of downcamer=Ad= 0.12* 1.02 =0.12 m2

Active area=Aa= Ac - 2 Ad = 0.773 m2

Net area = An = Ac – Ad = 1.02 – 0.12 = 0.90 m2

Holes area=0.06 * Aa=0.06 * 0.773 = 0.046 m2

Hole diameter= 5 mm

Weir height = 50mm

Plate thickness= 5 mm

Check weeping

= (0.7 * 9988.3 ) / 11 = 582.65 m3/hr

= 0.177 m3 /s

Actual minimum vapour velocity =

Actual minimum vapour velocity = 0.177 /0.046

Actual minimum vapour velocity = 3.8 m / s

Weir length

For 𝐝/ 𝐜 = 12%

From figure ( 11.31) ( at Vol.6 page (573) )

Iw / Dc = 0.75

Iw = 0.75 * 1.14 → Iw = 0.85 m

Minimum Liquid rate = 70% * Ln

Lw = 0.7 * 8334.65 =5834.25 kg/hr → Lw = 1.62 Kg /s

how = 750 (

how = height of the liquid over the weir in mm

Lw = liquid mass flow rate kg/s

ρL = liquid density kg/m3

Iw = Weir length m

how = 750 ( 1.62 / 521.5 * 0.85 )2/3

how = 17.74 mm

at minimum rate ( hw + how ) = 50 + 17.74 = 67.74 mm

form figure ( 11.30 ) ( at Vol.6 page (571) )

K2 = 30.3

Hole diameter= 5 mm

Predicted minimum vapour velocity = ( K2 – 0.90 (25.4 – dh ) / (ρv)1/2 )

Predicted minimum vapour velocity = ( 30.3 – 0.90 (25.4 – 5 ) / ( 11 )1/2 )

Predicted minimum vapour velocity = 3.6 m /s

Predicted minimum vapour velocity (uh) < Actual minimum vapour velocity

So no weeping

15 - Plate pressure drop

Dry plate drop

Maximum Vapor velocity through holes = Qv / Ah

Maximum Vapor velocity through holes = 0.25 / 0.046 = 5.4 m/s

Hole – active = 6% , Thickness / hole dia. = 1

C= 0.81 ( From figure ( 11.34) at Vol.6 page (576) )

Dry plate drop

hd= 51(uh /c)2 (ρv/ρl)


hd = dry plate drop mm

uh = actual vapor velocity through the holes m/s

C= constant

hd = 51(5.4 / 0.81 )2( 12 / 521.5) = 52.2 mm

Residual head

hr = 12.5 103 / ρL

hr = residual head

hr = 12.5 103 /521.5 = 23.97 mm

Total plate pressure drop ht= total pressure drop mm,

ht= hd+ ( hw + how) + hr

ht= 52.2+(67.74)+23.97 = 144 mm

Note:100mm was assumed to calculate pressure drop of column . The calculation

could be repeated with a revised estimate but the small change in physical properties

will have little effect on the plate design . 144mm per plate is considered acceptable

16 – Reference :

8 - J.M.Coulson, Richardson ;chemical Engineering;Vol.6;3rd edi;1998- R.S

sinnott Book Company.

2. A. Kayode Coker : Fourth edition 2010;Ludwig’s Applied Process Design for

Chemical and Petrochemical Plants; Gulf Professional Publishing is an imprint of



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