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Me oceysoo@restimate @ Lanckeon 308 Y. hankering foe @ The therapeutic use of Sunlight Ant: © “ap strony disire (gadan BED © psephology © genealogy as cere Sonethiss ‘oe f a S ning for something my ead ae beg> 25 vowel 2, Ge conont was» © . helen eta Sth g hey @ psepho» voter logy > Study of vobig a le eae Pg, oat te GB ces Boe 6 eae sufi He was born on a vty auapi ous day Antony © propitious © fortunate © ominous D opporhne (na 1. anse © , Omine good/ bad % IR Sign etd, maT Specially % Bad ® ever Something: bad going 20 hoffe ivi» bind + Spect-7 Look © to present am curguement in favor a well-known evil man © to represent om aceused In & murder trek 2 tq: wr0s-t} vent OV i a oe) es aie (NDA Vee © to makesome thing boly Date See > Aonot wsittout4 patty feelings ehe ment > correctly spelt wot ie ae ae) Qiu @ wrapping © bargundy Neogene. 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Sea tt @3F 7 RarT ® via 7 TET (stutter) Antenym onion ® Da + Healy smihtyoo = full afonger hater © Trnmaculate + Antony q hearth, Seathing ® Flaten © Systematic a frative —> creatht, inventive © Untarnished O nenty lepers, ea Mad ars » @) very wn tidy, dirty chaste culate» spot lent, perfect, «® @& + maculas spot ke | dren from spot led é © 7 be avoane of what's @ BE se a alten ti To be pod: on ‘ [cust 2019, 18°10 24005" 3] ans> ©, Fae pase 4 © correcily spelt evord: @ Finenci ally © Finamcialy — © Finan tially. @ Financially [ers ee sty Ang > @ 2 2 oe ere word ® last FY nat, Be "id ly ndd HE Advert aT aa F Suffix 0 ite add aura a se‘ a vitarel 4s Financial+ Uy > Finance Wekpfult Ly > ef beautiful + yo Bally gretefltlyr gratefully ean > Contfudly fenst 17) © persistent (far S.0mmm) — (@) wooing evergone s pee 40507 “Support geil got serve mich constant @aisouregig © -an @rer © ome, sleet” Oe ype Bete, er ee pnr @, woor persuade, supbe er an ve ur@ steadily (@ar 8 of ) Plaga wen I taba id SEY) @ Ant Ot neces Court Oi OLD one Sp issues BET a Baw Sieg) EEE 2 fre Incorrectly spek Darel @ olisappointment & ais opproovel © corr borate @ orientation [ope Pa t9. ee 9 oy ans> ©» dis approver Bie wer wedi CHE add Wa ee ward BE change a oe EL eg? dist appointment = dis appoint ment courage > olis + Courage 2 dis courege @ eat ar ark 4 @ In the pink ® Craggerate~ @ in a hapry mood Antony @ in good health @ Aoplity @Bovds © in pink drew ©Heignien @ compen @ in the timed Cesena Fi s-%) Ley! a ane @ wse+ ® yo zalntensifier/ b “ehprougy + 9gqer sound of havses 0 ashe auto @ Grunt ® Screech © squeak D Neigh [epomig, 27 9s?) Avia @ & @ pigs sound ® syrScream Scrreeth, shriek © ww OOOH) iq meee eens) pose GD. Tough lerder* gentle weft cate é pak! whew a tet ® nd grav cohecle @ Set ar activity inmotion ® waste your tine ov Hovis © Afirenly held deli @ wiih quent afc tm or emrtheasi a5 Regine 17] PR o a ca @ Swath vom * @ dievover hee die sd fable cane opened # [uae @ Sestlery 2 mie © useful ly D fontry @ divevee ® conmpnte © Ante 200" 4 Asderat 2 ent? uP 4 ies tempts? @ Lelie @ siuhle jan eae saj ® Place wit et aA mse @ cheldered a gto! @ ee Opyre Otyrt oe ? @ eae fee var Cogs gaa) ee ae Anse © © meted Fe @ att 2 of B37 a9 Get dint @ communicate ier @ wer a Vue t D How hysterical he Y /nsynoypn @ Berserk © Inconsistent © Dupiitow @ Insincere (ens! 200) ars2 @, bear + shirt ose vorwvay s) ang np Up wen ntor ag 9 co Coens iin GRR OT pont F aera sh wot (0 nin $8) ay oe golnrent berserk © decett, dishonest @® incorrectly spelt wot @ Immediate @ iliterate © implement @ilogi cal Cegim 18 way ansa ©» Iiliterate 11+ Wterate B® Reap the whirlwind @ @ Providiry tot other factor oy chreums tamer Remain the Same @ Suffer nezative consepstences as a healt of one's actiont ©An indication theb something is accepted ar regarded feuroursbl @ telteving tat moderation B more Sects fying thamn x Coat (i Ans DB), om Aver ab et? @® place where tuo OF more AAV meet @ corfluerce © Stadt © delta ® a 4 eye 19- 1S Dow) Ans+> @ , con >tegether /nitht flu © we 92h a? cit hier ah ® Open neke ition of solcliert ond sailos against merase Laupad outho > en promuse ey © twit nee @ strike © Mabry © oficial order © Protest D coup @ mom made Lge PRE iB. 1S 3 yi est. 14:10" 2 st] a Ans>@© , Mamu-ahand +dane- give pms © mee (im @ sudden change 17 Be> ae act PARE 2 ait of FH eK AE ar, a? @ jm correctly spelt word ay anid cad ae yen Te @ furios © frenvied aq wired SF ovigin SE. © freeze @ frectional Tego mere. exe st] muse @ fuyt us > furious Evy + O4t? Enviour Carney + ous» Lunierious @ Exasperate—s 3 Pe . yong © thot stdlent of gourt bot D In furiate Grnitait “such gourd youlivet, she's @ Aecmer ii Ss © vesperate Onppreciae adele o synonym [ero 129 1) @ rae vird © barrel} laughs spread G pain inerereck ® © collect Tram li fea k AD pot call = lize © allaviedt jue Kettle black ‘t © Range bppent Bem (8) Benguet ®t @ Verne Topo PREG, 0% ole 1) Anse ©, unique 5 Puen y @®> asou dee 82 teas GHSLIY, 210"? 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Cook the books @ 0 record fobse in formation in the accounts of an organi zation © todo something, that Hpoil someone's © to teh & false storg @ fe be very angry (os Exar © W197] anse 0), ‘Bar Braet us a2, Bhai? cook up> df seh sara @® One who collect stamps @ Lreolegist O Conjurer © Cuvater @ philotelist [MTs 2019. mgt 1] Ans? @ © aR © cre ETT > dre Plagiavist > pe ee la dove + eli > PH AK umismatiste CANS talleck Wai Philen thorn pist—» phi lawlaves cunthae mar a Ore whe Seue ram bind. pamepyritta PY Fy sary ayers osirablt @ rethod 4 Jobbing. ina. aoundobout usar @ tathative © cirumLoustion © olocwtion @ covolt Tyo rae ie. 198 i) fn» © © clely vat a7 Heat art hogyetion @ twisted Volukle> talkative. ® the politician was a dissident hater @ agitator © rebel © conformist Oi ee oe eon ean Ansr> © dso apart aunoy thid > to7id coercion OF force fly oH ae Ged} x® Peni lence > Synonym — © «altboice rane aU ne a 2 @ patience © pdymiration Bike od © Repentance @ Misti @ honorary © Sinecut pee [egt ip e os teen) © autveruey @ bares soe pms> © pyecontrite, remorseful are) ¢ ae q ee | OR pak with Little work but bigh salary. 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