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For my revision I
decided to go back in
and add pictures to
almost every time to
add some kind of
visual, I also decided
to add more of my
own words and
change up a few of
the paragraphs. I
overall just made it
more fun to look at.
Jane Doe
Artist statement
I drew the hand of Jane Doe’s rapist. She is a strong individual who came forward and
decided to talk about what happened to her. She was 14 when the incident happened, though she
would like to stay anonymous she let me share her story through art. When creating this I wanted
to capture something impactful that could respect the way she felt during the entire situation. I
decided to go with the hand and a handcuff. I left one open, symbolizing her case ending up cold.
With no prosecution or justice of what she went through. When I interviewed her, she talked
about everything she went through. From being raped to talking to the police to the way she felt
in detail.She spoke on it all and her feelings through that and through everyone around her
knowing that she was raped. A lot of people told her that she was known for wearing revealing
clothing so she was “asking for it.” I wanted to inform other people with more than drawings so I
used direct quotes from the interview and used them in my drawing to showcase exactly how she
was feeling and attempt to place the audience in her shoes.
I also had the chance to interview officer Jeremy Tauban, badge number IH27, His
interview also allowed me to come to the conclusion of drawing this hand because it showed me
the viewpoint of law enforcement. He told me a story about this inmate who is in prison now.
The guy was a rapist who would lock girls up in his shed, tie them up, and drug them. He would
drug them with every kind of drug he could. For 7 days straight he would proceed to rape them
and then let them go. When the girls got out and tried to report the incident in time to do a rape
kit test, law enforcement would notice the drugs. They couldn’t do much because those girls had
drugs in their system and couldn’t remember much.
To revise my piece I took A LOT into consideration and thought a lot. At first I thought it was
just going to take off the printed papers and just rewrite it in red. My thought process there
changed once I read my peer reviews. One particularly mentioned that the words were a little too
scattered and took away from the hand. In order to keep the quotes and highlight the hand I
chose to add color. When I added the color I also hand wrote the quotes. It felt more personal to
do that. I also thought that if I add color it highlights the hand more because it is the only thing in
black and white. Within the color I wrote the quotes so then it wouldn’t take form the main
drawing. I also cut out a few things in the quotes. Another thing my peer reviewer said was
adding or going over my artist's note to make it a little easier for the audience to understand. I
think overall it was a good revision that highlighted and fixed the things it needed to.


Taub, A. (2014, December 15). Rape culture isn’t a myth. It’s real, and it’s dangerous. Vox.
Retrieved January 6, 2022, from

Knight Qc, J. (2020, May 7). Why do so few rapes result in a conviction? Women’s Rights | Al
Jazeera. Retrieved January 6, 2022, from

Smith, S. G., Zhang, X., Basile, K. C., Merrick, M. T., Wang, J., Kresnow, M., & Chen, J.
(2018). The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: 2015 data brief – updated
release. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Officer Jeremy Tauban . Badge number IH27

To adapt my profile I created a little book with the information I
previously had and the drawing as well but I added the story of both the
female i interviewed and and the officer.

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