Вправи для формування лінгвосоціокультурної компетентності в англомовному читанні країнознавчих текстів

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Darmohrai Tania, UAFm-17

Вправи для формування лінгвосоціокультурної компетентності в

англомовному читанні країнознавчих текстів
10 клас
United Kingdom. Історія становлення державного устрою Великої
Британії. The British monarchy

You know that British people had a

monarchy for over a thousand years. The
relationship between the monarch and the
people has suffered some serious crises in
the country’s history, but the monarchy
always seems to recover.

I. Робота над лексичною компетентністю. Зняття лексичних

Do you know words which are so-called “royal”? Try to guess them with help of
description, if you don’t know, you’ll find them in the text.
1. The son of a monarch is a p…
2. The daughter of a monarch is a p…
3. The special chair which a monarch sits on is a th …
4. The ceremony where a monarch is created is a c…
5. The person who will become the next monarch is the current monarch’s h…
6. A royal residence is a p…

Before you start to read the text, let’s look into the words which can be uknown
for you:
II. Формування ЛСК в читанні та аудіюванні
Can you identify any of the royal people in the photos? Can you name any
members of the current British royal family?
Read the text attentively and be ready to answer the questions and do some
Complete the table with the correct dates from the text

Answer the questions. Which British king or queen:

Read the newspaper article and answer the questions

1. Find
a. the name of the Queen's husband
b. the name of the Queen's residence in London
e. the name of the street in front of her residence.
d. the titles of two patriotic songs
2. How many members of the public, according to the
writer, sang to the Queen on her jubilee day?
3. Why do you think the crowd was red, white and
4. What impression do you get of the success of the
jubilee celebrations?

Video from the jubilee day

Look at this royal family tree and play the guessing game

Match the names with photos

Right or wrong?

Listen to the Queen’s Coronavirus broadcast on April 5th 2020

Which countries still have a monarchy? Do you think there is any place for kings
and queens in the 21st century? What is your attitude to monarchy? Would you like to
have it in your country and why?
Listen to Gary, Emma and Linda diving their views on the monarchy. Who
supports it, who opposes and who has no strong feelings about it?

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