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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division of Sorsogon



Quarter 1 – Week 8
Name of Learner: __________________
Grade /Section: ___________________
Date: _____________________________
Marketing Of Animals/Fish Raised
Welcome to the TLE 6 Agriculture Self-Learning Activity sheet on
Manages Marketing of Animals or Fish Raised/Discusses Indicators for
Harvesting/Capturing Animal or Fish/Demonstrates Skill in
Harvesting/Capturing Animal or Fish!
This activity sheet was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.
You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning material while being
an active learner.
II. Learning Competency
This is your self-instructional activity sheet in TLE 6- Agriculture. All
the activities provided in this lesson will help you to:
• Discuss indicators for harvesting/capturing animals/fish.
• Manage marketing of animals/fish raised.
• Demonstrate skill in harvesting/capturing animal/fish.TLE6AG-0h-9

• Prepares marketing strategy by asking help from others or using the
• Compute the income earned from marketed product.
• Prepares plan for expansion of animal/ raising venture After going
through this activity sheet, you are expected to:
• Prepares Marketing strategy by asking from others or using the
Internet markets animal/fish.
• Computes the income earned from marketed products
(Gross Sale-Expenses=Net Income)
• Prepares Plan for expansion of animal/raising venture. TLE6AG-0h-9
Before we study the lesson, let’s recall the previous discussion we had,
about monitoring growth and progress in raising animal/fish.
a. Match the definition in Column I with the correct term in Column II.
Write your answer in the blank before the number.
a. Crude proteins

b. Minerals
________ 1. Needed to maintain pigs’
health and keep healthy against
disease. c. Protein Amino Acid
________ 2. Are important for bone
growth. d. Vitamins
________ 3. This is a higher protein level
needed for proper growth of pigs. e. Water
________ 4. Growing pigs needs more lysine than
other essential amino acids. f. Metabolizable energy
________ 5. The nutrients contain carbohydrates
and fats.
b. And let us also recall our previous lesson about ways of capturing
and harvesting fish. Identify what is described in the following
statement. Choose your answer from the box below.

Taklob Navotas Catfish Fish
total Drainage Mudfish Seining Net

________________1. This is commonly used by the fisherman who

catch fish normally for home consumption since
the device catches only a few at a time.

________________2. The pond is drained of its water and a long fish net
is used to catch fish.

________________3. This freshwater fish that can be harvested between

four to six months of feeding.

________________4. It is sold in various form such as live, fresh,

frozen, choice cut, preserved as dried fish or
“tuyo”, “daing”.

________________5. It is a fish port found in NCR where retailers buy

their fishes in wholesale.
B. Let Us Study

Ways of Harvesting Fish

Depending on the size of the fish, it is possible to harvest as early as the
second or third month. The size of the fish is just right averaging about 50
grams each. Total or partial harvesting maybe done depending on the
demand or need of the family and the market. To harvest fish, there are
several methods used:
1. Use of “Taklob” – This is commonly used by the fisherman who catch
fish normally for home consumption since the device catches only a few
at a time.
2. Use of Baited Hook and Line – it usually take times to catch many fishes
at a time. This method is preferred by hobbyists and fish enthusiast.
3. Use of Net – This is the most commonly used method by fisherman and
commercial fishing boats. There are two kind of net, the dip net and the
lift net. The dip net shapes like a square and is usually lowered at the
bottom of the pond and then lifted as fast as possible.
4. Total Drainage – The pond is drained of its water and a long fish net is
used to catch fish.

Tips in Harvesting/Capturing Fish
1.Tilapia can be harvested after three to four months of feeding.
2.Milkfish can be harvested after seven to ten months of feeding. 3.
Catfish can be harvested between four to six months of feeding.
Ways in Capturing Fish
1.Total pond harvest is accomplished by draining and seining.
2.The pond is partially drained (20-30 %) to concentrate the fish. 3.The
pond is repeatedly seined until most (80%) of the fish are captured.
4.The pond is drained further and seining is continued.
Marketing the Farm Produce
Here are some ways to market your farm produce:
1.Direct farm sales You can sell animal or fish by-products directly from your farm.
This is a very convenient way to generate income since there is no extra cost for
rent. All your selling transactions can be done within your farm.
2.Farmers market/livestock auction market as an animal raiser/farm operator, you
should be on the lookout for events such as livestock auction markets or similar
events in your area where people from nearby provinces come to buy livestock
direct from raisers themselves.
3.Farm to market Some farming families or entrepreneurs also have meat shop or fish
stall in the nearby wet market to sell their own animal products.
4.Restaurants One possible livestock client can be the nearby restaurants in your
area. You could establish “suki” system.
5.Selling through the internet Due to the wide coverage of the internet, aside from
placing page 118-119advertisements on different websites, you could also use
social Page 118 119media to market your animal and fish farm products and
6.Selling through middlemen There are entrepreneurs and there
are people who work with entrepreneurs to make deals with other entrepreneurs,
resellers, and dealers. These are called middlemen. Middlemen are people who
buy goods from animal and fish raisers and sells them to retailers or other

Marketing Pork, Beef And By-Products

Today, there is a great demand for meat like pork and beef. Pork and beef
are sold in the following forms: fresh, frozen, choice cuts, and cured as in tocino,
tapa, longganisa, and hotdogs. Cow’s milk is packed as fresh milk, evaporated
milk, powdered milk, or used as ingredient for cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream,
pastillas, and leche flan and other dessert products.

Marketing Fish and By-Product
Fish is sold in the market wholesale or retail. It is sold in various form such
as live , fresh , frozen, choice cut, preserved as in dried fish or “tuyo “, “ daing”,
“tinapa” and canned or bottled. For retail selling , fish is sold by kilo, by piece, or
in small batches. For wholesale selling, it is sold in large containers. Retailers
usually buy wholesale in fish ports like Navotas. They buy their catch fish in
“baneras” or styro boxes. One way of buying is through “ bulungan “. This is a
kind of bidding process where the price, a buyer is willing to pay, is whispered to
the middleman or the person in-charge. Usually, the highest bidders gets the catch.

Strategy in Marketing Animal and Fish Products

The Successful animal raisers must not only be a productive producer of first
class meat and fish product, but must also be capable sales person of the business.
Here are the variety of markets open to the animal or fish raisers according to his
or her location and production, he/she may choose any of the following methods
of selling:

1. Direct selling to the costumer-the most effective way of selling directly to

customers is to supply hotels, restaurants, resorts, markets and club.
2. Selling to the retailers - Meat, fish and its by-products are sold directly to
retailers who live in a small cities or towns and are willing to get the products
and to pay a good price.
3. Shipping commission to merchants-These persons or firms contact raisers of
livestock or fish products and negotiate to sell them. Their business is to farm
products consigned to them. They charge a fee or commission and in this way,
the marketing is high and the price is the lowest.
4. Selling through cooperatives-Some farmers sell their products and share their
profits to cooperatives. The customers get the products at a lower price and the
farmers get a reasonable profit.
5. Use of internet marketing- Websites are used to tell about the farms and the
products it is selling. The following are things to consider when selling farm
products online.
a. website
b. shopping cart software

c. payment processing
d. e-mail support



A. Kinds of Animal/Fish Raised

Example : Landrace ( fattening pig ) ………………….. 4 heads

B. Expenses
1. Pigpen
a. Materials
2 pcs. 5 cm x 8 cm x 1.8 m 140 Php. 280.00
2 pcs. 5 cm x 5 cm x 1.5 m 135 270.00
4 pcs. 5 cm x 5 cm x 1.8 m 137 548.00
2 pcs. 5 cm x 8 cm x 2.4 m 142 284.00
6 pcs. 2 cm x 5 cm x 2.4 m 135 810.00

Nipa 200 pcs. 15 3,000.00

Hallow block 200 pcs ( 6 in.) 15 3,000.00
Gravel and sand 15 bags 140 2,100.00
Cement 5 bags 215 1,075.00
Nail ( 2inches ) 12.00
Nail ( 3 inches ) 15.00

b. Labor charge Php. 600 x 5 days 3,000.00

TOTAL - Php. 8,394.00
2. Cost of Piglets ( 3 ) Php. 2,500.00 7,500.00
3. Medicine
Example of medicine

1 bottle Dynamutelen ( anti-cholera ) 300.00
1 bottle Lysol ( disinfectant ) 329.75

4. Feeds
4 sacks of rice ban 50kg Php.800 3,200.00
4 sacks of hog mash 700 2,800.00
4 bags pigromix 300 900.00
TOTAL Php.6,900.00
C. Summary
1 Cost of animals 10,000 each Php.30,000.00
2 Expenses - 23,423.75
3 Gain Php. 6,576.25

Note * Prices of materials, medicines, feeds, etc. vary.

* The gain may grow higher next time because the expenses for the pigpen
will not be included anymore

It is advisable to know the present market price of the products to be sold to

be sure not to lose money in the process. Live animals are usually sold according to
weight. The price depends upon the present rate per kilo, live or not.

Therefore, it is very important to record your expenses and sales. This will
help you, as an animal raisers, to know weather there is gain or loss in the
business venture.

With the assumption that labor is free since work is done by

members of the family.

Date Item/s Quantity Amount Remarks

Make sure to keep your record book updated. List down expense items as
they are incurred so you will not forget them. Be specific in listing down items.
Keep receipts and file them in a folder or envelope. Due to the wide coverage of the
internet, aside from placing advertisements on different websites, you could also
use social media to market your animal and fish farm products and services. It also
helps in the development of values, like sense of responsibility, love, care industry,
and hard work.

Plans for Expansion of Animal/ Raising Venture

The first major step in making project is planning. This enables you to organize
your ideas. Project plan is the written guide on how you are going to start and end
the production of an article. The following are the importance of a project plan.
1. It will help you economize on time, money, and effort in making the project.
2. It will help you standardize the product thereby enhancing effective
3. It will serve as guide in your future improvements on your projects.
4. It serves as an effective instructional aid before and during project making.
Plan on how to Implement an Expansion of Animal Raising Venture.
1. Objective
1. Follow the steps in planning the project.
2. Show a simple and willingness in planning.
3. Sell animal/ fish product.
2. Title- Expansion in animal/ fish venture
1. Materials: animal/ fish products
2. Tag price
3. Animal/ fish stand and other materials
3. Procedure
1. Preparation
2. Selecting a place to sell.
3. Preparation of materials.
4. Arranging the product to sell (Animal/ Fish)
5. Sorting and arranging according to their size, kind, and etc.
6. Preparation of the Product
7. Cleaning the products.
8. Recording
9. Other things needed in selling.

C. Let Us Practice
Activity 1
Directions: Fill up the table with what by-product made from the following

Name of Animal By - Product Made

Hog / Pig





Activity 2
Direction: Compute the following problems. Here are the list of expenses, total
sales and solve for the potential income or net income.

Breeds P 3,000
Cost of shelter construction 2,500
Cost of supplies 3,000
Cost of labor 1,500
Total expenses: Php.10,000
Total sale: 5 goats at 3,500 per head Php. 13,000

How much is the total gain or profit you earned after you have
computed using the formula below _________________.

( Use this formula : Total Sale – Total Expenses = Gain or Profit )

Activity 3
Directions: Read the paragraph carefully and answer the guide question that

Harvesting Tilapia
When tilapia is three to four months old and weighs 80-100 grams, then it is
ready for harvesting. It is best to harvest tilapia in the morning. Drain the water
one foot deep at night before harvesting. Harvest the big ones with a strainer or
net. Drain the water some more to harvest the smaller fish. Transfer the small fish
to a barrel or swamp to be used as stock for the next season. For those using the
rice field, the fish should be harvested ahead of the palay. It is done by draining
the field.

Guide Questions:
1.When is the best time to harvest tilapia?


2. What is the best method in catching and harvesting tilapia?


3. Why do most people raise tilapia?


Activity 4
Directions: Complete the ways of capturing fish by putting them on the empty

Ways of



D. Let’s Find Out! (Remember)

To wrap up everything that we have discussed in this lesson. Read the
sentence carefully and fill in the blank with the correct answer.
1. This method is also used as total pond harvest.
2. You can sell animal or fish by-products directly from your farm.
3. This is the most commonly used method by fisherman and commercial
fishing boats. ____________________________
4. Can be harvested after three to four months of feeding.
5. The pond is drained of its water and a long fish net is used to catch fish.
E. Let Us Practice More!
Now, you are ready to apply the skills you learned in this lesson.
A. Kindly answer the given situations.
1. It so happened that you saw your neighbor was about to throw his garbage in
your fishpond. What will you do?

B. Directions: Write down the procedure on how to implement an
expansion of animal raising venture.
1.____________________ 6. ____________________
2.____________________ 7. ____________________
3.____________________ 8. ____________________
4.____________________ 9. ____________________

I. Study the table below and answer the question by choosing the
letter of the correct answer. List of Expenses

Cost of Fish Bag nets (Pukot) 1,200 php

Cost of Fish Fingerlings 1,150 php
Cost of Supplies (feeds) 1,500 php
Cost of Labor 1,000 php
Total Expenses 4,850 php
Total Sales
12 Banyera of Milkfish at 1,500 php per banyera = 18,000 php

Total Sales
Total Expenses
Net Income

1. What is the total expenses of all the cost?

a. ₱1, 200 b. ₱1, 500 c. ₱4, 850
2. How many banyera are harvested and marketed?
a. 11 b. 12 c. 15
3. What is the amount of 12 banyeras of milkfish at 1,500 per banyera?
a.18,000 b.16,000 c. 4,850
4. What is the net income? a.13, 130 b.13,150 c.13,155
5. How did you arrive the total net income?
a. Subtract the total sales from the total expenses.
b. Subtract the total expenses from the total sales.

c. Multiply the total sales from the total expenses.

Let Us Practice More

Let us Practice
may vary may vary)
a. 1. Preparation
FORMULA: Total Sale – Total Expenses = Gain
1. B 2. Selecting
13,000 a- place to sell
10,000 = 3,000 (gain/profit)
2. d 3. Preparation
ACTIVITY 3 of materials
a 4. The
1. best timethe
Arranging inproduct
harvesting tilapia
to sell is morning.
4. c1. C 2. The best method in catching and harvesting
5. Sorting and arranging according to their size, tilapia.
5. f2. C a. Drain water one foot deep at night before harvesting.
6. Preparation of the product
3. A b. Harvest the big one using strainer or net.
b. 7. c.Cleaning the products
Drain the water to harvest the small one.
1. 4. B
Taklob 8. Recording
2. 5. A drainage
Other things
4 needed in selling
3. Catfish 1.Total pond harvest is accomplished by draining and
4. Fish seining.
5. Navotas 2.The pond is partially drained (20-30 %) to
concentrate the fish. 3.The pond is repeatedly seined
REMEMBER until most (80%) of the fish are captured.
1. Draining and seining 4.The pond is drained further and seining is continued.
2. Direct farm sales
3. Use of net
4. Tilapia
5. Total drainage

VI. References
Gloria A.Peralta. 2016. Life Skills Trough TLE, 1253 G, Araneta Quezon City : The Vibal
Group Inc.
Juanito S. Dela Rosa/Ulysses L. Roleado.2017.Technology and Livelihood
Education,Units T & U, 5/F Future Point Plaza 3 No.111 Panay Ave. Quezon City: The
Library Publishing House, Inc.
Susana V. Guinea, Ma. Gilmina G. Sotoya, Randy R. Emen, 2016. Technology and
Livelihood Education 6, 776Aurora Blvd., cor. BostonSt., Cubao, Quezon City, Manila,
Philippines: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph.D., John Sebastian D. Basbas,2018. Learning and Living in the 21st
Century 6, 856 Nicanor Reyes, Sr.

St.1977 C.M. Recto Avenue. Manila, Philippines: REX Bookstore.
Josephine C. Bernardino, Maria Gracia A. Fulgencio, Estefania Gloria L. Lee, Alma
L. Paragas, Edita T. Rafael, 2016. Home Economics and Livelihood Education 6 Second
Edition , Phoenix Building , 927 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City, Phoenix Publishing
House Inc.

Prepared by:



Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division of Sorsogon
Bulan 6
Name of Student: _________________________________________________
School: ________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________
Directions: Read each sentence carefully. Fill in the blanks with the
correct word from the box.

Tilapia Catfish Middlemen Seining

Milkfish Total Use of taklob Harvested

1. This kind of fish can be harvested after three to four months of feeding.

2. This fish can be harvested after seven to ten months of feeding.
3. Fish that can be harvested between four to six months of feeding.
4. This is commonly used by the fisherman who catch fish normally for home
consumption since the device catches only a few at a time.
5. They are people who buy goods from animal and fish raisers and sells them to
retailers or other consumers.


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