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A o n e stop source for all your open source needs

Tetra is one of the leading open source solution providers based in India. The company has been working on open source technologies since 1997 and has implemented its infrastructure and business solutions successfully in more than 150 corporates.

Why Tetra?
Tetra has the expertise and knowledge in open source arena accumalated over a period of 8 years. Our cost effective proven business ready solutions caters to all kind of industry verticals. Our wide range of consulting and engineering services makes open source deployment successful and easy. We are committed to provide cutting edge technology solutions with a continuous investment in R&D. More than 150 Clients are reaping rich benefits from our solutions.

Tetra offers web based infrastructure solutions at the server level. We help enterprises introduce Linux or add features for their Linux implementation in a seamless manner. We also offer a wide range of customised solutions. We do Linux implementions both on-site, or remote, depending on the requirement. These can then be maintained by the client after training, or by us through our support options. Tetra is well established in application development on open source platforms like LAMP, Java, Zope and Plone.

We also offer consultancy services to the clients for deployment along with migration from various other platforms.

Infrastructural Solutions

Enterprise Mailing

Open Source offers customised mailing systems with high ROI and low TCO, starting from small organisations to large enterprises. Tetra implements Open Source mailing servers using basic MTAs Sendmail and Q-Mail along with integration of add on services / products like Spam assassin, Clam antivirus, Squirrelmail, LDAP etc.

Cluster Solutions

Open Source cluster allows availability of solutions at low cost. This allows your critical services running on Linux like mailing servers, applications servers etc. to be always available. We implement High Availability and High Performance solutions. Open Source Open Mosix and Oscar find a place in our solution portfolio.

Internet Gateway

Internet gateways provide the tools to give authorised restricted internet access to the users. Tetra provides Internet gateways based on squid which has features like Proxying and Caching of HTTP, FTP, Proxying for SSL, Cache hierarchies, Transparent caching, Excessive access control, HTTP server acceleration, SNMP, Caching of DNS look ups.

Backup Solution

Everyday a lot of data is generated in an organisation, which is used over a long period of time. Since data is critical for the smooth functioning of any organisation, It becomes imperative to have a backup solution. Tetra provides support on Amanda, an Open Source solution to take care of your backup needs.

Network Management

Enterprise Security

Tetra provides customised Open Source security solutions which can cater from small organisation to large organisations through technologies like State Full Inspection Firewall, Intrusion Detection System, Network Vulnerability Assessment, Security Audit etc.

A Network Management System (NMS) typically includes tools for gathering data on network elements, data storage, analysis and prediction, configuration and control of network elements, and performance and system planning management. Tetra provides Network management solutions using Open Source tools like OpenNMS, Nagios, etc.

Different solutions for different requirements

Collaborative Solution

Server Management

In todays competitive environment, only mailing system is not sufficient to collaborate efficiently in the organisation. The organisations need to graduate to collaborative solutions to become more productive. Tetra provides implementation and customisation of Open Xchange, one of the Open Source Collaborative solution, which has features like e-mail, calendaring, contacts, task management, document sharing, project tracking, user forums, knowledge base, etc.

Servers uptime and stability is among the most critical requirement of any IT department. Tetra provides Server Management through tools like Open Source Tripwire, suitable for monitoring a small number of servers with centralised control and reporting, and OpenQRM one of the server management platform which acts as a open-source server automation tool.

Business Solutions

Application Server

Application server is required for building up and deploying applications across the organisations. Open Source application servers give a great ROI and low TCO along with inbuilt stability and inherent advantages of Open Source. We provide Open Source application servers broadly under two categories -

which provides powerful and flexible, standard and extensible Open Source framework for providing CMS.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

J2EE application server stack LAMP application server stack

Collaborative Development Environment (CDE)

Any organisation working on projects would require certain tools to manage entire development life cycle of project. Tetra provides implementation and support services on GForge, an Open Source Collaborative Development Environment. GForge has tools to help teams collaborate, create and control access to Source Code Management repositories like CVS and Subversion, Manage file releases, Document Management, News Announcements, Task Management etc.

Relationship marketing is one of the crucial elements to present a trusted face to consumers. Open Source provides cost effective CRM solution to achieve that. Tetra provides implementation and customisation service of Sugar CRM, worlds leading provider of commercial Open Source customer relationship management (CRM) software for companies of all sizes.

is one the very first companies which moved completely into this arena. Tetra-ERP has been specially developed for SMEs and being used in live environment. It has all the basic modules e.g. Marketing, Purchase, Order processing, Stores, Production, Excise & Accounts. Many clients are already reaping rich benefits from it.

Helpdesk Management

Digital Library

Content Management System (CMS)

Greenstone is a suite of software (Open Source and Multilingual) for building and distributing digital library collections. It is a tool for building digital libraries. It provides a new way of organizing information and publishing it on the Internet in the form of a fully-searchable, metadatadriven digital library. Tetra provides implementation and customisation of digital library solution using Greenstone.

For any service organisation, helpdesk is a critical part of providing good level of delivery. Tetra provides implementation and support of RT which is an Open Source enterprise grade ticketing system which enables a group of people to intelligently and efficiently manage tasks, issues, and requests.

Terminal Server (LTSP)

A content management system (CMS) supports the creation, management, distribution, publishing, and discovery of corporate information. Tetra provides CMS built around Zope and Plone

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Linux Terminal Server Package (LTSP) is an add-on package for Linux that allows you to connect, number of thin client terminals to a Linux server. It is a straight fit for any organisation where people are working on basic usage like Desktop Processing , Mailing client, Internet Access and Common Utilities. Tetra provides installation and maintenance solution of thin clients using LTSP.

Tetra has always been a protagonist of Open Source technologies and

Services Offered
IT Consultancy
to the requirement of users. The implementation can be done on-site or remotely, depending on the requirement.

At any stage of Linux implementation in an organisation, an external help from Linux consultants is helpful in assessing, stabilising and deploying additional services. Tetra provides consultancy in deploying your solutions on Linux. We help you with on-line and offline assessment of your current infrastructure and guide you to the level to which Linux can be deployed in your organisation. We advice you on products that are most suitable for your environment, and provide pilot project implementation for that. We also do system audits to see robustness, functionality and security of the implementations, and assess the system from an outsider viewpoint.

Software Development

Open Source applications make a compelling business sense today because of their adaptability, ruggedness, lower cost, stability and inter-operability. Enterprises need to build up systems, that should take care of future needs. We help organisations in building up cost-effective systems that are web enabled, using Open Source technologies. Tetra does customised development for the organisation, starting from the small web based software for service management, time management, to ERP, CRM and SCM modules. Platforms are chosen depending on the use, and future expandability. The platforms used for web development are: LAMP Stack J2EE Stack Zope and Plone Stack


Tetra Migration Services package enables users to develop new product lines based on Open Source code while simultaneously migrating legacy middleware applications from a proprietary to an Open Source environment. The service covers the evaluation of technology options as well as implementation and testing of the Open Source stack. There are many benefits to be gained from increasing the use of OSS within the typical organisations IT portfolio, which includes reduced total cost of ownership, higher stability, increased security and greater overall control.

Training to Corporates

Training is imperative for the successful deployment of any Linux solution. It is also required to maximize benefit from any existing Linux deployment. We have the industry experience to give real insight on various aspects of Linux. We can give Linux training from basic modules like System Integration, Samba, Mailing, Proxy etc., to customised topics required for corporate deployment. We take both technical training, as well as sessions on adoption of Linux.

On-site Implementations

Tetra helps enterprises introduce Linux or add features for their Linux implementations in a seamless manner. Our offerings starts from the most used application in the world, i.e. mail server, we can offer a wide range of services customised

Support Options

Email Support

Telephonic Support

For any query through email, you get a guaranteed 24-hrs response to your problem. For our existing clients, we provide free email support. The prices depend on the level of service opted for.

Online Support

Our Linux remote server maintenance services offer a cost-effective alternative/ addition to on-site administrator. With our services, you can be sure that all the aspects of maintenance are being taken care of, which is often not possible in-house. New developments happening everyday makes it difficult for in-house personnel to keep themselves updated about new releases, patches, bugs. Even with an administrator in place, it is always better to take the services of a professional, to make sure that your services are running unhindered. We offer 24x7 hours remote support to our clients, in a cost-effective way for their business critical applications.

We offer telephonic consultation / support for the Open Source projects and solutions. 24x7 support is available to aid your company with problem determination, management, and resolution. This support also includes operational and how to assistance in the use of Linux operating systems. The telephonic support is available in the following forms: Customer service Technical support Service activation Complete query resolution

Onsite Support

any linux solution any linux support 24x7

Tetra undertakes onsite implementation and support contracts in India, for infrastructure and business solutions.

Tetra announces the launch of 1st Indian Call Centre on Open Source Technology
Tetra has taken one more leap in area of providing service to its customers by announcing the 1st Indian call center on Open Source Technology.
In todays competitive world, quality support is an essential element for the success of any solution. Even after sales, high level of customer satisfaction must be maintained for customer retention and to generate repetitive business. India has come a long way to learn, adapt and commercially gain from the power of Open Source Technology. Tetra has been instrumental in adoption of Open Source technology in India. So far, Tetra has been providing support on service models ranging from Remote management, Onsite support to Software Development, on all conceivable Open Source technologies. Tetra rmly beliefs that the time is ripe for it to start one more form of service model - Telephony support.

Customer Needs
Not all industries are same in term of the requirements so how can their solutions be same. We at Tetra believe in finding the best possible solution according to the requirement of the industry, taking the best advantage of the Linux and Open Source technologies. We customise solutions according to your industry needs. It may range from Retail, IT, BFSI, BPO/ ITES, Educational Institutions, Government organisation, to Manufacturing.


Solutions, Customers Benefit

One Stop Shop for all Open Source needs across industries

Bharti Teletech Limited

What we provided
Secure online services for In-house Intranet, Client-Vendor supply chain management, E-mail Application Server, VPN applications, Proxy Server, Firewall and Bandwidth Management.

Pria - An NGO
What we provided
Greenstone - Digital Library Software

What they benefited

100% ROI in 1st year; Low start-up and ownership costs; Increased competitive advantage.

What they benefited

Sahara India Pariwar

What we provided
E-Mail Server with cluster , LDAP service. 6 servers working in cluster mode and failover on LDAP. Email services over Qmail with Cluster support. Over 200 domains mapping and over 20,000 users.

Greenstone changed the knowledge transfer dynamics of the organisation. It empowered PRIA to build its own library. It allowed multiple users to collaborate on the same collection.

What they benefited

Email scaled to over 20,000 users at low incremental cost. Email to everyone made possible.

Customer Needs

Industry wise Business Solutions

Domain/ Stacks Mapping Airline BFSI BPO/ITES Construction Educational Institutions Government Organisation IT Manufacturing Media NGO Retail Telecom Trading Application Server Content Management Customer Relationship Management(CRM) Digital Library Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Helpdesk Management Terminal Server Collaborative Development Environment (CDE)

Scale wise Infrastructure solutions

Infrastructure/Stacks Mapping Number of Computer Backup Solutions Cluster Solution Collaborative Solution Enterprise Mailing Enterprise Security Internet Gateway Network Management Server Management A <100 B 100-150 C >500

Open Source provides you options, We Provide You business Ready options.

Corporate Office:

Tetra Information Services Pvt. Ltd.

136, Basement, Sant Nagar, East of Kailash, New Delhi - 110065 Ph: +91-11-55604033 - 35 Email: website:

Mumbai Office:

Tetra Information Services Pvt. Ltd.

C- 209, IT Park, CBD Belapur Station Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400614 Ph: +91-93229 67411 Email: website:

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