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5/20/22, 8:22 PM BAR COMPLAINTS AGAINST HUNTER BIDEN, MARC ELIAS +Re: Joe is not best to run as claiming

s claiming in media + fraud, Racketee…


+Re: Joe is not best to run as claiming in media +
fraud, Racketeerin by Biden RICO response +
Confirmation of Hillary, Racketeering case +
conspiracy against union members
From: "A SMITH"
Date: 2019-03-15 16:31

I still have not heard from Joe Biden or anyone associated with him or the Democrats that they are going to prepare
warnings regarding known potential adverse health effects from use and exposure to NCR paper. With all this time and
Ashley and Hunter Biden going to the extreme to keep this secret from ALL AMERICAS by sending the Secret Service to my
home when we were preparing to go to Church, we are Deacons, SS teachers and leaders and Pillars of our Church as
described by Pastors this week and we had our autistic grandson with us we were caring for to try and scare us off, it
is obvious Joe Biden has no business running for our President when he would have his children go to such extremes to
try and scare us off and purposely keep this secret from all Americans. This is blood money for him-getting union dues
to help his campaign while conspiring to purposely put all union members and all Americans in potential danger from use
and exposure to NCR paper. The Secret Service agents basically laughed after their interview of me and my husband. We
are certainly not threats but some of the most stable, honest, Christian people in the country. We can have hundreds of
current and former church members, Pastors etc to vouch for us.

I just want to be assured that the warnings regarding known potential adverse health effects from use and exposure to
NCR paper by the Democrats, unions etc would be prepared.

I have no option but to file complaints with various Bar Associations beginning against Hunter Biden , Marc Elias, Craig
Becker and others the first of the week and making this public by Tuesday. I will be glad to discuss this over the
weekend. I can help resolve this for the Democrats.

Brenda Smith


On February 15, 2019 at 10:14 AM A SMITH <> wrote:

I have not seen any actions by Joe Biden or anyone associated with him in order to prepare warnings regarding
known potential adverse health effects from use and exposure to NCR paper. Biden and the Democrats have and
do use union money for their campaigns and the Democrats know the unions are secreting this information from
their members in order to give money for political activities for the Democrats including Biden.

This information will be coming out this weekend in Virginia because of Northam, Fairfax and Herring. this
will show the conspiracy, fraud and Racketeering by Biden and the Democrats to purposely put millions in
potential danger of serious adverse health effects, disabilities, birth defects, cancer and death from use
and exposure to the chemicals in NCR paper. Biden and all Democrats have made it clear they care nothing for
all voters as long as they are voted in office and get their money for their campaigns.

I understand Biden is to announce this weekend he is running for office. Perfect timing for this information
to come out to show what type of person he and all other Democrats really are. Put millions in potential
danger as long as they get elected.

Brenda Smith


On December 4, 2018 at 5:43 PM A SMITH <> wrote:

I still have not heard where Joe has taken action to make sure all the millions of Americans have
been given known warnings regarding use and exposure to NCR paper he has known about for a long
time. Now he is saying he is the best to run for the Democratic nomination for President for 2020.
If he is the best, since he has continued to put so many in jeopardy of serious adverse health
effects from use and exposure to NCR paper including disabilities, birth defects, cancer and
death, the Democrats have a bunch of crap for their choices.

I will copy this and hundreds of other emails I have to prove the fraud, conspiracy and
Racketeering by Biden , the DNC and all the other potential candidates including Kamala Harris who
I have filed a complaint with the CA Bar association because of her also hiding this information
from millions of Americans.

I simply wanted to be assured that warnings regarding potential adverse heath effects from use and
exposure to NCR would be prepared and my claims and any others pending would be resolved.

You guys let me know by tomorrow morning if these request have been done or planned. This would
also save the DNC, Bidens and all other Democrats possibly billions and save the DNC from being
put out of business from related lawsuits once this is public. I will be glad to work with you
guys but be assured I have the facts to confirm all I am stating.

The US Secret Service basically laughed because they saw I was anything but a threat and instead a
sunday school teacher for children, a Deacon in my church, and a leader well respected by all.

The fact that the Secret Service was called to investigate me and try and apparently scare me off
from making this information public looks even worse for you guys. I can have hundreds speak of my 1/6
5/20/22, 8:22 PM BAR COMPLAINTS AGAINST HUNTER BIDEN, MARC ELIAS +Re: Joe is not best to run as claiming in media + fraud, Racketee…
character including 8 different pastors, 60 Deacons and hundreds of others in several churches.

I will be glad to discuss this with you guys tomorrow morning before I contact the media.

I feel certain this can be resolved for the benefit for all parties.

Brenda Smith


On August 27, 2018 at 4:30 PM A SMITH <> wrote:

None of you have taken steps to make sure warnings regarding use and exposure to NCR
paper have been prepared nor current claims including mine for injuries have been
resolved. You have all continued to conspire to keep this secret and now along with
hundreds of other Democrats have conspired along with the Biden family, Joe , Hunter,
Ashley and those associated with them have continued to purposely put all Americans in
potential danger of serious adverse health effects from use and exposure to NCR paper.
Most of you are not aware of the hundreds of emails to Mueller and his team, the US
Attorneys office of NY, Rosenstein and most if not all associated with the Mueller
investigation have conspired with and for the Democratic party. You can feel free to
check with any of them to confirm allegations along with Tom Perez, copied, Marc Elias,
GC for Clinton, DNC, Obama,, unions including GC for AFL-CIO, copied and hundreds ,
Democratic party officials, Virginia Democratic party and almost everyone associated
with the Democrats have been involved with this fraud, conspiracy and Racketeering.
Christopher Johnson associated with DCJUSTICE and Ashley Biden, also running for AG of
Delaware has also been involved in this fraud and there is no way he will win nor any
other candidate for AG for Delaware for the Democratic party when this information is

I simply wanted , as you can see from the emails below and thousands more to be assured
that warnings would be prepared regarding potential adverse health effects from use and
exposure to NCR paper would be prepared and current claims, including mine, be
resolved. That has not happened.

So I am left with no choice but to make this public to those now interested in the
Bidens. I will send details to Peter Schweizer, PJ Media Tyler O'Neil, Breitbart and
others who are doing stories right now tomorrow morning should I not hear from you
guys to prove the fraud, conspiracy and Joe, Hunter and others to put most Americans in
potential danger for money and to win campaigns.

I look forward to hearing from you to help avoid such additional negative publicity.

I will be available this evening for questions or to provide any additional details.

Brenda Smith


On March 22, 2018 at 2:23 PM A SMITH <> wrote:

I sent this information to you guys as well Ashley Biden last March 6, 2017
as well as Hunter and you guys. As you can see, I have simply tried to make
sure millions of Americans are given warnings regarding NCR paper. None of
you who represent Joe Biden or parties associated with Biden have bothered
to make sure these warnings are given.

Instead, Ashley Biden called the Secret Service to have them come and try
and scare me off. The next day, two Secret Service agents came to my house. 
Special Agent JD Bell and another agent from the Norfolk VA office came to
my home. I was trying to get ready to go to Church and was caring for my 7
year old autistic grandson. He was very scared of them. I gave Agent Bell
and the other  agent my computer and requested they view everything so they
would see I was not threatening Ashley. What is wrong with her. I was trying
to make sure this information is given out. Instead of her caring abut the
citizens of Delaware who are exposed to NCR  paper, she CALLED THE SECRET
SERVICE. Now she has put all of you, DCJUSTICE and others in potential
liability when this information is public. Ashley has proven she does not 
really care about the citizens of Delaware of any other American because
instead of any of you making sure the warnings are given, you are only out
to protect Joe Biden and other Democrats.

I have provided a lot of information to the USDOJ for the Mueller review to
defend the President. I will send all of this tomorrow to that file and make
public. Joe Biden should not be running for anything. There is clear
evidence he has been involved in this fraud, conspiracy and Racketeering .
He has conspired to keep this secret solely in order to win the election
while putting millions of Americans in potential danger.

I am not copying Ashley with this on purpose. The Secret Se

rvice agents
basically laughed when they saw the information I have and read the emails I
had sent. Ashley overreached. As all of you can see, there was no threat of
any kind to her or anyone. It appears she is just trying to protect Joe .

I have cameras ready this time if the Secret Service shows up again and
media on standby. I am 69 years old, a Deacon , Sunday School, VBS teacher
for 2 to 5 year olds, Women in Gods Service Chairman and leader in my
Church. I can have hundreds of other Christians from several Church's
confirm I am anything but a threat.

Before I send this to the USDOJ, media and mostly President Trump , his
counsel and the GOP officers tomorrow, I am checking to see if you guys have 2/6
5/20/22, 8:22 PM BAR COMPLAINTS AGAINST HUNTER BIDEN, MARC ELIAS +Re: Joe is not best to run as claiming in media + fraud, Racketee…
made sure the warnings either have been or are planning to be prepared
regarding NCR paper.

I look forward to discussing this or answering any questions.

Brenda Smith


---------- Original Message ----------



Date: March 7, 2017 at 10:39 AM

Subject: fraud, Racketeerin by Biden + Fwd: Hillary + Klayman + RICO

response + Confirmation of Hillary, Clinton Foundation +Racketeering case +
conspiracy against union members

Kate and all, the following and hundreds of other emails clearly confirm
that Joe Biden, Barack Obama, the DNC, Hillary and Bill Clinton, unions and
others have conspired , committed fraud and Racketeering by conspiring to
secret information regarding use and handling of NCR paper can cause serious
adverse health effects from use and exposure to NCR paper. This has been
done apparently to collect and use union dues for political events such as
elections and to avoid paying related claims for injuries from such use and

Beau Biden worked with NCR paper. Was this a factor in his death. Why is
Biden, the Democrats, the Clintons, unions and others still conspiring to
keep this secret ?

This information will be public in a few days . This will likely have a
negative impact on the Biden Foundation and others .Will there be litigation
against the Biden Foundation along with dozens more groups .

I will be glad to provide any additional details.

Brenda Smith


Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 10:39:25 -0400

From: <>


Subject: Re: Fwd: Hillary + Klayman + RICO response + Confirmation of

Hillary, Clinton Foundation +Racketeering case + conspiracy against union


Dick , I decided to wait until the first of next week to file the
Racketeering complaint that will include Biden and you guys since Biden
should be deciding soon on running for President.

Let me know today if the unions have or plan to prepare warnings on the NCR
paper. They are going to do this, one way or another. Why are the unions,
Hillary, Democrats and you guys allowing this to happen since you will lose
so much.

any questions let me know by this afternoon.

Brenda Smith


---- wrote:

Dick, you are a smart lawyer. Let me take a couple of minutes and give you
some facts. I want you to see how stupid this whole issue is and why you
will question a lot of decisions of other people.

I am 67 years old and have been fighting this issue since 1992. I worked for
what is now Verizon in Virginia Beach, VA. I worked in the Business Office
as a customer service representative. As part of that job, I handled and was
exposed to a lot of NCR (carbonless copy paper) forms. I began having
adverse health problems myself as well as others knew were somehow related
to our work environment. I lost my voice/barely had my voice. I was fired
February 21, 1992 because I could not talk. I was to learn that Verizon and
the Communication Workers of America had suspected, known that the NCR paper
contained many hazardous, toxic chemicals and was the likely cause of the
same adverse health problems such as I suffered in VA, MD, DC, WV offices
doing the same job I did and handled the same NCR paper manufactured by the
same manufacturers. I have copies of warnings that were prepared by the
corporate Industrial hygienist regarding use and exposure that were never
given to any employee

. I have copies of correspondence between the AFL-CIO, CWA and the same NCR
manufacturers and got the same type of information as VZ but they also got
several lists of chemical components they knew were toxic, hazardous . Upon
receipt of this information as well as hundreds of pages of research on the
known and potential adverse health effects, I filed a workers comp claim.(
by this time, I had much information to prove my claims of injuries. I had
gone to several of the best Doctors in the field and had a great deal of
medical evidence to prove I had levels of some of the known chemicals as
well as adverse health effects ( view known to be caused
by such chemicals in NCR paper as formaldehyde, benzene, etc. I had evidence
from the National Institute of Occupation Safety and Health , NIOSH , OSHA
and other federal agencies , research to support my claims. I caused NIOSH
to do another review of NCR paper , research done by Cr. Charles Schmidt of 3/6
5/20/22, 8:22 PM BAR COMPLAINTS AGAINST HUNTER BIDEN, MARC ELIAS +Re: Joe is not best to run as claiming in media + fraud, Racketee…
the University of

Florida on NCR paper, involvement by the US Department of Labor, OFCCP,

filed a pro se motion with a Federal Court tin NJ o have a protective order
vacated. Although I did not succeed because of my lack of legal abilities, I
entered into court ordered mediation and as part of that I assigned an
attorney . I argued I could not prove my case I knew what was in the
protective order . The court agreed . Lawyers for the manufacturers brought
about 5,000 pages of documents contained in the protective order to me in
Virginia Beach where I was able to review and take notes on the information
contained . Using this information I was able to argue that over 95% of the
data was not trade secret since I found the information in patents on file
with the USPO as well as other public data. I remain under a Permanent
Injunction regarding this information from the manufacturers. I was able to
confirm the only thing the manufacturers were trying to keep secret was high
levels of formaldehyde and ot

her dangerous chemicals as well as known potential and known adverse health
effects which I suffered from their NCR paper.

All involved including Verizon, the unions, the NCR manufacturers, NLRB,
USDOL, lawyers and officers for the DNC, Obama campaign, two US sitting
Senators from Virginia, sitting Governor of Virginia, two sitting Delegates
in Virginia, Center for American Progress, and most associated with Obama,
Hillary, other Democratic campaigns now several hundred people associated
with Democrats have been aware of this and taken no actions to help.

I have made it clear what I wanted. How simple to assure me warnings would
be prepared and resolve my disability claims as well as other related
claims. That has not happened.

Now it appears I will have to file the complaint with the USDOL office of
Inspector General for conspiracy, fraud and Racketeering by all related
parties I have copied and gone to for help . Once this complaint is filed,
it will be made public. Once that happens, because of the evidence I have,
millions of union members and others will be able to file claims for
injuries against the unions, the DNC, Clinton and Biden campaign as well as
many other defendants. Can you see how much this could cost in both
financial and member losses. Once union members hear about this you know
what will happen. there will be untold numbers of complaints filed that
could put the unions, DNC out of business since this has been known to them
since no later that 1990 according to the documents I have ( and it seems I
am the only person who has all this information). I have not been after

I still want the same outcome as I have wanted all along. I fail to
understand why the unions etc would take such a gamble.

Before the complaint is filed tomorrow and made public, I look forward to
any suggestions you may have.


Brenda Smith


Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 12:31:04 -0400

From: <>


Subject: Hillary + Klayman + RICO response + Confirmation of Hillary,

Clinton Foundation +Racketeering case + conspiracy against union members


Dick, why are you associated with these guys ? They appear to be purposely
putting Biden at risk for not only getting the Democratic nomination but
possibly facing many charges, including fraud, conspiracy, Racketeering as
you can see from below.

The Racketeering complaint should be filed this Tuesday with the US DOL
Office of Inspector General, copied to Senator Grassley and media so all
Democrats will lose the chance to get elected again. Who is going to vote
for Hillary or Biden or any Democrat when they have purposely conspired with
the unions to basically steal union dues from sick , disabled and dying
union members.

I tried to get two things accomplished to avoid this-the unions prepare

warnings regarding the NCR paper and resolve associated disability claims.
That has not happened so I am left no option but to fi
le the Racketeering

Billy and all, you guys heard about the NY Times this past weekend involving
Hillary and possible criminal charges being filed. Although the story was
not 100% accurate, parts of the story are real. I told you guys below and
you guys are fully aware, as Hillary, that the unions, DNC, Hillary, now
Biden and others have knowingly and purposely allowed millions of current
and former union members to work with, use and be exposed to NCR paper you
knew could cause serious adverse health effects including disabilities,
birth defects, cancer and death and have purposely not made sure warnings
were given to union members solely in order to collect and use union dues
for political events such as Biden's and Hillary's campaigns.

I was in contact with the Inspector's General of the Department of Labor as

well as, State Department that Hillary is already involved with and
on Wednesday to the Department of Justice and then NY Times so they can have
first hand experience of this story.

Before I complete the complaint with the DOL IG , Racketeering with Scott
Dahl Larry Turner, I wanted to check to see if you guys had made sure the
unions give the warnings for members for NCR paper or plan to or if you guys
are making sure the right thing is done. 4/6
5/20/22, 8:22 PM BAR COMPLAINTS AGAINST HUNTER BIDEN, MARC ELIAS +Re: Joe is not best to run as claiming in media + fraud, Racketee…
I look forward to hearing from you before this Racketeering complaint is

Brenda Smith


---- wrote:

Billy, just a reminder I have to begin submissions to the Racketeering

complaint I referenced below tomorrow afternoon. I will have to include
Biden and Sanders as well as Hillary and others as being involved in
Racketeering just like Hillary , unions , DNC etc because all of you are
Democrats and would have been also involved with such Racketeering because
of this.

I look forward to hearing if Biden has taken steps to make sure the unions
have or are planning warnings for members regarding NCR paper.

Brenda Smith


---- wrote:

Billy, sorry for the delay. The case is filed in the US District Court
Southern Florida Civil Action number 9:15-cv-80388

Klayman vs Hillary Clinton et al-RICO case before judge Donald M.


I will have to submit my information by Monday since Hillary is to be

deposed on Tuesday. When I submit this information VP Biden will also be
included since as a major officer in the Democratic Party, no one is going
to believe that he and his staff have not had a direct impact and control of
such Racketeering and conspiracy with the unions to keep this information
secret from union members to avoid litigation, huge financial and union
member losses.

Who will vote for any Democrat when the facts appear to show the DNC,
Hillary, Obama, Biden etc conspired with the unions to keep this secret
solely to continue collecting union dues for political events for Democrats,
including Biden.

As I told you Billy, this entire situation is stupid and how the DNC,
Hillary, all involved have handled this. All I wanted was to be assured by
the unions that warnings would be prepared for all current and former union
members regarding NCR paper and associated disability claims resolved.
Instead of that, now it appears non Democrat will win in 2016 solely because
of this instead.

You said you were going to refer this to your lawyers. Smart move. I will be
glad to answer any questions for them. As I told you, Biden may be innocent
here but he will not be viewed as such. All Democrats will suffer since the
GC and most other DNC officers have been involved.

hope to hear from you by tomorrow afternoon before I have to submit this to
the court in Florida.

It was good talking with you.

Brenda Smith


Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 6:55:01 -0400

From: <>

To: "Novick, Robert" <>,

"Gorelick, Jamie" <>,,,,,

Subject: Re: resolve + Klayman + RICO response + Confirmation of Hillary,

Clinton Foundation +Racketeering case + conspiracy against union members

Cc: "Rhee, Jeannie" <>,

"Murley, Susan" <>,,,,,,,,,,,,

Bob and Jamie, thank you for verifying that you guys have been conspiring
and involved in fraud and Racketeering now with the DNC, the Clinton
Foundation, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton including her campaign
, the Clinton Foundation and everyone associated with her , Bill Clinton and
the Clinton Foundation, the unions ( all General Counsel's and other
representatives of all parties copied here) to knowingly and purposely allow
now tens of millions of current and former union members to work with , use
and be exposed to NCR paper all of you know and have known for over two
decades could cause serious adverse health effects, disabilities, birth
defects, cancer and death and you have made sure warnings have not been
given solely in order to collect and use union dues for Democratic campaigns
while purposely letting untold numbers die all along.

I am will be 67 years old on July 28, the day Hillary is to be deposed. I

have five grandchildren. I am a Sunday School teacher, a Missions Friends
teachers for little children, I am a Deacon, co-chairman of the WINGS group
( Women in Gods Service) and can bring many to vouch for my behalf

I have thousands of emails and other proof that the unions, NLRB, the DNC,
Obama, Hillary, Bill Clinton, their representatives, such as you guys, and
many others, including now Bruce Lindsey that Bob forwarded this to, know
all about this and continue to be involved in Racketeering. This will mean
all Democratic candidates for President will be seen as having knowledge of 5/6
5/20/22, 8:22 PM BAR COMPLAINTS AGAINST HUNTER BIDEN, MARC ELIAS +Re: Joe is not best to run as claiming in media + fraud, Racketee…
and involved in this Racketeering since the DNC has been involved.

Unlike you guys, I have honor.

I lost my job on February 21, 1992 because I was not given warnings and
protected by my union from such disabilities and terrible health problems I
have suffered all this time. I have fought since then to simply get my
disability and other benefits paid and the known warnings I can prove and
have proven to all of you prepared for other members.

That has been refused. Over time, I tried to get help from others, including
all of you. Instead, you have all conspired , committed fraud and
Racketeering to avoid this and warnings millions of others.

Now, instead of resolving one disability claim and others that may be
associated and preparing warnings, Hillary would rather lose the election in
2016 as well as hundreds of millions be thrown away of donations.

How bad is Hillary the DNC and other Democrats going to look when this is
public. No Democrat will win when this is public.

I will be sending this information to the Judge, Klayman, all press agents
for all Republican candidates with pages of evidence of emails , including
this one, and other evidence to prove Hillary and Bill has a pattern of
Racketeering so much so they would purposely put millions in risk of death
and even death of many . Then copied to media so this can be public before
my birthday, July 28.

I believe the Judge may be asking you guys an lot of embarrassing questions
between now and July 28.

Brenda Smith


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