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Denise McVea

1006 Wyoming Street

San Antonio, Texas78203

July 31, 2020

Charles Farmer
GL Hunt Foundation Repair
4021 Benbrook Hwy.
Fort Worth, TX 76116

Dear Mr. Farmer,

This letter is to make you aware of the construction defects and code violations associated
with the foundation work performed by a GL Hunt crew at the property of 1006 Wyoming
Street, San Antonio, Texas 78203. According to “Wendy Vaughn”, the foreman for this job
is Lorenzo Lopez. The project manager is Dustin Ruhd. Despite the known and obvious
nature of these defects and violations, Lopez and Ruhd refuse to repair.

This notification is being sent to you pursuant to Chapter 27 of the Texas Property Code,
which requires I give GL Hunt an opportunity to inspect and remedy the defects and
violations related to the company’s work at 1006 Wyoming Street, San Antonio, Texas

The subpar foundation construction work threatening the integrity of my home is

deliberate and malicious. I am an investigative journalist completing a book project about
corruption in San Antonio. It has become evident that Mr. Ruhd and Mr. Lopez have agreed
to participate in a documented criminal oppression campaign against me and my assets.
Generally, participants in these illegal campaigns are approached by organized criminal
actors, offered substantial bribes to engage in criminal activities, and then conduct those
activities under the auspices of their nominal employers. In some cases, the bribe is equal
to several months of the participator’s legitimate salary. The objective of the instant
campaign is to delay and prevent the completion of my project.

In this case, Mr. Ruhd and Mr. Lopez used their positions as supervisors for GL Hunt to
destabilize my home. To wit, the men:

1. Deliberately installed piers (Sonotubes) of varying heights to cause stress to the


2. Deliberately installed fewer piers than purchased under the GL Hunt contract.
3. Deliberately left a significant area of the house unsupported in order to cause stress
to the structure.
4. Deliberately cut beams and replaced with poorly supported separate beam sections,
causing serious stress to the structure.
5. Charged $1800 for 45 linear feet of new 4x6 beams but improperly installed only 8
foot of beam precariously installed on insecure footings.
6. Deliberately rested the back eastside corner of the structure on 9 to 12 levels of
metal shims resting precariously on the edge of poorly constructed and degraded
Sonotube piers.
7. Rested the back beam on a poorly constructed and degraded Sonotube pier.
8. Rather than repair the construction defects and code violations, Ruhd and Lopez
attempted to extort more than $4000 in additional fees for the replacement of
perfectly healthy floor joists.

Under Ruhd’s and Lopez’s supervision, GL Hunt crews also improperly installed a crumbling
skirting that already needs repair, cut a second story cable line, and inexplicably pried off a
siding board improperly installed by a previous contractor also alleged to have been
coopted by the criminal actors harassing the household at 1006 Wyoming.

Ruhd also produced false GL Hunt records. For example, upon my request, Ruhd provided
an elevation map that he claimed was conducted in May 2020. However, no elevation
measurements were taken at my home in May 2020. Under Ruhd’s guidance, GL Hunt also
provided a fraudulent engineer’s report to the City of San Antonio’s DSD department.
Specifically, the certified engineer who inspected GL Hunt’s work did not sign the
completion engineer’s report submitted to the city of San Antonio and the engineer
evaluation submitted was performed prior to the completion of the work. Despite refusing
to return to the property after reassuring the homeowner he was committed to repairing
the defects and violations, Ruhd then inserted himself in a scheduled meeting with Levi
Gates of Hollingsworth Pack, the engineer of record for the 1006 Wyoming project.

There are numerous other violations as well, all evident in project documentation.

However, your company has failed to ensure that the employees you sent to my home
were working strictly on behalf of GL Hunt, and since the $22,000 I spent to replace my
foundation was paid to GL Hunt, your company is responsible for correcting the defects
and violations now threatening the integrity of my home.

Eastside back corner of the home shows low piers
supplemented with 9-12 metal shims supporting a cut beam
section. Back-facing pier is insufficiently supported

Cut beam, resultant joist height disparity.

Degraded Sonotube pier.

Severely degraded Sonotube pier and unstable temporary remediation.

Piers with height disparity. The right pier is not connected to the floor support and is
placed next to a pier that is so high it causes bulges and mounds in the floor. The
secondary, non-connecting pier is also placed in violation of code requirements, leaving a
significant portion of the home without support.

House is sinking where Ruhd and Lopez removed a previous pier
and failed to replace it.

Please also see the attached:

1. Contract
2. Engineer’s reports
3. Email communications

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest possible convenience.


Denise McVea
1006 Wyoming Street

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