Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Technologies: Digital Assingment

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REG NO. :- 19BCI0119

1. Create a plain text file with strings like“hello world”and save it as .txt extension
file in a folderdirectory. Use two hash functions called Get-FileHash and md5
available as inbuilt feature on Win-dows OS and Linux OS, respectively. Perform the
hashing of the file and compare the outputs ofboth algorithms. Analyze and discuss
about your observations.
AIM :- Using hash functions which are inbuilt in linux for hashing the text file which we
have created.
The message digest is the application of cryptography hash function in which we
are going to hash the message where the end result is known as Hash Digest or
Message Digest. Where it is almost impossible to find the original message using
decoding the hash digest.
The main objective of using this message digest to check the integrity whether the
content of the file is tampered by some of the governments or hackers or the
evasdroppers. Once after creating the hash of the file we can send anywhere we want
and if someone comprimises the file we the complete hash of the file is going to
1. (Working on linux)Open the terminal in the linux and check the version of the
2. If md5 is not available try to install by typing the command “sudo apt install md5”
3. And once installing it check the version by typing the command “md5sum –

4. Now create a file using “ nano “ command as the fig.

Now we are going to use “ md5sum “ command to hash the txt file which we have
created using the nano containing the text with “ hello world ‘
After using the command we can see that we have generated a hash value of size 32 bit
and also now we are ready to send the file and also we can verify whether its tampered
or not as hashing algo refers to irreversibility it cannot be digested to see the original
message. Now we are going to change the contents in the “ sample.txt “ and after that
we are generating the hash value of the text file.

Now this is how we are going to use hash function in message digestion which is known
for more powerful and integrity it provides.


 The results which we got after the creating the text with “ hello world “ in it. The
value of the hash is “ 6f5902ac237024bdd0c176cb93063dc4 “ which is of 32 bit
 And also after the modification of the text in the file with “ hello world!. “. It is
completely going to change the hash value which we are going to produce.
“ ee6a72b435632676332bfa99929a095f “.
Now as we can see from the above results which we have got a small change in the text
file is going to completely change the entire hash function which is very easy to identify
whether the text file is tampered or not. And by providing the more integrity which
cannot be breakable even by using the most powerful supercomputers.
We cannot also use this hashing algorithm in many other application not only in
message digest but also in password managing where we can verify the user has given
correct details which from the server is going to digest the hash value and verifying
whether the user is geniune or fake.
We can also use hash for sending the shared keys for group networks where we can
hash the key and by checking the remaining hash values of other users in the network
where even the server doesnot know which message is going from user to user.
And it is a bit danger to use this as the developer never stops to provide best security so
does the hacker who always tries to break these things. A rainbow table
implementation is used to decrypt some of the passwords.

 Kumar, H., Kumar, S., Joseph, R., Kumar, D., Singh, S. K. S., Kumar, A., & Kumar, P.
(2013, April). Rainbow table to crack password using MD5 hashing algorithm.
In 2013 IEEE Conference on Information & Communication Technologies (pp. 433-
439). IEEE.
 Rachmawati, D., Tarigan, J. T., & Ginting, A. B. C. (2018, March). A comparative
study of Message Digest 5 (MD5) and SHA256 algorithm. In Journal of Physics:
Conference Series (Vol. 978, No. 1, p. 012116). IOP Publishing.
2. Use the same text file and save contents as Microsoft Word file (.doc/.docx). Include a
digitalsignature into this file using in-built feature available in MS Word 2010 or later
versions. Use anycertificate provider from available options. The Word software allows
signature removal process alsothat can be executed. Document the experiment
procedure with your output.
AIM :- Providing more security by digitally signing the document using/creating the
inbuilt ceritficates.
The main objective is to provide the security for the document for not
making/providing the changes to the document. This is the most preferable for
cryptographic protocol suites. These are mainly used in many of the factors to reduce
the physical usage of paper for authenticating the user so here comes the digital
signing of the documents where we can digitally verify the documents with ease. These
are mostly used in financial transactions and also contract managerment softwares.
At first open the document viewer and go the preferences and find the identity and
trusted ceritficates as shown in the fig.
Now click on more where you will be prompted to a new graphical interface where you
can create a new digital signature certificate by clicking on the “+New” option as shown
in the fig.
Now you can create a new signature by the selecting option and you will be asked for
the name and type of organization and name of the org were you are currently working
and email. You can provide any random address and click on next .
And after compeleting all the process you will get digital signature certificate where
you can sign all of your documents pdfs for more security purposes and also you can
verify many of the ignatures. Now once the ceritificate is generated now export the
certificate and save in your harddrive where are likely to do.
Now i have created a pdf with some of the text where i wanted to digitally sign this

And this is the signature which i have i created so now i am going to sign the document
which i wanted to digitally signature for securing the pdf.

And after clicking on the digitally sign option your document is going to be digitally
signed by using your ceritificate. Where we can provide many of the options for
providing the time and date and also the email which we have and also the organization
name and also the type.
NOTE :- If we sign the pdf once no one is going to edit the pdf anymore even the user
who has created cannot edit the pdf for the security provided by this cryptographic

And also there is method to remove this digital id where we can delete the digital
signature ceritficate so that we cannot or dont wanted to sign the documents digitally.

Select the option to remove the digital id signature and enter the credentials which you
have created. And once you are done with it your digital certificate will be no more
found on the device.

As i have mentioned above the digital signature is going to provide more security to the
pdf where if someone tries to edit the pdf is nearly impossible for them to edit this pdf.
And also it provides more security where even the user cannot edit the document by
himself.until or unless the digital signature is removed the using the user credentials.
It is better use this for the most confidential which we are going to work for the
company or the banking details or any other important which we would like to share
with the others or our personal data or our credit or debit card details. And before
digitally signing the document it is better to save a copy file if something goes wrong
we can the use the backup as there will no option if we once sign up the document.
• https:/
• Balacheff, B., Chen, L., Plaquin, D., & Proudler, G. (2001, September). A trusted
process to digitally sign a document. In Proceedings of the 2001 workshop on New
security paradigms (pp. 79-86).

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