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CIT 238 Mobile Application Development

Midterm Activities

1. Write a Unit Review/ Knowledge Reflection in every unit

CIT 238 – UNIT 1

 I have learned about mobile development. Mobile development presents a reasonably

distinctive chance for a oneperson development team to build an actual, usable,
significant app end-to-end during a comparatively short period. However, mobile apps
development represents more than just a chance for the solo-developer to create their
own project as it is arguably the longer term of development, as mobile devices are
getting larger and bigger parts of our lives. I have learned also about major mobile
development platforms like iOS. iOS is kind of arguably the “big dog” once it comes to
major app development platforms, partially because it had been the platform that finally
brought mobile development into the modern day and age by fully reworking the
concept of a mobile device and mobile software system. iOS is of course developed by
Apple, and it runs exclusively on Apple products. Android is the other dominant player in
this space, it was a bit later participant to the game, first being released in Sept 2008,
virtually a year later than iOS but it has managed to achieve a reasonably massive share
of the mobile market. I learned also about the primary difference between iOS and
Android that includes Android is backed by Google. iOS is backed by Apple. Anyone can
build an Android device, and it is designed to run on a variety of different hardware
platforms and devices with very different form factors and capabilities. iOS is designed
to run only on a specific set of Apple devices. Android is based on the Linux kernel, and
Google releases the source code for Android as open source. Like Apple, Google
provides some native tools for Android development but again you are not required to
use them. I have learned also the top mobile application development in 2018 which
includes Augmented reality (AR) is used to explain a true world surrounding wherever
computer-generated elements are familiar enhance what we are able to see through a
camera and in recent years, this technology has been booming with popularity. Artificial
intelligence (AI) has been featured in several technological advancements as well as
machine learning, language process, automation and much more. In hybrid
development, standard coding languages like JavaScript are used and only one code
base must be written, as the utilized framework will neatly wrap everything along in a
very view, which may then be displayed in their respective native Android and iOS
environments. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), users are prompted to verify a login
attempt was meant by getting into a pin through their phone or email that is connected
to their account. In modern society, our data is our identity and with over five billion
distinctive mobile phone users with an increase of four-dimensional annually, data
security is essential and more necessary than ever. The blockchain is redistributed as a
result of multiple devices that are connected with each other can store an identical copy
of data packed into blocks chained together. I have learned also about the advantages
and disadvantages of web apps and mobile apps and also android comparison to

CIT 238 – UNIT 2

 I taught that a storyboard is a depiction (typically in the form of hand-drawn drawings)

of how each action should be done and how navigation should be done (screens linking).
I've discovered that the storyboard may be used for a variety of reasons, including
declaring a project's summary. To give an appropriate guidance or road map for the
programmer. - To show connections between several activities or displays. To
demonstrate the capabilities of the object interface. Navigation strategies may be set up
in a number of ways, including sequential, thematic, and exploratory methods. In the
instance of sequential navigation, the scheme guides users through the information one
step at a time. As navigational assistance, sequential titles often include buttons (Next,
Continue, Previous, Back) or visuals. To keep users on course, interactivity is confined to
clicking on things, such as music, motion, or even displaying an image or text. A topical
navigation system is a set of options that enables users to choose from or search for
particular data. A basic design structure and direction are provided through an
exploratory navigation approach. Exploratory navigation is used in many games aimed
for both children and adults. I've learnt to start with a mobile app, address a genuine
issue, and avoid assuming a user requirement. Next, avoid becoming a short-sighted
person by planning ahead or at the very least considering it. Third, don't minimize the
importance of platform selection (fulfill the users need). Fourth, stay away from the
waterfall technique (clumsy & high-risk). Use the waterfall approach sparingly (clumsy &
high-risk). Then, instead of prioritizing brands above consumers, lead users by displaying
notifications such as "loading," "updating in process," and "error messages." Avoid
squeezing the world into your design, then limiting user input by preventing them from
keying in data (selection lists, check box, radio button). Finally, put your app through its
paces on real devices.

CIT 238 – UNIT 3

 I have learned about how to develop a welcome app using android studio. First, I
download android studios from the link attach in the module and then I created a
project name welcome app and I select the android target and available activities then I
edit and interact the project folders. The project includes the following folders Android
Manifest (AndroidManifest.xml). Java source code of the created activity
( Drawable, layout, mipmap, and values of the project under res. I
have learned also how to add images to the project. To add images to the project we
need to locate the location of the drawable folder (right click on the drawable folder
then select Show in Explorer). Copy and paste the selected image inside the folder
(image extension supported in android studio are PNG, GIF, JPEG and BMP). Drag the
Image View from Images under palette then drop it in the project interface then select
the Image. I learned also the relative layout. Under the Component Tree, Click on the
created Layout (like Relative Layout). Under the Properties, edit the required properties
i.e., ID, layout width, layout_hoght. Adding Text View and Edit Text to the project.
Create connections between the project materials. • To build and run the application
using the Emulator: Click on the green run button in the top of the android studio
window (). To build and run the application on your smartphone device: – Connect the
smartphone to the PC. – Activate the USB debug. – Click on the run button

CIT 238 – UNIT 4

 I have learned about android activity. It is the code that works with a UI screen defined
by the View. An Android app is made up of one or more Activities Activity layout is
determined by: - the View- XML layout file contains a definition of the initial UI of your
app (in res directory). - the behavior is determined by the Java code in the Java
directory. Similar like: a web page complete with HTML to determine what to displays,
and JavaScript to determine what it does. I also learned Java and also different
methods. on Create (bundle): to initialize the activity and passing a Bundle object called
savedInstanceState. on Pause (): to deal with the user leaving the activity. – The Main
Activity by default has no data (savedInstanceState is null), but user still have to pass it
on to the inherited on Create method. setContentView: to pass an integer indicator to
specify the described XML layout to be viewed. The R object (library object of resources)
is constructed by the system, were R. layout. activity main allows the setContentView
method to find the activity main XML layout file by returns an integer value. I also how
to use method using sample program.

CIT 238 – UNIT 5

 I have learned in this module how to create an application using radio box and text box
button in android studio. Beginning with Android Radio Button, A Radio Button is a
button that has two states, that are either check or uncheck. This means if we click on a
Radio Button it gets into Checked state and by default, it comes in Unchecked State. In
the Android Radio button, one thing to be noted is, once it gets into the checked state,
we cannot undo it. Generally, we use them in our application to let the users select one
option from a set of options. Radio Button is one of the important Android UI controls,
as it provides an interactive User Interface for the users. Checkbox is also a two-state
button, it can have either checked state or unchecked state. The major difference
between Android Checkbox and Android Radio Button is that checkboxes can be
unchecked manually. It is important for you to change the id of each
view(layout/widgets/etc.) inside the xml file corresponding for the GUI design. This id
will be used to link between the widgets in xml file with the widget objects declared
inside of java file.

CIT 238 – UNIT 6

 I have learned about to program add textChangeListener and

setOnSeekBarChangeListener. addTextChangedListener is use to detect any change
inside of Edit Text and response to it. In setOnSeekBarChangeListener is use to detect
movement in Seek Bar and response to it. I learned also to program for discount
calculator by importing first the libraries then the codes of objects and variable
declaration and link java objects with widgets. I learned create addTextChangedListener
and add codes inside afterTextChanged function. Then the function update standard
definition and the code of function update custom definition.

CIT 238 – UNIT 7

 I have learned how to pass and receive data between different activities. Most android
application comprises one or more activities. In order to launch another like B Activity
from A activity, programmer have to use Intent. Intent is a way (like a message) to
communicate between Android components and requesting an action. In case there are
multiple apps are capable of responding to the Intent, then Android enable the user to
made a choice from a list of those apps. I also learned the two types of intent available.
First, Explicit Intent: Lunching an activity and passing information from one to another in
the same application. Second, the Implicit Intent: In this case programmer can avoid
coding his own activity and let Android automatically handle the activity by firing up the
component from same/other applications that can do the job on our app’s behalf. I
learned returning data launched activity. There is no way for transferred data to be
returned form the B Activity to the first activity. However, launching the B Activity as a
sub-activity of the first Activity can achieved returning the data. •To do so, we have to
start the first activity as a sub- activity by calling startActivityForResult() method instead
of using startActivity(). This method enables us to identify the returned data from the
sub-activity by passing a REQUEST_CODE value. Returning data to the first activity:
Calling the finish () method in the sub-activity. finish () method creates a new intent
object contains the returned data. – Calling the setResult() method of the enclosing
activity to pass through it the return data. The result code is typically RESULT_OK: the
result sent correctly – RESULT_CANCELED: will be received in the parent activity if the
event of sub-activity is crashed – May also be a custom value subject. I learned also the
implicit intent. Implicit intent identifies the activity to be launched by specifying the
action to be performed and the type of data to be handled by the receiving activity.
When execute the following implicit intent on an Android device, it will result in the
designated web page appearing: Intent i = new Intent (Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse.
Android system will search for activities on the device that have registered the ability to
handle ACTION_VIEW requests. User will be prompted to choose from the available
activity options in case of finding more than one match.
CIT 238 – UNIT 8

 I have learned how to create a ListView and how to build an embedded database, add
edit and delete information using SQLite in Android Studio. When programmer need to
display a data in the form of a scrollable list, ListView can be used to displayed a List of
scrollable items in Android. ListView helps users to select any list item by clicking on it
to do specific action. Adapter uses to fill data in a ListView. Where Adapter pulls the
items content from a source such as an array or database and converts them into a view
then placed into the list. I have learned to used ListView using the code in the module. I
also learned the SQLite. SQLite database management system is bundled with the
Android operating system. SQLite named as embedded database because it is forming
as a library linked into applications. In this case, there will be no standalone database
server running in the background. All operations of the database are handled internally
within the application and a high- level language (Structured Query Language) uses for
data accessing. I learned also the Android SQLite Java Classes. The C programming
language is used to write the SQLite while Android applications are primarily developed
using Java. The Android SDK includes a set of classes are used to bridge this “language
gap”. I learned that SQLiteOpenHelper is a helper class is designed to manage the
created database and update it. The following callback methods implement within that
subclass: (MANDATORY). I learned also how to implement SQLite.

CIT 238 – UNIT 9

 I have learned about PHP and MYSQL based android concepts and how to connect to
MYSQL database in Android Studio. I learned also the HTTP Library. The HTTP library
uses to Handle the following activities: managing the HTTP connection to remote
server, JSON data, and Images. There are two main libraries at the level of HTTP
handling: Volley, OkHTTP, while there are other libraries use for more specific tasks, i.e.,
handling image over HTTP, handling JSON data and extra. I have learned also to convert
a string written in JSON format, into JavaScript using the codes in the module. I learned
that the AsyncTask class uses with HttpUrlConnection to support thread. AsyncTask is
an abstract class which Android provide it to enable programmers to use the UI thread
properly. AsyncTasc will be created when a user launches the android application. • To
overcome the awaited case and to avoid the long-running operation on UI thread, there
is a need to create a new thread and implementing the run method (UI remains
responsive). There are step by step in the module on how to connect android with PHP
and MySQL first, install and run WAMP server then create and run PHP project. To
create this project first, create a new project folder inside (www folder) and place all
your project files inside it. Create a folder called” android connect”, then create a new
PHP file “test.php” and try out a simple PHP code to test the connection. Next create
MySQL database and tables then connect to MySQL database using PHP.
2. Select an existing mobile apps discuss the following:

 Mobile App Info (Name, Purpose, Size, Platform, Type of Mobile App etc.)

 Name: Shopee
 Purpose: Shopee provides consumers an easy, secure, fast, and enjoyable online
shopping experience that is enjoyed by tens of millions of consumers daily.
 Size: 322.1 MB
 Platform: e-Commerce
 Type of Mobile App: Mobile-centric Marketplace
 Background

 In 2015, Shopee was launched in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand,

Taiwan, Vietnam and the Philippines.
In 2015, Shopee was launched in 7 markets across the region.

 Held our first Shopee University session

In December 2015, Shopee University held its first session in Taiwan. Today,
around 70k sellers across all markets have benefited from these sessions.

 Introduced Shopee Mall across the region

In June 2017, Shopee Mall was launched in Taiwan. We now have more than
11,000 sellers in our 7 markets.

 Achieved GMV of over US$10 billion

In 2018, our Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) hit US$10 billion with over 600
million transactions on the platform.

 Super Brand Day

In May 2018, we launched our first Super Brand Day in Indonesia with P&G as
our partner. Since then, we have organized 70 Super Brand Days around the

 Regional Brand Ambassador 2018

In 2018, we announced BLACKPINK as our regional brand ambassador ahead of
Shopee 12.12 Birthday Sale

 Regional Brand Ambassador 2019

In 2019, we unveiled Cristiano Ronaldo as our brand ambassador ahead of
Shopee 9.9 Super Shopping Day
 Shopee 12.12 Birthday Sale
In December 2019, Shopee sold 80 million items on a single day at the Shopee
12.12 Birthday Sale.

 Shopee Live and In-app Games

In 2019, we have 500 million total views on Shopee Live and over 1 billion plays
of Shopee's in-app games.

 Features
1. Shop with ease with Shopee Guarantee - Ever felt restless when you’ve ordered
an item online but it’s taking too long and you feel like you’ve been duped by
sellers? Well, Shopee has a way to settle that issue for you. With Shopee
Guarantee, it gives assurance to buyers by releasing the payment to the seller
once you have confirmed to have gotten your item. With it, shoppers can expect
to receive the orders within the 10 days after their payment has been
2. Free shipping-Shopee has a Free 5KG Shipping program. With it, you’ll get
shipping fees subsidized and is capped at a maximum of 5KG for deliveries in
West Malaysia and 1KG for those at East Malaysia.
3. For every order that you make with a minimum spend of RM25 per store, the
program reimbursements will be capped at RM2 for deliveries to West Malaysia
and RM4 for East Malaysia, thus saving you money in that section.
4. Lowest Price Guaranteed Deals-Let’s just say somehow that you found a
cheaper deal from another e-commerce channel. Well, Shopee has got
something for you. They are so confident that they offer the lowest priced items
that’s on the market that if you find a cheaper product on another e-commerce
platform, they’ll give you 125% of the total price difference between the two.
5. Tons of deals- Remember to tread lightly here fellas, the deals here are not for
the faintest of hearts. Deals are a must here in Shopee and they came around
often and they come strong, blessing the things you may have in your wish list.
So, if you’re looking for something for a long time, most likely than not, Shopee
has something special on offer there.

 Advantages and Disadvantage to the social community


1. Convenience of online shopping

Customers can purchase items from the comfort of their own homes or work
place. Shopping is made easier and convenient for the customer through
internet. It is also easy to cancel the transactions.

2. No pressure shopping
Generally, in physical stores, the sales representatives try to influence the
buyers to buy the product. There can be some kind of pressure, whereas the
customers are not pressurized in any way in online stores.

3. Online shopping saves time

Customers do not have to stand in queues in cash counters to pay for the
products that have been purchased by them. They can shop from their home or
work place and do not have to spend time traveling. The customers can also
look for the products that are required by them by entering the key words or
using search engines.

4. Comparisons

Companies display the whole range of products offered by them to attract

customers with different tastes and needs. This enables the buyers to choose
from a variety of models after comparing the finish, features and price of the
products on display, Sometimes, price comparisons are also available online.

5. Availability of online shop

The mall is open on 365 x 24 x 7. So, time does not act as a barrier, wherever the
vendor and buyers are.

6. Online tracking

Online consumers can track the order status and delivery status tracking of
shipping is also available.

7. Online shopping saves money

To attract customers to shop online, e-tailers and marketers offer discounts to

the customers. Due to elimination of maintenance, real-estate cost, the retailers
are able to sell the products with attractive discounts through online.
Sometimes, large online shopping sites offer store comparison.


1. Delay in delivery

Long duration and lack of proper inventory management result in delays in

shipment. Though the duration of selecting, buying and paying for an online
product may not take more than 15 minutes; the delivery of the product to
customer’ s doorstep takes about 1-3 weeks. This frustrates the customer and
prevents them from shopping online.

2. Lack of significant discounts in online shops

Physical stores offer discounts to customers and attract them so this makes it
difficult for e-tailers to compete with the offline platforms.

3. Lack of touch and feel of merchandise in online shopping

Lack of touch-feel-try creates concerns over the quality of the product on offer.
Online shopping is not quite suitable for clothes as the customers cannot try
them on.

4. Lack of interactivity in online shopping

Physical stores allow price negotiations between buyers and the seller. The
show room sales attendant representatives provide personal attention to
customers and help them in purchasing goods. Certain online shopping mart
offers service to talk to a sales representative,

5. Lack of shopping experience

The traditional shopping exercise provides lot of fun in the form of show-room
atmosphere, smart sales attendants, scent and sounds that cannot be
experienced through a website. Indians generally enjoy shopping. Consumers
look forward to it as an opportunity to go out and shop.

6. Lack of close examination in online shopping

A customer has to buy a product without seeing actually how it looks like.
Customers may click and buy some product that is not really required by them.
The electronic images of a product are sometimes misleading. The color,
appearance in real may not match with the electronic images.

People like to visit physical stores and prefer to have close examination of
good, though it consumes time. The electronic images vary from physical
appearance when people buy goods based on electronic images.

7. Frauds in online shopping

Sometimes, there is disappearance of shopping site itself. In addition to above,

the online payments are not much secured. So, it is essential for e-marketers
and retailers to pay attention to this issue to boost the growth of e-commerce.
The rate of cybercrimes has been increasing and customers’ credit card details
and bank details have been misused which raise privacy issues.

 User Feedbacks
Shopee has a consumer rating of 1.64 stars from 170 reviews indicating that
most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Consumers
complaining about Shopee most frequently mention customer service, many
times and wrong item problems. Shopee ranks 408th among Marketplace sites.
 Storyboard (create a storyboard or interaction flow of the app)
o Storyboard could be presented through drawing /screenshots
o Properly label each step/procedure

3. Design a Mobile app that you would like to produce, and provide the following:
 Mobile App Info (Name, Purpose, Size, Platform, Type of Mobile App etc.)
Name: iBarter
Purpose: iBarter provides users an easy, secure, fast, and enjoyable online trading
experience that is enjoyed by traders daily.
Size: 90.1 MB
Platform: e-Commerce
Type of Mobile App: Mobile-centric Marketplace

 Background
 In 2022, iBarter launches in Philippines
In 2022, iBarter was launches in Philippine online market.

 Features

1. Make a pitch to a shop about your items.

A regular marketing is required to guarantee prominent presentation of items,

including increased shelf space. There are a variety of methods for doing so,
including providing varying incentives to a retailer or wholesaler as part of a
contract. It is usually done once a month or once a quarter.


Any trade marketing campaign must include POSm, or point of sale materials. A
leaflet containing a marketing mechanism for an outlet, for example, might also be
termed POSm. This category also includes promotional goods like as shelf talkers,
shelf stoppers, yellow/red price tags, lightboxes, and other items that are often
exhibited within a point of sale.

3.Transition to the end user

Many trade marketing operations include or should be aimed toward the end
customer. Retail chain sales and gift-for-purchase promotions are two common

4.Today's trade marketing

Nowadays, a large portion of trade marketing is digital, with Big Data being used in
certain cases. For example, a product may include a code to advertise a digital add-
on, or it could provide a consumer with additional benefits for e-commerce
activities, such as a discount if they purchase a product via an app rather than
visiting to the shop. A retail chain, on the other hand, may use an e-mail newsletter
to notify consumers of fresh deals. In this approach, trade marketing and internet
marketing are combined.

 Advantages and Disadvantage to the social community


1. Lower fees
One of the clearest advantages of online trading is the reduction in transaction costs
and high fees associated with traditional brick-and-mortar brokerage firms.
2. More control and flexibility
Time is often of the essence when you trade stocks, so the speed of using online
trading portals is a benefit to many investors. With online trading, you can execute a
trade almost immediately. Traditional brick-and-mortar brokers might require
appointments, either online, over the phone or in person, just to initiate a trade.

3. Ability to avoid brokerage bias

By taking trading into your own hands, you can eliminate brokerage bias. Bias
sometimes occurs when a broker gives financial advice that benefits the broker —
such as in the form of a commission for selling specific mutual funds and other

4. Access to online tools

In the world of online trading, a lower cost does not necessarily mean a shoddy
product. Many of today’s online trading companies offer customers an impressive
suite of tools providing valuable information and helping optimize trades.

5. Option to monitor investments in real time

Many online trading sites offer stock quotes and trade information that make it easy
for people to see how their investments are doing in real time.


1. Easier to invest too much too fast

Because online trading is so easy — you basically push a button — there is the risk
of making poor investment choices or overinvesting.
Online investors can protect themselves by understanding the stocks they are
buying and setting up safeguards in fast-paced markets. Placing a limit order on your
account is one way to control what you buy and how much of it.
2. No personal relationships with brokers
From getting help on how to create an investment strategy to understanding how
the results of feedback mechanisms affect the market, online traders are left to
their own devices. For some, this kind of autonomy can be unsettling.
Experts often stress the importance of research, particularly for new traders. You
need to learn as much as you can about the companies in which you invest.
3. Addictive nature
Online traders can experience a certain high when trading that is similar to what
people experience when gambling, according to a recent study on excessive trading
published in the journal Addictive Behaviors. The study noted that some investors
choose short-term trading strategies that involve investing in risky stocks offering
the potential for large gains but also significant losses. “The structure itself of the
two activities (gambling and trading) is very close,” the study concluded.
4. Internet-dependent
The nature of online trading means that, ultimately, you’re at the mercy of your
internet connection. If the internet connection is too slow or is interrupted, you can
lose out on a potentially important or lucrative trade.
5. Buying errors due to computer missteps
With online trading, to simply assume a trade was not completed can cost you
money. Investors who believe their trade was not completed might make the trade
again and end up investing twice as much as they intended. Assuming a trade was
completed without seeing confirmation of the fact also is a mistake. Make sure you
understand how to verify trades and review statements before you begin using an
online investing system.
 User Feedbacks

iBarter has long been one of the most popular online barters. The company's 0
commissions and strong trading platforms appeal to active traders, while beginner
investors benefit from a large library of educational resources.

 Storyboard (create a storyboard or interaction flow of the app)

o Storyboard could be presented through drawing /screenshots
o Properly label each step/procedure




 Proposed Mobile App will be graded through

o Uniqueness (Does the Mobile app presented already exist?)
o Production capability (Can the Mobile app presented displays new features that could
elevate today’s Technology?)
o Innovational Quality (does the Mobile app presented displays new features that could
elevate today’s Technology?)
o Design and Presentation (How mobile app looks and how well it is presented)

CIT 238 Mobile Application Development

Final Term Activities

1. Select a Mobile Game and create a power point presentation that will discuss the following
a. Game Type
b. Elements of the Game (Characters, objects, etc.)
c. Storyline/ Sequence of the Game
d. Procedures (How to Play the Mobile Game)

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