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Ferdinand Magellan

• A Portugeese in the service of Spanish Crown.

• Was famous as the great explorer who led 5 ships and 251 men in the voyage around the world.
• Born feb. 3, 1481
• Died 27th of April 1521

The Five Ships

• Trinidad (Captain Magellan)
• San Antonio (Captain Juan de Cartagena)
• Conception (Captain Gaspar de Quesada)
• Santiago (Caprain Juan Serrano)
• Victoria (Captain Luis Mendoza)

• March 16, 1519 They reached the Island of Homonhon, Samar

• March 31, 1521 The first mass celebrated in Masao or Limasawa with Father Pedro Valderama.
• After the mass Rajah Humabon, Reyna Juana and the other people under the leadership of
Humabon were baptized as Catholics.
• April 27, 1521 according to the account of ANTONIO FIGAFETTA, They reached the Island of
Mactan. Battle of Mactan, Death of Magellan.

What is the Philippines?

• Destination Philippines, a virtual guide to the archipelago in Maritime Southeast Asia. The island
nation is situated south of Taiwan, east of the South China Sea, with the Pacific Ocean in east.
The country consists of more than 7,107 islands (according to the Philippines government). It
shares maritime borders with China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Palau, Vietnam, and Taiwan.

The Philippines three main island groups are Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. The country
occupies a land area of 300,000 km², this is about the size of Italy or slightly larger than the size
of the US state of Arizona.

The archipelago's population of 100.9 million people (in 2015) making it the world's 12th most
populous country; Luzon, the largest island group, accounts for more than half of the entire
population of the country.

Located in the south western part of Luzon is the capital of the Philippines, Manila, largest city is
Quezon City, both are part of Metro Manila, a metropolis with a population of almost 13 million
people. Spoken languages are Filipino and English (both official), 19 other languages are regional

Las Islas Filipinas

The Philippines was named in honor of King Philip II of Spain. Spanish explorer RUY LOPEZ de
VILLALOBOS, during his expedition in 1542, name the Islands of Leyte and Samar Felipinas after then-
Prince of Asturias. Eventually the name LAS ISLAS FILIPINAS would be use to cover all the island of the
• The flag was first conceptualized by Emilio Aguinaldo.
• The first flag was sewn in Hong Kong by Marcela Agoncillo her daughter Lorenza and Doña
Delfina Herbosa de Natividad, niece of Jose Rizal.
• The flag is displayed with the blue field on top in times of peace, and with the red field on top in
times of war.
What does the White Triangle mean?
It is the distinctive emblem of KATIPUNAN by means of BLOOD COMPACT that was inspired by the
Filipino people to rise a Revolution

What does 8 rays in the Sun means?


What does the three Stars means?

According to Declaration of the Philippine Independence in 1898, it is the Geographical Islands which
compose of LUZON, PANAY ISLAND and MINDANAO, but instead of Panay Island it was change to

Murillo Velarde’s 1734 Map

Las Islas Filipinas

De las Islas Filipinas

Was Createdd by Father Murillo Velarde published in 1734 the
“ Mother of all Maps” or “ Ina ng mga Mapa ng Filipinas”
Gobernador Heneral Fernando Vales order Father Murillo to make map of the “FILIPINAS” Together
with Nicolas de la Cruz and a friend publisher Francisco Suarez..
 -Late in 18th century to the 1st half of the 19th century.
1. Rise of the industrial powers with their demand for products like sugar and abaca.
2.The opening of key Philippines ports to the world trade(e.g. Manila, 1834; Iloilo, Zamboanga,
1855; Cebu; 1865)

 Moneylending
 Retail trade
-would consolidate ownership and control of vast trace of land for growing export crops.

 1820s
-Plantation increasingly became an important part of economy.
 1815
-pueblo’s we’re no longer purely agricultural communities
 The old single occupational class of small cultivators broke down as many families left farming
and turned to various crafts, services, and other non-farming livelihoods.

 Salt, sugar, oil and dried fish

-supplied by Pangasinan to the inhabitants of Ilocos, the Cagayan missions, Nueva Ecija, and Upper

 The growth of an export economy driven by the industrial revolution in the west and the
expansion of internal trade transform the structure of colonial society.
 They laid socioeconomic conditions that eventually ended the geographic and the ethnic
isolation of the pueblos.

 Family of Rizal (originally surnamed “Mercado”)

-belonged to the shifting of social landscape.
 Francisco Mercado
-as a sugar planter on land rented from the Dominicans (inquilino), he worked his way up to
become the most prominent resident of calamba.
- according to Guerrero, he became one of the town’s wealthiest men, the first to build a stone
house and buy another in town with only four or five houses of any size- keep a carriage, own a library,
and send his children to school in manila.

 Francisco Mercado’s wife

-with whom he has 11 children, helped him with his land holdings and was in business in her own
right, running a small flour mill, curing hams, dyeing cloth and managing a medicine and general good
 June 1871
-The unfaithful wife of an uncle, head of Guardia Civil detachment and the helped of the town
mayor had caused Teodora Alonso to be arrested and imprisoned for the crime of helping her husband,
Teodora’s Cousin to poison her .
 The Cavite mutiny of 1872
-the secularization movement was supported by liberals, the Comite de reformadores , who
sought political and civil rights due to Filipinas.
 Paciano (Rizal’s Brother)
-a law student at UST, an active member of the youth arm of the comite, the Juventud Escolar
Liberal, he lived in the same house with Fr. Jose Burgos.
 The introduction of the steam ships & the opening of Suez canal in 1869 drastically reduced the
travel time to europe which increase contacts with foreigner and peninsular spaniards.

Throughout 19th century, Spain was in a persistent state of political instability. Split by ideological
battle between traditional absolutism and liberalism.

Early Patriotism
• (1875) - Firsrt year in senior high at the Ateneo de Manila. Also first year as a boarder.
• (1877) - Graduate in Ateneo in March.
• (1878) - Shifts to medicine begins writings his memoirs.
• (1879) - Win his special prize for his ode, “A la juventud Filipina”
• (1880) - Wins first prize for El Consejo de las dioses. an allegory in praise of Cervantes
• (1882) - May 1: secretly leaves Calamba for Spain to complete his medical studies arriving in
Barcelona on June 15.
June: writes “El amor patrio” for Dariong Tgalaog

The young Rizal's reminiscences imply about his early patriotism.

First , Rizal did not date the sudden increase of his patriotic fervor to 1872 when the three filipino
secular priest were executed, and yet he saw how this event terrified his parents and their neighbors
and affected the life of his brother. he vowed, he said, while yet a child, to avenge the injustice
against the three priests.
Second , Rizal did not date it either to his earlier years in the Ateneo when he (presumably) first
experienced racism firsthand from a teacher who would denigrate native Filipinos from time to time.
Rizal reports this in an unpublished essay on Spanish racism.
Third , Today we automatically think of patriotism in Rizal's time as the desire to over throw the
colonial government or as hatred for the Spaniards. This is not what Rizal understood by “patriotic

From 1879 to 1880, we see the elements of Rizal’s concept of love of country emerge gradually in
three poems:
• Un recuerdo a mi pueblo ( A gift to my town)
• A la juventud Filipina (To the Youth of the Philippines)
• A Filipinas (To the Philippines)

These elements would be burned into a singular unity by two events that occurred in 1880, resulting
in the love of country Rizal expounds on in his first work on foreign soil, “El amor patrio.”
Some date “Un recuerdo a mi pueblo” (“A Gift to My Town”) to 1876. The poem itself bears no
date. It is less sophisticated than “A la Juvented Filipina” and must have been written just before
Rizal’s prize winning poem.

There is no mention of homeland (“patria”) here, but “pueblo,” which is here translated as
“town,” may certainly be translated as “hometown.” Indeed, “love of country” and “love of one’s
hometown” would have the same translation that will reappear in Rizal’s essay on love of country:
love for the town’s natural beauty and recollections of childhood.

In 1879, Rizal then in his second year in UST (his first in Medicine), joined a literary contest which
had a section open to natives and mestizos. “Rizal won. The poem is not quite a literary masterpiece
“A la juventud filipina”, but it is cleverly composed and earnestly written.

The poem divides into two parts, in each of which Rizal says essentially the same thing, though at
different levels, one general, and the other particular.
• In the first, Rizal urges the Filipino youth to “display in splender / magnificent talents” in
response to “the Spaniard” who offers a “splendid crown” to the best of them;
• In the second, Rizal challenges the young poet, composer sculptor, and painter to each create
works of genius to win the general acclaim of humanity.

Can we say the poem is specifically directed to natives and mestizos?

In fact, Rizal entered the poem in the section of the contest reserved for natives and mestizos. This is
the proper context in which to interpret Rizal’s description of the Spaniard as wise: the “splendid
crown” he offers is a clever attempt to make the Filipino overcome his timidity and produce works of
artistic genius.

Rizal calls the Spaniard literally, his hand“loving”. The word he uses is “pia,” which in the original
Latin denotes the love children have for their parents and parents for their children. There is a vision
of Spanish-Philippine society implied here and specifically of the relation between Spaniards and
native Filipinos.

What Rizal seems to be doing in “A la juventud Filipina” is

to encourage the Philippine youth to contribute to Spanish-Philippine society by producing works of
art marked by genius.

How seriously should we take these verses?

One last point on “A la juventud Filipina”: the artistic contributions of the Philippine youth would
be works of genius. Rizal dedicates an entire stanza to this point and one stanza each to poetry, music,
sculpture, and painting to show that the works he has in mind would win fame not only in Spain but
throughout the world.

In February 1880, Rizal wrote a sonnet dedicated to the Philippines.

• This is the most passionate poem about the Philippines written by Rizal and perhaps by any
Filipino ever.
• In fact, it is a transmutation of a personal experience going back 12 years earlier: his first trip
to Manila in the company of his father.
“With what joy did I see the sun rise. For the first time I saw how the luminous rays struck, producing
a brilliant effect, the trembling surface of the vast lake.”

• All of his experiences of the geography of his country coalesced in the vision of a deity to
whom he pledged his life. Rizal’s love for natural beauty had always been there since
childhood, but the conversion of lake, sky mountains, and fields into “Filipinas,” into a
country to which he was personally related (Calamba and its beauty was an important part of
it) this was something new.

1880: A Fateful Year

The Challenge came in two parts;
• First occurred in April 1880 two months after writing his sonnet,Rizal entered another literary
competition and won first prize, but different from the competition a few months earlier.
• There was one contest for Spaniards and natives and when the audience discovered that a
native had won,the applause was replaced by hisses.
• Second would follow barely three months later,Rizal put inside the jail for having failed to doff
his hat.He attempted to complain personally to the governor-general but was never given an
• Rizal would not forget this incident nor the apparent indifference of the governor-general
which he mention as well in his article on spanish racism.
• Rizal reject Catholicism in his personal life.He would not cease to believe in God , but he
stopped practicing the catholic faith.

Love of Country
Jose Rizal's sketch of the port of Aden in Yemen on his first trip to Spain in 1882.
• Where we find the first memories of childhood, the memory of someone you love, a family
that remembers you and waits for you thingking and worrying about you.
• It is the recognition of the affection for everything that reminds us of something of our earliest it the land where our elders sleep.
• The beauties and tender memories are what strengthen the tie that unites us to the land
where we were born.
• Love of country for Rizal is the most extreme type of love,revealed in the examples of Lucuis
Brutus and Guzman el Bueno who gave up their own children for the homeland.
Values of Modern Filipino
 Faith , Faithfulness , Nurturing , Industry , and Courage

Scientific Revolution
was the period of enlightenment when the developments in the fields of mathematics, physics,
astronomy, biology and chemistry transformed the views of society about nature.
1. Science is an idea. It includes ideas, theories, and all available systematic explanations and
observations about the natural and physical world.
2. Science as an intellectual activity. it encompasses a systematic and practical study of the
natural and physical world. This process of study involves systematic observation and
3. Science as a body of knowledge. It is a subject or a discipline, a field study, or a body of
knowledge that deals with the process of learning about the natural and physical world. This
is what we refer to as school science.
3 Notable Scientists
1. Nicolaus Copernicus – one of the renaissance men, Copernicus resembled the Greek ancient
philosophers or thinkers .
- Copernicus placed the Sun to be the centerpiece of the universe.
- Copernicus outlined two kinds of planetary motion: 1. The orbits of venus and mercury lay
inside the orbit of the earth, thus closer to the sun; and 2. The orbits of Mars, Saturn, and
Jupiter lay outside the earth’s orbit, thus farther from the sun.
2. Charles Darwin – is famous for his theory of evolution.
- Darwin published his book The origin of the Species in 1589
3. Sigmund Freud - is a famous figure in the field of psychology. He gather reliable data to study
human’s inner life. (psychoanalysis)


Asia is the biggest continent in the world and home of many ancient civilizations.
In the field of science, technology and mathematics, great civilizations have stood out: India, China and
Middle East Civilizations.

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