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PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION the second most convenient communication

mode next to face-to-face interaction.

3. Whereas the audio mode of communication
1. Language is a human capacity that consists of is limited to hearing only the speaker's voice,
(a) a system of rules(also known as grammar), most types of the text-based communication
(b) a sound system (phonology), and are limited only to what is printed.
(c) a vocabulary (lexicon). However, the latter has a wider reach and is
able to disseminate information to a larger
2. While growing up in a community, people group of audience.
acquire the languages used by those in the
community. This is the process of Language SYNTHESIS 3
1. There are various types of communication.
3. The languages acquired while growing up are This types can be divided according to mode,
known as mothertongues, which may also be context, purpose and style.
referred to as first languages.
•In terms of communication mode, the types of
4. Other than the first languages, there are communication are verbal, non-verbal, and
other languages that are needed for various visual.
reasons. These other languages are referred to
as second languages. •In terms of context, the communication types
are intrapersonal, interpersonal,
5. People learn their second languages in school extended,organizational, and intercultural.
or on their own.This is the process of language
•In terms of purpose and style,the types of
communication are formal and informal.
6. In our interaction with other people, our
2. Verbal and non-verbal codes should
languages come into contact with their
languages, resulting in language change. complement each other.With visual
communication, interpretation of signs and
Language change is a natural behavior of all
languages. symbols is crucial since people have different
ways of interpreting them.
SYNTHESIS 2 It is important to always contextualize the
symbol/sign received in order to arrive at the
1. The various modes of communication are;
1. face-to-face, correct interpretation.
2. video
3. audio
4. text-based
2. The video is used to connect two or more
people who cannot interact face-to-face. It is
3. In any organization, a system of SYNTHESIS 6
communication should be put in place.
Transmission of message and message flow also 1. With the rapid rise and spread of Internet
connectivity, the old forms of communication
play an important role in effective
organizational communication. have given way to new ones that make
communication easier and faster.
4. People have different linguistic, religious,
ethnic, social, and professional backgrounds. It 2. Technology tools in communication such as
social networking sites, for example, are used to
is then necessary to pay attention to
intercultural communication to avoid connect to distant family and relatives or old
friends, to meet new ones, or to share the most
miscommunication and/or communication
breakdown. trivial to the most important information or
5. Formal communication and informal
communication have different uses depending 3. Each tool has its own strengths and
weaknesses. Whatever tool is used, it is
on the situation. Both types may be in oral or
written mode. important to always be responsible in
conveying ideas or delivering messages.
1. Some of the well-known conceptual models
1. The diversity of people and culture impacts
are Aristotle, Shannon-Weaver, Laswell and
Berlo's models. communication.Communicating with people
coming from unfamiliar cultures poses
2. For oral communication to be effective, there challenges.
is a need to be clear with the purpose, complete
2. The success of intercultural communication
and concise with the message natural with the
delivery, and specific and timely with the does not depend on language skills alone, but
on openness and sensitivity to cultural diversity,
as well as on a genuine desire to understand
SYNTHESIS 5 and be understood.

1. Globalization is essentially an economic Synthesis 8

phenomenon because it is concerned with the
1. Intercultural communication plays an
movement of people and products across
national with. important role in achieving effective
2. Because globalization moves people across
borders, its effects are felt not only in economic 2. There are different varieties of English spoken
by countries colonized by Britain,
terms, but in social and cultural aspects as well.
Thus, globalization also impacts the US, Canada, and Australia: Singapore
communication. English, Malaysian English, Philippine English,
and Thai English, among others. These varieties
have their own grammatical, lexical, and
syntactic features and should not be considered •ambiguity,
as errors. •performance-related misunderstanding,
•language-related misunderstanding,
3. Language has formal and informal registers. •gaps in world knowledge, and
These registers have forms which define the •local context.
social situation.
3. Intercultural communication can be studied
4. The kind of register to be used affects the through the
way one speaks and writes. 1.functionalist approach,
2.interpretative approach, and
3.critical approach

1. One cause of miscommunication or SYNTHESIS 11

misinterpretation is differing pronunciation.
Speakers have different ways of pronouncing 1. An explanation essay is a written piece of
words because of differences in phonology.It is work that addresses why' questions. It aims to
then important to be exposed to the ways other inform or educate readers.
speakers of English use the language to reduce 2. Writing an explanation essay requires pre-
the degree of difficulty that may be writing activities that will help you sharpen the
experienced. focus of your writing.
2. Aside from pronunciation, non-verbal
communication also plays an important role in
effective communication. Bodily gestures SYNTHESIS 12
should be properly interpreted as their
1. Research is an essential component in the
meanings vary from culture to culture.
production of an argumentative essay.
3. One's purpose for communication as well as
2. Writing the argumentative essay requires
his/her relationship to the listeners/readers will
determine the kind of language he/she will use. pre-writing activities that help sharpen the
focus of your writing.

3. Intellectual honesty should be observed in

SYNTHESIS 10 writing.

1. It is always challenging to deal with people

from different cultures.The challenge is lies in
the way of understanding not only the verbal
code but also the non-verbal code.

2. Misunderstandings between people of SYNTHESIS 13

different cultures can be caused by the
following: 1. When preparing a report or speech for oral
presentation, make a profile first of your
audience and the logistics involved, i.e.venue •character,
and facilities. Then read up and research on the •images,
topic so you can write an effective report, •symbol, and
speech, or talk. • theme

2. When making your oral presentations, pay

attention to the paralinguistic cues and prosodic
features of the language.Whereas; SYNTHESIS 16
•paralinguistic cues- involves facial expression, 1. Debates are used not only in formal contexts
posture,gestures, and movement, •prosodic but also in informal settings such as the home,
features include intonation, tone, stress, market, mall, church, and the like.
rhythm, and pause.
2. Debates can be classified into informal and
3. When making a group presentation, follow formal.
strictly the guidelines so you can come up with
a good performance. Be a team player so that • informal debates happen anywhere,
the individually assigned parts cohere with each • formal debates take place in formal settings
other. such as the classroom, the House of
Representatives, and the Senate.

•Informal debates simply call for an exchange

SYNTHESIS 14 of arguments without any structure or rules to
1. A blog is the online equivalent of a journal or follow.
•Conversely, formal debates follow a
diary entry.
procedure, have a structure, and observe a set
2. Because of its public nature, a blog has more of rules.
visual material and makes use of topics that are
of general interest to the public. 3. Debates use all the language macro-skills:
SYNTHESIS 15 • writing,
1. Literature is used as a vehicle for • viewing, and
communicating ideas. •critical thinking.
Without one of these, a debater cannot argue
2. Fictional elements come together to deliver effectively.
an author's message about the human

3. The fictional elements include; SYNTHESIS 17

•setting, 1. There are many communication materials

•plot, that cut across professions: business letters,
•conflict, memoranda, and minutes of a meeting, among
others. Other genres are the Facebook,
Twitter,and LinkedIn which are found in social
media channels.

2. While traditional genres now have their

counterparts in the social media, their
structures are essentially the same.

3. One important genre that cuts across

disciplines is the business proposal which has
three major parts:

1. the problem statement,

2. the proposed solution, and
3. the costing or pricing.


1. The job interview is a vital component of the

job application process.

2. Job interviews are conducted to determine

whether or not the applicants possess the
qualities expected from employees.

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