Activity 3

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At the end of the period, the students are expected to:
A. Define respect and self-respect
B. Think about different situations in life where you have to
get along with others and know if there’s respect in
C. Determine ways to improve self-respect and the respect of

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Social Responsibility. Self-respect and respect to
B. References:>academy>what is respect-lesson for
kids Grade 2
C. Materials: visual aids, charts, pictures
D. Pre-requisite Skills: Cooperation, participation and
E. Values Integration: develops a genuine love for family and
improve self-respect and the respect of others.

III. Instructional Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A – Preparation
1. Greetings “Good morning “Good morning
class…” Teacher!
Good morning

2. Prayer “Let us pray, anyone (one student will

can lead the stand in the front
prayer?” and lead the prayer)

(The students will

“Before you take
3. Checking the pick up the pieces
your seat kindly
classroom of paper before they
pick up the pieces
condition take their seat.)
of paper under your
4. Checking of Ms. Secretary may I (The secretary will
attendance know the class stand and tell who
status for today? the absentee are.)

“Always maintain “Yes, Ma’am.”

perfect attendance
so you won’t miss
B – MOTIVATION any of our

“So how was your “It was great sir!”

weekend?” “Of course sir! It
“That’s good! Have was a lot of
you enjoyed your fun!”“Yes sir! We
weekend bonding with love purple-colored
your family?” dinosaur!”
“That’s good to
know. For this
morning, our
discussion will be
in relation to a
family. What is
respect and why it
is important.”
“Are you familiar “Yes”
with Barney’s I Love
You Song?”

“Okay that’s good,

so are you ready to
sing and have fun
Let us sing Barney’s
I Love You Song.
(Students Sing)
  “I love you, you
love me and we’re a
happy family,
With a great big hug
and a kiss from me
to you,
Hope you say you
love me too.”
Sir, eventhough the
song is very short,
“Okay now class,
but I guess it’s
What can you say
full of emotions.”
about the song? Does
it tell us something
important that we
have already
forgotten to do
nowadays?” “Because sir I
noticed that the
song has a lot to do
“How could you say with our love for
so John?” our family, that the
real meaning of
family is all about
“That was a very loving each other,
good explanation and nowadays kissing
John, you know what and hugging our
class the song parents or family
simply tells us members are not
something that we being practiced
should always anymore.”
consider for us to
keep our family or
relationship with
others intact,
sometimes showing
towards a person
makes him feel that
he is appreciated
and there will be
feeling of
belongingness and

“Because sir, there

“What else have you are so many
noticed which made descriptive words in
you conclude that the song, the most
the song is all obvious one is “I
about love?” LOVE YOU.”

“Everybody had just

sung very well, it’s
C-LESSON PROPER now time to improve
your pronunciation

(students raise
“Now, who can their hands and gave
volunteer to give me the definition of
the definition of the word respect)
the word “respect”

“Having respect for

someone means you
think good things
about which a person
“Okay, very good.” is or how he/she
acts. You can have
respect for others,
It’s the sense of and you can have
worth or personal respect for
value that you yourself.”
attach to someone.
Respect is an
overall evaluation “You follow your
you give someone parents' rules to
based on many show them you care
factors – what that (respect) how they
person is doing with feel about the
their life, how they situation.”
treat you and
others, whether they
are honest or not
and if they seem to
consistently do good
things, large or
small, for other
people. In short,
respect is a
positive view that
you form of how
someone is living
their life. On the
other hand, self-
respect is your view
of how you’re living
your life.
Showing respect is
the right response
in a civil society.
One of the
characteristics of a
civil society is the
showing of respect
to fellow citizens.
The conviction that
other members of a
family, a town, a
city, a nation, or a
region of the world
are worthy of
Listen. When you
listen to another
person’s concerns,
you will not know
“Give some example who they are and
of how do we show what’s important to
respect” them. Respect begins
with listening.
Serve. Serving shows
that we care. And
caring shows that we
Be kind. Kindness is
an expression of
respect. Respect for
the fact that
someone else is
simply in need. We
have all been in
need. And what a
relief it was when
someone showed us

“Self-respect is the
respect you have for
yourself, while ego
“What is self is your
respect?” understanding of
your own

“In fact, self-

respect is the
foundation of all
strong and healthy
relationships. When
you accept yourself
as a whole person,
with both flaws and
strengths, it
changes how others
perceive you. When
you know who you are
and how much you’re
worth, you will not
let anyone, and not
even your partner,
treat you as a
doormat. That is why
you should practice
self-respect in all
of your
relationships: with
your partner, “You feel safe being
friends, parents, around each other.”
and everyone you “You know its ok for
meet.” both of you to
express who you
“Think about all the
different situations “When you disagree
in life where you you listen to each
have to get along other and be
with others – how do patient.”
you know if there’s
respect in your “You don’t yell or
relationship?” talk over the top of
each other. You can
both admit when
you’ve made a

“I know you’ve
learnt a lot from
the discussion,
anyone who can
summarize the
(call 2 students to
share their learning
about the lesson)

“Thank you! It is
very important to
understand what
respect is, why it
is important and how
to respect show
respect to others so
you can use it and
apply it every day.”
Find magazine and newspaper pictures, headlines, photographs, and
advertisements that show something about respect. Cut them out
and paste them in a long bond paper.

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