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Name : Abdullah

Id : A2007f0671
Group : MD-09
Sofia just got accepted as a cloud engineer at a technology company focusing on logistics.
She is feeling overwhelmed, as she has so many things to do in her tasklist:
1. Hold a daily maintenance and be on-standby for her shift.
2. Browse and buy a birthday present for her mom, whose birthday is next week.
3. Prepare an infrastructure for data migration to cloud which will help the developer team to
update the company’s app due in 3 days.
4. Attend her primary school virtual reunion tonight.
5. Grocery shopping to buy ingredients to prepare a feast for her mother’s birthday held next
6. Prepare progress reports for the meeting this evening.
7. Catch up with the last 3 episodes of her favorite TV series.
8. Visit the doctor as she feels mild pain on her back after long hours of work recently.

Please help Sofia create a time management quadrant for all of her tasks. Explain why you
think each activity should fall into a particular quadrant in a short essay.
Priority of Time Management
Time Management is basically our ability to plan, organize and manage the time that will be
spent to carry out certain activities effectively to achieve certain tasks. Time management is
definitely related to PRIORITY, which is one of the 5 pillars of time management. We really
have to distinguish which ones are important, urgent, not important, and not urgent. To
determine priorities, we can use 4 quadrants of time management which consist of Q1(Do it
Now): Urgent and Important, Q2(Schedule): Less Urgent and Important, Q3(Delegate):
Urgent and Less Important, and Q4(Drop): Less Urgent and Less Important.
For the case of Sofia, who was recently hired as a cloud engineer at a technology company
focused on logistics, I will divide it based on 4 quadrants of time management, include the
Q1(Do it Now): Urgent and Important:
• Number 1. Hold a daily maintenance and be on-standby for her shift.
I think this task is important because maintenance is a mandatory task for cloud
engineering and its maintenance must be done every day which cannot be delayed, so
this task is included in Q1 which must be done now.
• Number 3. Prepare an infrastructure for data migration to cloud which will help the
developer team to update the company’s app due in 3 days.
In my opinion, this deserves to be included in Q1 because it is Sofia's obligation to
help her own team and also the time given is very short, which is 3 days
• Number 6. Prepare progress reports for the meeting this evening.
Because progress reports are important for Sofia herself and for the continuity of the
meeting, and the meeting time is tonight, so this task goes to Q1.
Q2(Schedule): Less Urgent and Important:
• Number 2. Browse and buy a birthday present for her mom, whose birthday is next
I think Sofia should schedule it, because browse and buying gifts can take a long time
and if it's a gift for mom, then it's an important and personal thing that can't be
delegated to anyone else, and considering her birthday is still 1 week away.
Q3(Delegate): Urgent and Less Important:
• Number 5. Grocery shopping to buy ingredients to prepare a feast for her mother’s
birthday held next weekend.
I think this work can be delegated to other people, because it is urgent but this task
does not have to be done by Sofia, she can delegate it to other closest relatives, for
example to her sister.
Q4(Drop): Less Urgent and Less Important:
• Number 4. Attend her primary school virtual reunion tonight.
I think Sofia can refuse the invitation to a virtual reunion tonight, if she attends then
she will be very tired because today's schedule is very busy, considering that the
reunion is not mandatory
• Number 7. Catch up with the last 3 episodes of her favorite TV series.
Watching the favorite tv show even if it's only 3 episodes is a waste of time when
Sofia's schedule is so busy that it has to be thrown away.
In conclusion, we can use this method to set the priority of our activities, in the example
above we can divide Sofia's tasks which include important, less important, urgent and less
urgent according to the 4 quadrant of time management, so that our tasks can run smoothly
without problems.

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