World 3B

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Oo NATIONAL, GEOGRAPHIC UEARNING Nation Gagraghc Leung, Our Wor Verkbok wth Onin Pacis, Second Eton Sere ts: Jan Kang Shin, Sonn God) Cracal Pusher aca ibben| Esestive tor San Mae Project Manager Sr act Product Marking Manages Daven eadsof ager Naktis (Grote lle ure, Mika Extn ica) Kel Hemm(tes) na Pereyra atin Amores) Coment iject Manage Math rest ‘Arche: rede Carico! Sener Desires Tager Operations Suppor: Rebecca Gh asoy Csr Goo ‘manuacing Manager Eye Does ‘ONLINE PRACTICE © set your Course Key: © Tevet ted: Askyour sedan or texene. 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Salo SECOND EDITION + WORKBOOK Series Editors Joan Kang Shin and JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall NATIONAL iEOGRAPHIC >o ice ngapre Ud Kngfom Unies aoe SECOND EDITION * WORKBOOK Unit 0 Welcome to Our Class .. Unit 1 A Helping Hand... Unit 2 My Place in the World .. Unit 3 On the Movel...... Units 1-3 Review Unit 4 Our Senses...........s.6- pntereart f eA Unit 5 Animal Habitats 54 Unit 6 What's for Dinner 66 Units 4-6 Review...... +78 unit 7 Feeling Fit . , 80 Unit 8 Let's Celebrate we 92 Unit 9 My Weekend = 104 Units 7-9 Review... cscs 116 Additional Activities and Games. . 118 Unit 0 © listen and read. Match the questions to the answers. Draw lines. m:0.2 1. How do you spell rubber? 2. What's the difference between on and in? 3, How do you say ldpiz in English? 4.1 don’t understand. Can you help me, please? 5. Could you repeat that, please? e Listen and R03 1.27 +20= 2.101 +35 = 3. 1,000,000 4. 1,000,000,000 5. 17th 6. 2nd FTF a. 1 can show you. b. Yes, sure. c. It’s a pencil. d, Ru-b-b-e-r, e. Sure, ru 27-20= 101 - 35 = 1,000,000,000 1,000,000 mh ard 6 Do the puzzle. Put the letters in order. Write one letter in each square, Seasons and Months WNTIER WET uly) REBTOCO CTI RUFREYBA CI ] PRNIGS ‘TESBPMEER i Pesdeee Seles CAHMR [ BENREOVM (i EE RIPAL, a © Find and write. Look at Activity 3, Find the letters above the numbers. Write the letters above the same numbers in the squares below. Then read the message, TTTTICLICITTIL © book, read and write. Use words in the box { hers his mine ours theirs yours : n wmf & Ft 1 2 1, The kite is 3. The kite is ____. 4. The kite is © read (Girclé}the correct answer. 1, Where's my hat? Oh, I can see! ame bit . them 2. Where's my sister? | can't see b.him cher 3. I'm hungry. Can you give a biscuit, please? ame bus c. them 4. Like my friends. | like playing with _. ayou —c. them 5. Can you see my brother? | can't see _. b.him cher 6. Hello, Alex and Marial 've got a cake for __. athem cit 7. My friends and I want to play a board qame. You can play with 1! aus b.them —¢. you Unit 1 A Helping Hand VOCABULARY 1 © Listen and write. Then listen again, Read and match, 1a { carry feed give help hold hands | hug = pick up protect take care of teach 1.1____help__ my grandmother. (©) = 2.1______ my goldfish.) 3. A mother can ____ her baby. (-) 4,1 ____ my mother.) bj (eaeeeeaeeeeeeee the Baby, (2): 6.1__ my sister to read. ) 4 Uniti 7.1____with my friend.) 8,|____ the hamster. ) 9.1_____ my bird. C) 10.1__my pet a bath.) 6 Read and write. Then work with a partner. Ask and answer. | Tike ike Vike Hike Do you like helping your grandmother? ae SONG © Listen to the song. Look. Number the pictures.rm:12 2) Look, read and €irclé)Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Read and circle the correct word, 1. I have to hold hands with my grandmother / grandfather. 2. [have to wash my goat / goldfish, 3. [have to comb my cat / bird. 4, Ihave to teach my sisters / brothers their 1, 2, 3s. 5. Lhave to pick up my dog J trog. 6.1 have to carry my family’s new baby / horse. 7. Ihave to read to my sister / brother. 8. | have to feed my dog / snake. 6 Uniti GRAMMAR 1 before and after (Question : Answer | does | she before | school? _| She feeds her fish What <== do _ = = (En [eo [you after | breakfast? | Ibrush my teeth, © ite. Put the words in order. 1, What does he do before school? washes | his | face { He 2. does | after | What / do / he / school He helps his mother. 3. breakfast / What / do / after / she / does She brushes her teeth, 4, What does she do before school? feeds / hamster / her / She e Listen. Draw lines to match. ra:1.3 1. What do you do after school? a. | hug my grandmother. 2. What do you do before breakfast? b. | feed my cat. 4. What do you do after breakfast? ¢. [help my mother. 4. What do you do before school? 4. take care of my brother. © oraw and write. what do you do? This is me, |______ before breakfast. | ____ after breakfast. |________ before school. |_______after school Hike 0 Draw your partner. Write about your partner. ‘This is ______. He/She ______ before breakfast. He/She after breakfast. He/She after school. He/She likes eee} VOCABULARY 2 1) Listen and write. re: [ feed my cat have a shower havea snack make my bed | 1 before breakfast. 2.|__ after breakfast. 3.1|___ before school. 4,|_____ after school. © Look. Read and match. Then ask and answer with a partner. 1. He has a shower at seven thirty. 2. He makes his bed at eight o'clock. 3. He walks to school at eight fifteen. 4, He comes home at three forty-five. 5, He has a snack at four o'clock. 6. He does his homework at four twenty. When does he have a He has a shower at shower? seven thirty, GRAMMAR 2 Adverbs of frequency ie as breakfast _ sometimes at 6.30. (Omar | always getsup | earh | usuall at6.00. He ne (He | never makes | his bed. © uisten. draw tines to match 5 1. She always helps at home at 3.15, 2. She usually has a snack at 3.45, 3. He usually has a shower at 4.45, 4. She sometimes does her homework at 5.30, 5. He sometimes makes his bed at 6.30. 6.He never ‘comes home at 8.00. © write. write when you do things. 1.1__always have breakfast at 700 2.|___ make my bed at _. 3.|___ have lunch at 4,1____ have a snack at 5.1___ come home at 6.1____ do my homework at _. always never sometimes usually © work with a partner. Student 1, go to page 118. Student 2, go to page 120. Read, listen and talk, Take turns. 10 Unit! GAME TIME! © read the sentences. Put the letters in order. It’s four[E]w DLETY] (ttwyne) 2.1K (lisyauu) drink milk for breakfast. 3.1L T_T] Gaawy)) wake up early. (neevt) get to school late. I'm always on time. It's eleven [ LT tytn. 6.1[_]_[ IG Wveha) a shower in the morning. 7. Imever have a 8.1 brush (L_T_ J fkesan) after school. my teeth, [OT] reat) breakfast. 9.110) (pertote) my pet from wild animals. e Answer the riddle. Use the circled letters in Activity 1. Put them in order to find the word. These animals are grey and they have got long trunks. They are very big and can live to be seventy years old. African ones have got big ears and Asian ones have got small ears. What are they? ®OOCOO0000 © listen and read. Can you say these quickiy? reas 1.1 sing silly songs at six sixteen, 2. Meena makes many milkshakes in the morning. 3. Before four, fix the fifteenth flower vase. READING 6 Listen and read. tr:1.7 The Daily Lives of Animals What do you do every day? Most children wake up in the morning, eat three or four meals a day, help their families and go to sleep at night. Many animals don't live the same way that children do. They sleep in the daytime or eat only at night. Some animals never sleep! They take care of babies in different ways. The red-necked nightjar is a bird from Spain and northern Africa. It flies in the evening and eats insects. It sleeps on the ground during the day. Most birds lay eggs in a nest, but this bird lays eggs on the ground, ‘The Koala tives in Australia. It only eats eucalyptus tree leaves at night. The koala sleeps in the morning, efternoon koala pouch and evening. It sleeps for more than fifteen hours a day! I's got a small baby that grows in its mother's pouch. ‘The great white shark lives in seas all over the world. The = great white shark never stops swimming, It always eats and never sleeps. The mother doesn’t take care of her babies. ‘The babies swim away from their hungry mother! great white shark eo — LEM) any sharks are smal The smaliest shark \ ) Is the size of aman's hand! 12. Unit! e Read. Tick T for True or F for False. 1. The koala sleeps for more than fifteen hours a day. 2. The red-necked nightjar sleeps in a tree. 3. A great white shark takes care of her babies. 4, The great white shark always swims. 5. The red-necked nightjar lives in Australia (OTOISTOISTO) ©0000 6. The koala eats insects in the evening. © 00k and read. Complete the table. cr Boo (arc BCE Lo eats eucalyptus baby koala grows leaves at night mother's pouch. red-necked eats insects in the lays eggs on the ground, nightjar evening notin a nest never takes care of her babies 0 Read and write. 1. When do koalas eat? 2, Where does a baby koala grow? 3. When do sharks take care of their babies? 4, Where do red-necked nightjars lay their eggs? WRITING © Read. Read the email from Sara, She uses first, before and after to say the order that she does things. Circle the words first, before and after in the email. Dear Eva, Ie got a pet dog. His name is Fluff. | always take care of my dog before | go to school. First, | feed my cog. | play with Fluff after he eats. After school, | take Fluff for a walk. Sometimes | give my dog a bath! Your friend, Sara e Write about your friend’s day. Write the order your friend does things. Use words in the boxes. always after breakfast first after lunch never after school sometimes. before breakfast usually 14 Unit! UNIT 1 REVIEW © rite. write about your day in the noughts and crosses board. Read the sentences and play noughts and crosses with a partner. usually in 1__teed my the afternoon, Iwake up at__. | goldfish before school, 1___play computer games in the | sometimes Igo tobedat____. | morning, at 300. |___play football usually |_take care after school. at 700. of my pet oe Read and write. 1. Does a hamster usually have a shower? A hamster never has @ shower 2. Does a goldfish sometimes have a snack? 3, Do you sometimes hold hands with your friends? 4, What time do you usually have breakfast? 5, What do you sometimes do after lunch? 6. What do you always like doing? My Place in the World VOCABULARY 1 © uisten and tick. Then ask and answer. Point. Work with a partner, mm22 16 Unit2 6 Look and write. | abakery a hospital a police station a supermarket jh a chemist’s a museum, a post office a toy shop a cinema a park | a restaurant 2 train station SONG @ listen to the song. write.maz ‘here are the post office, the the supermarket and the park? Where's the —____? Where's the library? Where are the 00, the and the swimming pool? Here's the post office, here's the toy shop, the supermarket and the Here's the bakery, the library, the zoo, the school, the swimming pool and the _______, too! © write a new verse for the song. Write questions about places in your town. Inna ire ree Where's the ___? ‘Where's the ___? Where are — a eee Se 18 Unit2 GRAMMAR 1 Can for requests and offers & can [you help ___[me, please?) (Of course. [How [ean 1 help? a ( | [on Main Street. T ) |. [next to ‘the police station. : opposite __|thebakery. + where's = ha Its [on the corner of | Main Street. where is behind he cinema. it’s = itis aeae the park and the \ school (1) Listen and match. re:23 1. Can you help me, please? a, It’s between the toy shop and Yes, of course. How cant | help? the park. Where's the supermarket? tis b. It's opposite the bakery. 2. Can you help me, please? Yes, of course. How can | help? ¢. It’s on the corner of First Street. ‘Where's the past office? —— 4. It’s behind the cinema. 2 3. Can you help me, please? e. It’s next to the museum. Yes, of course. How can | help? Where's the restaurant? 4, Can you help me, please? Yes, of course. How can I help? Where's the hospital? 5. Can you help me, please? Yes, of course. How can | help? Where's the chemist’s? __ 9 © draw and write. Draw some buildings on this map of an imaginary town. Label your map. chemist’s cinema hospital ‘museum | park police station _ post office restaurant, school supermarket toy shop train station J 6 Look and write. Use your map in Activity 2. Write about where things are. 1. Can you___me, please? 2, _______ you help me, please? Ofcourse. How ____t help? Of course. How —_ I help? Where's the __? GeSSrec the: ia sere SEE Ws 3. ______you help me, please? 4, ______ you help me, please? OF course. ____ can |help? Of course. How —__ Thetp? Where's the ____? aiseeseasioeeeieg ae eg eee dieses 20. Unit2 VOCABULARY 2 © 00k and write. allibrary a shopping centre a stadium a swimming pool zoo e Usten.Circldthe answers. raz 1, She wants to go to the swimming pool / stadium. She wants to see her favourite football team / buy some shoes. 2.1 want to go to the library / zoo. | want to play in the water / study. 3, He wants to go to the 200 / shopping centre. He wants to buy some new shoes / see the hippos. 4, She wants to go to the swimming pool / stadium. She wants to see her favourite football team / play in the water. 5, | want to go to the 200 / shopping centre. | love the elephants / films! 2 GRAMMAR 2 Giving directions (Question | Answer How do | get to the post office? Turn [ene left (7) 6 Look at the map. Write. onto, White Street. the supermarket. | SECOND STE 1. How do | get to the stadium? Go_____ tum corner of and 2. How do | get to the post office? Go___.tum at Second Street. It's 22 Unit2 at Green Street. It's on the on White Street. Turn the supermarket. GAME TIME! 6 Work with a partner. Student 1, go to page 119. Student 2, go to page 121. Read, listen and talk. Take turns. e Play a game. Play with a partner. Put your rubbers on START. Use a coin. Heads = one space. Tails = two spaces. Say where you are. The first person to get HOME is the winner! Where are you now? isten and read. Can you say these quickly? r:25 1. A supermarket sells salty shellfish. 2. Bill is busy at the bookshop buying big blue books. 3. Lisa looks left at the library. 23 READING 6 Listen and read. ra: Villa las Estrellas: A Town in Antarctica What is your town like? Has it got a school? A post. office? A hospital? The town of Villa las Estrellas has got those places, too, and it isin the continent of Antarctica! Antarctica is very cold, snowy and windy. People usually only live in Antarctica for the summer, but some people live all year in Villa las Estrellas. About 150 people live there in summer. About seventy people live there in winter. Nights are long in winter. The sun shines for only four or five hours a day. The sun always shines in summer. Villa las Estrellas has got houses, a bank, a school, a hospital, small shops, a post office and a church. Many ‘people come to visit. They like to go to the post office and send letters from Antarctica! © Read. Tick T for True or F for False. 1. The night is very long in Antarctica in the summer. 2. Villa las Estrellas has got a bank and a school 3. About 150 people live in Villa las Estrellas in the winter. 4, People like visiting Villa las Estrellas. 5. You can send a letter from Antarctica. 24 Unit2 Q@O2009 ©0000 © read. draw lines to match. 1. Where is Villa las Estrellas? a, The sun always shines in summer. 2. What's the weather like in 1b, It's in Antarctica. Villa las Estrellas? c. Yes, they can, 3. How long does the sun shine 4. It is very cold, snowy and windy. for in summer? 4, Can children go to school in Villa las Estrellas? oe Complete the table. Villa las Estrellas PROMS Weather How many people Places e Do a survey. Read and tick. Ask and count. OI want to live in Antarctica. CO)! don’t want to live in Antarctica, How many students want to live in Antarctica? ‘How many students don't want to live in Antarctica? 25 WRITING 6 Read. I ive in Nagoya, Japan. My favourite place ts Nagoya station. It’s big. There are two tall towers. You can go to the top of the towers and see the city. There is a gold clock. | meet my friends there and then we go to the cinema, © Read and write, Read each pair of sentences. Rewrite them as one sentence, Use the word and to connect the ideas in the sentences. 1. | go to the park, | play there, 2. The park has got flowers. They are beautiful. 3. The park has got trees. It has got grass, too. © nite in your notebook. Answer the questions, Then work with a partner. Talk about your favourite places, Find a classmate with the same favourite place. 1. Where do you live? 2, Where are your two favourite places in your town? 3, What can you do there? 26 Unit2 UNIT 2 REVIEW © 00k at the map. write directions. 1. How do | get to the bakery? 2. How do | get to the park? 3. How do I get to the museum? e Look at the map. Write your own conversation. How

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