Psychology Qna

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Date 804 aa
Naxiaflens fn psychalagikcal
Ho do sychalogists
chaxackedse and dafunL
Ana fsychalogica motion
ontelligence untelignc
from amman sensed matien of qurte. difforurt
popl au
inteligenc mental aune dynerally
qucknass n Jaxning and akility do
qucRnoss Juady ant,
ships Exfsrd dicienaxy exhlaine undoutand talotion
porcieuing, Laring unktandinyantelligenta as peuwer of
and Rnouing
Acraxdinguy, fred Bnet also wd tha benefit
atibutes and dafined untelligenc
judge l l , athe ability e
wndowtand welland Jnason ul
datt, wechster gave a Aomprehensive dafin tien in
Jerms o butbenality iedts valus
enviren.ment. He olafind asthe 4lobal andadaptatien de
capackty f a n indiuidual do think_rationally act
burbesetuly and deal with poblems efftdival with
his her enviranment.
rusent day psychalogists such as arcluner ano
Sternbura emphasised that intelligend individuals not
enly adobt te theix enviranment but actily modifies and
Shabe i "
Stern burqwieuus enviranment asability Jo adapt, do Shate
and selact environmep in orda to accamblish ene's gaals
and those of one's Societyand cultuu
Page No
what extent a Aneuigenc dhe
resul of
hadity and enuironmert Erhlain
Ara: LwhetttintelligencL endured onit and
divlapeddue envixonmerd, a aquutions
idotsof stuolies have buunuonducted ddt
the aala
fnatuur and nuctuze
Mare w wiu disuesdhe ontrauoay with hah
vazisus utuin Studies, adoption Studies and eni

Gn the basissf vaisus win studies t0-zalation d

Ox aSfallous

a 4darztical uins Peed togekhori to-alatej 0.90

b) duntical toins rehaxtedn childhosd and aud
cdifferunt enuiranment orelate0.22
9 ratemal uins rearedtogcthat co-zalat 0.60
d Sfhlings zuared dogethozo: relate.0-50
e)Sibings reared ahazt co-zelate 0.d5

shdaption Studies before the age of 6- yars

aThe Shudies of acdopted childrun shaw that thuy shoua
inteligenca similaz toAheir biatogicas parents
bThe studies provida idenca that Shstientllgunu
determined du to natuz
Adaption studies after the agof 6-2 years
accoxding do dhese studies as children greo oldu
thu dnd fo ha dasu do thizadoptikehanns
Page No.


Eviroinental Studies
Evidence for theunfluente ef envinnment (nurture) en the
basis et twin Studèes

ay Thentelligence Score ef tuins roared abart as they greuo

sldaz they tend to move closar to thelr adoptive þazunts
byGn the basisef diffunas in enviranment, children from
disad vantaged homes adopted unto families with higher
Sous-economic Status ezhibit an uncreasein their inteligente
o Enviranmertal dapivation douwers inteuigencs Facdurs
Such as nuhitfon,gead famiy background and quality ef
Schoaling increasegrouth rat of iteuigent
d Thereis qeneral ConSensus amsng psychakogístshat
wteuigunm ds a Jpraduct ofCombl unterachion of
HerdityCNatuu) and enviranment Cnurture)
Herciti prevides the petentfals and setsarange ef grouth
whereasenviromental failitatesthe devlobmant ef
ain buify ha mulits nligc
Jaalnx unkjua
a t u 's haary badad an unfoxmalion a
aboacha and undlons anJhu bal,
b Arteuiganc ia nat a uhgh entity, bul thut talt
The indeulgena aX danbedaly ndapendunt
achh athuE
t u n t tuba at untellgend oxk fogelherl to Sol
apalukemadutz atupakd 8typa intellen
but natall undividuals have Hhe Cqual ba
Tha ituatfen decidak thu omunendao ndeulyaa
auz thcthuts
FRlauina ats the s tua ofuulellgenca

Linguistio This dalatedl dediading, utifing ,liatauia,

nlkingundsustanal dud uduleu eahilit
itbatar than ethstA
a Aaqecal-Mathumatial This tyha of dntelligenc.
with abtract uasoning and mari.pulation of 3ymkab
inveladn numaicad pxohtama. t a exhihited by

3) Shatial Thù ctypa of inteligenda a uvaled un

eciesting thitd dimnkion and faunation of umag
uaed ohila navigating in spjaa., fczmin4dranou
and uaing mutalLmaqc
Page No.

Mial reepl with musal unteuigena. uhow aitivity

ue itth and tone nguizud f uinggombaing and and
apriatfra muice t

5 Bodiy-Kinaatheki 4quin dha akil and deztridy

aLzdinatedmatir ondrel buch aa dhas
uudfo danun, athelufich, auxgry, Craft maRing e
Gnterbuenale 4t uequira) undoztarding ofnativ tulings.
and ahaiouzs ofdhut heeploSalasman, lalithaans
deachzand ulioicLu Dheako haue high intezherenal
4rtrahorsenal t alaBed to tha wmdstanding
belt and dauloping a enke of dignity Eg phiaphaza
and akutual aptakars

s:Natuzalitio 4t i alated to foza and fauna ienadtural

wrld and makin a datnchen in tiu nahual warld.
i is maxaaeled by hunterd, fuumz,ate.
Fage No.
Hew da uh uiorchit uthioxy halb
hallp uua to
inteuigence urdad
Ans Robert, J. StexhkuzgbohasA haoy of ih
based en ünforma'Yien uprocubing
broach u
Rnaon aa Tuiazhic ctheorof teltgenc
hctording cto him nteutgenu tha akili
adabt t uhab and solect enuixon mant
accomblish ene gsal aud thas nes bace
culture This theoy atunbk de undazstand
arocLsof poblem ubelving Hcazoling to tHim th
A thte ctyhes ef unteuigenco
1)ombanential dntelligence iThis dimansion sheif
thi dognitiu hrocossesthat undelie on uhteuliy

t Serves thra diHloint uwnciena

a Knoualodge aquisition Lombanontk & These throco au
waed in larnin9,encoding, dombining and ouu
b Metacomboneni Meta maana highou These a
excutiye bocee Thuy donrel aad møniteu and
evalute ognitiepouina
feztozmante kombonank Thes tombonunh execut
Strattzgisp pad by matatoahenan a
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2Exauieudia teulgenteTh dimenign opaifios hao

expuienw effut itelligente and haw untelihund
affectrd by t u cinteigente exhaxienca

a) Exauential intelligenc fprs to on úndividuall obility

ue maRL ue of Gne's past exboionb do dal wit
nouvel ltuatiehs ceatively and effctiney

byThis unteuigente high among ciendik and auatiu


Faz ezample- if a peen ibdrabhed ina Jaom, ha

ththg fund a way u t uinglaA0pa C daddar ut.

in a cuaie way He had ome knOuwladac o aming
Gut by wathing á úui few yuau back.

3Contextual intelligenuiThis dimenaion shaiftos th

enviromandal dumands en daily
akility de deal with

a) an indiuidual 'sabitätyl us ofhialha
dt dial with day-o-dau iz

called treef smartnoss ar busing ens

by 44 may be
in thi ability ax uuafu n ife
feopi high
Page No
55 yuntelltchial adivatyuinvolues.tht inde l
functHening of thutuneuxalagfcal
PASS model
Lalth zefaienc ch

Ans Plcrording te PASS madel, utheary based on in.

hrotasng.abhoachúntetluchual achity veuA
Unterdipundant functioning of thru eualogica,
uncienal unib f tu brain.
Theat wnis au uponaible fa

LThearsuSaland atlenien
2TheSimultan eaus and bucessive procabin9
3. The Planning
D The arsusal and atlention
in atending te the utin
a) The tate of arausal hels
b)roual and atlention enahle a ubz on te 0 0
Gptimal focuses eaz aHentien on ub
level et arsusal
aspats of a problam.
d Too muth a tse Jitle attentiona and aouaal unt
with attion and Jastormanca

Simultaneou and Sucassive

aySimultanesu sbocung ufera t ula
amangst vaziouu loncobh and untegrate tham int
mzarinaful. patuena ombzuhunbion foz 9
Kaven s Standazd pragresa ive matric [RSPM_
chaoding abpapriate pattuan by ampshndiny
Page No
Sucessicpobingcufes dea.caling injaumaien
Laeiallyo that anL calL Jands to anotha Jucall
fuz Esanle laaning o digk, alhhaksh and mulkiplica
ie tobl
3 lanning

ayAfter dhe infaumation i atlunded toand huCLALd


planning s activated
by lanning unvsue achwg to tto darget and evaluting
t h i ectivenessflaning allous w to think sf hassibl
Laurse achan_and wmplumunbng thum

a a plan do nat wark, iEi madifiedJs ut

dhs qumonh of ti taak oz tha ituatien.
d toz enampl t a k a utest Jhuduled hy you
ueach, you'd have to set goals elan a dimi schadul
of tudi get dlaifiaticna dase of poklum o thunk
t Gtha waus to matt thu goals
a t àIA LHau da pychalbgiuie.clauf
ntha ases.hoit I a sa

L à aat ndex bzigluku

d n a t a of mutal ag fa. cheona.lbgicalaa
The anut.sf I uh given bu iuiamatu wha
h taltulate I i . c .
gaxecthu faxmula

MA 1o0=I

MA2CAabewi avag
f BALCA thun belnua avirage
MACA tun autage

do Tg i xalafiuelg tabl dso. u go0al pridichz

diatributtd una
I Acaxe gs0dertctictor au
pojulatien udh toay uthat mat hnle fall
a i d d l Tange apulatien.ditiburisn

Thii can shauen un faxmef ha table belaw

TO Kang Descaipiue laul
Aboue 130 zySupui
120-130 Supeiot
10-119 High CwLLAgL
90-109 Average
S0-89 LouD au20g
P-79 Bodax Lin
Belouo to Mentally Challenged
1 HsLountuigenca u aunally eliattihuuked2
An AU papt da not have dha am
They vay n theiu intelauual úntuchual. dahauty
exily tionally baight ond Lhome aability Somu a
balauo avaag
Scars of most oftha peobu dend
to fall nmiddla
ang of diatrihuhien Kat of tha
and uummmerically
caza gradually
hut hue
dadlinauowarda oth tha id
touuh dhi -0
a h ftequuncy ditrihution for tha T scaxas drdls i
approxamae a eullzshaud uuud, called the
Thia type of ditribukion da
naznal ceu
aymmuthical axound th mian callad
tha mean.

bGn thu bais of TS pepla az claslified unte

c a L dhat enly 2.2 ant mplu wha haM
difeunk gneup
Ga130 Tg range very dnteuigent or uuy cupeuar thai

Ig aa mara than 3a

respl falung bahween 0-109 1 rang au ConaidLd a

auzagTho muan 1 c a u n papulakion ScarL I00
feep un Tq wor un dhe rong of 90-6 haxe amal
d Thas withT bulow 20 au uLcded te hau mntal
natazalatisn H ufuu h a ueaNitage nteuchual
tuncion in Tha hahavisuu a maladaptiuand mani
fet i n fozma i.e mild, madizatt, sevars
and rotund
which of th tur, T.anal EQ do. qou hon
nare xalattd o LUCASn ife and Loh 2Lanul44d
T i pudicaxof pstentia.
i E a dicla 8f sukaxa

a) Thexfax E mat lateddo Sucss

Rasearchuz had prouen that EQ hl ún dealina
with Stress an bBudon and fat Challenged 6ou
by H halha n imhxouing _acadumi.utfoxmanta
4t halpx uin propaing challanqes af ifeprasent
outsido th clau roe.
d Theyare lass anti- Soial and mau Coopazafiu..

Q Heun Su lpitcle diferant stam untexat and idtlgca

An ptitud
ay 4toufe ute ambination efcharacterkticA ndicafiu
ef an indliduuath potential to aqui spaaiio ukil
oith ttaumg

b i beait mantal obility ax deachng abiity of

an undiuidual do daorn a R
Page No
4 t 4oteutialityto arfarnma dalk
d pitudl majoz aapck to darun a skil
a)Srtext uufes de a
ufuunu do a
hadiclaz akitl
actiuity auwhat one enyes daing
b)ntecut au aquioal/Leaxnt

Inteust is a faulitatsu

m undividual with hiqh siuntif aptitudle having Shrog.

interest u mechanical aciuities i ukely h lauatul
as mechanical enginezs

aglobal oL a9grigat cabacity of an
a ntellgena ub thR ratienallyact puzbaufull and deal
wndiuidual do
fident ly uith hi/hu
and daoan'{ requi trainin
9uraal mentak ahility
fou growth.
C haduct of hardity and
Page No

QI0-HoLD à treatiudty craladecd to unteligenca

Ans.reativi.tyand unteullgencu axsaitiwd

bacaue highabilfty ib ompontnt ef creativty Lyoela
hignly ntelllgentpuTon may not ha Creafiu
thi Creatiu heabl aL almat high un inteu
a)reatiuty is tha abilityto pradua idtas,
Preblam selutiena that xn novelappapiade ad
Auteligente s uubaet of cruafiuúty-.
DTerinan feund sut that eobl uith high 1 au ut
necesazi u uahu/The Same tunu Creadiue uda
oniu from baople uho ax hot_evDn idontipied a a
follauid uh through sut thi adult Llfa, had buan
laull knawn fau Cuatiuity in Some field

dRozearhus have fauwnd thatboth hgh and dow daal

ef Lreativity can b fund beth un hiqhly wnteuiqu
childran and childran averoge nteligen The sama
hizon Can ha oth oreakiue and unteligentButita
not nesESay Hhat unteuligent ona Lwlll bo Creakie
Date 1 o12

h1 Yauaticns un
fsychalagicas atubute.
Ezta guwtjen

Dqfn utuon seuhakgal ond

Elakarot th onut of 4ntegral wteuigona.
unteuigena nindion tradition
Techhakoqical Anteuiqenca 4ntgal Inteligent
omated hy technalocqically Lzomoted and valud in
advanc Souety Asian and Aican suity.
aFostez uRilly ef generaligation Fastera dogritie and non-
ahstracken, &td minimal maue ognitie lls and
and ttal maihulatish
focúsel en
attentien, Ohaewation Halisti hzshactie h emphazid
analysiu, p ocmana and and donnaivity_uhh oual
taigcts lachieamunb) Jitingand voorld univwnmunt.
indiuidualistio szantitien
Louctiatio atuntitien and
Lonapt of unteuligene un 4ndian traditisn
TalRs of Antegral inteuligencu
2. Sanskit word Buddh i uwed to upuend untelliq
3The ounwing dampuntendis au údatified as featurab of
untellgen dndian tontext-
a)oqnitiw apatity Sanstity do
pxoalum walving and
ettutie ommunizatien.
Page No

b)Sial ampentency Kopact uo uldo and cai twar

youngA and undotanding uthingsom ethuu Jhi

Ematisnal Jomburtauy Sel-Japct and undzetrdi

e t h rumstiens and buhaüsuz

d Entrebzantural o Lommutmemt,batientnt Hard

Hard waxk
puzAitanu, vigilante and goal diroctd kahavieur
Fage Nu

Dfn untuiluchual diffiuliy
The childxan who Vu
An igh difiaulky n Saaxnng m
Jak)-and adaptin4 do the
envionment ancuhew untellachual.
daideny ueoad to a ntuutually dioblad
The tmexican Abouakien s mertal
dufiueny dafine
telgeneL mantal utardaien a the ub-aMLAg
wnteuecual tunthorling existing onuuwty with duiuts
nadapting hahawi and manintesting duung the divspm
ontal auad. Thatù Oto18 yeaxs c ag

Q3 LOhat i Sunultanesuu and suelive upouing in unteilual

An n imultanesus prouing the onaph au nteratel a
ene and into meaningful patuan fo Lompruhenslen and
grasking and meaning and alatienahi batuun Vafuu

SuceAiVehrocendung ak placa when you JLLal nfoumatn

eually.The intuumatien i uharud in uch a wa o
hat sne Jucall Jaads uto ansthu. deaning ef diqik,
alkhahih and multpication taalus aL exambl
wuasive poung
Page No
S2Eblain ortUual untuiqun uwith 2zamhl
Ans Monteual wteuligenu dhe a
Steun auzg hiahiu theau ef ntulligunu n whiu
unvelut adaluting o a n e
favsurahlu unuohmant and modii uing the choing
nionmon te meet eitina

A typically asdoiated uith tactical Knounlnda

handlor the ahity do- daal uuith
demands Gn adauly bai t unwonmatl
Smaztnub may_a Jallud "Stru:
BuuLnas SLnae Leobla with high danten
urteligen a u kely o ha hucessul in Jin wal
AAhild 4ona a nmschoel adaph b hi ru
unuonmant y Shaunga
Lhat ia an unteuieu

And ntewies a wayofaaemunt whut th as
Sinteracion batuman tuo undividuals Examblu- initait
katuaton a doctau oand
batent, a balman and a ut
5 What CAS LLoniti aeBamant Suatem
Ana (Kognutina
Ana pMant System) CAS of teas
de maauu
baafcagnitie functisnin
he tusen 5-18 au ofag4 The u u l f_assesmant
otuna widusu
wed te eas
emeduany menta
Page No

what do you mean y ndividuul diffuncu!

Aru ndwdual diffeunce tea do the
dotincivnes and
Vauatiens o

among undiwidual n thi

behayisural patuns. ndividuals vaxy unchauctatica and
utitc ik-Huight, wight and et. But,th also Chazacte
vazy ún
syhaloqical ttait a they may be dominrt o subm
4nteitiqent ardumb tt. A qfted dhild ha an T
whill merfaluy utardeddhild has an f 130
TQ sf holous 0.
Page No

Lna Salf and aonality

QuLatien smnTs

what el Ho da cthe Andia natren dit Tm

th weteui nation

And: Sulf and u an azqanugpd utructuu. a n a

demsotubiuct and ohjeck and and m. t uter sh
coetality of ena'Lontiew thoughh, fzalinga uhih
betain ene sawn selE
Andian anaet of SelE
Self chaxatsad y th uhifthing natuzo of kaundaiu
2 T h 4ndian vie daant mako Jugcl dichotamipA
3. based en thu oluchiiaha dndian ocuty

Weatexnancapt ef Slf i

Theboundari atuLn bel{ and qrou 0 Juga

2d holds claar dihotomiA betuean belf and ao
3 based en tha 4ndividualitfo outy
f H e us
whal munt by dilay e qroiaticn why
Lonaiduad t
unpaxtant a adutl

Reaxnung ds dalay
Lalld lf tontteludilet tem gtaificaion of nasd

emexge from
aSult ugulation ahavixal
domonunt of ulf
3. 4t t e de an
de organi3 and manitor enu
buhauieuz. Leopliwho an
dhange Uhin bahaiou
accoroi ng uto tho demanolu
ot extnal wnuwonmant
a ugh en uel merutoung
4 Lularien Jeada to etontrel.
5 t plap kuy als in fufilmunt of goal.

19ndion ultux rodu wth mechanisma

(Vata ufo Fating
Koau)" and non-
atlachmant to wad y things
to davlob l d o n t r o

4t Ghu'a abuty o a no bydaloqical techiqu

davloh elt ontrob au
a) Shaavatisn ot auon buhawisu Thi proide w with
neLosaary infsumatien dhat may e d te madify
hang 0 stregthun otain apacks of aal madihy
bSut-natuctena 4t ús anothe um hautunt
bout Ju
wh . unstt uc Guzelh to do what
and buhaue tha way daiu u. Lant
SoltJunftzamaunt 4tunvelue uuuwaxd ing hh
that haue plesnnt euttom. Fau
FeL eXam
watch a mo i a t witn you
Lwl un a roend otte
em S Aontre i
daulop a matuu pnonality Th i umzkan
that all ultuus emphasia belf
in tulhumunt ef (onrel, 4t u
dong- term40als.
Andfan ulhu dradifen pzoidos u with
esfuhie self dontrel mechanisma ir Fashing (ati
Ro2a) and no atiachment do Loorldl Vzah,t
daulabing -onthrel Se-Contrel ii alo umpaztunt
f eftickis suntieninasoual netwatkng
Houo dayou daiu 2uenauity what aze tna mn
appisachul da the Study of paenality
The uword
penulty duiA rem tha lahn
ward ena whidh 'mean tuoe tacad The luk
aLtozs wed to unoaz whihe actin4 n atag A
yardsn ULOTE
o ononality t h e dynariu rg
Qatien ithin the undiidhal of trae PAuchan

uatemthat dotezmunl hi unque adjutmin

te his 'enwxonmant
Page No
One ef the majou apbroachu te n d i tand peronality
uwas to davlap theori n
was what i s t.Thuu ax manu
boad hatssinality thaiu, which Kan ee rouhad
wnte Aategerue.

fphroach Embhasi en going nteractien amang
moti wes umule and psqdhalcaical prose

a Type and Trait Aproach t fouaes hon

charactezstia, stubbornua ahymuand caa forth.
And how these charateu tia a t Orqaniaedn ustema

3Humanutiu tpproachi 4t emphalizes &n l f and the

umbartan uubjctie vieuo and of th wold.
4) larning and Behauioural pbroachi t embhaiua en ha
hauih a devlohad though a i c learnung brouu

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