Fuzzy Logic

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A Rule-Based Fuzzy Logic Controller

for a PWM Inverter in a Stand Alone
Wind Energy Conversion Scheme
Rohin M. Hilloowala, Member, IEEE, and Adel M . Sharaf, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstruct- The paper presents a rule-based fuzzy logic con- Radius and swept area of wind turbine.
troller to control the output power of a pulse width modulated Tip speed ratio (A = R w T / V ~ ) .
(PWM) inverter used in a stand alone wind energy conversion Rotor speed of wind turbine.
scheme (SAWECS). The self-excited induction generator used
in SAWECS has the inherent problem of fluctuations in the Average torque conversion coefficient.
magnitude and frequency of its terminal voltage with changes in Average torque at wind turbine shaft.
wind velocity and load. To overcome this drawback the variable Average torque at induction generator shaft.
magnitude, variable frequency voltage at the generator terminals Gear box ratio.
is rectified and the dc power is transferred to the load through a
PWM inverter. The objective is to track and extract maximum
power from the wind energy system (WES) and transfer this I. INTRODUCTION
power to the local isolated load. This is achieved by using the
fuzzy logic controller which regulates the modulation index of IND energy conversionhnterface scheme (WECS) us-
the PWM inverter based on the input signals: the power error ing a wind turbine driven self-excited induction gener-
e = (Pref - Po) and its rate of change e. These input signals are ator and line commutatedPWM inverter have been modeled,
fuzzified, that is defined by a set of linguistic labels characterized
by their membership functions predefined for each class. Using a analyzed, and implemented [11-[4]. In remote locations where
set of 49 rules which relate the fuzzified input signals (e, 6) to the the utility grid does not exist, stand alone wind energy conver-
fuzzy controller output U , fuzzy set theory and associated fuzzy sion scheme (SAWESCS) can be used to feed the local electrical
logic operations, the fuzzy controller's output is obtained. The load. However, thene is an appreciable amount of fluctuation in
fuzzy set describing the controller's output (in terms of linguistic the magnitude and frequency of the generator terminal voltage
labels) is defuzzified to obtain the actual analog (numerical)
output signal which is then used to control the PWM inverter due to its dependence on the rotor speed which is governed
and ensure complete utilization of the available wind energy. The by the wind velocity and the pulsating input torque from the
proposed rule-based fuzzy logic controller is simulated and the vertical axis wind turbine. This is objectionable to sensitive
results are experimentally verified on a scaled down laboratory loads. Hence, the variable magnitude, variable frequency volt-
prototype of the SAWECS. age at the self-excited induction generator terminal is first
rectified and the dc power is then transferred to the local load
NOMENCLATURE through a PWM inverter. It has been shown that the power
VR dc voltage at rectifier output. available from a WES can be approximated as a cubic function
VI dc voltage at inverter input. of the wind veloci1,y [4], [ 5 ] . To ensure complete utilization
ZDC dc link current. of available wind energy under varying wind velocities, most
Po Rectifier output power. of the schemes reported use a PID controller to track and
P,, Maximum output power of wind energy system. extract maximum energy. The conventional PID controller
TG Efficiency of induction generator. requires quite a bit of tuning to obtain a fast and dynamically
rlR Efficiency of rectifier. acceptable response. Again, it is generally implemented using
Wm Rotor speed of induction generator. operational amplifier circuits whose parameters are adjusted
ws Synchronous speed of induction generator. for an operating point based on a piece wise linear model of
ids d-axis component of stator current. the nonlinear system. These circuits have the tendency to drift
q-axis component of stator current. with age and temperature causing degradation of the system
vds d-axis component of stator voltage. performance. In this paper, an alternative controller based on
Minv Modulation index of PWM inverter. fuzzy set theory [6] is proposed. The fuzzy logic controller
vw Wind velocity. does not require a detailed mathematical model of the system
and its operation 11s governed by a set of rules. Thus, it is
Paper MSDAD 95-19, approved by the Industrial Automation and Control
Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the easy to implement and the same performance is ensured over
1993 Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada, the years. The rule-based fuzzy logic controller to track and
October 3-8. Manuscript released for publication June 15, 1995. extract maximum power from the WES under varying wind
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of
New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5A3. conditions, uses two real time measurements, namely the error
Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-9994(96)00328-3. e = (Pr,f - Po) and the rate of change of error 6, as the
0093-9994/96$05.00 0 1996 IEEE





Fig. I. Block schematic of the proposed stand alone wind energy conversion scheme with a fuzzy logic controller.

control input signals. These input signals are first “fuzzified” gear-box (1 : ngear-box)so that the generator runs at a higher
and expressed in fuzzy set notation using linguistic labels rotational speed w, in spite of the low speed WT of the wind
characterized by membership grades [6]-[8] before being turbine. The torque TT at the turbine shaft is a function of its
processed by the fuzzy logic controller. Using a set Qf rules rotor speed and wind velocity [5] and can be expressed as
and fuzzy set theory (the AND operator, the OR operator and
the rule of composition) the fuzzy logic controller’s output is
obtained. This output, expressed as a fuzzy set using linguistic
where CT is the average torque conversion coefficient (av-
labels characterized by membership grade, is defuzzified and
eraged over one revolution of the wind turbine rotor) and is
converted to an analog signal before being applied to the PWM a nonlinear function of the tip speed ratio X = WT . R/Vw
inverter under control. By controlling the pulse width of the [SI. The torque at the generator shaft T, can be related
PWM inverter, it is possible to control its output voltage and
to TT by the gear-box ratio. The vertical axis wind turbine
the power transferred to the local load, indirectly controlling
characteristics are emulated using a separately excited dc
the power extracted from the WES. Also, a supplementary
machine fed from a power amplifier controlled by an analog
control loop is incorporated to exercise control on the dc link
computer [lo]. The torque speed characteristics of the wind
voltage in spite of using a diode bridge rectifier. The proposed
turbine are as shown in Fig. 2. It is seen that there is good
SAWECS with the fuzzy logic controller is simulated and the
agreement between the experimental and predicted results.
results experimentally verified on a scaled down laboratory
prototype consisting of an emulated wind turbine, a self-
excited induction generator, a diode bridge rectifier and a B. Self-Excited Induction Generator
PWM inverter. The proposed controller is found to give good It is essentially an induction machine driven by a prime
power tracking performance. mover (wind turbine) and having a source of reactive power
(self-excitation capacitor bank). The dynamics of the self-
11. SYSTEMCONFIGURATION excited induction generator can be represented by the follow-

The proposed scheme consists of a self-excited induction

generator driven by an emulated wind turbine, a diode bridge
rectifier and a PWM inverter feeding a local load as shown
in Fig. 1. A brief description of each of the subsections is as

A. Vertical A d s Wind Turbine

The vertical axis wind turbine acts as a prime mover to
drive the self-excited induction generator. In practice, the wind
turbine is coupled to the generator shaft through a step-up

... , * * * *


'"I.-. ...................

Fig. 3. Double edge sinusoidal pulse width modulated waveforms of the in-
verter. (a) Carrier waveform. (b), (c), (d) Modulated phase voltage waveforms.
(e) Modulated line voltage waveform.

Fig. 2. Experimental and predicted characteristics (T, - N m ) of the vertical where R D and ~ L D ~are Z the dc link reactor's resistance and
axis wind turbine. (All variables referred to the high-speed (generator) side.) inductance respectively, ZDC is the dc link current (neglecting
the small charging/discharging filter capacitor current) and VI
is the dc voltage at the inverter input. The dc power transferred
over the dc link to ihe local load is given by

Po = V R i D C (10)

E. PWM Inverter
The dc power available at the rectifier output is filtered
and converted to ac power using a PWM inverter employing
double edge sinusoiidal modulation. The PWM signals used
to switch the transistors in the inverter are generated using a
purpose designed LSI circuit type HEF4752V. The IC provides
three complimentary pairs of output drive signals which in
conjunction with a three phase six-element bridge inverter
K2 = Lm/(L1L2 - L L ) . produces a symmetnical three phase output. The output consists
The above equations were derived assuming that the initial of sinusoidally modulated train of carrier pulses, both edges of
orientation of the q-d synchronously rotating reference frame which are modulated such that the average voltage difference
is such that d-axis is lagging q-axis and aligned with the stator between any two of the output three phases varies sinusoidally.
terminal voltage phasor (i.e. wqs = 0). This is illustrated in Fig. 3 (courtesy Signetics application
manual for HEF47.52V [ll]), for a carrier wave having 15
C. Uncontrolled Rectifier pulses for each cycle of the inverter output. Fig. 3(a) shows
the 15-fold carrier, IFig. 3(b), (c), and (d) shows the modulated
It is a 3-phase diode bridge rectifier which is used to R, Y, and B phases respectively. The line voltage waveform
convert the variable magnitude, variable frequency voltage at obtained by subtracting Y-phase from R-phase is shown in
the induction generator terminal to dc. The dc voltage VR at Fig. 3(e). Each edge of the carrier wave is modulated by a
its output can be expressed in terms of the peak phase voltage variable angle 6, as shown in Fig. 4 and can be mathematically
'uds = V, of the generator and the input transformer's turns represented by
ratio 1 : n,
6, = Msin(a,)G,, (x = 1 , 2 , 3 , .. . ,2r + 1) (11)
VR = (3J2/r)(J3/J2)vds * m a . (8)
where M is the modulation index and ranges from 0 to 1,
D. DC Link and Input Filter subscript x denotes the edge being considered, r is the ratio
of carrier to fundamental frequency at the inverter output,
The input filter consists of a series reactor and a shunt
a, is the angular displacement of the unmodulated edge and
capacitor as shown in Fig. 1. The series reactor reduces the
b, is the maximum displacement of the edge for the chosen
current ripple content in the rectifier output current and the
frequency ratio T .
shunt capacitor reduces the ripple content in the dc link
In the proposed scheme (SAWECS), the inverter output
voltage providing a relatively stiff voltage source for the PWM
voltage is controlled, while its frequency is held constant
inverter. The dc link current is governed by the following
at 60 Hz. In this range of operation, the PWM generator
differential equation
HEF4752V generates a carrier wave with frequency 15 times
P ~ D C= R - RDC~DC)
( ~ / L D c ) (-~ VI (9) the fundamental frequency at the inverter output. Such a choice

a, = 0 a2 a, a, cl, a6 a, a

. .. - .. .

&+P- 4k-w k c ( h

6,= 0 6, 6, 6, s, 6, 67

Fig. 4. Carrier waveform and double edge modulated phase voltage wave-

results in a line voltage waveform with 15-pulses per half

cycle at the inverter output. By modulating the carrier wave 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
and hence the phase voltages, the fundamental and harmonic MODULATIONINDEX M
voltage content can be varied. There are 15 pulses and 15
Fig. 5. Variation of the nth harmonic line voltage (peak value) with mod-
slots of 12' each as shown in Fig. 4. In each slot two edges ulation index.
are modulated. For 100% modulation ( M = 1) the maximum
amount by which the edge can be modulated is,,,S = 6".
Any further displacement of the edge will cause the pulses in where ipinv is the q-axis component of the inverter phase
the modulated phase voltages to merge, resulting in a reduction current I,,, 4 is the load power factor angle between the
of the number of pulses in the line voltage waveform (pulse fundamental voltage and current at the inverter output, and
dropping phenomenon). f(1,M) is a nonlinear function of the modulation index 111,
Fourier analysis of the modulated phase voltage shown in relating the rms, fundamental line voltage to the dc input
Fig. 4(b) indicates that the peak amplitude of the nth harmonic voltage V I of the inverter. The above equation is derived
voltage component is given by assuming that the synchronously rotating q-axis is initially
aligned with the voltage phasor Knv.


- cos(n&,k + nMSm, sin(Bz,k))
+ cos(n83,k - nMS,,, sin(63,k))
A. Maximum Power Tracking Controller

- cos(n&,k + nMSm, sin(Oa,k)) (12) In order to ensure complete utilization of the available wind
energy, a fuzzy logic controller is used to track and extract
where Vi is the input dc voltage, n is the harmonic number, maximum power from the wind energy system (WES) and
T is the carrier to fundamental frequency ratio (r = 15 in transfer this power to the local load.
this case), S, is the maximum displacement of the edge A F u u y Logic Controller: The fuzzy logic controller un-
(S, = 6' in this case) and 1 9 l , k , Q2,k and Q3,k are defined as like conventional controllers does not require a mathematical
Ql,k = ( 2 k - 2) * r / r ; 0 2 , k = ( 2 k - 1) * x / r ; model of the systerdprocess being controlled. However, an un-
derstanding of the systerdprocess and the control requirements
63,k = ( 2 k ) * r / r ; (13) is necessary. The fuzzy controller designer must define what
and the peak value of the nth harmonic component of the line informatioddata flows into the system (controlhnput variable),
voltage waveform is 'now the informatioddata is processed (control strategy and
decision), and what informatioddata flows out of the system
Vn line = J3vn phase. (14)
(solutiodoutput variable). The fuzzy logic controller consists
The variation of the nth harmonic component of the line of three basic blocks. i) Fuzzifier; ii) Inference Engine; iii)
voltage waveform (expressed as a per unit of the input dc Defuzzifier.
voltage V I ) with modulation index M is shown in Fig. 5. i) Fuzzijer: The fuzzy logic controller requires that each
It is to be noted that, since the triplen harmonics in all the control/solution (input/output) variables which define
three phases have zero phase displacement, they will cancel the control surface be expressed in fuzzy set nota-
out and not appear in the line voltage waveform even though tions using linguistic labels. Seven classes of linguistic
they (triplen harmonics) are present in the modulated phase labels ((Large Positive) LP, (Medium Positive) MP,
voltage waveform. (Small Positive) SP, (Very Small) VS, (Small Nega-
Assuming the inverter to be lossless and equating the input tive) SN, (Medium Negative) MN, (Large Negative)
dc power to the output ac power, the following relation is LN) characterized by membership grade are used to
obtained: decompose each system variable into fuzzy regions.
The membership grade denotes the extent to which a
variable belongs to a particular class/label. This process


Fig. 6. Fuzzy reference sets to represent normalized variables in linguistic
labels characterized by membership grades.

of converting input/output variable to linguistic labels

is termed as fuzzification. It is executed using reference
fuzzy sets shown in Fig. 6 and used to create a fuzzy set where the numbers represjent the Rule No.
that semantically represents the concept associated with
the label. To have a smooth, stable control surface, an
overlap between adjacent labels is provided such that Several methods of defuzzification are available. Of
the sum of the vertical points of the overlap should these, the most commonly used methods are i) Mean
never be greater than one. In the proposed controller, of Maxima (MOM) and ii) Center of Area (COA).
the error in power e = (Pre,- Po) and its rate of Most control applications use the COA method. This
change ei are normalized, fuzzified, and expressed as method computes the centre of gravity of the final
fuzzy sets. fuzzy space (control surface) and produces a result
ii) Inference Engine: The behavior of the control surface which is sensitive to all the rules executed. Hence,
which relates the input and output variables of the the results tend to move smoothly across the control
system is governed by a set of rules. A typical rule surface.
would be A rule-based fuzzy logic conroller is used as shown in
Fig. 1, to track and extract maximum power from the WES for
If (fuzzy proposition), then (fuzzy proposition).
a given wind velocity, and to transfer this power to the local
where the fuzzy proposition is of the type “ x is Y” load. The power tranisferred over the dc link (output power of
or “ x is not Y,” LI: being a scalar variable and Y is a the rectifier Po) can be related to the maximum power output
fuzzy set associated with that variable [12]. The set of P,, of the WES by the efficiency of the generator 736 and
rules for the fuzzy controller are based on MacVicar- that of the rectifier 7 1 ~ As
. mentioned earlier, the maximum
Whelam’s decision table [8] shown in Table I, which power output of the WES is a function of the wind velocity
proposes a definite control action for a given error e and the tip speed ratio A. The maximum power output P,,
and its rate of change 6. As for example of the WES at different wind velocity V, is computed and the
data obtained is used to relate P,,,, to V, using polynomial
If ( ( e is LP) AND (ti is LP)), then
curve fit as shown below
(the controller output U is LP).
Thus, each entry in the table is a rule and there are P,, = -3.0 $-l.OSV, - O.l25V,” + 0.842V: (16)
49 rules that form the knowledge repository of the
fuzzy logic controller. These rules are used to decide To ensure maximum power tracking, the reference power at
the appropriate control action. When a set of input the rectifier output I>,,, is taken as
variables are read, each of the rule that has any degree
of truth (a nonzero value of membership grade) in its
premises is fired and contributes to the forming of the
control surface by appropriately modifying it. When The actual power output of the rectifier Po is compared to the
all the rules are fired, the resulting control surface reference power P,,r and any mismatch is used by the fuzzy
is expressed as a fuzzy set (using linguistic labels logic controller to change the modulation index M .
characterized by membership grades) to represent the As shown in Fig. 1, the input signals to the fuzzy logic
controller’s output. controller are the wind velocity V, and the power output of
iii) Defuzzijer: The fuzzy set representing the controller the rectifier Po.Thew are sampled at regular intervals and used
output in linguistic labels has to be converted into a to compute the error in power output e and its rate of change
crisp solution variable before it can be used to control 6. The controller’s output U = A M p (change in modulation
the system. This is achieved by using a defuzzifier. index due to power mismatch) is determined as follows.

Step 1: Calculate the normalized power error and its rate of R W 3

change at the mth instant

e,(m) = [ P r e f ( m ) - Po(m)l/Pr,f(m)
&(m)= [e,(m) - e,(m - l)l/(AT * K )
where A T is the sampling interval selected as .33
ms and K , is the scaling factor chosen such that
A T * K , = 1. This allows normalization in the range
of -1 to +l. 4 U
Step 2: The normalized input signals are expressed in fuzzy
set notation (linguistic labels characterized by mem-
bership grade) using fuzzy reference sets shown in
Fig. 6.
Step 3: Using the set of 49 rules based on MacVicar-
Whelam' s decision table, the control action is
Fig. 7. Rule implementation of fuzzy logic controller. (a), (b), AND oper-
decided. The controller output obtained by applying ation. (c) OR operation.
a particular rule is expressed in linguistic labels
characterized by membership grades. For example,
Ru1e:lO is expressed as Step 5: The above steps are repeated for the other linguistic
labels (LP, SP, ZZ, SN, MN, LN) representing the
If ((e, is MP) AND (e, is SP)), controller output. The results are used to form a fuzzy
then the controller output U is given set representing the controller output.
by the fuzzy set Step 6: The fuzzy set representing the controller output is de-
fuzzified (converted from linguistic labels to an ana-
{(LN 01, ( M N 01, (SN O), (ZZ, O), log signal) using the Centre of Area (COA) method. In
(SP, O), (MP, I), (LP, 0)) this case the controller output (change in modulation
index A M p ) is given by
The membership grade of the condition part which
consists of two predicates connected by an AND
operator is determined using the intersection rule of
two fuzzy sets.
where U k represents the normalized controller output
) p((e, is MP) AND (& is SP))
~ ( 2 1 0= (expressed numerically in per unit) for the kth interval
= min(p(e, is MP), p(& is SP)) and pug is the associated membership grade as shown
in Fig. 7(c).
This is graphically represented in Fig. 7(b), where two The change in the modulation index AMp(m)at the mth
premises connected by an AND operator are com- time step is computed using (18) and this in conjunction with
bined by taking the minimum of the two membership the current modulation index M p ( m )is used to compute the
grades and assigning it to the associated label in the value for the next time step as follows:
fuzzy set. Thus, the membership grade of the label
MP as decided by Ru1e:lO is M,(m + 1) = M p ( m )+ AM,(m). (19)

P U , lO(MP) =4x10) An analog voltage of appropriate magnitude is then sent

through the data translation card DT2821 to control the PWM
= min(p(e, is MP), p(& is SP))
Step 4: This procedure is repeated for all the 49 rules (xi;i =
1 , 2 , . . . .49) and the final grade of membership is B. Supplementary Control Loop
decided using the rule of composition. For example, In the proposed scheme, a diode bridge rectifier is used
the membership grade of the linguistic label MP in the asynchronous dc link. This reduces the reactive power
representing the controller output can be evaluated as burden on the self-excitation capacitor bank. However, the
diode bridge rectifier has no control on the dc link voltage.
P u ( M P ) = In$PU, WP)); Hence, during a wind gust, the rotor speed (wm), terminal
where i = 1 , 2 , 3 , .. . , 49. voltage (vds), and the dc link voltage (VR)can rise to an unac-
ceptably high value which can be harmful from voltage rating
This is graphically represented in Fig. 7(c), where two point of view. This is overcome by using a supplementary
rules are combined by using the OR operator; that is control loop (as shown in Fig. 1) which continuously monitors
by taking the larger of the two values and assigning the dc link voltage VR.If VR tends to exceed the preset
it to each point on the premises. voltage threshold V R ~the~ supplementary
~ ~ ~ . control loop


................................. ...........................

3M) .......................... ......................

........ B
................................. i................................

5 10


1" 400

5 ............................... +.............................. -.
................................. ................................. 300 ........................... ...?................................

1 1-1
L----f\ E&
................................ .............................
s 4 ................................ +................................
j .............................. ~

................................ .............................
.................................. i ................................ 3 ................................. 4 ..............".................
2 .......... i................................ ..........................
................................. i................................. .................................
a"100 .......................... i

5 10 lo 5 10 "0 5 10 5 10


100 .................

50 ........................
+., ...........................



p-7 ..........................
40 ............................

30 ................................

i .............................
1 n


2 .................
-4. ........................
~ .........
1 ................................ 1................................

0 10' I 0
5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10

Fig. 8. Simulation results depicting variation of system variables with step change in wind velocity Ifw.

comes into operation and slightly increases the modulation comes into operation and increases the modulation index MI,,
index as decided by the maximum power tracking controller of the PWM inverter lby A Mu. This increases the power output
(main loop). This increases the dc link current and also the of the inverter and also the power drawn from the WES,
load current of the induction generator. Since the generator, thereby ensuring complete utilization of the available wind
under the control of the maximum power tracking controller, is energy. It is also seen that with increasing rotor speed, the
operating so as to extract maximum available wind energy, its terminal and dc link voltage increase. This continues till the
power output cannot be further increased. Hence, any increase dc link voltage reaches the preset voltage threshold V R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
in the generator's load current results in a reduction of its when the supplementary control loop comes into operation
terminal voltage. This automatically limits the dc link voltage and increases the modulation index of the inverter. As a
to the preset voltage limit. This can be represented by the rule result the dc link cunrent and also the generator's load current
increase. This causes the induction generator's rotor speed
w, and terminal voltage (as represented by uds) to reduce,
automatically limiting the dc link voltage to the preset voltage
threshold. Thus, the simulation results indicate that by using
the maximum power tracking controller and the supplementary
where AMu = 0.05 is found by trial and error to give good control loop it is possible to track and extract maximum power
performance (power tracking and limiting dc link voltage). from the WES and at the same time regulate the dc link voltage
even with a diode bridge rectifier.
The model of the proposed WES with the fuzzy logic RESULTS v. ]EXPERIMENTAL
controller is represented by the set of differential equations A laboratory prototype of the proposed WECS is developed.
(2)-(9). Using this model and the software simulation package: The characteristics of the vertical axis wind turbine is emu-
TUTSIM, the closed loop system response to variation in wind lated using a separately excited dc machine controlled by a
speed is studied, Simulation results are shown in Fig. 8. It is power amplifier and an analog computer [lo]. The maximum
seen that with increasing wind velocity V,, the mechanical power tracking fuzzy logic controller is implemented using a
power input (represented by the average torque T,) to the personal computer with a data translation card DT2821. The
system increases. This causes the rotor to accelerate to a higher supplementary contrlol loop is implemented using operational
speed, increasing the terminal voltage and the synchronous amplifiers [ 101. Experimental results obtained using the lab-
electrical frequency w e of the generator. Also, the slip speed oratory prototype are shown in Fig. 9. It is seen that with
(we - 20,) which is negative for generator operation increases, increase in wind velocity V ,, the maximum power tracking
indicating that the generator is capable of delivering more fuzzy controller increases the modulation index of the PWM
power output. Thus, the maximum power tracking controller inverter. This increases the power output of the inverter and

vg (peak) (V) 129 130 129 to reduce the reactive power burden on the self excitation
capacitor bank, while the PWM inverter reduces the harmonic
Vinv (peak) (V) 35 51 35 content at the local load bus. A maximum power tracking fuzzy
controller is used to control the modulation index of the PWM
Iinv (peak) (A) 2.8 3.98 2.8 inverter to ensure complete utilization of the available wind
energy. The fuzzy controller uses two real time measurements,
0.59 0.84 0.59 namely the error in power e = (P,,, - Po) and its rate of
Modulation change e. These input signals are fuzzified and represented
Index Minv
in fuzzy set notations using linguistic labels characterized
by membership grades. Using a set of 49 rules, fuzzy set
theory and associated fuzzy operations, the controller’s output
123 124 123 is obtained. The fuzzy set describing the controller’s output
VR (VI (in terms of linguistic labels) is defuzzified to obtain an
analog signal which is used to control the PWM inverter.
In addition, a supplementary control loop is used to modify
1530 , 2616 t 1530 the modulation index M p , as decided by the maximum power
tracking fuzzy controller, whenever the dc link voltage tends
to exceed a preset voltage threshold. In this situation, the
modulation index is increased by a small amount A M u .
This increases the dc link current and also the load on
the induction generator, reducing its terminal voltage and
automatically limiting the dc link voltage to the preset voltage
threshold. A model of the closed loop system, controlled by
a fuzzy logic controller in conjunction with a supplementary
control loop, is developed and simulated to study the system
response. The simulated results are experimentally verified
on a scaled down laboratory prototype and found to give
8.0 good power tracking performance, while limiting the dc link
6.2 6.2
Vw ( d s ) 1 voltage to the preset voltage threshold. Thus, an alternative
t (SI e15-+ 15-+ 10 4 controller based on fuzzy set theory is presented. Unlike
its counterpart, the PID controller no detailed mathematical
Fig 9 Experimental results depicting vanation of system vanables with step model or linearization about an operating point is required
change in wind velocity V,
by the fuzzy logic controller. Also, each rule addresses a
wider scenario of operating conditions and ensures the same
performance even with change in temperature, variation in
the power transferred over the dc link. Also, the power output
system parameter with aging or with change in operating
of the rectifier and that drawn from the WES increase, thereby
ensuring complete utilization of available wind energy. Again,
it is seen that when the dc link voltage tends to increase beyond
the preset voltage threshold VRthres, the supplementary control APPENDIX
loop increases the modulation index M p as decided by the
fuzzy controller by a small value AMu. This increases the dc Parameters of vertical axis wind turbine:
link current and also the load current of the induction generator Rating: 1 kW at 450 rpm with V, = 12 m/s
whose rotor speed and terminal voltage reduce, automatically Constants: Height 4 m, Equator radius R = 1 m
limiting the dc link voltage to the preset voltage threshold. Swept area A = 4 m2, gear ratio = 1 : 4.28
Thus, by using the supplementary control loop in conjunction
with the maximum power tracking fuzzy controller, it is Parameters of dc motor:
possible to track and extract maximum power from the WES Rating: 2 kW, 120 V dc, 21 A, 4 pole, 1750 rpm
and at the same time limit the dc link voltage to the preset Constants: R, = 0.7 0 , R f = 67 R, K = 0.632 “/A2
voltage threshold even when using a diode bridge rectifier.
Parameters of induction machine:
Rating: 2 kW, 120 V, 10 A, 4 pole, 1750 rpm
VI. CONCLUSION Constants: r1 = 0.62 R, 7-2 = 0.566 0,
The paper presents modeling, simulation and experimental Xi, = Xir = 1.57 R, X , = 20.35 R,
results of the stand alone wind energy conversion scheme. The J = 0.0622 kg.m2, I3 = 0.00366 “/rad/s
variable amplitude, variable frequency voltage at the induction
generator terminals is first rectified in a diode bridge rectifier Miscellaneous:
and the dc power is transferred over the dc link to a PWM Turns ratio of input transformer 1 : n, = 1 : 0.6
inverter feeding a local load. The diode bridge rectifier helps Turns ratio of output transformer no : 1 = 0.25 : 1

REFERENCES R,ohin M. Hilloowala (M’82)was born in Aden.

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