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Verse 16 The word Hebrew word for “singers” from verse 16 is “shuwr” which means to sing.

The word “instruments” in Hebrew is “keliy” which means article, vessel, implement, and
The next word which is “musick” comes from the Hebrew word “shiyr” or “shiyrah” which
mean song or lyric song. Next is the word “psalteries” and the Hebrew word for this is “nebel”
and the first translate actuals means “a skin-bag, jar, or pitcher” but another meaning is “harp,
lute, guitar, or musical instrument”. The Hebrew word for “harp” is “kinnowr” which means
“lyre, or harp”. Hebrew word for “cymbals” is “metseleth” which just means “Cymbals”.
“Sounding” means “To hear, listen to, obey” the Hebrew word is “Shama”. The Hebrew word
“qowl” or “qol” means “voice, sound, noise” and it is translated just voice in the KJV.

Verse 20 playing

Singers and brass cymbals - Heman, Asaph, and Ethan

the singers, - Heman, Asaph, and Ethan,

Players of the psalteries - Zechariah, and Aziel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehiel, and Unni, and Eliab,
and Maaseiah, and Benaiah,

Players of the harp - Mattithiah, and Elipheleh, and Mikneiah, and Obededom, and Jeiel, and

Music Instructor - Chenaniah

)‫(ׂשִ יׂש‬
Singers 19 "Sheer" (‫ )ִׁש יר‬sounding by lifting up the voice with joy
Sound 19 chatsorer -to blow a voice or sound, loud or powerful, to cry , thunder.
Psalteries 20
Harp 21  kinnor-see God above.
Skilful 22 biyn(bene) -to separate mentally, cunning; to instruct, perceive teach.
Trumpet chatsotserah -a trumpet, great stregth

The term "Misupate" (‫ )מִ ְׁש ָּפ ט‬is used for "decision". When this vocabulary is used in combination
with "righteous" ("Tedec" ‫)צֶדֶ ק‬, "Mishup" is translated as "fair". However, when "Mishpart" is used
alone, I understand that it is a concept meaning "governance of God". The Lord 's provision is the
law of God, and it relates to God' s plan as well as will, purpose and purpose. Originally, what God
intends, it is required that God's people "inquire" ("Dahlash"). David's first mistake is saying, "We did
not ask for this person as specified".

(‫()זָמַ ר‬Dhamar)  I will sing praises to / singing praises

It was David that introduced the instrument for the first time to worship.
In particular, this word means to sing and praise the Lord mainly with various instruments. Music
accompanied by instruments was often used for fighting or for celebrating victory (triumphal), but
since the era of David, using various instruments to worship God I began to praise it.

The Levites in the temple were over 20 years old, but the Levites involved in music had to be over 30
years old. It is thought that sophisticated and technologically sophisticated things were required as
much. Among them, there seems to be 288 praise volunteers (master of music) specially trained in
singing. Ⅰ Chronicle Journal 25: 7. Moreover, they seemed to serve in turn in 24 groups each of 12
people. The priests who blow trumpets also divide into 24 groups and serve.
David is strongly convinced that only Levites chosen to serve God can serve, not everyone can carry
the box of God. We learned in Leviticus and Numbers Numbers, priests and Levites were chosen by
God, washed with water, sanctified by the blood of animals, sacrificed themselves to God through a
sacrifice of burned down It is that only you can stand in front of the box of God.

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