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Hello, I’m Angel Torres, I’m from Queretaro, Mexico.

I love so much talk about me

for meet more people and I start with my daily routine.

I usually in the morning I get up at 6:30 a.m., sometimes I get up at 7:30 a.m. just
when I work in home, so after I get up is take a shower and chose my clothes. Then
I cook my breakfast and my lunch for the day, after this I drive kinda 40 or 45
minutes to my work.

I’m a Systems Engineer and I’m the specialist in charge that the new equipments will
be integrate to the system, I work with peers and we are a great team. Everyday we
discover new ways to be more experimental and empowered. I work around 9 hours
daily, after my wonderful job, I drive again to return my home to take my English
class, and when finished I cook my dinner again, sometimes I go out to dinner
with my roommate, but there aren’t a lot of places to dinner around my

The last day of my week I usually have a home office and go out early, at 3:30pm.
So my fridays I have more time to take my meals out, I go eat with my friends,
roommate or my boyfriend. And I often go out in the night with friends and
boyfriend at pub or house party to rest my mind.

Well, not all is boring, so! my weekends are more interesting, sometimes the
saturdays I go out with my boyfriend and my mom out of the city, we love to know
another places around here, like “pueblos mágicos”. Hardly ever we meet with all my
family for cook the meals and chill the conversations together. And the sundays my
boyfriend and I always take the day for our, like watch a movies in house or often
in the cinema, he loves go to the cinema and me too, but not a lot like him, I
mean is expensive only for watch a movie. Another sundays we walk in the
downtown or in a mall or wherever we want know or only rest in house.

And when the weekends ending, I will ready for the new beginning…

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