II Penilaian Tengah Semester Genap Semester

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Penilaian Tengah Semester Genap Semester II

Nama Sekolah : SDI WAINGAPU 2

Class/Semester : 6/II
Tahun Pelajaran : 2021/2022

Name (Nama) :
Class (Kelas) :

A. Choose one of the correct answer bellow a,b,c or d (Pilihlah satu jawaban yang
benar di bawah a,b,c atau d)

1. Read the text bellow and answer the questions for numbers 1-5 (Baca teks di bawah
dan jawab pertanyaan no 1-5)

On Sunday morning, my mother and I go to traditional market. My mother and
I wake up early every weekend. In the traditional market we see many things sold in
the market, such as vegetables, fruits, chicken, fish, meat, and kitchen utensils. In the
market we buy potatoes and tomato for one kilograms. The potatoes is ten thousand
rupiah and the tomato is fifty thousand rupiah.

1. What is the tittle of the text above ? ( Apa judul teks diatas? )
a. Going to the market c. Go to market
b. Market d. Traditional market

2. When does she going to the Traditional market ? ( Kapan dia pergi ke pasar
tradisional? )
a. On Friday c. In the morning
b. On Sunday morning d. Morning
3. What things that sold in the traditional market ? ( Barang apa yang di jual di pasar
tradisional? )
a. Kitchen utensils
b. Vegetables
c. Vegetables, fruits, chicken, fish, meat, and kitchen utensils
d. Fruits

4. What tings did they buy in the market ? ( Barang apa yang mereka beli di pasar? )
a. Kitchen utensils c. Chicken
b. Fruits d. Potatoes and tomato
5. How much does the price of potatoes and tomato that they buy ? ( Berapa harga
kentang dan tomat yang mereka beli? )
a. It is ten thousand and fifty thousand rupiah
b. It is ten thousand rupiah
c. It is fifty thousand rupiah
d. Twenty thousand rupiah
6. I buy vegetables in the market. It is thirteen thousand rupiah. ( Berapa nominal
harga yang di garis bawahi? )
a. Rp. 30.000 c. Rp. 3.000
b. Rp. 13.000 d. Rp. 300.000

7. This is meat .

The price is fifty thousand rupiah. ( Berapa nominal harga yang di garis bawahi? )
a. Rp. 15.000 c. Rp. 50.000
b. Rp. 5.000 d. Rp. 500.000
8. This is a T-shirt, the price is One-hundred and twenty thousand rupiah.
( Berapakah nominal harga yang di garis bawahi? )
a. Rp. 20.000 c. Rp. 12.000
b. Rp. 2.000 d. Rp. 120.000
9. I buy a cup of tea, the price is Rp. 5.000. (Terjemahkan nominal yang di garis
bawahi ke dalam bahasa inggris)
a. It is five thousand rupiah c. It is fifty five thousand rupiah
b. It is fifty thousand rupiah d. it is fifteen thousand rupiah
10. My father buy two cup of coffee, the price is Rp. 20.000. (Terjemahkan nominal
yang di garis bawahai ke dalam bahasa inggris.)
a. Two thousand rupiah c. Twelve thousand rupiah
b. Twenty thousand rupiah d. twenty two thousand rupiah
11. Apples and orange do you need to make juice? (Tentukan
pernyataan yang tepat pada bagian yang rumpang , yaitu : “How Much/How
a. How much c. How many
b. The price d. Apples and Oranges
12. Tables and Chair in your class? (Tentukan pernyataan yang
tepat pada bagian yang rumpang , yaitu : “How Much/How Many”)
a. How much c. Tables and Chair
b. The Things d. How many
13. Sugar and milk do you need to make the cake? (Tentukan
pernyataan yang tepat pada bagian yang rumpang , yaitu : “How Much/How
a. How much c. Sugar and milk
b. The price d. How many
14. Honey and water do you need? (Tentukan pernyataan yang
tepat pada bagian yang rumpang , yaitu : “How Much/How Many”)
a. How much c. Honey and water
b. The price d. How many
15. Is the price of the milk? ? (Tentukan pernyataan yang tepat
pada bagian yang rumpang , yaitu : “How Much/How Many”)
a. The price c. How much
b. How many d. The Milk
16. What is the name of “Benda yang tidak dapat di hitung” in English? (Apakah
istilah di dalam bahasa inggris “benda yang tidak dapat di hitung”?)
a. Countable Noun c. How many
b. How much d. Uncountable noun
17. What is the name of “Benda yang dapat di hitung” in English? (Apakah istilah di
dalam bahasa inggris “benda yang dapat di hitung”?)
a. Countable Noun c. How many
b. How much d. Uncountable noun
18. Which one is the things of “Countable Noun” bellow? (Yang manakah termasuk
benda yang dapat di hitung di bawah ini?)
a. Sugar and water c. Sugar and table
b. Books and Radio d. Water and Table
19. Which one is the things of “Unountable Noun” bellow? (Yang manakah termasuk
benda yang tidak dapat di hitung di bawah ini?)
a. Honey and bottles c. Sugar and honey
b. Water and bottles d. Book and pen
20. Look at the table below! (Lihat pada table di bawah!)
1.Water – sugar 3.Bootles – Book
2.Honey -water 4.Radio-Milk
Questions for number 20 (Pertanyaan untuk nomor 20)
- Which part of “Uncountable noun” based on the table? (Yang mana bagian
“Benda-benda yang tidak dapat di hitung?)
a. 1-3 c. 2-3
b. 2-4 d. 1-2
21. Look at the picture below, where did the traditional dance come from?
(Lihat gambar di bawah, asal dari manakah tarian tersebut?)
a. Bali c. Batak
b. Java d. Aceh

22. Look at the picture bellow, what is the name of the traditional dance? (Lihat pada
gambar di bawah, apa nama tarian tradisional tersebut?)
a. Kandinga c. Saman
b. Kecak d. Tor-tor

23. Look at the picture bellow, what is the name of the traditional dance? (Lihat pada
gambar di bawah, apa nama tarian tradisional tersebut?)
Gambar tarian sabu

24. Look at the “Dialog 1”, please identifying the expression that use of the dialog!
(Lihat pada dialog 1, identifikasikan ungkapan yang digunakan pada dialog!)
A : Hello angga , what do you think about my kebaya? Do I look beautiful?
(Hallo angga, apa yang kamu fikirkan tentang kebaya saya? Apakah saya
terlihat cantik?
B : Your kebaya is very beautiful and you also look very beautiful. (Kebayamu
sangat indah dan kamu juga terlihat sangat cantik.)
A : Thank you, Angga. (Terima kasih, angga)

The dialog is use expression of …

a. Expression of Asking for opinion c. Expression of Giving Opinion
b. Expression Doubt d. Expression of Clarification
25. Look at the picture of Balinese clothes below. (Lihatlah gambar pakaian bali di
bawah ini.)

A: In my opinion Balinese clothes are interesting, nice of the color and useful for
many situations. (Menurut pendapat saya pakaian tradisional bali sangat menarik,
warnanya menarik dan berguna dalam banyak situasi)

(What is the expression use above?)

a. Expression of giving opinion c. Expression of clarification
b. Expression of giving comment d. Expression of giving opinion


26. My feeling today is …… (Gembira) (Perasaan saya hari ini adalah …..)
a. Happy c. Hungry
b. Sad d. Sleepy
27. He feels …… (Mengantuk) In the class.
a. Sad c. Happy
b. Sleepy d. Hungry
28. She feels …… (Sedih) Today.
a. Sleepy c. Sad
b. Happy d. Hungry
29. They feel …… (Lelah) at work
a. Sleepy c. Sad
b. Happy d. Tired
30. We feel …… (Lapar) this morning.
a. Hungry c. Sad
b. Happy d. Tired

(Soal no 1 dan 2, tuliskanlah nominal harga yang di cetak tebal)
1. My books is “Six Thousand Rupiah” : Rp.

2. My bag is “Two hundred five thousand rupiah” : Rp.

3. (How much/how many) Cheese do you need to make a burger?

4. Please write 2 things of “countable noun” and “uncountable noun”

(Tulislah 2 kata benda yang dapat di hitung dan tidak dapat dihitung)

Contable Noun :

Uncountable Noun :

5. This morning I feel (Mengantuk) and (Lapar) in the


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