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1. In order to pursue the research, which of the following is priory required? 1 2 1

A) Developing a research design

B)Formulating a research question

C)Deciding about the data analysis procedure

D)Formulating a research hypothesis

2. Which one among the following statement is true in the context of the 1 3 1
testing of hypotheses?

A) It is only the alternative hypotheses that can be tested.

B) It is only the null hypotheses that can be tested.

C) Both the alternative and the null hypotheses can be tested.

D) Both the alternative and the null hypotheses cannot be tested

3. What is the main aim of interdisciplinary research? 1 2 1

A) To over simplify the problem of research

B) To bring out the holistic approach to research

C) To create a new trend in research methodology

D) To reduce the emphasis on a single subject in the research domain

4. A research problem is feasible only when 1 2 1

A) It has utility and relevance

B) It is new and adds something to knowledge

C) It is researchable
D) All of the above

5. The process not needed in experimental research is 2 2 1

A) Controlling

B) Observation

C) Reference collection

D) Manipulation and replication

6. A research intends to explore the result of possible factors for the 1 2 1

organization of effective mid-day meal interventions. Which research
method will be most appropriate for this study?

A) Descriptive survey method

B) Historical method

C) Ex-post facto method

D) Experimental method

7. In order to pursue the research, which of the following is priorly required? 1 2 1

A) Developing a research design

B) Formulating a research question

C) Deciding about the data analysis procedure

D) Formulating a research hypothesis

8. The main aim of the scientific method in the research field is to _________ 1 2 1

A) Improve data interpretation

B) Confirm triangulation

C) Introduce new variables

D) Eliminate spurious relations

9. Which one among the following statement is true in the context of the 1 2 1
testing of hypotheses?
A) It is only the alternative hypotheses that can be tested.

B) It is only the null hypotheses that can be tested.

C) Both the alternative and the null hypotheses can be tested.

D) Both the alternative and the null hypotheses cannot be tested

10. What does the longitudinal research approach actually deal with? 2 3 1

A) Long-term research

B) Short-term research

C) Horizontal research

D) None of the above

11. What are those conditions where a research problem is not viable? 2 3 1

A) It is new and adds something to knowledge

B) It can be researched

C) It has utility and relevance

D) It contains dependent and independent variables

12. A researcher is interested in studying the prospects of a particular political 2 2 1

party in an urban area. So, what tool should he prefer for the study?

A) Rating Scale

B) Interview

C) Questionnaire

D) Schedule

13. Authenticity of a research finding is its 2 3 1

A) Validity

B) Objectivity

C) Originality
D) All of the above

14. A statement made about a population for testing purpose is called? 2 3 1

a) Statistic

b) Hypothesis

c) Level of Significance

d) Test-Statistic

15. How to judge the depth of any research?

A) By research title

B) By research duration

C) By research objectives

D) By total expenditure on research

16. Internal validity" refers to: 2 3 1

A) whether or not there is really a causal relationship between two


B) whether or not the findings are relevant to the researchers' everyday


C) the extent to which the researcher believes that this was a worthwhile

D) how accurately the measurements represent underlying concepts

17. Which of the following statements are true? 3 2 1

A) The larger the sample size, the larger the confidence interval

B) The smaller the sample size, the greater the sampling error

C) The more categories being measured, the smaller the sample size

D) A confidence level of 95 percent is always sufficient

18. If a study is "reliable", this means that: 3 3 1

A) the methods are outlined in the methods discussion clearly enough for
the research to be replicated.

B) the measures devised for concepts are stable on different occasions.

C) the findings can be generalized to other social phenomena

D) it was conducted by a reputable researcher who can be trusted.

19. Open-ended questions provide primarily ______ data. 3 3 1

A) Confirmatory data

B) Qualitative data

C) Predictive data

D) None of the above

20. What level of measurement would be used if participants were asked to 3 4 1

choose their favourite picture from a set of six?

A) Interval

B) Nominal

C) Ordinal

D) Ratio

21. If a cricket coach calculates batting averages, what scale would be used? 3 2 1

A) Interval scale

B) Ratio scale

C) Nominal scale

D) Ordinal scale

22. Scale that indicates the relative position of two or more objects or some 3 2 1
characteristics is called

A) Ranking Scale
B) Ordinal Scale
C) Arbitrary Scale
D) Ratio Scale

23. The main problem in questionnaire is 3 4 1

A) Accessible to Diverse Respondent

B) Greater Anonymity

C) Shows an inability of respondent to provide information

D) None of these

24. What is the major attribute of Correlation Analysis? 4 4 1

A) Association among variables

B) Difference among variables

C) Regression among variables

D) Variations among variables

25. If the Critical region is evenly distributed then the test is referred as? 4 4 1

A) Two tailed

B) One tailed

C) Three tailed

D) Zero tailed

26. Which of the following techniques yields a simple random sample of 4 4 1


A) Randomly selecting a district and then sampling all hospitals within the

B) Numbering all the elements of a hospital sampling frame and then

using a random number generator to pick hospitals from the table

C)Listing hospitals by sector and choosing a proportion from within each

sector at random

D)Choosing volunteer hospitals to participate

27. A study is based on 1000 people interviewed face to face in shopping 4 3 1

centres. What type of study is this?

A) Questionnaire study.

B) Ethnographic study.
C) Self-completion study.

D) Qualitative study.

28. Pat Robertson is running for parliament in the General Election. She needs 4 4 1
to know the intended choices of the voters and will undertake a survey. All
the voters on the Electoral Register in her constituency would be the study’s

A)Sample B) Dependent variable

C) Population D) Independent variable

29. Which steps involves in processing operations of data after collection of 4 2 1


A) Coding B) Classification

C) Editing D) Tabulation

30. Which of the following should you think about when preparing your

A) Your sample frame and sampling strategy.

B) The ethical issues that might arise.

C) Negotiating access to the setting.

D) All of the above

31. Which one is called non-probability sampling?

A) Quota sampling

B) Cluster sampling

C) Systematic sampling

D) Stratified random sampling

32. What is presented in the discussion section of a research report?

A) The numerical data that was collected

B) The reasons for undertaking the study

C) A comment on the results presented in the findings section

D) Your plans for future research

33. Which of the following is a criterion for a good research question?

A) Questions should be long and use complex terms

B) Questions should show where my research biases are.

C) Questions should sound contemporary.

D) Questions should connect with established theory and research

34. Research can be classified from three perspectives

A- philosophies, validity and unbiased.

B- controlled, systematic and empirical.

C- rigorous, valid and critical.

D- application, objectives and inquiry mode used

35. In which analysis, when there is a single measurement of each of the n 5 4 1

sample objects or where there are several measurements of each of the n
observations but each variable is analysed in isolation?

A) Univariate Analysis B) Bivariate Analysis

C) Multivariate Analysis D) None of these

36. In the methods section of the report, the researcher needs to: 5 3 1

A) discuss the results of the research.

B) discuss the theoretical background for the research.

recount in detail the daily research activities conducted

C) during the research process.

D) set out in detail how data was gathered and analysed.

37. Which report section is intended to describe the purpose with a full 5 2 1
statement of the research question?

A) Appendices.

B) Results.
C) Objectives.

D) Method

38. Good research reports will always: 5 2 1

A) provide results that may be irrelevant.

B) focus on addressing the research objectives.

C) provide respondent names and addresses.

D) focus on the Harvard style

39. Probability distribution of a statistics is called: 5 2 1

A. Sampling

B. Parameter

C. Data

D. Sampling distribution

40. If other researchers use the same methods as a paper but cannot achieve 5 2 1
the same results, the paper could be said to lack:

a. repetition

b. replicability

c. reliability

d. validity

41. An abstract can sometimes look like: 5 2 1

a. a literature review

b. a methods and data section

c. an annotated bibliography

d. operationalization

42. Why is it important to write a strong abstract, introduction, and conclusion?

a. Because these are often the sections that readers study first

b. Because these are the only sections that contain the research question
and overall findings of the research project

c. Because these are the shortest sections of the paper

d. Because of replicability

43. Which of the following is a general outline organized by predetermined


a. Template

b. Platform

c. Sketch

d. Proposal

44. The Literature Review:

a. is the main focus of a research paper

b. is not the main focus of a research paper

c. should thoroughly explain the hypotheses and theories

d. should explain the results of your own research

45. Correlation in quantitative analysis does not imply causation

a. True

b. False


1 Describe in detail about the various scales used in research and what 1 5 15
difference does each of the following scale make from the other – Nominal,
Ordinal, Interval or Ratio Scales? Which one would you pick for a study on
Customer satisfaction of your company’s goods?
2 New toothpaste got introduced in the Market. To measure the customer 1 5 15
acceptance level of this toothpaste - Develop a research design for this

3 You have been asked to research setting up a roadside hotel. Design a 2 3 15

questionnaire to find out the prospects of proceeding with the venture

4 For the study on impact of lockdown towards the school students online 2 3 15
classes, identify the independent and dependent variable for measuring the
effects of school students on learning process

5 List out and explain the steps involved in the research process. 3 5 15

6 "Sampling method is very important for the validity of the study", justify the
statement with each types of sampling

7 Explain the various technique of sampling methods in business research 4 4 15

with example

8 Explain the Bivariate and multivariate statistical techniques in detail. 4 4 15

9 Define the various steps involved in drafting a research report 5 3 15

10 Illustrate about various chapters in research report 5 3 15

11 Explain the method of data collection you can adopt to do your research. 2 3 15

12 Describe the different types of sampling methods with suitable illustrations 3 5 15

1 Emil Vicale, president of Corporation, thinks 3 5 20

entrepreneurial. His industrial design company, BBC Design Group, has
been operating for more than 20 years. One cornerstone of his design
business is an innovative technology called rapid prototyping (RPT). RPT
allows a designer to go from 3-D computer model to 3-D plastic or wax
prototype in a matter of hours rather than the days, weeks, or months that
prototypes using subtraction technology (carving) from wood, metal, or
clay might take.

As part of a growth strategy implemented shortly after September 11,

2001, Vicale finalized the purchase of an e-commerce toy company, This was his first venture into the manufacture of toys,
although his design firm had done developmental work for toy companies
in the past. Vicale made his first doll to honor an admired hero of 9/11.
“The Our Hero doll (resembling George Bush) turned out great, but I
basically did it for me,” shared Vicale. Over time, Vicale added to his
personal collection of admired men with The Ally doll (resembling Great
Britain’s prime minister Tony Blair) and the American Mayor doll
(resembling Rudolf Gulliani, then mayor of New York City). creates each doll by assembling a custom head (created
with the rapid prototyping technology from photographs) on to a buff, one-
size-fits-all action figure body. As more friends and acquaintances saw the
dolls in Vicale’s office, requests increased for similar dolls for their own
collections or as gifts.

“I’d been making dolls on my personal time. And the individual requests
became too much,” claimed Vicale. He decided to research the potential
for the action- figure business. Starting with the Internet, Vicale found
dozens of companies were involved worldwide, some big and some small.
“Hasbro was the biggest player, but there were numerous others,”
described Vicale. Then he took his research to the retail environment. “In
the toy store, action figures take up the most aisle space,second only to
electronic games. And young girls have an action-figure section, too.”

The exploratory research findings stimulated Vicale’s interest. It was this

evidence of the magnitude of the action-figure business, combined with a
genuine respect and admiration for the heroes of 9/11 that led to the
launch of an e-commerce business to sell dolls based on modern day
heroes. To cover all the bases, Vicale did consult a lawyer about using the
likenesses of living heroes, especially about using the likeness of a sitting
president. The lawyer assured him that presidential likenesses were used
for numerous commercial ventures, including the sale of newspapers and
magazines. The rapid prototyping capabilities make custom doll
manufacturing possible.

The business is also in a position to make dolls from photographs of

everyday heroes in the lives of everyday people. What
hadn’t anticipated was the media attention that discovery of the dolls
would create. “Our sales of the figures at the time [less than 10,000 units]
didn’t warrant the media attention we received,” explained Vicale. “But
one story led to another, then to television. We were unprepared.” After
receiving numerous requests for villain dolls, introduced
dolls patterned after Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.

1. Which of the four types of studies are presented in this case. (10 Marks)
2. What issues, other than those Vicale chose to evaluate, would you have
included in your research plan for

2 Identify a suitable sampling frame for each of the following research 3 5 20


i) How do company directors of manufacturing firms of over 500

employees think a specified piece of legislation will affect their companies?
(10 Marks)

ii) How do college faculties think the proposed introduction of compulsory

Saturday working will affect their working lives? (10 Marks)

3 Explain the steps in research with suitable illustrations 3 5 20

Case Study Analysis

In case study analysis, You need to read, understand the case and give your own explanations for the
questions asked at the end of the case.

Important point in case study analysis is that there is no right or wrong answer for it but at the same
time you need to describe the case using your own words and justify why your answer is completely
relevant for the questions.

Don’t fail to attempt the case study if it is given in ESE.

ALL the Best.

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