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Lotus Sutra (Saddharma-Pundarika) [sanskrit]

by H. Kern | 2013 | 16,351 words | ISBN-13: 9788120801226
Buddhism Mahayana Sanskrit

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The Lotus Sutra (Saddharma-pundarika) is an important Mahayana Buddhist scripture classified as one of the nine Dharmas. the Lotus Sutra deals with a wide range of
important Buddhist teachings in twenty-seven chapters including the nature of the Buddhas and the inherent potentiality of becoming Buddha within all beings. This
editions only contains the Sanskrit metrical text and the corresponding English translation. Alternative titles: Saddharma-puṇḍarīka-sūtra (स म-पु डरीक-सू ).

Verse 24.31
< Previous parent: Chapter 24 - The All-Sided One Next >

न च इ ण त संभवो ना प च मैथुनधम सवशः ।

उपपा क ते जनोरसाः प गभषु नष ण नमलाः ॥ ३१ ॥

na ca istriṇa tatra saṃbhavo nāpi ca maithunadharma sarvaśaḥ |

upapāduka te jinorasāḥ padmagarbheṣu niṣaṇṇa nirmalāḥ || 31 ||

There no women are to be found; there sexual intercourse is absolutely unknown; there the sons of Gina, on
springing into existence by apparitional birth, are sitting in the undefiled cups of lotuses.
English translation by H. Kern (2013)  Buy now!

Glossary of Sanskrit terms

Note: This extracts Sanskrit terms and links to English definitions from the glossary, based on an experimental segmentation of verse (24.31). Some terms could be superfluous while some
might not be mentioned. Click on the word to show English definitions.

Trina (+2), Dharma (+2), Upapaduka (+1),

Analysis of Sanskrit grammar

Note: this is an experimental feature and only shows the first possible analysis of the Sanskrit text (Lotus Sutra Verse 24.31). If the system was successful in segmenting the sentence, you will
see of which words it is made up of, generally consisting of Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Participles and Indeclinables. Click on the link to show all possible derivations of the word.

Line 1: “na ca istriṇa tatra saṃbhavo nāpi ca maithunadharma sarvaśaḥ”

na - na (indeclinable particle); (1 der.)
na (noun, masculine); (2 der.)
na (noun, neuter); (2 der.)
ca* - ca (noun, masculine); (1 der.)
is - i (noun, masculine); (1 der.)

triṇa - triṇa (noun, neuter); (2 der.)

tatra - tatra (indeclinable adverb); (1 der.)
tatra (indeclinable correlative); (1 der.)
tatra (indeclinable); (1 der.)

sambhavo* - sambhava (noun, masculine); (1 der.)

sambhu (noun, masculine); (2 der.)
sambhu (noun, feminine); (2 der.)
nā - na (indeclinable particle); (1 der.)
na (noun, masculine); (2 der.)
na (noun, neuter); (2 der.)
nā (noun, feminine); (2 der.)
nṛ (noun, masculine); (2 der.)

api - api (indeclinable preposition); (1 der.)

ap (noun, neuter); (1 der.)

ca - ca (indeclinable conjunction); (1 der.)

ca (noun, masculine); (2 der.)
ca (noun, neuter); (2 der.)
maithuna - maithuna (noun, masculine); (2 der.)
maithuna (noun, neuter); (2 der.)

dharma - dharma (noun, masculine); (2 der.)

dharman (noun, neuter); (4 der.)
sarvaśaḥ - sarvaśaḥ (indeclinable); (1 der.)

Line 2: “upapāduka te jinorasāḥ padmagarbheṣu niṣaṇṇa nirmalāḥ”

upapāduka - upapāduka (noun, masculine); (2 der.)
upapāduka (noun, neuter); (2 der.)
te - ta (noun, masculine); (1 der.)
ta (noun, neuter); (4 der.)
tā (noun, feminine); (4 der.)
tad (noun, neuter); (2 der.)
sa (noun, masculine); (1 der.)
sā (noun, feminine); (4 der.)
yuṣmad (pronoun, none); (2 der.)
jinorasāḥ - jinorasa (noun, masculine); (2 der.)

padmagarbheṣu - padmagarbha (noun, masculine); (1 der.)

niṣaṇṇa - niṣaṇṇa (noun, masculine); (2 der.)

niṣaṇṇa (noun, neuter); (2 der.)
nirmalāḥ - nirmala (noun, masculine); (2 der.)
nirmalā (noun, feminine); (3 der.)

Other print editions:

Also see the following print editions of the Sanskrit text or (alternative) English translations of the Lotus Sutra Verse 24.31

The Lotus Sutra (Text with Hindi Translation)

by Ram Mohan Das (2001)

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Last Updated: 02 May, 2019

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