Friedendorf:: Peace Village

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~Peace Village~

A Village located on nine acres of land in Central Florida where the

simplicity of the Renaissance couples with eccentric personalities building a
working Village which is fully off-grid, self-sustaining and living
harmoniously with Earth. Hand-built stone abodes to house back-to-basics
individuals who choose to work in one of the many trades will be scattered
throughout the trees adorned with flying pennants. Gypsies and jousting in
Center Court on the week-ends and Table Dump Dinner Feasts to celebrate our
friendships are only a taste of the many activities visitors can experience.

Friedendorf: From the moment you pass

under the delicately hand-wrought, scrolled
entryway you can feel that you have stepped
back to a simpler time where the abundances
in life are nature, family, friends, laughter and
celebration. A green Village existing and
thriving completely off-grid where necessary
power is generated with the assistance of
Earth, villagers work together for the common
success and the common good, where giving
back to Earth is more important than ravishing
her for selfish gain.
Stone houses, laid up by hand and nestled
among the trees, provide friendly shelter as
payment for those who wish to work at the
Village in one of the many trades and teach
others of living in basic, earth-loving ways.
Page Two – Introduction to Friedendorf

Take a journey with us as we walk you through our humble

Village where you can experience the wealth of Earth’s
rich bounty, witness a community living in harmony, and
feel the love, friendship, and camaraderie that is naturally
borne from living peacefully and for a greater good.
Smell the fragrant blooms as you travel along hand laid
paths of stone and shale, hear the tinging of the
instruments playing to the energy of the dancing and the
infectious laughter in the children.
Welcome to Friedendorf

Environment – Sprawling across the land that

encompasses the Village of Friedendorf you will find a
community living harmoniously with nature – houses
placed around the lay of the trees, colorful pennants
flying above, rainwater collection systems feeding into a
holding area, flower patches and herb gardens sprinkling
earth’s canvas. Wildlife and familiar animals are
welcome and treated as the equals they are, flowering
blooms fill the air with fragrant gifts of their nectar.
Structures and village planning is centered around the
natural lay of the land, and all acts are governed with the
most highly regarded Law of the Land, “Do No Harm” –
to Earth, to each other, to ourselves.
Strong women are found about the Village. Some
are gypsies with their sultry energetic dancing; some are
Shamans wishing only to help others. Over yonder you
witness patient Princess Carly with the Village animals,
and the other Lady’s of the land never cease to entice
and entertain. Rambunctious laughter is always to be
heard among the minstrels and musicians.
Page Three – Housing

We, as the Lady’s of Friedendorf, shall be housed in a
stone home laid by hand upon a stone foundation
and will be located in the rear of the property.
Unique people who work in the various trades are
provided a one or two bedroom hand-laid stone
cottage to reside in during their tenure of working in
the Village. For guests, travelers, and the curious,
there will also be small stone cottages that can be
rented by those wishing to experience our Village for
a short time.

Each abode will be fully off-grid with any necessary power

provided by our assortment of natural energy
systems. The coolness and insulation provided
naturally by the stone envelope eliminates the need
for modern air conditioning units, as the stone
assists in maintaining a comfortable temperature
year round. In lieu of traditional refrigerators,
custom designed, hand built, trough style
condensing stations will be installed in each kitchen
and will provide the cooling and freezing necessary
for any perishable goods.
Composting toilets will be installed in each house. This
will eliminate the need to be connected to the public
sewer system as well as generate rich composting
materials for our non-food crops.
Windows shall be strategically placed in each home to
reduce heat transmission as well as to allow for the
maximum amount of natural light to be utilized.
Every effort will be made to utilize recycled or naturally
found materials during the construction of each
Page Four – Power

All power at the Village will be harmlessly generated with the
assistance of Earth or by the human body using a wide
selection of energy generating sources.
Wind Power: Wind turbines will be placed among the property in
the most advantageous areas to harness wind power.
Solar Power: Solar panels will be placed among the houses as well
as other energy collection areas in the Village.
Hand Crank: To help provide power for small Village lights at
nighttime, there will be hand-crank stations that passerby can
use to contribute to the Villages small energy needs.
Pedal Stations: In addition to providing exercise, specially designed
bicycle stations will be utilized which turn the energy of
pedaling the bike into useable electricity.

An energy storage area will be designed and strategically placed

within the Village and all energy generated by the above
methods will be routed to the storage area to be used by the
Village as needed.

For visitors and as a teaching aide, there are a few wooden power
stations placed in the Village. Each power station will have
one each of the above energy sources located within, and an
output meter attached to a viewing wall where participants
can visually see the current output of each source. This
should be especially fun with the hand and pedal-cranks
Page Five – Water Source

Water Source:
Ideally there will be a naturally occurring water
source on the property of Friedendorf which will
add to the environment as well as to the water
needs of the community and will be used in
conjunction with the following, however it will be in
meager amounts so as to not strain the source.
Wells will be dug and water piped to each house for
cooking, bathing, and washing needs. Waste-water
will pass through a simple filtration system as it is
fed into a treating and holding area where the
water will be naturally treated for bacteria and
disease before being utilized for irrigation of the
many crops in Friedendorf.
For watering needs of each home’s personal
garden, and other household needs, rain barrels,
fed by gutters, will be placed around the home for
collection and storing.
Rainwater collection systems will be built and will
have troughs built to direct the gathered rainwater
to the designated water storage area.

As healthy, disease free living is very important at

Friedendorf, all water intended as potable will be
naturally treated to eliminate bacteria and disease.

Sanitary bladders will be installed sub-terranean

and utilized as water storage vessels.
Page Six – Governance

Friedendorf recognizes, respects, and abides by all
local, state and Federal laws. All reference to
governance of Friedendorf is done so with this
basic truth in mind as well as to maintain the
intended atmosphere of the founders.
Friedendorf is established as a monarch led Village,
with places in Court held by the Founder’s
family. Other positions necessary to
successfully governing Friedendorf in the
intended fashion shall be either appointed or
achieved through competition.
Page Seven – Agriculture


Friedendorf strives to provide most, if not all, of the Village needs

from within its’ walls. As such, there is much agriculture to be
found and Village workers are each responsible for at least one
assigned crop.

Crop gains will be shared among the Village inhabitants equally so

that each has the sustenance their family needs. Additionally, so
that we may enjoy our favorite foods year round, a certain amount
will also be canned and stored for when the crop is out of season.
Remaining produce will be sold on the weekends during Market
where guests and visitors may come to purchase organically grown
products locally. All crops will be grown organically from pure
seed and chemicals shall not be utilized.

In addition to food crops, you will also find many herb gardens,
fruit and nut trees, as well as many items grown for their medicinal
benefits. Food crops will be organized, while the trees and many
of the herbs and plants will be found randomly throughout the
property at Friendendorf.
bell peppers eggplant Trees:
Here lies a non-complete list
lettuce of some of the agriculture
garlic Orange you may
at Friedendorf: onions Lemon
potatos watermelon Lime
hot peppers cantolaupe Almond
squash strawberries Grapefruit
zucchini pineapple Walnut
sweet potatos grapes Pecan
sugar cane blackberry Banana
asparagus raspberry Coconut
beans blueberries Peach
broccoli Guar bean Fig
carrots mushrooms Mango
corn Avocado
spinach Neem
Page Eight – Agriculture ~con’t~

Other trees, plants, flowers, herbs, and shrubs are grown for their
many nourishing and medicinal purposes.

In addition to food and medicinal crops, there are also egg-laying

hens as well as guinea hens to address any ticks in the area. Goats
and their milk are also very appreciated at Friedendorf.
Page Five – Introduction to Friedendorf

Here in the Village of Friedendorf, recycling is a very important
part of our lives. Recycling serves many benefits
Page Five – Introduction to Friedendorf

No matter how basic our lives are lived, there are everyday needs which must
be met for us to be capable of thriving in happiness and tranquility. Many of
the items necessary for comfortable living are produced by hand here at the
Village of Friedendorf and are bartered and traded among the other Village
workers so that all have the bulk of the items they need and desire. Markets
held on the weekends and other special occasions provide the opportunity for
the tradesmen to sell their goods and wares for a reasonable profit hence
allowing for the purchase of items not made at the Village. The Village
Market also allows the opportunity to teach about sustainable living to
guests, provides access to locals on how they can incorporate parts of natural
living into their lives, and assists in paying down any outstanding debt the
Village has from land and materials purchases. Following you will find just
a few of the trades which can be observed at the Village.

Craft Stations:
Sporadically located throughout the
Village, a myriad of authentic, earth
friendly goods will be hand produced then
vended to visitors and bartered & traded
with fellow villagers. A few of the stations
for your pleasure are:
Paper Making: Steel vats processing recycled paper and
rag pulp, then shall be used to make the paper
sheets. By natural occurrences, the paper will be of
archival quality.
Soaps, Cleansers, and Detergents: Economical, earth-
balanced blends hand blended by traditional and
modern methods.
Jewelry Makers: Wire wrapped hand-crafted body
wear. Offerings include bottle and glass dressings,
rings, ear wraps and cuffs, head-dressed, anklets,
and necklaces.
Calligrapher: Ye Village Calligrapher will record
official paperwork, as well as making himself
available for commissioned work.
Bookbinding: Utilizing items from the land and
Page Five – Introduction to Friedendorf


Homemade Animal Food:

Stonegrinder: corn, sorghum
Shopkeeper: sanitary napkins, dishes, cookware,
Dry Ice Maker:

Medic: (snake bites)

Potter: with kiln

Haberdasher: Will strip recycled products for their
useful parts, organized, and make available to
other Villagers. A miscellaneous sort of place
for findings and other small things that make
our lives go round.
Innkeeper: Will accommodate week-end guests,
ensuring their needs are tended to as they
spend the week-end in a hand-laid stone cottage
while learning various ways of living green and
harmoniously with Earth.
Farmer: Will tend to farms and operate the
farmer’s Market.
Candle maker: Hand-dipped candles of many
shapes, sizes and colors for everyday use,
special occasions, and creating special
Baker: Baking goods from gluten-free ingredients,
using sorghum grown and stone-ground at the
Page Five – Introduction to Friedendorf

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