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3:1 All actions are taken simultaneously.
3:2 Damage is dealt in hits: one hit for simple
weapons, two for martial weapons, three for
devastating weapons, four for deadly
weapons. Damage is instant, no roll required.
4:1 Magic is corruption.
4:2 Any man may wield Fire as his Power.
4:3 Using a Power is an uncertain action.
4:4 Instead of rolling 2d6, the player rolls as
One player is SKORNE the devil prince many d6s as they dare and adds Willpower.
and commands his demon rulers and armies. 3:3 Good positions and clever tactics increase 4:5 Each die that shows ‘6’ is a disaster. Folly
The other players are renegades, part of the damage dealt. and distortion are not without consequence.
mankind’s insurrection against the darkness 3:4 Renegades have hits equal to four plus 4:6 If two or more dice show ‘6’, the next of
that reigns. Overthrow the evil Tyrants. their Strength. Armor provides one the seven seals is Broken. When the seventh
Free chained captives. Fight to the last man. additional hit to the wearer but is a bulky seal is broken, the world is ruined and the
To play, bring these rules, scratch paper, item. Shields also provide one additional hit game ends. Tear the rules into seven
writing instruments, and at least two six- but require one hand to use. pieces.
sided dice (2d6) to the table. 3:5 When a character is out of hits, they are
incapacitated. If they go below zero hits, RULES V:CREATION
RULES I:ABILITIES they are slain. 5:1 In the beginning, give thy renegade a
1:1 There are three abilities: Strength, 3:6 When a renegade dies, do not linger but name, though it will not save them.
Dexterity, and Willpower. instead call forth a new, determined soul. 5:2 Roll 2d6 for each ability. A result of two
1:2 Strength is lifting, grappling, enduring. 3:7 Humans recover one hit after a full night or three subtracts two. On a four or five,
1:3 Dexterity is dodging, balancing, fleeing. or a full day of rest. remove one. Six through eight yield
1:4 Willpower is persuading, deceiving, 3:8 People carry as much as makes sense, but nothing. Nine and ten add one. Eleven or
using Powers. more than one bulky item may hinder them. higher grants a bonus of two.
3:9 Time and fate make fools of us all. 5:3 Add the abilities together and roll 1d6,
consulting the next page for a renegade
2:1 When a renegade takes an uncertain package. Mark that package used.
action, Skorne rolls 2d6. If the action is
5:4 If another renegade has taken that
against another character, add the
package, take the next unused package to
appropriate ability of that opponent.
the left. Move to the rightmost package on
2:2 The player then rolls 2d6 and adds the next row up if this is not possible.
appropriate ability.
5:5 If a player rolls and is unable to get an
2:3 If the player rolls higher, they pass. If unused package, there is no one left alive.
Skorne rolls higher, something nefarious Humanity has lost and the game ends.
comes to pass. If tied, do both or roll again. Burn the rules as the world is consumed.

Licensed for reuse under CC BY 4.0. v0.2 created by Sam Doebler,
Renegade Packages After taking a renegade package, also gain 2d6 x 10 Gold Crowns.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Power: Death Power: Shadow Power: Bone Power: Blood Power: Stars Power: Tar
-5 or Garrote Poison Spiked club Longbow Flail Longaxe, bone
Knife Grapple hook Full armor Royal flag Lantern Sack
lower Cloak Rope Horse Boltcutters Waterskin Torch
Crucifix, wooden Cataracts, spreading Missing finger Steel wire Double-jointed Crucifix, silver
Power: Wind Power: Ash Power: Sea Power: Bark Power: Ice Power: Fungus
Billhook Halberd Spear Oar, chewed Knife Hammer
-3 or Lantern Fire oil Shield Crucifix, wooden Net Full armor
-4 Blastpowder Metal ingot Medicine box Torch Fishhook and line Mule
Missing eye Idiot twin Authored book Clothing, old-fashioned Love letter Cart, wooden
Power: Rain Power: Stone Power: Corrosion Power: Glass Power: Thunder Power: Metal
Zweihander Morningstar Flail Halberd Longspear Twin blades
-1 or Minor fame Fake jewelry Blastpowder Flute Full armor Skeleton key
-2 Mirror Clothing, formal Glue Grapple hook Manacles Medicine box
Locket, silver Missing arm Tattoos Guild credentials Soothing herbs Book of Scriptures
Sword Spear Mattock Longaxe Bow Claymore
Buckler Horse Pet hound Hide armor Clothing, smuggler’s Liquor
0 Ring, noble’s Antitoxin Torch Mallet Grease Lockpick tools
Fishhook and line Bear trap Sack Navigational charts Rope Crucifix, silver
Yellow teeth Brewing kit 200 Gold Crown debt Shouting helm Spyglass Shiverless
Throwing knives Hatchet Mace Longbow Throwing axes Morningstar
Blastpowder Shield Horn Pet hawk Liquor Drum
+1 or Smokedust Alchemical fire Spyglass Fire oil Meat Poison
+2 Land deed Manacles Dice set, stolen Salt Manacles Meat
Burnt face Favor coin Dog bite Ventriloquist Linguist Toxin-immune
Shovel, serrated Pitchfork Power: Dream Whip Warhammer Wooden club
Net Grease Horse Skeleton key Hacksaw Shield
+3 or Lantern Medicine box Mandolin Snare Knife Lantern
+4 Meat Crucifix, silver Waterskin Mirror Boltcutters Medicine box
Never sleeps Mute Always dirty Admired looks Elderly 120 Gold Crowns, fake
Staff Hefty rock Knife, rusty Oar, broken in two Sling Sharpened stake
+5 or Mule Sack Femur Pet rat Liquor Smokedust
Snare Dead bird Flute, silver Antitoxin Poison Metal ingot
higher Star chart Torch Fishhook and line Meat Grapple hook Letter of pardon
Bloody eye Tunneler vision Clothing, fine fur Illiterate Crucifix, wooden Perfume
The following passage is an example of a session underway. To prepare the game, establish a hierarchy by rolling or These tables have 36 results and are laid out in 6 groups with
It has no bearing on your game: choosing 3 or 4 Tyrants. Give each a concept, aspect, 6 results each. To use, roll 2d6. Use the first die for the
Skorne: Having travelled three days on your way to domain, and asset. For added potential, give them an group and the second die for the entry in the group going
Gutscar Keep, you come to a fork in the road. A tall additional power, scar, or transformation if you choose. from top to bottom. Bold entries are found on other tables.
horned demon stands guard in full gold plate armor Start the game with the renegades in a situation. Have them Situations
resting a skull club on his shoulder. What do you do? witness an injustice or have an injustice happen to them. Acquisition Capture Exchange
Clovis: Should we just sneak around? Make a tyrant directly or indirectly responsible. Tell them Banishment Ceremony Execution
Bianca: No good. That old woman warned us to stay on where that tyrant’s domain is. Establish threats and Bargain Coup Festival
the path. Don’t disregard decrepit fortunetellers. obstacles that stand in the renegades’ way. Present Betrayal Delivery Fire
valuables with a cost or in a high-risk situation. Present Brawl Destruction Foe's entrance
Clovis: Got it. I step forward and say, “We are willing to
opportunities to increase the capabilities of the renegades. Burial Entertainment Hiring
pay for safe passage. Would 70 Gold Crowns do?”
Skorne: The giant stands in silence. While you may start with a prepared situation, do not Imprisonment Proclamation Stand-off
prepare a “plot” or “story.” After presenting players with Infiltration Protection Surrounded
Clovis: I quickly charge. That’s Dexterity, right?
a situation, ask them to make a choice. If a player’s action Invasion Ritual Travel
Skorne: Right. I’m going to say that this has decreased Mealtime Robbery Trial
has an outcome that is certain, do not roll the dice. Always
risk because of the demon’s bulky armor that slows him Negotiations Sabotage Warfare
say the impact of their choices. Nothing happens in a void.
down. A minus one for him. [Rolls 2d6] 6 total. Party Scouting Worship
Clovis: [Rolls 2d6] 3 and 4 plus 1 is 8. I move behind him. Every encounter should be high impact and able to give
Skorne: You do that. Bianca, what do you do?
one or more renegades a power, scar, or transformation. Injustices
Give each encounter a motivation and lots of flavor. Each Assassination Corruption Envy
Bianca: I’ll use the power of fire. I have a feeling we’ll
moment of the game should reveal the world and give it life. Betrayal Cruelty Extortion
need magic for this fight. Just a giant blast directly at
him. I’ll roll three dice. In a violent conflict, always tell the players where they are Bribery Curses Fearmongering
in relation to the enemies, what the enemies are doing, and Brokenness Disobedience Gluttony
Clovis: Please be careful. We can’t break another seal…
what objects are nearby. Make the environment dynamic. Censorship Displacement Greed
Bianca: You’ll be fine. You’re behind him, right? Coercion Dispossession Hatred
Skorne: [Rolls 2d6] That’s a 10. There are only demons, animals, and men. Monsters
Indulgence Pride Taboo
Bianca: [Rolls 3d6] Adding Willpower... that’s 11 total. occupy the space between these categories. Men and Inequality Regulation Temptation
animals are corrupted and distorted to their absolute worst Intimidation Slavery Torture
Skorne: The demon is engulfed in flames, taking 3 hits.
by demons. Reckless men choose to become devils.
He only has four left. He roars loudly and you smell his Kidnapping Sloth Vainglory
charred flesh. I see you rolled a “6” there too. Here’s the As Skorne, you play fair. When the renegades achieve a Lust Starvation Violence
disaster: Clovis, you catch fire. Take 1 hit. victory, let them have it. Reward clever solutions. But never Poverty Suffocation Wrath
Clovis: “You’ll be fine.” I’ll choke him from behind, still pull your punches. They have to earn it. Make it tough.
on fire. Strength roll? Tyrants are the path to increased sovereignty for the There is no “general store.” Prices are given in Gold Crowns.
Skorne: No, he’s distracted. The outcome seems pretty renegades. Their defeat means more assets, fewer enemies, Items without prices cannot be bought with mere coins.
certain here. You’re gripping him from behind and can and greater belief in the possibility of a true overthrow of Alchemy recipe (150) Book (100-500) Heavy armor (200)
take him down. His arms are flailing around as he curses. Skorne. Tyrants are never friendly toward other Tyrants Alcohol (5) Cart (30) Heavy weapon (60)
Bianca: I move to strike him in the chest with my knife. when their back is turned. Not all Tyrants are themselves Animal (5-300) Clothing (3-1,000) Hireling (1-100/day)
Skorne: His eyes burn with rage as he swings wildly and favored by Skorne either. Armor (80) Common item (5) Ingredient (10-100)
smacks you with the club, sending you flying back... and Demons, including Skorne and his minions, are Banner Crown (1,000) Iron ingot (200)
off the road. manifestations of evil and are irredeemable. Any character Blackmail Exceptional food (10) Jewel (300-1,000)
Bianca and Clovis: Oh no... that sides with Skorne is a lost traitor. Call forth a new soul. Light weapon (20) Ranged weapon (40) Tool (20-50)
Luxury item (100) Ritual guide (300) Transform-scroll
Skorne: A dead hand bursts from the earth and grips If you want a shorter campaign, simply start the game with Medical supplies (600) Secret orders Trophy (100-1,000)
your wrist, pulling with fearsome strength. The demon a few renegade packages used and a few broken seals. Necklace (300) Shield (20) Tyrant’s asset
continues to rage as he takes another hit from his burns. Power-scroll
With the darker themes present, this game assumes the Ship (500-10,000) Tyrant’s seal
And Clovis, you’re still on fire. What do you do? Land (800-200,000) Siege equipment Tyrant’s weakness
group already worked out what ‘crosses the line.’ Play safe.
Broken Seal Tyrant Domain Powers
Roll or choose from this table when a renegade rolls two or more sixes This can be the location of a situation or a place to be travelled to. Acid Crystal Ice
when using their power. These are permanent, global effects. Skorne also resides in one or more domains or strongholds. Ash Death Insects
Animals die Deadly fog Endless winter Abandoned city Far outpost Hallowed grounds Bark Dreams Iron
Animals transform Demon call Eruption Ashlands Flagship Heretical temple Blood Flesh Light
Assassination Disappearances Famine Beast colosseum Flying fortress Innovating city Bone Fungus Lightning
Betrayal Drought Flooding Buried garden Forgotten memorial Lawless town Corrosion Glass Magma
Blood rain Endless darkness Forgetfulness Council building Frozen north Lonely island Metal Shadow Thunder
Crops fail Endless thunder Graves open Desert encampment Guildhouse Luxury palace Mind Smoke Time
Innocents taken Mass aging Portal opens Massive market Profitable mine Tallest tower Poison Soil Vermin
Intense winds Mass transform Ritual completes Mountain peak Relic crypt Travel destination Rain Stars Void
Invaders Mass nightmares Shadows awaken Ocean depths Renegade barracks Underground prison Sand Stone Water
Iron rusts Mass powers Stars fall Opulent city Rivertown Valley crevice Sea Tar Wind
Maggots Monsters grow Vermin appear Overcrowded city Scarred battlefield Wet cavern
Magic doubles Plague Wailing Overgrown forest Slave farm Wild jungle Scars
Anxiety Bruise Hopelessness
Tyrant Concept Tyrant Assets Battle scar Burn Memory loss
This gives an initial idea about the Tyrant’s form. They need not These are in the service of a Tyrant. They may be gifts of Skorne Broken arm Chipped tooth Missing ear
have all characteristics of their base. Add or subtract where needed, with powers, scars, or transformations of their own. Broken leg Cold attitude Missing eye
including powers, scars, or transformations. Additional domain Dark cult Heist crew Broken nose Dependency Missing finger
Abomination Centaur Drake Additional power Deadly prisoner Heretical sect Broken rib Fractured skull Missing foot
Abyssal Commoner Dryad Barbarian clan Elite soldiers Hired killers Missing hair Punctured organ Sleeplessness
Angel Corrupted Elemental Conspiracy Explorer’s club Huge army Missing hand Pyromania Slurred speech
Barbarian Demon Fae Craft guild Family member(s) Large food supply Missing leg Reckless attitude Soft attitude
Basilisk Devil Gargoyle Crime family Hollow guards Local militia Obsession Second personality Splintered mind
Blighted Dragon Giant Many slaves Renegade traitor Street gang Paranoia Shaken nerves Unstable attitude
Golem Maneater Slave Monstrous pet Second-in-command Trade company Phobia Shattered ego Vicious attitude
Gorgon Minotaur Sorcerer Noble house Siege engines Transformed men
Imp Nobleborn Spectre Persuasive Skilled court Valuables
Infected Ooze Treant Political party Spy network Vast wealth Acidic spit Animal tail Demon claws
King/Queen Prince/Princess Troll Religious order State church Worshippers Additional arms Basilisk scales Devil horns
Lich Rotted Witch Additional eyes Bestial arms or legs Dragon breath
Enemy Abilities Additional legs Bestial face Excretes poison
Tyrant Aspect Remember, players will not remember what stats the Additional power Change age Forceful jaws
These modifiers are titles, attitudes, or other attributes, not monsters had. Players will remember what the monsters Additional head Corpulence Frog tongue
necessarily physical traits. did, they choices they made, and what impact it had. Do Gargoyle wings Mesmerizing eyes Skin-shedder
Alchemist Crow/Raven Hexer not sweat the “balance” of their opponents. Give them a Heightened sense Noiseless Spider climb
Ancestor/Old Deserter Hound/Hyena motivation. For more flavor, give them powers, scars, and Hunchback Ogre tumors Sword-form
Artisan Devout/Cultist Inebriate/Glutton transformations of their own. Lycanthrope Ooze-form Troll regeneration
Bandit Gravekeeper Inquisitor Hits. Weak: 2, Typical: 4, Tough: 6, Hulking: 10 or more. Malleable body Power-skin Undead flesh
Collector Heretic Jailer Armor. Armored: +1 hits, Heavily armored: +2 hits, Shield: Malleable voice Prophetic dreams Vampirism
Coward Hermit/Exile Juggernaut +1 hits.
Role-playing: Ockult Örtmästare Games’ MÖRK BORG, Ben
Lawkeeper Physician Tortoise Damage. Untrained: 1 hit, Trained: 2 hits, Dangerous: 3
Milton’s Maze Rats, Jim Parkin’s Any Planet is Earth, Chris
Leech Rat/Lurker Treasurer hits, Masterful: 4 hits, Lethal: 5 hits. McDowall’s Electric Bastionland, Norbert Matausch’s Landshut,
Lion/Tiger Serpent/Viper Trickster Strength. Weak: -1, Average: +0, Strong: +1, Powerful: +2, Yochai Gal’s Cairn, Games Workshop’s Warhammer Fantasy,
Loyalist Silvertongue Twin/triplet Monstrous: +4 Magpie Games’ Root RPG. Anime: Berserk, Vinland Saga, Attack
Mystic/Saint Spider Warden/Protector Dexterity. Slow: -1, Average: +0, Nimble: +1, Swift: +2, on Titan, Goblin Slayer. Books: The Tapestry, The Witcher,
Blurred: +4 Screwtape Letters, Game of Thrones. Games: Darkest Dungeon,
Pawn Thrallmaster Warlord
Willpower. Dimwitted: -1, Average: +0, Clever: +1, Dark Souls, Blood Rage, Hollow Knight, Mount and Blade.
Music: Greta Van Fleet, MÖRK BORG. Feedback: Yochai Gal,
Brilliant: +2, Genius: +4
Jim Parkin, Caleb Doebler, Rachel Limpert, Cody Schuh, Bartlett.

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