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Jumlah Soal : 50 SOAL
Hari/Tanggal : Januari 2022
Waktu : 90 Menit
Text I (for question 1 until 4) Text II (for questions 5 until 10)
Lake Toba, which is situated in the center of
Contagious diseases are diseases which are the Bukit Barisan mountain range, is an interesting
passed from person to person. They can be passed by mountain resort with Samosir Island in the center of
direct contact or by bacteria in the air. the lake. It boasts many modern hotels and facilities for
Some diseases are very dangerous and these water sport such as boating, water-skiing and
can spread quickly, causing sickness and sometimes swimming.

death. In the 14th century in Europe, a contagious In the West Sumatera, the center of culture and
diseases called "bubonic plague' or 'black death' killed tourism is Bukittinggi, situated in the highlands north
millions of people. No one knew how it spread and they of the provincial capital of Padang. West Sumatera is a

could not stop it. Today, a contagious disease like land of scenic beauty with green lakes and Blue
bubonic plague can be stopped by modern medicine, Mountains.
but at the time, nobody understood how diseases were Java has a great number of attractions,

spread or what caused them. Even this century there including the world-renowned Botanic Gardens in
have been outbreaks of serious contagious diseases Bogor, the wildlife reserve of Ujung Kulon on the south

such as typhoid, yellow fever and cholera. west part of the island. Borobudur, a gigantic Buddhist
Doctors and scientist have studied these shrine is situated 42 kilometres northwest of
diseases can prevent them if medicine is available. Yogyakarta and the Ijen crater lies in East Java and

Unfortunately, many countries are crowded and displays hot springs, waterfalls and free-roaming deer
disease spreads quickly. When this happens this is as well as the sulphur crater itself. A three-hour drive
called an 'epidemic'. Even today doctors and modern from Surabaya, and then a pony ride from the village of
medicine sometimes cannot stop epidemics until many Ngadisari over the sea of sand, will take you to Mount

people have already died. Bromo, it is an active volcano with sulphur fumes and
smoke still emitting from its depths. The inhabitants of
1. How are contagious diseases passed? the surrounding areas believe in the God of Bromo and

A. By epidemics bring offerings to the deity.

B. By outbreaks

C. By bacteria 5. What natural beauty does Sumatera have?


D. By crowded countries A. Highlands


E. By sickness of death B. Mountain resorts

C. Farming areas
2. Why don't we have bubonic plague today? D. Facilities for water-sports

A. Doctors didn't know about it E. Lakes and mountains

B. It is called 'black death
C. People in Europe have it 6. What is usually found in tourism spots? There are

D. Countries are not crowded a lot of ...

E. Modern medicine can stop it A. Places of interest
B. Wildlife reserve

3. What is another word for 'epidemic'? C. Modern hotels

A. Outbreak D. Green lakes
B. Bubonic Plague E. Water-sports
C. Crowded countries
D. Modern medicine 7. We saw some wild animals ... in the wildlife
E. Typhoid reserve of Ujung Kulon.
A. playing D. jumping
4. Epidemic still occurs because ... B. running E. climbing
A. many countries are crowded C. roaming
B. doctors can prevent them
C. bubonic plague can be stopped 8. The main idea of the second paragraph is …
D. some diseases are not very contagious A. Bukittinggi is the center of culture and tourism
E. modern medicine sometimes can stop them B. Padang is the provincial capital of West
C. Bukittinggi is in the highlands, north of Padang
D. West Sumatera is a land of scenic beauty
E. Bukittinggi is situated in the highlands

© Bimbel My Tentor Jl. Ayahanda No 1B Medan, HP (081269438538 - 081262017001) Hal 1 dari 6 halaman
9. The word "it" in paragraph 1 refers to ... 12. People who want to cook usually use bottle gas.
A. Resort D. Samosir Island This information is found in paragraph ...
B. Lake Toba E. Mountain range A. 2 D. 5
C. Bukit Barisan B. 3 E. 6
C. 4
10. It is an active volcano with sulphur fumes and
smoke still emitting from its depth. (par 1). What 13. Which of the following statement is true according
is the meaning of "emitting"? to the text?
A. Flowing out D. Driving A. Carboniferous doesn't produce natural gas.
B. Surrounding E. Taking B. Air only contains oxygen and nitrogen.
C. Coming in C. All gases become liquids when they are cooled
down enough.
D. Dry ice can't be used for keeping ice cream

Text III (for questions 11 until 15) cold.

CASTOR FUEL AND LIGHT E. It's not dangerous to use gas without
The air we breathe contains the gases oxygen and distinctive smell.

nitrogen, and small quantities of other gases. Every gas

consists of molecules of a particular substance, moving 14. Paragraph... is about-the kinds of gas that people
rapidly about. The molecules are comparatively far use for doing something

apart, but they fill evenly any vessel containing them. A. 1 D. 4


All gases can be changed to liquids, and some even to B. 2 E. 5

solids, if they are cooled down enough. C. 3
The oxygen used in factories for making a very hot

flame to cut and weld steel is sometimes stored and 15. … to enable people to detect any leak (paragraph
carried about in the liquid state and solid carbon 5)
dioxide, usually called dry ice, is used for keeping ice- "Detect" means ...
cream cold. A. turn off D. look at
The kinds of gases used in cookers and gas fires B. look for E. decide on

come from three sources. The first kind is made of C. find out
naptha, which is light oil; the second is made from coal;
while the third, natural gas, is almost entirely methane. Text IV (for questions 16 until 20)

Geologists believe that natural gas was


produced by iron carboniferous, or coal-bearing rocks. HENRY FORD AND MASS PRODUCTION
The gas rose into the rock holes in the sandstone, and Many of you may have seen a Ford car. Some of

was prevented from escaping upwards out of the you own one, or at least you might have owned one.
sandstone by a "cap" rock-usually a form of rock salt- Formerly, Ford cars were popular in Indonesia,
which formed a dome over the natural reservoir of gas. although today there are more Toyota and other
In Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia it is Japanese cars than Ford or other American cars.

common practice to use gas for cooking. Gas reaches Like the Toyota car, The Ford car is named
the houses through large underground pipes called gas after the man who started the car factory. Henry Ford,
mains; and smaller pipes called service pipes lead to along with his friends, started the Ford Motor Company

the gas meters in each house or building. The meter in 1903. It was a small company then, but by 1927 it
records how much gas is used. Natural and gas and gas had grown into a giant company.
from oil has no distinctive smell, so an artificial smell is The great success of the company began

produced by adding small quantities of concentrated a during the years 1912 and 1913, when it applied all the
do rants, to enable people to detect any leak that may element of "mass production". The most modern
occur. machine tools were used.
Pertamina sells bottled gas under the name of The parts of the car were standardized.
Elpiji". The gas is put in steel drums or cylinders. Machines and workers were placed in orderly
Bottled gas is used by people who live places without a sequence. Moving conveyor belts were used. Other
piped supply, by yachtsmen and campers. Indonesia's devices were employed in order that the movement of
role in LNG production started in 1977 with the the parts and materials might be economical and
initiation of the LNG facility at Bontang. About a year efficient. All activities were planed and coordinated.
later the plant at Arun also started production and Basically, that is what mass production is all
exportation. about. The word "mass" means a large number. The
term "mass production" refers to methods of
11. People, especially those who in big cities, organizing 'production processes for a maximum
commonly use ... for cooking. number of products at the lowest cost! It is based on
A. oil D. naphta two general principles. One is the division and
B. gas E. oxygen specialization of human labour. The other is the use of
C. coal tools and machines in the production of standard,
interchangeable parts.
© Bimbel My Tentor Jl. Ayahanda No 1B Medan, HP (081269438538 - 081262017001) Hal 2 dari 6 halaman
From the Ford Motor Company mass Text V (for questions 21 until 27)
production spread to other companies. Henry Ford
become known as its creator. Was this creator of When we buy canned or bottled food products
modern mass production a graduate of a famous at the grocery or the supermarket, we will find out that
university? No, he was not. He never studied at any there are some additives added to the main nutrients.
university. He did not even finish high school. He left An additive is a non-nutritive substance intentionally
school when he was 15 and began to work. You might added to food generally in small quantities, to improve
think that he ought to have finished his schooling first. appearance, flavor, storage properties, etc.
Young Henry did not think so. Instead he Most governments issue lists of permitted
thought that one could be successful without finishing additives stating the highest acceptable concentration,
his schooling. Young Henry Ford might have promised defining food products in which they may be used and
himself that he would be a successful man. If indeed he sometimes recommending the maximum daily
did, then he kept his word. He was a successful man, consumption. Such legislation is revised periodically,

and his name will be remembered in the history of and product may be added to or deleted from
mass production for good. permitted lists because of additional scientific
knowledge and experience of their use.

16. How long had the Ford Motor company been A group of food additives includes vitamins,
operating until it became a big company? amino acids, and minerals which are added to
A. Nine years foodstuffs to compensate for losses occurring during

B. Eleven years processing or to provide additional sources in diet that


C. Fifteen years might otherwise be deficient in such nutrients.

D. Sixteen years Examples of their use include enrichment of margarine
E. Twenty four years with the addition of vitamin A, and niacin amide to

flour or bread. Salt often has a small amount of iodine

17. Henry Ford became the creator of modern mass to it to avoid a diet deficiency that can cause goiter
production even though he did not study in development.
university. Appearance is an important factor in food
This information can be found in paragraph … appeal, and legislation in most countries permits the

A. 1 D. 4 addition of both natural and synthetic coloring matter

B. 2 E. 5 based on the coloring standards issued by the Food and
C. 3 Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health

Organization (WHO).

18. Which of the following statements is true Flavoring materials are added to basic
according to the text? foodstuff to provide a characteristic product flavor or

A. The great success of the company began in to supplement or modify the original flavor. Most
1927. flavoring materials are still of natural origin, but
B. The man who started the Ford car factory was progress in organic chemistry has made it possible to
Toyota. analyze flavoring materials and to synthesize product

C. In mass production the human labour is not similar with those found in nature.
important. Flavor can also be influenced by the addition of
D. The Ford Motor Company was the first to the flavor enhancer such as monosodium glutamate

introduce all elements of mass production. which intensifies perception of flavoring.

E. Mass production means producing a maximum
number of goods at a maximum cost.

21. Canned or bottled food product contain additives

19. In a mass production system, all activities are besides ...
planned and coordinated in order to .... A. non-nutritive substances
A. get a large number of products at low cost B. margarine with vitamins
B. see the general principles of it C. storage properties
C. standardize the parts of cars D. small quantities
D. specialize the human labour E. main nutrients
E. get the most modern products
22. The lists of permitted additives were issued by ...
20. "It was a small company then, but by 1927 it had A. grocer D. governments
'grown into giant company", (paragraph- 2) B. consumer E. food producer
The underlined word means ... C. legislation
A. very large D. famous
B. popular E. famous 23. The iodine prevent us from developing ...
C. powerful A. decay D. nutrient
B. goiter E. diet deficiency
C. vitamins

© Bimbel My Tentor Jl. Ayahanda No 1B Medan, HP (081269438538 - 081262017001) Hal 3 dari 6 halaman
24. In line 15, the word "it" refers to ... 29. To find an oil reserve people have to explore ...
A. salt D. margarine A. any location
B. flour E. niacin amide B. rock or oil
C. bread C. rock or water
D. the earth or seabed
25. The best title for the above text is ... E. remote places only
A. Food and Vitamins
B. Food and Additives 30. In line 15, the word "this" refers to ...
C. Food and Their use A. building a road them
D. Food and Nutrients B. sending a drilling team
E. Food and a Diet Deficiency C. gathering the crude oil
D. sending exploration teams
26. Tinned food is very practical, but it is not as good E. sending exploration machinery

as ... food
A. fast D. canned 31. In line 13, the word "they" refers to ...
B. fresh E. synthetic A. people D. oil companies

C. bottled B. exploration teams E. harsh conditions

C. finished product
27. We have known that ... food is necessary for

healthy bodies and keen minds. 32. The main idea of the first paragraph is that ...

A. fast D. nourishing A. oil has changed a great deal of things

B. sweet E. starchy B. kinds of oil for transportation
C. canned C. the importance of transportation

D. motor vehicles using gasoline

OIL E. further processing of oil
That oil has helped to shape the world is not an
exaggeration. Indeed, the discovery of oil during the 33. Exploration teams, sent by oil companies, have to
last hundred years has changed a great deal of things. go to remote places, (paragraph 2 line 11).

An oil product called kerosene has replaced firewood in The word "remote" in the sentence above means ...
the kitchen of our cities. Motor vehicles using gasoline A. busy D. crowded
or diesel oil have put animal-drawn carriages into B. near E. close

museums. Steamships have lost against motor vehicles. C. far away


Diesel locomotives have driven steam locomotives off

the rails. Jet planes using aviation fuel fly the skies, 34. An oil product called ... has replaced firewood in

making remote places reachable in a matter of hours. the kitchen of our cities.
That oil is indispensable to our everyday lives A. diesel oil D. lubricant
is not an exaggeration, either. Yet few of us ever ask B. gasoline E. petrol
how this important liquid is extracted from the earth C. kerosene

and changed into finished products. In the first place, it

is not an easy matter to find an oil reserve. Exploration THE CITY OF LONDON
teams, sent by oil companies, have to go to remote The history of London cannot be separated

places, sometimes have to live under harsh conditions, from the river Thames. If you look at the map you will
to explore the earth or seabed for oil. They study the see that it is the gateway to London from the European
rock and the soil, and if there are promising results, the continent. In the first century, when the Romans

next thing for the oil company to do is to send a drilling occupied England, there was a small village on Lud Hill
team to the location. Again, this is not a simple matter. along the Thames, where the river was at its lowest
Roads, for examples, have to be built first to transport point. It was about ten miles from the sea. The Romans
the men and materials to the site. What is worse, the discovered that they could load and unload their
first drilling does not always bring about oil. The merchant ships here. So, they build a city on Lud Hill.
drilling team often has to drill up to ten wells before oil More and more ships could stop now for either
is found. loading or unloading, bringing more and more business
to the city. They called the city Londinium (meaning:
28. Animal-drawn carriages have been replaced by ... city) from which the name London was probably
A. ships derived. In order to connect both sides of the river,
B. vehicles called the Thames, the Romans built the London Bridge
C. planes here.
D. motor vehicles A great fire in 1665 brought a big change to
E. motor boats and vessels London. The great wall surrounding the city was
destroyed and today we can only see its ruins. Another
change was brought by the Second World War. From
August 1940 to May 1941, German bombers attacked
the city almost every night, destroying thousands of
© Bimbel My Tentor Jl. Ayahanda No 1B Medan, HP (081269438538 - 081262017001) Hal 4 dari 6 halaman
buildings and houses, and killing thousands of people. 39. It was about ten miles from the sea. (paragraph 1)
For the second time, the greater part of London was in What does the word it refers to?
ruins. A. England. D. London.
B. Lud Hill. E. A small village.
35. Where did the Romans load and unload their C. Thames.
merchant ships?
A. On Lud Hill. 40. They called the city Londonium from which the
B. In the river Thames. name London was probably derived.
C. In the European Continent. The underline word means ...
D. In the city of London. A. came from.
E. In the gateway to London B. accepted.
C. received.
36. What brought a big change to London? D. given.

A. Second World War. E. got.

B. A great fire.
C. German bombers.

D. The death of many people.

E. The ruins of the houses.

37. In the first Century when the Romans occupied


England, there was a small village on Lud Hill

along the Thames.
The underline word is similar in meaning to ...

A. stated.
B. destroyed.
C. colonized.
D. separated attacked.
E. attacked
38. Which of the following statement is true according
to the text?

A. The London Bridge has disappeared now.


B. We can't see ruins of the great fire now.

C. The Romans called the city built on the Lud Hill

D. The city of London was in fact built by the
E. Ruins of the city of London will become boring

to tourists.


Choose the one word or phrase which would not be appropriate in standard written English!

41. The report cites that the number of employees in the private sector have doubled between 2007 and 2010.


42. People whoa chieve success do many different things before, like studying, working, and to attend classes in

43. Scientists had yet to revealanother tiny piece of the mystery of our origins.

44. A number of visitors of the zoo are warned not feeding the animals forseveral health reasons.

45. The victims of the eviction approved to the compensation given by the company.

46. Neither of those people understand the importance and the risk of this project.

© Bimbel My Tentor Jl. Ayahanda No 1B Medan, HP (081269438538 - 081262017001) Hal 5 dari 6 halaman
47. Various traditional cultures are performed random to amuse the spectators attending the show.

48. His mother explicitly told he not to go out to the river by himself, but he did not listen.

49. Many pencils are graded on a European system using a continuum from “H” to “B”.

50. The earlier the younger players get the chance to play in international events, the best they will be in the


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