Instructions Regarding Internship Diary X Semester 2022

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Vivekananda School of Law and Legal Studies

02nd February, 2022


Refer - Notice dated 07th December, 2021 regarding Notice X semester Internship
(Lawyers / Law Firm)
Considering the virtual courts and limited access to attend online court proceedings, students of
X semester are allowed to take up Research Internships with lawyers / Law Firms including
Judges / Corporate Law Firms / Commissions / Tribunals if students have not received
Litigation Internship. The guidelines to write Internship Diary for Litigation Internship and
Research Internship are as follows:

As laid down in BCI rules during the course of BA LLB / BBA LLB total 20 weeks’ internship
is required. Therefore 8 weeks of compulsory internship is required to be completed in the X

All X Semester students are hereby informed that the Internship Diary should be submitted
during 25th April, 2022 – 27th April, 2022.
• The Internships should be done under an Advocate with not less than 7 years of
standing at the bar.
• Internships involving research as well as litigation may be done Online / Offline or both.
• Internships are expected to do under Advocates / Law Firms / Judges / Tribunals /
Commissions / Ministries etc.
• You are required to undergo Eight Weeks compulsory internship. Submit two visiting
cards of the Advocate / Law firm you are interning with along with the enrolment no.
of the Advocate. Feedback form and visiting cards are required to be submitted at the
time of submission of court diary.
• Original Certificate of internship has to be produced at the time of Viva Voce or as and
when required by the concerned authorities. A photocopy of the same has to be attached
in the Internship Diary along with the Enrollment No. of the Advocate.
• Internships involving research as well as litigation are required to submit minimum 12
Cases / Research Work cumulatively for the entire duration of Internship.
General Instructions:

a) Submission of soft copy of the internship diary is mandatory. The email addresses for X
semester internship diary submission are:

10th A-
10th B-
10th C-
10th D-
10th E
10th K-
10th L-
10th M-

b) Index must reflect Serial Number, Name of the Case / Research Topic, Date and Page
c) Page Numbers and Date have to be mentioned on each page.
d) If more than one student of VSLLS, VIPS is interning under the same Advocate / Law
firm, then the name of such other student must be mentioned at the bottom right of the
index page positively. Care must be taken that the reporting of the Cases / Researches
have to be different. Otherwise reporting of the Cases / Researches of both the concerned
students would not be counted for the purpose of evaluation.
e) Prescribed Feedback Form duly filled by an Advocate / Law Firm interning is required to
be submitted along with Internship Diary.

Specific instructions applicable to Litigation Internships:

The Diary should contain the following particulars in your own handwriting.

a) Index having the case no., Date and page no.

b) Name of the Court, Judge, Court Room Number and Designation of Judge.
c) Name of the parties with their nomenclature. (Whether plaintiff, defendant etc.)
d) Title of the case. (e.g., Under which provision the case is being filed)
e) Facts of the case in your own words in minimum 3 pages.
f) Your observation for that day (court proceedings of that day).
g) Next date of hearing.
h) If a case comes up for hearing within the duration of Internship, the facts have to be
reproduced again.

Specific instructions applicable to Research Internships:

The Diary should contain the following particulars in your own handwriting in a hard bound
ruled register.
a) Research on minimum 12 Topics / Research Questions.
b) Topics must be specific on a question of law / query.
c) Research on broad and vague topics would not be counted for evaluation.
d) Research must be supported by duly authentic sources.

Prof. Dr. Rashmi Salpekar


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