So sánh trung bình của mẫu A và B:: Đại lượng thống kê: Độ brix của nươc xoài A và độ Brix của nước xoài B

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Bài 13:

Câu 1:
Đại lượng thống kê : Độ brix của nươc xoài A và độ Brix của nước xoài B.
Câu 2:
So sánh trung bình của mẫu A và B:
Comparison of Means
95.0% confidence interval for mean of NuocxoaiA: 16.9571 +/- 1.4455 [15.5116; 18.4026]
95.0% confidence interval for mean of NuocxoaiB: 19.5857 +/- 1.1921 [18.3936; 20.7778]
95.0% confidence interval for the difference between the means
assuming equal variances: -2.62857 +/- 1.66836 [-4.29693; -0.960208]

t test to compare means

Null hypothesis: mean1 = mean2
Alt. hypothesis: mean1 NE mean2
assuming equal variances: t = -3.43281 P-value = 0.00495985
Reject the null hypothesis for alpha = 0.05.

The StatAdvisor
This option runs a t-test to compare the means of the two samples. It also constructs confidence intervals or bounds for each
mean and for the difference between the means. Of particular interest is the confidence interval for the difference between
the means, which extends from -4.29693 to -0.960208. Since the interval does not contain the value 0, there is a statistically
significant difference between the means of the two samples at the 95.0% confidence level.

A t-test may also be used to test a specific hypothesis about the difference between the means of the populations from which
the two samples come. In this case, the test has been constructed to determine whether the difference between the two means
equals 0.0 versus the alternative hypothesis that the difference does not equal 0.0. Since the computed P-value is less than
0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative.

NOTE: these results assume that the variances of the two samples are equal. In this case, that assumption appears to be
reasonable based on the results of an F-test to compare the standard deviations. You can see the results of that test by
selecting Comparison of Standard Deviations from the Tabular Options menu.

Nhận xét:
Ta thấy với độ tin cậy 95% và P-value= 0.00495985 => 0.05 > P-value
Vậy 2 giá trị trung bình khác biệt có ý nghĩa thống kê ở độ tin cậy 95%.
Câu 3:

Box-and-W hisker Plot



14 16 18 20 22

Câu 4:


14 16 18 20 22

Câu 5:

Bài 14:
Comparison of Means
95.0% confidence interval for mean of pHnuocA: 6.72167 +/- 0.141018 [6.58065; 6.86269]
95.0% confidence interval for mean of pHnuocB: 6.455 +/- 0.484461 [5.97054; 6.93946]
95.0% confidence interval for the difference between the means
assuming equal variances: 0.266667 +/- 0.437351 [-0.170684; 0.704018]

t test to compare means

Null hypothesis: mean1 = mean2
Alt. hypothesis: mean1 NE mean2
assuming equal variances: t = 1.35857 P-value = 0.204138
Do not reject the null hypothesis for alpha = 0.05.

The StatAdvisor
This option runs a t-test to compare the means of the two samples. It also constructs confidence intervals or bounds for each
mean and for the difference between the means. Of particular interest is the confidence interval for the difference between
the means, which extends from -0.170684 to 0.704018. Since the interval contains the value 0, there is not a statistically
significant difference between the means of the two samples at the 95.0% confidence level.

A t-test may also be used to test a specific hypothesis about the difference between the means of the populations from which
the two samples come. In this case, the test has been constructed to determine whether the difference between the two means
equals 0.0 versus the alternative hypothesis that the difference does not equal 0.0. Since the computed P-value is not less
than 0.05, we cannot reject the null hypothesis.

NOTE: these results assume that the variances of the two samples are equal. In this case, that assumption is questionable
since the results of an F-test to compare the standard deviations suggests that there may be a significant difference between
them. You can see the results of that test by selecting Comparison of Standard Deviations from the Tabular Options menu.


5.9 6.1 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.9 7.1

Box-and-W hisker Plot



6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7

Bài 15:
Câu 1:
Đai lượng thống kê : Lượng vi sinh vật ( khuẩn lạc/gam) của sản phẩm được xử lí từ 2 chế độ
không xử lí nhiệt và xử lí nhiệt.
Câu 2:
Comparison of Means
95.0% confidence interval for mean of Khongxulynhiet: 3.27143 +/- 1.64467 [1.62675; 4.9161]
95.0% confidence interval for mean of Xulynhiet: 2.83714 +/- 1.17505 [1.66209; 4.01219]
95.0% confidence interval for the difference between the means
assuming equal variances: 0.434286 +/- 1.79984 [-1.36556; 2.23413]

t test to compare means

Null hypothesis: mean1 = mean2
Alt. hypothesis: mean1 NE mean2
assuming equal variances: t = 0.525729 P-value = 0.608655
Do not reject the null hypothesis for alpha = 0.05.

The StatAdvisor
This option runs a t-test to compare the means of the two samples. It also constructs confidence intervals or bounds for each
mean and for the difference between the means. Of particular interest is the confidence interval for the difference between
the means, which extends from -1.36556 to 2.23413. Since the interval contains the value 0, there is not a statistically
significant difference between the means of the two samples at the 95.0% confidence level.
A t-test may also be used to test a specific hypothesis about the difference between the means of the populations from which
the two samples come. In this case, the test has been constructed to determine whether the difference between the two means
equals 0.0 versus the alternative hypothesis that the difference does not equal 0.0. Since the computed P-value is not less
than 0.05, we cannot reject the null hypothesis.

NOTE: these results assume that the variances of the two samples are equal. In this case, that assumption appears to be
reasonable based on the results of an F-test to compare the standard deviations. You can see the results of that test by
selecting Comparison of Standard Deviations from the Tabular Options menu.



0 1 2 3 4 5

Box-and-W hisker Plot



0 1 2 3 4 5

Bài 16:
Comparison of Means
95.0% confidence interval for mean of Nauthuong: 25.2857 +/- 5.41159 [19.8741; 30.6973]
95.0% confidence interval for mean of Viba: 16.1429 +/- 7.34907 [8.79378; 23.4919]
95.0% confidence interval for the difference between the means
assuming equal variances: 9.14286 +/- 8.1266 [1.01626; 17.2695]

t test to compare means

Null hypothesis: mean1 = mean2
Alt. hypothesis: mean1 NE mean2
assuming equal variances: t = 2.45129 P-value = 0.0305213
Reject the null hypothesis for alpha = 0.05.

The StatAdvisor
This option runs a t-test to compare the means of the two samples. It also constructs confidence intervals or bounds for each
mean and for the difference between the means. Of particular interest is the confidence interval for the difference between
the means, which extends from 1.01626 to 17.2695. Since the interval does not contain the value 0, there is a statistically
significant difference between the means of the two samples at the 95.0% confidence level.
A t-test may also be used to test a specific hypothesis about the difference between the means of the populations from which
the two samples come. In this case, the test has been constructed to determine whether the difference between the two means
equals 0.0 versus the alternative hypothesis that the difference does not equal 0.0. Since the computed P-value is less than
0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative.

NOTE: these results assume that the variances of the two samples are equal. In this case, that assumption appears to be
reasonable based on the results of an F-test to compare the standard deviations. You can see the results of that test by
selecting Comparison of Standard Deviations from the Tabular Options menu.



0 10 20 30 40

Box-and-Whisker Plot



0 10 20 30 40

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