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Professor Emerita at the University of Alternative Studies. A process-oriented qualitative
researcher in the area of psychic experiences. An author of 6 books including university-level
textbooks, and various technical papers on psychic experiences. A distinguished expert in
Scientific Parapsychology and Clinical Parapsychology.

Biokinesis the psychical influence of the bioelectrical energy flow of organic and
biological matter such as people, animals, plantation, bacteria etc. Biokinesis includes
biological, chemical, and genetic alteration and enhancement manipulation from
pigmentation to forcing cell division.
Unlike traditional energy medicine practitioners, experients of biokinetic phenomena are
capable of selectively targeting illness and ailments through specific intent while typically
lacking the necessity for techniques/methods (e.g. reiki), although they do appear to require
a calm or meditative state. In regard to experimentation, experients are limited in
experimental setups based on what forms of scientific measurement devices they have

For example, experiments may be setup to measure the electrodermal activity (EDA) (i.e. 
electrical changes at the surface of the skin that arise when the skin receives innervating
signals from the brain) or the skin temperature of the experient or a subject via an EDA
sensor or temperature sensor such as a biofeedback thermometer.

In addition, one’s heart rate may be monitored by a basic heart rate sensor, or an
electrocardiogram (EKG  or  ECG) which measures the electrical activity of the heart; the rate
and regularity of heartbeats. Also, an electromyogram (EMG) may be utilized to evaluate and
record the electrical activity produced by muscles, or an electroencephalogram (EEG) to
measure brainwave activity.
An EEG machine, or electroencephalograph, in an experimental context, refers to the
recording of the brain’s spontaneous electrical activity over a short period, as recorded from
multiple electrodes positioned on the scalp.
In parapsychological experiments involving EEG measurements, a high amount or density of
alpha wave (8-13Hz) activity may be a good predictor of performance if the experient reports
feeling that they are in an altered state of consciousness. This is because alpha waves are
associated with a relaxed, passive state of mind, which appears to be psi conducive.

Other measures for biokinetic influence can include pH levels via pH strips in which provide
information pertaining to the acidity or alkalinity of a body, blood sugar measurable via any
quality blood glucose monitor, electrical gastrointestinal activity via a electrogastrogram, or
skin conductance resistance via a SCR machine in which measures minute amounts of sweat
from fingertips indicative of emotional responses.
Atmokinesis is the psychical influence of meteorological phenomena including the
states of the atmosphere as measured on temperature, humidity, clarity, and activity
scales. Experient influenced meteorological phenomena (weather events) are limited
to current or predicted events occurring in the troposphere, which is the lowest
portion of Earth’s atmosphere.
Experients of atmokinetic phenomena are mild heat exchangers in regard to personal heat
(body), by which they transfer thermal energy from them to a medium or from a medium to
them. During periods of stress, atmokinesis experients report spontaneous effects
pertaining to heating or cooling objects or areas either via direct touch or through the
influence of heat flow in regard to vicinal objects. Common reports involve an array of
materials and substance being heated or cooled including plastics, metals, and liquids.

Reported difficulties occasionally pertain to when electronic devices and circuitry are heated
or cooled as devices have a maximum temperature at which a circuit should function
correctly and/or can become damaged when cooled in humid spaces. In the case of heated
devices, if the maximum temperature is exceeded, the result can be malfunction or
premature failure.

Measurement of these effects range form indoor/outdoor weather stations with sensors,

to various forms of digital thermometers.

(Adapted from the eBook “  Manual of Atmokinesis: Applications, Experimentation, and

Measurement  ” by Theresa M. Kelly, MsD.)

One limitation that should be mentioned pertains to predicting the outcome of

atmokinesis influences. The atmosphere is a chaotic system and even the slightest of
atmokinesis influences to one part of a weather system can excite to result in larger
effects on the system as a whole than initially expected.
This makes weather influencing difficult to predict accurately, especially in regard to
experients influencing day-by-day (within 24 hours, but more than hour-by-hour) weather
conditions even with all known values and variable considered.

Chaos theory states that the slightest variation in the motion of the ground can grow with
time. This idea is often referred to as the butterfly effect  suggesting that the minute motions
caused by the flapping wings of a butterfly could eventually result in marked changes in the
state of Earth’s atmosphere.
Because of this effect, this sensitivity to minute changes, weather influence will never be
deterministic. This is because atmospheric flow itself is not governed by classical physical
laws alone, but also quantum-like chaos with intrinsic non-local connections.

Atmokinesis experient influence appears limited to estimations of the expected value of

variables in which have not yet been observed by the atmokinesis experient, but by which
are expected to happen at a future date. In other words, atmokinesis experient influence
does not appear to defy forecasts, which is a popular misconception. Instead, experients of
atmokinetic phenomena appear to excite already predicted weather conditions.

Another popular misconception, and very dangerous misconception, is in regard to

atmokinesis experients in which attempt to direct strong breezes to their region to alleviate
the discomfort of high temperatures.  Warm air masses can result in thunderstorms, which
can develop into supercells, a form of thunderstorm that is characterized by the presence of
a mesocyclone – an air vortex.

Once a mesocyclone is present, this vortex can become a violent, rotating column of air
otherwise known as a tornado. Such inadvertent weather modifications may pose serious
threats to many aspects of civilization including ecosystems, natural resources, food and
fiber production, economic development, and human health and wellbeing.

Therefore, it is imperative for atmokinesis experients to understand the laws that govern
weather conditions as a means to prevent undesirable, and in some cases extreme, weather

(Adapted from the eBook “  Manual of Atmokinesis: Applications, Experimentation, and

Measurement  ” by Theresa M. Kelly, MsD.)

Water vapor, the gas phase of water, is the gas most commonly reported by
experients of aerokinesis in regards to influence of flow. This can be for several
reasons including availability and an array of dynamics making water vapor the
simplest form of gas to influence.
In addition, water vapor is lighter than air or less dense than dry air and at equivalent
temperatures, it is buoyant in respects to dry air. This lightness or lack of density may be
another reason water vapor is the most commonly influenced gas.

Unfortunately like fluid dynamics, aerokinesis, is an active field of research with many
unsolved or partly solved problems. We do not currently posses the technology to observe
individual gas particles (atoms or molecules). Therefore, only theoretical calculations give
suggestions as to how they move and behave.

While there is no evidence to suggest these conditions are in any way caused by
aerokinesis experiences or performance, these conditions are reported to escalate
during periods in which experients of aerokinesis describe the phenomena as
Reports suggest that unbalanced phenomena may be resulting in airflow diversion, whereby
increasing the effects of such conditions.

As the phenomena become more unbalanced, experients of aerokinesis difficulties tend to

escalate from intermittent to mildly persistent. This can gradually increase over time until
the issue is severely persistent if the experient is incapable of balancing the phenomena.

Reports regarding the influence of gases in a static state are equal to that of reports
regarding the influence of gases in motion. However, reports suggest experients of
aerokinesis may be limited to the influence of one state or the other.
Experients of aerokinesis in which have a high success rate of influencing the flow of static
gases, gases at rest, often report the inability to influence the direction of flow successfully
once the gas is put into motion.

On the contrary, experients of aerokinesis in which report the ability to influence the
direction of flow, tend to report the inability to influence gases in which are not already in
motion. This suggests that some experients of aerokinesis may be more subject to inertial
forces, whereby limiting some experients of aerokinesis to the influence of, or inability to
influence, gases in stable equilibrium.

Aerokinesis is the psychical influence of flow in regards to elemental gases such as

oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen. It includes the influence of flow in regards to
gas mixtures in which each element of gas retains its own chemical properties and
For instance, air is a homogeneous mixture of the gaseous substances nitrogen, oxygen, and
smaller amounts of other substances. Generally speaking, wind is caused by differences of
pressure. When a difference in pressure exists, the air is accelerated from higher to lower

Because of this, in regards to indoor exercises, performance is optimal in rooms with little to
no airflow as this increases air pressure. For this type of exercise, the experient of
aerokinesis should be encouraged to setup for the exercise in a high-pressure room facing
the direction of a doorway leading towards a low-pressure room (airflow).

Reports suggest that this setup alleviates additional difficulties with opposing pressure. In
any flow-based exercise, it is always easiest to influence in the already designated direction
of airflow.

The experient of aerokinesis will also be required to place a rectangular surface of low
viscosity, typically a glass table, faced in the direction of the doorway leading to the low-
pressure room. The experient of aerokinesis will also require a very light, spherical object,
such as a ping-pong ball. The experient of aerokinesis should initially be encouraged to set
the ball into motion by any means possible.
Over time, the experient of aerokinesis can begin to work on precision by directing the ball in
a forward-left direction, forward-right direction, or initiate lift by directing wind towards the
ball followed by underneath the ball. Experients of aerokinesis can use various forms of
measurement from a ruler to measure distance, to a radar gun app to measure speed.

Outdoor winds are caused by differences in pressure. When a difference in pressure

exists, the air is accelerated from higher to lower pressure. Because of this, experients
of aerokinesis should be encouraged to exercise flow-based exercises, in regards to
the outdoors, in the opposing direction of typical wind gust origination.
Appropriate directions are typically based on prevailing winds. Typically, experients of
aerokinesis in the United States should face southwest, experients of aerokinesis in the
United Kingdom should face east, and experients of aerokinesis in Canada should face
northeast. As these directions are only typical, experients of aerokinesis should base their
direction on prevailing winds in the specific location.

Wind gusts created close to the ground (semi-localized or localized) are recommended as
wind gusts in the higher atmosphere can result in destructive atmospheric effects especially
during the warmer seasons. Wind gusts are short bursts of high-speed wind typically from 1
(calm) to 10 (gentle breeze) knots.

For measurement, experients of aerokinesis should obtain an anemometer as a stand

alone device or app. An anemometer is a device for measuring wind speed and can be
divided into two classes: those that measure wind velocity, and those that measure wind
For outdoor wind-based exercises, an anemometer that measures wind velocity is required.
Anemometers range in type, size, and price, but can be very affordable.

Air pressure differences move air from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower
pressure through any available openings in building walls, ceilings, floors, doors,
windows, and air circulation systems. Even if the opening is minute, air will move until
the pressures inside and outside are equal.
This may cause complications for experients of aerokinesis in which are only capable of
influencing flow rather than inert gases, and may cause complications for experients of
aerokinesis in which have limitations based on pressure (low, medium, or high).

Reports have suggested that most experients of aerokinesis are more inclined to influence
outdoor atmospheric flows rather than typically inert or flow-based indoor gases. As a
reminder from classical mechanics, momentum is the product of mass and velocity
combined. For experiements, experients of aerokinesis will want to obtain a stand
alone barometer, or app.

Psi ability is viewed as the product of evolution, of the same processes of natural
selection that has yielded human beings all other features and abilities.
Darwinian Theory has a base explanation for any ability: it serves to help human beings
survive and pass on their genes to the next generation. The base explanation here
is survival in the biological sense (i.e. the survival of the gene rather than the being).
Psi is assumed to be need-serving, and these needs are significant as they contribute to the
health and well-being of the individual so as to make the individual better able, and more
likely to reproduce to ensure the passing of genes.

One may take the term “survival” to assume psi is only useful in a critical moment collective
with a critical need, but the term “survival” should be understood to mean more plainly: the
ability to endure on a daily basis, to withstand hardships and stress (i.e. to be well).

Considerations include the implication that the individuals subconscious will know, typically
subconsciously, in what circumstances psi may or may not be needed. Again, this is not to
assume psi can only be used in critical situations or that any event in which can be attributed
to the application of psi must have a need behind it, but this does seem to be the case.

Continued insistence’s have been made over the years in regards to the role of psi as a
function to serve the needs of the individual.
If psi is such a useful psychic device, then it should have, and therefore has become, the
responsibility of relative scholars to consider more seriously the possible psychological and
biological implications of the phenomena deemed “paranormal” and to consider more
seriously possible practical applications.

It is also therefore the responsibility of the individual to consider more seriously the need to
strive for a better understanding of psi functioning in everyday life before they expect to
capture it in a practical sense.

The practical use of psi is assumed possible via therapeutic and experimental applications in
which can be utilized on a daily basis. Regular conscious use of psi, via the subconscious
need to perform, appears to be the fundamental key to regular successful psychical

Such and education is accomplishable via formal educational opportunities such as

the University of Alternative Studies, or informal opportunities such as
related journals and mainstream publications.
The basic concept surrounding the PMIR was that human beings utilize psi to
accomplish something (the instrumental response) that fulfills certain needs in which
the individual consciously or subconsciously possesses.
Such concepts lead to arguments suggesting that psi may be far more common in daily life
than in immediately apparent, but that psi does accomplish is goals in a subtle elegant
manner void of conscious awareness.

Further arguments then direct us towards the question “if psi is a staple in our subconscious
daily life, can psi be directed to be a staple in our conscious daily life to any extent?

The assumption in which describes how the PMIR should work have been summarized in the
following points:

 Psi (as PMIR) is probably operative in daily life far more than we realize.
 The chief function of PMIR is to accomplish certain goals or to fulfill certain needs of
human beings.
 PMIR operates for the most part unconsciously. Not only is the operation of psi
unnoticed by the individual, but also the need might not even be consciously

In the mid-70’s there was a shift in view surrounding psi phenomena due to the
dismantlement of the classical view (classical physics) of psi because of quantum
mechanics (quantum physics).
This new view of psi proposed greater importance to psychokinesis, suggesting it to be a
“fundamental” or “primary” psi process that could subsume extrasensory perception,
rendering extrasensory perception an assumed direct result of psychokinetic functions (i.e.
the movement of information e.g. “thoughts” or packets of information).

I postulate that thought, despite the current incapability of bringing a thought “to rest,”
which  is required to submit a single thought to examination, does have measurable mass as
thought is capable of moving in waves in which implies mass. The motion of implied mass
therefore suggests psychokinesis as a primary psi process.

Such a shift in the view of psi also changed the view of psychokinesis from a psychic
mechanism (e.g. a psychic lever) to a force-like function, and then to a view of psychokinesis
as the ability to shift probabilities of events, to bias probability distributions.
To understand the role of psi, it is best to view psi as an ability, or feature, in which is
bound to an individual human being as a function of his or her personality in the
broadest sense of that term.
Much effort has be given in regards to speculating on how psi works, which is not the same
as the consideration of what psi is for or why human beings possess such an ability. Such
questions must be addressed to move forward in an understanding of psi, and this
understanding must be applied to move forward in developing a model of psi.

Psi modeling points to characteristics of psi such as psi being need-serving; where psi
functions to serve goals such as survival and deep psychological needs. These types of needs
are not the focus of conscious attention, but rather involve the linking of psi to the serving of
subconscious needs.

While this is sufficient for spontaneous cases, which lead us to more questions pertaining to
the elusiveness of psi, slightly different characteristics are apparent, such as decisions
making needs and the need for health and well-being.

These types of needs do appear to be the focus of somewhat conscious attention, linking psi
to the serving of semi-conscious casual needs, allowing the potential for practical

While the practical application of psi may still prove to be somewhat erratic, psi appears to
be somewhat designed to adapt to organizing principles, perhaps as a means to maintain
the order of mechanisms of probability.

Non-local influences exist after particles (such as photons) interact and separate. In
addition, when one of the particles post-separation is polarized, the entangled particle
instantaneously possesses the same degree of polarization as the other.
No energy or signal is sent between them; instead, the alteration to one quantum twin
resulted in the alteration of the other due to a non-local transfer of information. Some
attempts to explain psi have been focused on this form of non-local communication.

However, current understandings of precognition tend to hinder this explanation as most

parapsychologists believe that precognition is the result of defying the principle of causality
(cause and effect), This is contrast to assuming precognition to be the result of experient
access to Nature’s probabilistic computations in real-time.
If precognition is assumed a result not in defiance of the principle of causality, then we can
begin to apply quantum teleportation as a function of the two main problems of
parapsychology, specifically of the mediation and the manifestation of psi.

Psi mediation modeling involves modeling in regards to how psi mediates between a
target and an individual. 
There have been many types of models constructed throughout the history of
parapsychology including theoretical and hypothetical models, which provide a basis for the
multitude of theories and hypothesis of paranormal phenomena.

If parapsychological processes exist at the quantum level, why do they not exist at the
classical level, or rather why qubits rather than bits?

While utilizing a single bit may appear simpler, Nature somewhere along the way decided to
make an extra effort, well, kind of. The answer here may be in regards to the central function
of psi, information processing.

While it may be simpler to utilize single bits, there is a significant quantum advantage
in search when utilizing two quantum bits (qubits). With qubits, Nature can complete
computational search-based processes in one simple step.
Therefore, Nature is designed, and therefore quite possibly human beings are designed, to
allow more efficient information processing than if we were to utilize one classical bit in the
same number of steps.
The initial challenge for quantum computation was a constant battle with entropy. As
with human beings, the lower the overall entropy of a physical system, the higher the
chances that its constituent atoms may become entangled.
Atoms initially utilized for quantum computation typically needed to be at temperatures
close to absolute zero [about -459.67°F], but today, materials have been found only
requiring temperatures as high as room temperature.

Due to this, physicists are now realizing that quantum effects are far more ever-present in
macroscopic systems. This provides physicists with the hope that one day they may discover
that Nature has already supplied us with a computer capable of quantum computation, and
the only thing left for them to do, is program it.

The direction of this discovery is relatively parallel to the direction of parapsychological

research. That is, to seek out the ability to tap Nature in a quantum respect at the
macroscopic level as a means to explain the nature of psi and discover how to make the
most of psi through practical applications.

Computers at a basic level are defined as any object capable of taking instruction, and
performing computations based on said instruction. Two valid examples of computers
by this definition are living organisms (e.g. human beings) and atomic physical
Like computers, the human mind is capable of encoding and decoding information in the
brain, and parapsychologically speaking, is assumed to be able receive and decode
information from the environment, or other individuals, and encode and transmit
information to the environment or other individuals.

In regards to encoding information quantum mechanically, there are many different systems
that could be involved in such processes (e.g. photons). Could it be that a human being is a
quantum computer, or perhaps exclusively the human brain? What if quantum computation
is so ever-present that it can be found in every living cell of our bodies?

There is consistence evidence suggesting that natural processes must be based on quantum
principles in order to function in the manner in which they do. In fact, the possibility that
quantum computation can be implemented by living systems is a growing area
of scientific research.

A common theory researchers attributed to psi mediation involved some

undiscovered or unrecognized form of physical energy assumed to radiate from the
individual as a field effect.
The energy was assumed to exist as small energy packets or quanta, so small that they were
assumed to not interact with matter, whereby allowing the energy to pass though solid
matter without difficulty.

Interests in such a “bio-energy” lead to the type of research commonly called psychotronics.

The momentum of energy raised arguments targeting the theory, as energy tends to pass
through matter unimpeded, therefore how could the energy be rendered inert as to be
detected by the brain in cases of receptive psi?
The response to this argument was based on the supposition that the energy was not
rendered inert, but rather effected via an interaction with neurological processes as the
energy passed through the brain, correspondingly to how magnetic fields can induce
electrical flow.

Unfortunately, even after years of psychotronic research, such a form of energy with these
characteristics has not been found to exist. Because the energy field has not been found to
exist,it cannot be subjected to empirical testing.

Therefore, this “theory” in terms of legitimacy is better categorized as a hypothesis. 

However, future quantum mechanical models of psi may lead to the discovery of this “bio-
energy.” Current candidates include biophotons, which appear capable of quantum
information transference.
The distinction between the two-parts of receptive psi processes has been articulated
to separate the psi process from psi production (i.e. termed paranormal cognition).
Conversely, in regards to expressive psi processes (i.e. information traveling through the
individual and out into the environment), psi process and production is termed paranormal

The paranormal cognitive process has been suggested to be the result of normal cognitive
processes, rather than of a paranormal cognitive process, as the product of the paranormal
cognitive process is always the product of cognitive and other types of processes in which
are we do not consider paranormal.
Such “paranormally” acquired information is assumed to be acquired via mediating stages
such as dreams, hallucinations (e.g. mental images). These stages are also known as the
mediation and the experiential phases of psi.

Such stages, as aforementioned, involve normal cognitive and emotional processes, and
many researchers have developed hypothesis in or to identify fundamental components of
the process.

Therefore, in regards to the two-part model of psi, half of the challenge in discovering how
psi mediates involves comprehending its pathway via the normal cognitive operations of the
brain and perhaps other various systems of living organisms.

A large quantity of ESP based data has become comprehensible due to memory
models in which assume that the systemic source of extrasensory information is
somehow localized in the long-term memory. These models correlate with both
intentional and spontaneous ESP experiences.
Studies pertaining to memory modeling have suggested that psi processes in regards to ESP
are, or in regards to PK may be, dependent upon memorial processes as a means of
expression. In other words, it appears that Nature and or other people can communicate
with people via a person’s own experiential data.

Such data includes images and language (e.g. vocabulary) from the recipients own long-term
memory; rendering individuals with a great deal of life experience more likely to coherently
decipher received information than those with little life experience.

Memory-based models suggest that during ESP information transfer, the recipient is not
receiving a large amount of information, which would be the case if receiving imagery, but
rather very little information in which is sufficient enough to activate the appropriate
systems in order to elaborate the “message” into consciousness.

Even though psi phenomena are assumed a result of the unconscious state, they are
considered in correlation to what an individual does, rather than what happens to the
Pseudo-sensory models propose that the perceptual processing of psi stimuli is
equivalent to sensory stimuli at a basic level of analysis such as the ability to
discriminate a figure from its background. Such pseudo-sensory processing is assumed
reliant on the strength of the stimuli.
Such models approach psi with the view of the brain as an information processing system,
address the stages of information processing, and addresses whether the nature of psi (e.g.
ESP) performance characteristically conforms to the stages of processing.

However, evidence is contrary to pseudo-sensory models, such as how the “quality” of an

ESP target (e.g. size, form, contrast, etc.) has no systematic effects of performance void of
effects explainable in terms of psychological reactions, unlike regular sensory stimuli.

It should be noted here that sensory processing is only one modality of human information
processing. The ideational mode, in which the information is processed by the brain, is
assumed obtainable via from within the self, rather than the external environment.

Relative models address the role of the long-term memory in processing extrasensory
information. Such concepts are encapsulated in memory models, which show not only
promise in explaining the manifestation of extrasensory perception, but also may someday
explain the manifestation of psychokinesis.

In experiments involving two human subjects’ brains, EEG results show that photic
stimulated and non-stimulated participants undergo co-variations or state
In tissue-based experiments, the separated, non-stimulated tissue displays correlated
electrical signals with the stimulated tissue. While the science community is uncertain how
Nature does this, evidence suggests that Nature is doing this on a biological level.

One direction suggested to understand better how Nature does this, is through subjecting
the neuron to selected empirical studies focusing on the action potential mechanism, as it is
beginning to appear that single neurons may be able to enlighten us on the subject of
biological non-locality each time they fire.

Once we are able to fully understand, predetermine the results arising from, biological non-
locality then specific signaling processes can be utilized to initiate and control neuronal
stimulations opening the door for future bio-quantum non-local communication
technologies involving quantum computation.

Many have suggested that consciousness may be the direct result of neuro-quantum
interactions [a coupling between the classical and quantum scales]. Because evidence
supports this assumption, two imperative possibilities must be considered.
These possibilities include a brain association with wave propagation through space, and
that the aggregate of particles that composes the brain exhibits a macroscopic wave
function operating within a collective mode for the propagation of the matter field.
Information aides Nature and us in distinguishing one aspect of the system from
another. This is important, as without distinguishability, all aspects of the system
would appear identical.  The fundamental concept of distinguishability between
systems is found in the states of the systems.
These different states are essentially referred to as a “bit of information.” A bit is the most
essential measure of information in the classical sense. In QM, the most essential measure
of information is the qubit. In the classical sense, when one has more than two outcomes,
the system simply uses more bits to distinguish one from the other.

This is commonly understood when viewing computer information in binary code (e.g.
0101000101001101 = QM). Indeterminism is best understood when a coin lands on its side
(not heads or tails, but both). In technical terms, this would be termed quantum
The fundamental change in our understanding of how the universe works started with
the first quantum theory in physics, Planck Law. This law was discovered by Max
Planck in 1900 and resulted in a Nobel Prize in 1918 in recognition of the services
rendered to the advancement of physics his discovery made – energy quanta.
The foundation of this law is the Planck constant, which was first described as the
proportionality constant between the energy of a photon and the frequency of its associated
electromagnetic wave.

Albert Einstein soon after suggested that the energy in a beam of light occurs in individual
packets, later called photons, and the energy of a single photon is given by its frequency
multiplied by Planck’s constant.

While the energy of a photon could be approximated at this time, whether light was a wave
or consisted of a stream of was up for debate for some time after. Several physicist
composed particle models, others wave models, but neither appeared to fit entirely.

In 1924, French physicist Louis de Broglie proposed the idea of wave-particle duality
suggesting that light has both wave-like and particle-like properties, as do electrons, atoms,
and small molecules etc.

In conclusion, neither of the classical concepts of particles or waves could fully describe the
behavior of quantum-scale objects be they photons or matter. This discovery has since
served as a central concept in quantum mechanics.
One issue that arises in regards to measurement is the unresolved problem of how
wave function collapse occurs, termed the measurement problem.
Wave function collapse is defined as the process by which a wave function initially in
superposition (in multiple states at once) appears to reduce to a single state after interaction
with the environment.

In other words, it is the condensation of physical possibilities into a single occurrence. While
a physical system can be described by its wave function, a systems wave function cannot be
directly observed without initiating wave function collapse. This measurement problem is a
central issue in the interpretation quantum mechanics.

Unfortunately, because QM laws are counterintuitive, predictions in one area

instantly creates unpredictability in another area.
For example, the more one comes closer to measuring the position of a particle the less
predictable the measurement will be regarding its momentum as stated by the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle. The result here are different outcomes when measuring position and
then momentum compared to momentum and then position.

In addition, particles can be paired and entangled, which results in an action where if one of
the entangled particles characteristics are altered (influenced) its pair will instantaneously
alter to match its entangled twin. This instantaneous action is regardless of the distance
between the entangled twins.

Quantum teleportation, or entanglement-assisted teleportation, is a technique

utilized by Nature to transform quantum information from one of its systems to
This form of transport does not involve relocating a system, nor does it allow faster than
light communication. Quantum teleportation does not include the rearranging of the
particles of an object to copy the form of another object.

In other words, the word teleportation here is not used in the context most familiar. Instead,
quantum teleportation’s distinctive characteristic is that it can transmit the information
present in a quantum superposition, which enables quantum communication and

Quantum teleportation is crucial to the practical realization of quantum-based

communication efforts. Non-local influences exist after particles (such as photons) interact
and separate. In addition, when one of the particles post-separation is polarized, the
entangled particle instantaneously possesses the same degree of polarization as the other.
No energy or signal is sent between them; instead, the alteration to one quantum twin
resulted in the alteration of the other due to a non-local transfer of information.

Early on, biologists concluded that quantum mechanics is linked to living systems and
thought. In addition, many characteristics of mind are comparable to the
characteristic of atomic particles.
An example of this is, both arise from dynamical systems, both display continuity and
wholeness, and both are localized yet spatial independent. The idea that consciousness
plays a fundamental part in the manifestation of the physical world is, and has been
considered to be since the idea was first proposed, highly controversial. This is due to the
disinclination of the scientific community to accept anything as “ephemeral” as
consciousness into physical studies.

However, despite the scientific community’s efforts to exclude consciousness studies from
physical studies, the neurosciences have shown great progress in explaining perception,
cognition, and awareness in the classical sense.  Recent mathematical developments suggest
that quantum mechanics may fundamentally be the direct result of cognitive and conceptual
factors rather than that of physical factors.

Quantum decoherence is the mechanism by which quantum systems interact with the
environment to exhibit probabilistically additive behavior. Decoherence presents the
appearance of wave function collapse.
It is the mechanism in which the classical limit (ability to recover classical information)
emerges out of a quantum system and determines the location of the quantum-classical
boundary. In other words, it is the process by which the “quantumness” of a system is lost
and replaced by its classical counterpart.

While the discovery of decoherence works well in laboratory physics, when applied to treat
the whole of Nature as a quantum system, the strategy of decoherence fails. It fails because
Nature has no “external environment.” While decoherence is considered a key aspect in QM,
far more information is needed as decoherence theories are not capable of resolving the
measurement problem, which is a central issue.

A rule exists in QM stating that to know the exact value of a property of a system (e.g.
energy, momentum, location, etc.) we have to destroy its quantum nature or
“quantumness” in order to obtain the information. Not only our interaction with a
quantum system causes this result, but also through the systems interaction with its
Systems are in a continual engagement with the environment, as Nature continually wants
to know more about quantum systems (quantum objects) as to measure their properties
and log changes to those properties.

Currently, the scientific community cannot prevent the environment from interacting with a
quantum object for more than a few seconds except through experiments involving free-
space (vacuums) etc. Within this time, physicists are currently able to use quantum
indeterminism in applications such as quantum computation and quantum cryptography.

This quantum indeterminism, being in several states at once, is not just confined to the
microscopic scale, as it also exists on the macroscopic scale. It is responsible for many
macroscopic effects that we can see with our own two eyes.

This macroscopic non-locality has been described as an enforced correlation between

separated parts of a quantum system that reside outside of the boundaries of light velocity
across space and time as a means to ensure the parts of the system maintain equilibrium.

Quantum mechanics (QM) is briefly defined as a body of scientific principles

describing the behavior of matter and its interactions on both the atomic and
subatomic scales.
QM’s development, a revolution in physical theory, is the result of physicist coming to terms
with the limitations of classical physics. The principles of QM are difficult for the human
mind to comprehend.

This is mainly in part by the fact that humans are accustomed to reasoning in regards to the
world on a scale where classical physics is an exceptional approximation. QM is
counterintuitive, and in the words of Richard P. Feynman, a founder of quantum
electrodynamics (QED), “I hope you can accept Nature as She is  –  absurd.”
Many fundamental components of the universe exhibit wave-particle duality where their
behavior is in some ways particle-like and in other ways wave-like, such as photons (discrete
packages of light). In regard to electromagnetic radiation, the laws of QM predict such
energies, colors, and spectral intensities.

Brain wave models to come will most likely tailor to the role of crucial elements in the
presence of the random background field or background fluctuations in the brain
(where the classical statistics of the electric and magnetic fields are chosen to match
the vacuum expectation values of the equivalent operators in quantum
In regards to vacuum fluctuation, fluctuations of the vacuum field are combined with
random fields in which resent quantum systems. Since the ability to separate a system (e.g.
electron) from the vacuum field does not exist, technically speaking, we cannot entirely
separate any two quantum systems.

This suggests that all quantum systems are entangled via the field and as a result, one could
be lead to conclude that white noise (a random signal with a flat power spectral density) may
be the basis of everything in Nature.

Such a random background essentially increases correlations between various mental

functions (e.g. the generation of non-local presentations of information), and such models
may end up answering the binding problem (i.e. “how the unity of conscious perception is
brought about by the distributed activities of the central nervous system”).

Experients in which are more likely than the average individual to experience such
feelings as anxiety, anger, guilt, and depressed mood, typically score at chance or
below-chance during psychical testing regardless of the psychical potential.  
Because they characteristically respond poorly to environmental stressors, are easily
threatened, and fixate on, and describe, minor frustrations as being hopelessly difficult, they
are less likely to score well because these characteristics are not psychically conducive.
However, if an experient with high levels of anxiety or marked reliance on defense
mechanisms scored at chance, and later address and work through their anxieties (e.g.
through behavioral therapy) the experient may then score at above-chance during psychical
testing. This has proven true in my research; that individuals with acute or chronic mental
illness report and exhibit increases in psychical performance quality after they have been
successfully treated for the condition.

More Info About Psychic Experiences & Mental Health: Center for Exceptional Human

Psychological profiling consists of analyzing data collected from experients of specific

psychical phenomena to reveal correlations in personality and in over all
psychological health (e.g. psychological history of the experient and the experients
immediate family, and present and future concerns).
In parapsychology, typical psychological profiling methods are limited to assessments such
as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), and the Defense Mechanism Test (DMT).
Research involving these tests reveals that extroversive personality traits appear more
psychically conducive than introversive traits, and that neuroticism negatively correlates with
psychical performance. Basically that (a) Relaxation is psi-conducive, and (b) Positive, care-
free moods are more psi-conducive than drifting and anxious moods.
However, my personality profiling research targets more specific traits and interests (e.g.
mentation, creativity, feelings, values, disposition, and non-psi associated beliefs). 
This perspective has lead me to find that mild introversive traits can improve performance
(e.g. in experients of postcognition and umbrakinesis), but only when tested in an
environment the experient considers “comfortable” and “safe,” and only when one
experimenter is involved.
I have also found that if the mild introversive nature of the experient increases from this
point, their performance quality equally decreases.  This perspective has also lead me to
correlations between specific psychical phenomena and psychological health conditions. 
Both personality traits and psychological conditions have been placed into 8 Psychic
Types along with associated psychical phenomena. In other words, an experient can be
assessed based on his/her personality traits and the results will pinpoint what psychical
phenomena and psychological conditions the experient may be prone to.

More Info: Psychic Experiences & Mental Illness

More Info: Psychical Profiling Assessments

After years of collecting data, which later enabled me to structure the personality

profiles, I was still unable to correlate them with Myers-Briggs types. Fortunately after
several more years of collecting data and careful analysis of the universals and
differences of the personalities, I was able to achieve this.
In other words, when an individual takes my psychic assessment, not only do they find out
in what areas there psychical potential lies, and what possible psychological and
physiological conditions they may be prone to, but assessment results also reveal their
Myers-Briggs type, or vise versa.
As similar to Myers-Briggs personality types, psychical personality types are not “pure” types.
This is to say that many lean towards two to three different types more often then they
exactly fit one particular type. Because an experient leans towards one or more types rather
than others types, the experient will have a higher chance of enhancing and growing a
particular form of phenomena associated with their type(s) more so than others.

While adjusting ones personality can be advantageous, type preferences themselves are the
connection between the conscious and unconscious, leaving some preferences beyond
conscious management. In addition, experients, like all human beings, are born with an
innate predisposition to type, perhaps at the quantum level, and major deviations are
unlikely, except in the case of severe traumas or lifestyle alterations.
Related Info: Psychical Profiling Assessments
As similar to the Myers-Briggs personality types, psychical personality types are not
“pure” types. This is to say that many lean towards two to three different types more
often then they exactly fit one particular type. It should also be mentioned that
because there are not pure types, MBTI results (a single type) might not reflect the
result of a psychical assessment result (single type). This can be the result of several
conflictions such as;
 The Myers-Briggs type may be the second or third highest score in the psychical
assessment results.
 The experient is unable to consider the top three possible types of their MBTI result as
only one type is typically given.
 The experient has deviated from their MBTI result (if taken some time before the
psychical assessment).
In the probable case of the latter, I encourage experients to re-take the MBTI (this can be
done online) to see if they still score the same result. The chance of an experient scoring a
different type year to year (sometimes even as little as day to day) is quite high, but of course
this is not always the case.

Psychological testing is not an exact science, so any variation of psychical testing is not
either. Just as one’s personality changes over time, so to does ones psychical experiences.
While a specific form of psychical experiences may present itself under the same generalized
definition throughout an experients life, it can, and does, take on different aspects and
functions throughout.

Nothing is certain, and nothing remains the same in regards to psychical phenomena. This is
in part because the psychological system and physiological system are linked to the
psychical system, subjecting psychical experience to psycho-physiological interference and

To assume psychical experiences are not subject to fluctuation would be to assume that
psychical experiences are the direct result of classical (physical or deterministic) experiences
that are not subject to time and therefore change.

However, studies in parapsychology, neurology, and quantum mechanics suggest that

psychical phenomena or consciousness in general, is subject to time and does exist at
the quantum level, where the only thing that is certain is uncertainty.

Related Info: Psychical Profiling Assessments


A wide array of acute and chronic mental illnesses can result In the non-functionality

of psychical phenomena. Overwhelming psychical phenomena exists in both
extrasensory perception-based phenomena and psychokinetic-based phenomena and
effects are typically described as bothersome, concerning, alarming, or downright
Psychological effects vary per Psychic Type,  but allow an experient a generalized list of
what to be on the lookout for. There are many cross-associated illnesses (apparent in more
than one profile) such as depression and anxiety.
Whether the psychological condition is the result of the psychical instability, or the psychical
instability is the result of the psychological condition is unclear, but treating the
psychological condition appears to treat the psychical instability every time.

While it may seem as simple as treating the condition to regain psychical stability, it is never
that simple, because the condition and the instability perpetuate each other leaving the
experient with little hope in improving their mental and psychical well-being.

At such a point the experient may adjust their lives accordingly to the condition and
instability (e.g. become reclusive, work from home). Even though such changes may appear
to be necessary, the experient will soon find that their choices have exacerbated both the
condition and psychical instability.

Ideally, experients should address the condition and instability as soon as they emerge. This
typically involves a psychotherapy based approach, which aims to treat the condition
through techniques designed to reinforce desired behaviors and eliminate undesired
behaviors. This type of psychotherapy is known as Behavior Therapy.
Mental Illness by Psychic Type
The following includes mental disorders that are somewhat commonly reported by
experients of a particular type of extrasensory experience being discussed, but that are not
always present. These disorders may precede, co-occur with, or may be a consequence of
the type of extrasensory experience in question.

Type Yellow: Alcohol and/or Substance Abuse/Dependence; Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity

Disorder; Depressive Disorder; Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder; Panic Disorder with or without Agoraphobia, and Sleep Disorder.
Type Gray: Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder; Bipolar Disorder, Depressive Disorder;
Dissociative Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; Panic
Disorder with or without Agoraphobia, and in rare cases, Personality Disorder and
Type Green: Depressive Disorder; Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder; and Panic Disorder with or without Agoraphobia.
Type Black: Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, Depressive Disorder, Dissociative
Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder with
or without Agoraphobia, and Sleep Disorder.
Type Red: Alcohol and/or Substance Abuse/Dependence; Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity
Disorder; Depressive Disorder; Disruptive Behavior Disorder; Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder; Sleep Disorder.
Type Blue: Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depressive Disorder,
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Panic Disorder with or
without Agoraphobia.
Type White: Alcohol and/or Substance Abuse/Dependence; Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity
Disorder; Depressive Disorder; Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Panic Disorder with or without
Agoraphobia; and Social Phobia.
Type Purple: Alcohol and/or Substance Abuse/Dependence; Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity
Disorder; Bipolar Disorder; Depressive Disorder; Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder; Panic Disorder with or without Agoraphobia; and Social Phobia.

More Info On Psychic Experiences & Mental Illness: Center for Exceptional Human

My form of psychical profiling consists of analyzing the various characteristics

possessed by experients of specific psychical phenomena. These characteristics have
been organized into 8 Psychic Type Profiles.
Therefore, each profile consists of an array of characteristics and attributes invariably
exhibited by select types of experients. My research has shown that experients in which
match their profiles 90-100% have high-quality performance values.

My research also shows that a deviation from their profile reduces performance quality in
phenomena associated with that profile. This common deviation appears to be one several
reasons for experient reports involving a “lost gift.”

It appears that if an experient of one profile deviates entirely to another profile, the
phenomena that are not common in both profiles will be lost unless the experient again
conforms to the profile associated with those phenomena.

Related Article: Diminished or Cessation of Experiences


While most types of psychical-physiological studies focus on performance variables in

regards to physiological effects, my studies have lead me more in the direction of
physiological effects reported by experients of specific psychical phenomena.
These include effects that exist pre-, during, and post performance. This includes
physiological symptoms and conditions that appear to be correlated to psychical instability.

In other words, experients in which report psychical instability typically report one or several
types of physiological conditions. These physiological effects have been associated with and
placed into 8 psychical profiling categories.

Physiological effects very per profile, and there are some cross-associated conditions.
Whether the condition is caused by the psychical instability, or the instability is caused by the
condition is uncertain, but the treatment of the condition appears to resolve the psychical

Physical Illnesses by Psychic Type

The following includes physical medical conditions that are somewhat commonly reported
by experients of a particular type of extrasensory experience being discussed, and are not
essential to classification. As with associated mental disorders, physical conditions may
precede, co-occur with, or may be a consequence of the type of extrasensory experience in
question. You can find out your Psychic Type(s) Here.
Type Yellow: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain and Neurological
Disorders (Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, Myalgia, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity,
Fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Sensory Processing
Disorder, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, etc.), Diabetes, Digestive Disorders, Food
Allergies/Sensitivities, Hyperthyroidism, and Hypoglycemia.
Type Gray: Absence Seizures, Diabetes, Electromagnetic Sensitivity, Hyperthyroidism, and
Type Green: Diabetes, Hypertension, Lupus, Lymphatic System Disorders, and rarely
Type Black: Allergies/Sensitivities, Autoimmune Disorders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
Diabetes, Digestive Disorders, Hypertension, Hyperthyroidism, Hypoglycemia, and Epilepsy.
Type Red: Hypertension or Hypotension; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Chronic Pain (e.g.
Myalgia, Fibromyalgia); Blood Disorders (e.g. Anemia); Digestive Disorders; Palpitations.
Type Blue: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Digestive Disorders, and Hypertension or
Type White: Asthma; Allergies; Migraines; and occasionally a history of Cancer (e.g. lung,
breast, chest area in general.)
Type Purple: Acne; Asthma; Cancer (e.g. brain, lung, breast, etc.); Kidney Diseases;
Migraines; Multiple Sclerosis; Prostate Conditions; Tinnitus; Tonsillitis.

There have been several studies in regards to correlations between psychical

phenomena and the presence of physiological abnormalities during psychical
This includes abnormalities found in temporal lobe functions and high amounts of densities
of alpha wave activity (8-13 Hz) have been documented, which are associated with a relaxed,
passive state of mind.
In single-subject designed experiments, high quality performance values have been found
correlated to increased power in the delta (1-3 Hz) and theta (4-7 Hz) EEG bands, suggesting
a facilitatory effect of low cortical arousal.

However, in multi-subject designed experiments, high quality performance values have been
found correlated to alpha and beta activity (14-30 Hz), and low quality performance values
correlated to delta and theta waves. These results may suggest that certain forms of
psychical phenomena utilize different types of brain waves during performance, as they do
appear to utilize different regions of the brain per form of performance.
 Associated studies in the field of cardiology have suggested that alpha rhythms in the brain
have correlations with the cardiac cycle during a psychophysical mode termed physiological
coherence. My research has shown that an intentional increase in heart rate prior to
performance produces higher performance values then in subjects who remained idle prior
to performance.
This infers that if alpha wave activity is psi-conducive, then experients that can achieve
physiological coherence have a practical and functional activity by which they can increase
the alpha wave activity in their brain prior to performance as a means to improve



Intelligence is loosely defined as a persons capacity to acquire knowledge (i.e. learn

and understand), apply knowledge (solve problems), and engage in abstract
reasoning, all of which appear to be requisites for optimal psychical performance
involving conscious intent.
This is not to suggest however that a above average IQ is a requirement for psychical
experiences, but rather that it does appear to be psi-conducive. Many studies have
correlated psychical performance with scores on standard intelligence tests.

While these studies have not yielded significant data ( in part because IQ tests may not
address all cognitive abilities required for psychical performance), they generally indicate
positive correlations with psychical performance values and intelligence quotient (IQ).
However, while these studies do include experients with learning disorder such as Attention
Deficit Disorder and ADHD, they do not include experients with learning disabilities.
My personal research has yielded the same indication. My research has also shown that
experients in which report spontaneous (subconscious) phenomena typically have an above
average IQ (115-129), while experients who report habitual conscious control over
phenomena typically have an above average to highly above average IQ (130-185).
It appears that as IQ increases so to does the experients ability to consciously control
psychical phenomena. Based on the age groups of subjects, younger (16-22 years of age) PK
experients scored higher in IQ testing than other age groups, while slightly older (22-35 years
of age) experients of ESP scored higher in testing than other age groups.
When analyzing results based on IQ and learning difficulty, experients of ESP typically
report learning difficulties during childhood, while experients of PK typically do not.
Experients of ESP in which score higher in later years have reported that, over time they
implemented methods and techniques to learn more efficiently, whereby increasing IQ
In regard to IQ testing, contextually speaking, experients of PK and ESP take the same IQ test
(tests are not somehow tailored to psychical experiences). However, the experient is
predetermined either more PK or ESP inclined based on reports of past experiences, and
tailored testing per the type of phenomena they report (e.g. Telepathy and Zener Cards).

Yoga is a traditional physical and mental discipline that involves the creation of
balance in the body via developing both strength and flexibility. This strength and
flexibility is achieved through various postures and poses, each of which appears to
possess a specific physical benefit.
These poses are often done swiftly in succession, whereby generating heat in the body via
movement, or slowly as a means to increase stamina and to perfect the alignment of a pose.

While the approaches to poses are variant, depending on the tradition, the poses
themselves are constant. The overall benefits of yoga include flexibility, strength, muscle
tone, pain prevention, efficient breathing, mental calmness, stress reduction, and body

Yoga also utilizes breathing exercises along with poses and postures, which possesses many
mental and physical benefits.

Qigong involves particular forms of martial arts, slow movement, and encompasses a variety
of both physiological and psychological training methods. A qigong system consists of one or
more of the following types of training;
 Dynamic (recognized as a series of carefully-choreographed movements or gestures
designed to promote and manipulate the flow of qi within the practitioner).
 Static (performed by holding a certain posture, position or stance for a period of time).
 Meditative (most qigong training involves some form of meditation),
 Activities requiring external aides (e.g. specialized food and drinks, massage, and
various other forms of body conditioning).
Qigong can be effective in treating many chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes,
allergies, asthma, arthritis, degenerative disk disease, cancer, depression, anxiety, and
addition. Its slow movements can promote physical stamina, balance control, flexibility,
strength, and cardiovascular fitness.

It has shown to be advantageous for those recovering from chronic stroke, heart failure,
high blood pressure, heart attack, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and
Fibromyalgia. Because of its health effects, tai chi classes have become popular in hospitals
and clinics.

Visual imagery can range from concentrating on a visual image mentally, to observing
a physical image and allowing the thoughts, ideas, and emotions that image evokes to
pass by, to guided visual meditation where a teacher guides the practitioner through
a series of descriptions of scenes for the practitioner to construct mentally.
Therefore, visual imagery meditation can be utilized in concentration or mindful meditation.
Visual meditation can also assist in pain reduction, increased healing time, and reduce
stress, anxiety and various other forms of tension.

This method of meditation is typically utilized 15-20 minutes per day, with or without brief
usage throughout the day. This form of meditation may be easier for those who find mindful
or concentration exclusive meditation challenging, as this form of meditation can shift
between the two.

Physical objects are commonly utilized in concentration meditation, though some types of
objects, those of a rhythmic or hypnotic nature, can be advantageous for mindful meditation
as a means to induce a free-floating mindset.

Meditation objects commonly utilized include:

 a picture
 a flower
 a candle flame
 a symbol
 a color or colored object associated with their personality type
 a statue
 the smell of incense
 the sound of dripping water from a fountain
Objects such as a candle flame or the sound of dripping water can induce a trance
meditative state, which makes them ideal for mindful meditation. Static (still) objects are
often more advantageous for concentration mediation as they typically do not induce a
trance meditative state. Rather, the still quality of these objects provides for a more efficient
attentional focus.

Recent studies have found that mindfulness meditation training lasting as little as 27
minutes a day for eight weeks can result in brain structure changes. These
measurable changes in brain regions are associated with memory, sense of self,
empathy, and stress. These cognitive and psychological benefits involved the
thickening of the cerebral cortex in areas associated with attention and emotional
In addition, participants of these studies reported reductions in stress, which were
correlated to decreased grey-matter density in the amygdala, which is known to play a
fundamental role in anxiety and stress. Therefore, this and related research shows us that
we can play an active role in changing our brains, and increasing our well-being and quality
of life.

The primary goal of the practice of meditation is to alter the baseline state of experience and
to eliminate the distinction between the meditative and post-meditative states. The goal
typically involves cultivating an increased awareness of a more subtle baseline during which
the sense of an “autobiographical or narrative self is de-emphasized.”

Extended training has been said to reduce egocentric traits and alter the emotional baseline.
Aims also include experiencing the present in the sense of “nowness,” and affects in regards
to the “attentional baseline” by reducing distractions or daydream-like thoughts.

Therefore, meditative practices are typically designed to cultivate specific features or

qualities of experience in which endure through time, and are relatively independent of
consistent changes in somatosensory or external stimuli/events.
The neurobiology of consciousness and cognitive, affective, and social neuroscience, have
become well-accepted areas of research in the neurosciences over the past two decades.
Such acceptance has lead to the legitimacy of research in regards to mediation.

In regards to Transcendental Meditation, the standard EEG correlate is an increase in alpha

rhythm amplitude and frequency followed by a slowing in frequency by 1-3 Hz and a
spreading of this pattern into the frontal channels.

Concerning Attention Meditation, a similar EEG signature has been found, where an increase
in alpha activity, mostly over the central and frontal electrodes, happens immediately after
meditation begins. In Objectless Meditation, long-term practitioners have been found to self-
induce sustained EEG high-amplitude gamma-band oscillations and phase synchrony during
The primary high arousal method utilized to reach a psychically conducive state, is a
pure rhythmic aerobic workout. Since there are quite a few aerobic workouts
conceivable, we will be focusing on the most commonly used methods reported as
successful in improving overall psychical, psychological, and physiological well-being.
Aerobic exercise is a physical exercise that intends to improve the oxygen system (aerobic
means “with oxygen’). Typically, aerobic exercises are preformed at moderate levels of
intensity for extended amounts of time, 3 to 4 times a week.

Experients starting an aerobic workout for the first time should keep activity moderate and
record their psychical performance success per different times, per day and per week.
Typically, I recommend aerobic exercise 15-25 minutes twice a day (once in the early
morning hours and once pre-performance, if held later in the day), at least 5-7 days a week.

Ideally, experients should strive to exercise a total of 25-60 minutes per day. This additional
time is not just for psychical benefits, but also for psychological and physiological benefits.
The most commonly used methods reported as successful in improving overall psychical,
psychological, and physiological well-being include:

Aerobic Dance – Freestyle dance and ritual dance have been utilized throughout history as a
means to reach a psychically conducive state. Freestyle dance involves “going with the flow”
and just allowing the body to move to the rhythm of the music. Ritual dance involves
choreographed moves, or a sequence of steps, which have an underlying spiritual meaning.
Swimming – Swim sessions can consist of laps, treading water, or both as long as they are
performed in a vigorous manner. To induce an altered state of consciousness, experients
should focus on the rhythm of their strokes.
Jogging/Running – Another high impact rhythmic aerobic exercise is jogging and running.
Jogging should be suggested to experients that are just starting a routine, as oppose to
running. Experients can later choose to increase difficulty through a faster pace jog and then
to a run, or simply an increase in the distance of their jog.
Elliptical Training – To reach an altered state of consciousness with an elliptical trainer, the
experient should focus on the rhythm of their strides. Beginners should be cautious, as falls
from machine can be harmful.
Cycling – Experients should ideally locate a quite nature bike path. For rhythmic induction,
experients should focus on the rhythm of their pedaling.
Aerobic exercise will strengthen the muscles involved in respiration to facilitate the flow of
air in and out of the lungs, strengthen and enlarge the heart muscle to improve its pumping
efficiency and reduce the resting heart rate (i.e.  aerobic conditioning), strengthen muscles
throughout the body, improve circulation efficiency and reduce blood pressure, increase the
total number of red blood cells in the body facilitating transport of oxygen, improve overall
mental health including reducing stress and lowering the incidence of depression, and
reduce the  risk for diabetes.

Typically, an individual is not consciously aware of received psi-based information,

rather, they appear to arouse nexuses of meaning and feeling in which predict
developing experience. If such developmental processes are subject to interruption
(e.g. brief stimuli) then such activated networks are typically inadvertently expressed
in “fantasies, associations, spontaneous behaviors, moods, dreams, etc.”
Some states of mind (e.g. dissociative, meditative, sleep, etc.) are more advantageous for
expressing and noticing such inadvertent expressions. In general, psi reception and
assimilation requires a “free-floating,” “transcendental meditative” or “daydreaming” state of
mind, also known as the default mode network.

Individually, the regions of the brain in which consist of this network have been recognized
as active in effortful tasks such as recall the past, projecting into future scenarios, assigning
the motives and feelings to other individuals, and weighing personal values.

However, when these structures collaborate simultaneously, when we daydream, they

function as a “neutral” brain setting. When more information is required to make complete
considerations, this state of deep reflection may stimulate psi processes, whereby shifting
this ebb and flow of thoughts from looking inwards to “looking outwards.”

The central hub of this mode activity, what appears to light up consistently during mental
relaxation, is the medial parietal cortex, which also becomes active when one attempts to
recall their past (i.e. utilize the long-term memory, which has been correlated with psi
The medial prefrontal cortex, which is a uniquely human structure that becomes active when
one attempts to imagine what another individual is thinking. In addition, this mode appears
to require the same level of energy to operate as do the networks associated with hard
mental labor, suggesting that there is quite a bit more going on during this so-called “idle’
state of mind.
Throughout history, experients of many forms of psychical and spiritual phenomena
have induced states of strong psychological absorption as a means to involve
themselves effortlessly into the contents of their experience.
There are several ways to reach a strong state of psychological absorption, which in most
respects, involves the increase of alpha, and to a lesser extent theta, brain wave activity.
Common methods used in the past include relaxation, meditation, tai chi, prayer, or several
other forms of low level arousal in which heart rate, muscle tension, and respiration are

Alternatively, these individuals may have opted for high-level arousal to reach a strong state
of psychological absorption such as vigorous, ritualistic, and rhythmic dance or other similar
high arousal methods.

High arousal meditation works via rhythmic induction, where the usage of repetitive rhythms
(e.g. motions or sounds) induces a meditative trance state. This entrainment is the result of
the synchronization of various rhythmic cycles including breathing, heart rate, auditory
stimulus (e.g. rhythmic music or trance music) and brain wave activity.

The ability of rhythmic sound to affect brain wave activity is the essence of “auditory driving”
(i.e. the induction of trance via the sense of hearing by using e.g. music or white noise) and is
the result of altered states of consciousness that rhythm can induce. However, some
individuals may find high arousal less effective than others may.

Any form of exercise that gets the heart rate up to target for at least 10 minutes in
conjunction with a rhythm can result in a strong psychological absorption state.
Age Target HR Zone Average Max HR

20 years 100–170 beats per minute 200 beats per minute

30 years 95–162 beats per minute 190 beats per minute

40 years 90–153 beats per minute 180 beats per minute

50 years 85–145 beats per minute 170 beats per minute

60 years 80–136 beats per minute 160 beats per minute

70 years 75–128 beats per minute 150 beats per minute


The diversity of meditation can reach back through time to African ritualistic tribal
dance, Tibetan tantric practices, etc. The generic utilization of meditation, or applying
such a diversity of practices to the term, ultimately results in the trivialization of the
practices themselves.
However, while diverse in approach, many traditions have independently developed
techniques that in the end, appear to lead to similar and measurable results.

Similarities include claims in regards to the ultimate fundamental meaning or nature of the
state of consciousness attained, the metaphysical phenomenological descriptions, and the
effects of meditative practices on the brain and body.

Mental Health – Implementing a simple meditative practice into your life for as little as 15
minutes a day can assist individuals in controlling stress, decreasing anxiety, improve
cardiovascular health, and achieve a more profound capacity for relaxation.
Mental health also increases our likelihood to make positive behavioral decisions, where
psychological issues can conversely result in poor behavioral decisions and actions that can
contribute to various types of medical conditions.

These poor behavioral decisions and actions can include smoking, excessive alcohol or drug
usage, poor eating habits, various types of reckless behavior, and can all result in severe
physiological issues and a need for medical services and treatment.

Physical Health – Meditation has been found though scientific studies to be accompanied
by a host of biochemical and physiological alterations  in the body of which can alter and
benefit your metabolism, heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and brain activity.
Characteristic responses also include decreased cortisol, which is a type of hormone
associated with stress.

The first step to getting started with a meditation practice and maintaining motivation is to
identify what you enjoy doing along with what will benefit you most (e.g. strengthen your
The second step is for an experient to get support from their doctor. This is especially
important if an experient has had physical injuries in the past, has other medical issues such
as a heart condition, and for experients over the age of 40.
The third step is for experients to set reasonable goals, including several small goals leading
up to their ultimate goals. Experients should think realistically and set practical goals that do
not reside outside of their limitations.
The fourth step involves experients avoiding viewing their practice as a chore or duty. If
experients see their meditation practice as something they “should” do, they may be more
inclined to view meditation as work rather than play, or as a job rather than a fun activity.
The fifth step involves the experient addressing their limitations. While this will be done to a
degree when the experient attempts to set reasonable goals, the experient should continue
to make note of limitations they find along the way. Some limitations can be temporary,
where with application and dedication the weakness can become a strength.
The sixth step is for the experient to prepare for setbacks and obstacles. . Just because an
experient missed a session one day, does not mean the experient cannot maintain a
meditation practice. Rather, their ability to get back on tract the next day means the
experient was prepared for setbacks and obstacles because they continued to maintain a
positive mindset and dedication to their meditation practice.
The seventh step is for the experient to choose, or create new, motivational words that can
help them achieve their goals. When these messages are absorbed, these motivational cues
can assist the experient in positive change. Example: “What the mind can conceive and
believe it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill
Deep breathing is a rhythmic process of expansion and contraction. Through the
breathing process, we can voluntarily influence the involuntary (e.g. sympathetic
nervous system) that regulates blood pressure, heart rate, circulation, digestion and
many other physical functions.
Therefore, breathing is viewed as a bridge, allowing us to control the otherwise
uncontrollable functions of our bodies. When deep breathing, it is important for the
experient to make sure they are using abdominal breathing and not chest breathing.

Chest breathing is common in individuals with chronic stress, which can lead to a restriction
of the connective and muscular tissue in the chest, whereby resulting in a decreased range
of motion in the chest wall. Due to this more rapid and shallow breathing, the chest does not
expand as much as it would with slower and deeper breaths.

You can identify if you are a chest breather by placing your right hand on your chest and left
hand on your abdomen. As you breathe, notice which hand rises more than the other does.
If the hand on your chest raises more, then you are a chest breather.

If so, this type of breathing is inefficient, because the greatest amount of blood flow occurs
in the lower lobes of the lungs, of which your breath is not reaching. This means you are
receiving less oxygen transfer to the blood and a poor delivery of nutrients to your tissues.

Fortunately, you can alter your breathing habits via time and attention. Just remember to
breath deeper, during meditation, and throughout your day-to-day.

A simple abdominal breathing technique is as follows….

 Take in a deep breath through your nose, and hold it for a count of 7.
 Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. As all the air is released, gently
contract your abdominal muscles to evacuate completely the remaining air from the
 Repeat this cycle 4 more times for a total of 5 deep breaths with the goal of breathing
at a rate of one breath every 10 seconds. This rate of breath, this slow rhythmic
process, will be your “object” of effortless focus as a means to direct you towards a
free-floating mindset.

In popular meditation, there exists a continuum of two modes of practices. The first
mode involves one-pointed attention techniques that cultivate a form of voluntary,
effortful, and sustained attention on an object. The second mode involves the
cultivation of a more broadly focused, non-judgmental mode of free-floating
These modes differ from typical relaxation techniques because they exist to achieve a
balance between hypoarousal (i.e. activating the default network) and excitation (i.e.
activation of attention and other cognitive processes). This balance is assumed required to
maintain a sufficient clarity or meta-awareness throughout the meditative process.

The first mode often derives its techniques from Indian yogic concentration meditation,
where the individual concentrates their attention on a single object such as breath, a
mantra, a chakra center, or an internally visualized image. The second mode often derives its
techniques from a meditative practice called Zazen.

The aim of zazen is to suspend all judgmental thinking and allow words, ideas, images, and
thoughts to pass by void of further involvement. Techniques also include mindfulness
meditation techniques, where the individual does not focus the mind on a single object, but
rather observes a wide range of passing thoughts, emotions, sensations, or images.

If an individual feels they have a shortcoming, lacking concentration or the ability to let go,
they should attempt the most challenging type of meditation. This is because of a lack of
equilibrium in the brain. The goal in meditation is to reach a level of effectiveness in regards
to both concentration and mindfulness meditation.

It should be noted that while concentration meditation is advantageous in many regards, it is

not psi-conducive in the sense concentration “shuts-off” the free-floating mindset required
to receive psi information. Therefore, concentration meditations are not advantageous for
most experients pre-performance.

To understand psychical enhancement, one needs to recognize that our immediate

environment plays a fundamental role in the maintenance of our health and psychical
Colorization enhancement is a derivative of a collection of ancient and modern disciplines
designed to explain the correlation between living beings and their immediate environment.

It is a practice that can improve many aspects of an experients life including freeing

energy that is otherwise wasted,  improving focus, reducing stress, restoring vitality and
confidence, improving health (when in conjunction with a proper diet, meditation, exercise
regimen, and lifestyle), and improve psychical performance.
The goal of colorization enhancement is to influence the effect our environment has on our
attitudes, moods, health, and psychical potential. To achieve this goal, one has to recognize
that attitude and intention are more comparable to directions of propagation (travel) than
static states of the mind-body.

When an experient begins their day within a psychically conducive and enhancing
environment, they will discover it is easier to maintain a psychical conducive mindset. This
naturally amplified mindset will allow the experient to increase performance values and
performance quality in less time, and with less effort.

Although this practice functions via strictly defined principles, there is clearance for self-
expression and creativity. In situations when principles appear ambiguous, or where
numerous solutions present themselves, some of the best solutions have been found
through intuition alone.
Colorization enhancement seeks to re-establish the connection of the experient to the
natural flow of life by implementing into an experients environment more of the natural
energies human beings today lack do to the artificiality of their environments. The colors
that enhance you are equal to your Psychic Type.
Colorization enhancement can be complex and difficult to understand because of its variety
of systems. These can include aesthetic, psychological, physiological, associative,
and symbolic systems.
The systems of association, aesthetics, and symbolism, like language, vary culture to culture,
while other systems appear to be cross-cultural (defined effects despite an experients
culture).  Colorization enhancement can be a tedious qualitative practice, requiring
alternation and re-alteration of environmental elements every time the environment (or the
experient) changes.
Because color exerts its influence upon an experient through its innate qualities, so to
should the experient exert their influence upon the colors within their environment.

This may present a false sense of control, and while to a degree some control can be had on
the classical scale, the quantum scale allows for a certain degree of freedom that will some
days be a benefit and other days act as interference in regards to the experients goals of
In other words, by no means does “enhancement” or “control” signify any relation to

The Psychological System

Colorization enhancement involves light and color, and pigment and color. When the colored
light reaches the observers eye and is perceived, it is perceived as a sensation, which is
produced in the brain.
When colored light of any visible pure or mixed wavelengths enters the eye, many other
psychological and physiological factors are contributed. These factors, while open to
interpretation, may determine an observer’s final perception of the color.

This results in the unpredictability of individual human perception of a given color and
whereby makes psychological effects variant. In other words, the transmission of the colored
light represents one aspect of color, and the reception of the light by the human eye
represents the other.

Because the psychological aspect is entwined with the physiological and psychical aspects,
this unpredictability exists throughout the system. There are psychological and physiological
effect correlations to personality traits.
Because color has the intrinsic ability to alter personality, it therefore has the intrinsic ability
to alter psychological, physiological, and psychical functions and responses.

The Physiological System

Colorization enhancement is not to be assumed as “magic” or mystical in nature; although it
has some ties to ancient mystical traditions; it is not in and of itself magical or a product of

This method of enhancement deals with valid, observable phenomena (e.g. electromagnetic
energy and the connection between the mind and body). It works on the conscious and
subconscious levels, aiding the experient in conditioning their psychical intentions and

The biophysical processes in which results in physiological effects are both theoretical and
hypothetical, and are relatively parallel to theories surrounding the effects of Light Therapy.

These processes are assumed correlated to wavelengths of light (specific colors), and it is
assumed that they are converted into photon (light) energy in the experients skin. This
energy then decays into an electron stream, whereby changing the electrical potential of the

This process stimulates cAMP (a molecule important to many biological processes that relays
signals from receptors on the cell surface to target molecules inside the cell) biochemical
energy synthesis in the experients cells stimulating healing.

Imprinted within its neural structure, the brain carries somatosensory maps of the body.
These maps are like the “master control blueprints” of the entire physiological system. In
addition, each cell carries a cellular memory, for its replication, in its chromosomes or
genetic DNA.

When activated, these maps stimulate an arousal potential in the autonomic nervous
system, where by sending impulses (patterns of stimulus) throughout the body, to the brain,
and back into the tissues and cells. This results in the activation of protein synthesis, healing,
and repair.

The Psychical System

The psychical system is presumed influenced by an experients localized environment and
the elements within that environment. This influence appears to be psychophysical in
nature, whereby if the psychological and physiological systems are influenced then so too is
the psychical system due to a link across all three systems.
This psychical/psychological/physiological link has been at the forefront of my research;
examining the impact of psychical and psychological states on physiological system
responses and vice versa, the impact on the physiological and psychological systems and
states on psychical states and processes.

It is via this perspective I have and continue to study the interface of the psychical,
psychological, and physiological systems. Historically, the psychical system has been
examined through physiological responses and organ systems innervated by the autonomic
nervous system.

More recently, examiners are more interested in the central nervous system (CNS) and
explore cortical brain potentials (e.g.  such as the many types of event-related-potentials
(ERPs), brain waves, utilizing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRIs), MRI, PET, MET
and other neuroimagery techniques).
Because of this link between the three systems, improvement in one system (e.g.
functionality) appears to have a direct effect on the remaining two systems, regardless of
which system has been improved.

It is because of this link that examiners, including myself, implore experients to take
immense care of their psychological and physiological health if they desire to improve the
usability and functionality of their psychical performance.

“Why Does My Psychic Ability Randomly Stop

Intentional psychical influence/intention requires isolating which of your human
behaviors result in specific psychical behaviors. In regard to spontaneous phenomena,
this is typically linked to emotions. Fundamentally, intentional phenomena are the
result of needs, rather than a simple desire to perform, regular (daily) needs.
Therefore, you need a regular reason to use the ability to build solid and effective
experiential skills. In addition, altering thought patterns, for example shifting negative
thinking patterns into positive thinking patterns, can also help.

This can be achieved through mindful meditation and behavioral therapy, i.e. in effect
teaching your brain new (psychically conducive) ways of managing emotional reactions and
thought patterns. Spurts of disbelief and other self-defeating behaviors can also lead to
“shutting off” an ability for periods of time.

In addition, stress, anxiety, and other neuroses typically alter influence in way other than
“shutting off,” primarily it shifts intention to work opposite, or backwards. The only
resolution to this in particular is to either wait to perform until you compose yourself, such
as meditating prior to performance, or being aware of when you are not composed,
whereby being aware of the modified dynamics of influence.

In addition, perhaps this specific type of phenomena is not your strong suit. Taking my free
psychical profiling assessment may help you gain some clarity on this issue. In addition,  is
it possible you are simply “choking under pressure?”  In other words, are you thinking about
performance too much? Do you feel paralyzed by analysis? Do you feel as if you “need” to
control every aspect of what you are doing to ensure success (e.g. people, the environment)?
In these cases, meditation, such as 10 minute relaxation techniques, and practice can help.
Lastly, did you change your approach or technique?
While ESP and PK appear to exist outside of physical law, they do appear to exist within the
area of physical possibilities. In other words, while there are extraordinary things people can
achieve psychically, there are limitations. Are you practicing outside of your limitations? The
best way to figure this out is to learn more about your ability through others with your
specific ability, or read books, journals, or papers on the assumed mechanics/dynamics of
your ability.

In regard to psychokinetic phenomena (PK), reports regarding the influence of objects

(e.g. air, water, metal, etc.) in a static state is equal to that of reports regarding the
influence of objects already in motion.
In other words, it appears just as common for individuals to put objects into motion as it is
to direct or accelerate and object already in motion. However, reports suggest experients of
psychokinesis may be limited to the influence of one state or the other.

Experients in which have high success rates for influencing objects at rest, often report the
inability to influence the direction of objects successfully once the object is put into motion.
Again, while this is very common, it may not necessarily be a permanent constraint. Working
on this limitation can result in (1) no effect, (2) reversed effect (3) allow one to influence
objects at rest and objects in motion. This limitation may be the result of an inability to force
non-equilibrium in objects, or the inability to maintain non-equilibrium in objects.
Whatever the case, experients with limitations of this nature can attempt exercises involving
focusing on an object. For objects at rest, the experient should attempt putting the object
into a very slow and steady motion rather than short bursts of momentum. For objects
already in motion, the experient should attempt ceasing the motion of the object very
gradually. Slow and steady actions will produce greater rewards then blunt actions.

One factor that may also cause this limitation is a lack of mental focus during influence,
whereby the experient can “get the ball rolling” but cannot maintain the focus required to
“keep the ball rolling.” I suggest meditative focus techniques ideal for focusing attention such
as Yoga.

“Why Are Empaths Drawn to Takers and People with Personality

Based on my years of psychical research, I have found two main personality types
correlated to those with strong psychical empathic ability. Both types tend to be
drawn mainly to those who are takers because empaths are mainly givers consistently
looking for more people to help.
The main difference in the two types is typically their reach. One type tends to keep a small
circle (i.e. family and friends), while the other type will branch out into their entire
community. The former tends to attract and seek out those who posses emotional and
personality extremes, who often meet certain social goals more so then stable types, as
these more extreme individuals tend to be more analytical and intellectually stimulating to
the empath.
In addition, these extreme characters tend to be more exciting to the empath, even if that
excitement is exhausting drama. Also, this type of empath is more introverted than the other
type of empath, which tends to attract those with profound characteristics, be they highly
extroverted or highly introverted (i.e. extreme personalities).
This type of empath can try to keep their company mainly positive and stable, but chances
are, if they are the first type mentioned, they will get bored quickly, because this type thrives
on challenges and problem solving. My advice for this type of empath is keep your company
mixed, including some individuals that can be exhausting with a mix of those who energize
you to keep a balance of energy and  interest.

A large quantity of ESP based data has become comprehensible due to memory
models in which assume that the systemic source of extrasensory information is
somehow localized in the long-term memory.
Recent findings support the hypothesis that memory is distributed in many regions of the
brain, assumed as a means to potentially compensate for damage to one storage area. In
other words, the support of memory is not specific to certain regions, but rather a whole

The view up until now was that in regards to memory, if point (A) was lost then
point (B) would be on all of the time to take over for (A). However, this assumption appears
today to be incorrect, as (B) would only take over if and when needed (i.e. is exclusively
Most of the time (B) appears to act like a normal piece of brain tissue and only kicks into
“hyperdrive” when (A) is particularly challenged, and performs in less than a second. While
this is a remarkable fluid neural plasticity, it is not to be confused with the standard “(B) took
over for (A), but rather (B) will take over when needed. Such a finding (that memory is
distributed in many regions of the brain) will pose an issue for the parapsychological
community in regards to isolating a region of the brain responsible for psi cognitive
processes, or rather, could potentially explain what such a region has not yet exclusively
been found.

Psi phenomena appear to be need-based, suggesting a “requirement” rather than

simply a general “desire” or want. Such a need is pertinent to the reception of psi-
based information and the possible assimilation of the information along with
information gathered via other preconscious processes.
To differentiate between a desire and a requirement, desire in this case is a sense of longing
for an outcome. Such a longing is excited by the thought of the outcome, whereby exciting
an individual to take action to obtain said outcome (i.e. I want to perform).
Contrastingly, to require an outcome is to identify a necessary obligation, or to identify a
necessity arising from the circumstances of a situation (i.e. I have to perform).

The following is a basic overview of the Do’s and Don’ts associated with relatively
controlled psychic ability and performance.

Psychic Do‘s
1. Educate yourself on the basics of psychical mechanisms such as how psychic
ability works inside and outside the body.  The more you know, the better you can direct
your efforts.
 Can you Briefly Explain the Mechanisms of Psi, How Psi Works?
 Psi Mediation
 The Experiential Phase of Psi
 The University of Alternative Studies
2. Psychic ability is need-based, not want-based. Find a way to implement your ability into
your career to develop a daily need to perform. Control comes from daily use and analysis.
 The Role of Psi
 What is the Difference Between Wanting to Use Psi, and Needing to Use Psi?
3. Meditate prior to performance, 15 to 30 minutes be it either high level arousal (rhythmic
aerobic or anaerobic exercise; elliptical, swimming, rhythmic dance) or low level arousal
(yoga, deep breathing, tai chi).
4. Asses your Psychical Type for enhancement opportunities.
 Psychical Profiling and Free Assessment
5. Join a psychic support group.
 QP Psychic Forum Community
6. Eat a well balanced diet, including raw vegetables and fruits.
 Eat Right For Your Blood Type
7. Exercise regularly. (15 min a day or 30 min three times a week)
8. Keep a positive mindset and keep believing. Positive mindsets and psychic belief are
associated with high ESP and PK scoring.

Psychic Dont’s
1. Let stress, depression, worry, anxiety or fear get the better of you. If you cannot
control conscious intent, you cannot control subconscious or preconscious intent (i.e.
psychical intent)
 Targeting Psychological Health for Psychical Enhancement
 Increased Reactivity to Psychical Stimuli Due to Mental Illness
2. Use drugs, drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes as these have been shown to reduce ESP
and PK scoring
3. Use forms of meditation that involves cognitive work, the mind has to “let go.”
4. Practice or exercise your ability sporadically, your body thrives on rhythm.
5. Practice or exercise in a sensory stimulating environment (bright, loud, chaotic). The
less stimuli the better.
6. Neglect a physical illness or injury. You need system wide health to perform.
 Correlations Between Psychical Phenomena and Presence of Physiological Illness
7. Give up hope.
8. Assume you are crazy. If the psychical evidence is there, accept your ability, and move on
to finding a practical daily use for it.
The multiverse (or meta-universe, metaverse) is the hypothetical set of multiple possible universes
(including the historical universe we consistently experience) that together comprise everything
that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws and
constants that describe them. The various universes within the multiverse are sometimes called
parallel universes. – Source: WikiPedia
I am a bit of a skeptic when it comes to “multiverse” hypotheses. I have read a fair
deal on quantum efficiency, and the idea of postulating an infinite number of
universes, and all the information required to sustain those universes, does not seem
Typically, physicists lean towards this idea because it is more elegant, and Occam’s razor
generally recommends selecting the competing hypothesis that makes the fewest new
assumptions. However, quantum mechanics is typically more complex when it is more
efficient, e.g. multiple states vs. binary states. However, I could be wrong, but since these
hypotheses lack testability and are unobservable due to “various space-time frameworks” we
may never know.

I think these hypotheses may be replaced in the coming years with hypotheses involving
Nature’s ability to computate relative causal knowledge encompassing deterministic
and random variables (determining probability), i.e. what “could be” not what “is now,” but
only time will tell.

The most common psychiatric diagnosis among those with extraordinary empathic
skills is Bipolar Disorder. Also known as manic depression, manic-depressive disorder
and bipolar affective disorder, this diagnosis describes a category of mood disorders.
In the case of many empaths, there are presences of a multitude of episodes of
abnormally elevated mood throughout their lives.
Moods bounce back and forth from major depression to times of mania or experience both
emotions simultaneously. Episodes of one mood or another can last days, months, even
years at a time. In extreme cases, empaths can experience psychotic symptoms such as
delusions and hallucinations. Depressive episodes are associated with distress and
disruption leading to elevated risk of suicide.

Manic episodes are associated with creativity, goal striving and positive achievements,
though usually acted out without forethought or logical thinking. Empaths tend to have mild
to severe bipolar disorders throughout childhood and adulthood.

Periods of heightened emotional stress can accelerate the disorder as well as increases in
empathic sensitivity. Increased empathic sensitivity can lead to stronger and more frequent
episodes just as periods of heightened emotional stress can increase empathic sensitivity.

While this disorder may always be an underlying part of the empath, there are treatments
that can help bring the disorder into varying levels of control. Treatments include
psychological based behavior therapy and stress management and psychiatric based
medicative treatments.

Empaths are encouraged to meditate on their empathic skill as a means to focus their
transmission and reception of emotions as to spare themselves and others of unnecessary
additional stress. Some empaths may find control through meditation via attempting to
narrow the reception/transmission channel that they use to send and receive emotional
packages of information. Ignoring a condition such as bipolar disorder will only lead to
increased complications, sensitivity and frequency of episodes.

Common signs and symptoms of mania include:

 Feeling euphoric and optimistic or experience extreme irritability
 Unrealistic, grandiose beliefs about one’s abilities or powers
 Sleeping very little, but feeling extremely energetic
 Talking so rapidly that others can’t keep up
 Racing thoughts
 Highly distractible, unable to concentrate
 Impaired judgment and impulsiveness
 Acting recklessly without thinking about the consequences
 Delusions and hallucinations (in severe cases)
Bipolar disorder not only affects mood, but also energy level, judgment, memory,
concentration, appetite, sleep patterns, sex drive, and self-esteem. Additionally, bipolar
disorder has been linked to anxiety, substance abuse, and health problems such as diabetes,
heart disease, migraines, and high blood pressure. Empaths with any degree of bipolar
disorder can improve with treatment and lead normal lives.

Defensive Strategy Against A Suspected Telepathist

1. Avoid being relaxed or mentally fatigued around a suspected telepathist.

2. Avoid sleeping around a suspected telepathist.

3. Avoid drug or alcohol usage around a suspected telepathist.

4. Avoid talking or opening up electronic communications (e.g. phone, chat, etc.) with a
suspected telepathist.

5. Avoid evoking strong emotions in a suspected telepathist.

6. Avoid a suspected telepathist if you suffer from an anxiety disorder.

7. Avoid asking a suspected telepathist for assistance, advice, or help.

8. Avoid wearing the colors red, white, or purple in the company of a suspected telepathist.

Defensive Strategy For Stressed Telepathists

1. Avoid social interaction when you are distressed, afraid, or experiencing other intense

2. Learn how to manage yourself in highly emotionally provoking situations you cannot avoid
(e.g. anger management).

3. Avoid being around others that are mentally fatigued or asleep.

4. Avoid being under the influence of drugs or alcohol when around others.

5. Avoid being around others who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

6. Avoid wearing the colors red, white, or purple.

7. Avoid offering advice or assistance to anyone when stressed.

8. Avoid using sensitive electronics when stressed.

Defensive Strategy For Telepathists Defending Themselves

1. Focus on your need to protect yourself.

2. Calm yourself mentally/emotionally to focus, and to avoid provoking physically hostile

behavior in others.

3. Avoid becoming verbally or physically hostile yourself or you will lose your focus.

4. Avoid altercations with other suspected telepathists.

5. Think, then act, don’t dive in head first.

6. Avoid involving others in your personal dramas, and vice versa.

7. Avoid letting others push you around or take advantage of you, and vice versa.

8. Wear the colors red, white, or purple.


It never fails, the “question,” after every psychical profiling session I have ever

conducted…..”OK, I’m psychic, but how do I use it?” In my Psychical Profiling Sessions I
help my clients discover what type of ESP or PK they utilize on a regular basis, and tell
them how it manifests in their life. Regardless of the timing, the question always
comes up eventually.
The answer…”You’re asking the wrong question.”
Experts today suggest that we are always utilizing our psychical abilities subtly along with
our normal mental and physical processes the grand majority of the time, whether we notice
we are or not. This is why I focus first and foremost on how the ability manifests (looks like in
the clients day-to-day and in stressful moments – how they already use it.)

Secondly, I explain that since we are typically using our psychical ability all of the time, the
question we need to ask is not “How do I use it?” but rather “When am I not using it?” While
there is some debate out there still on the issue, it seems that a person has to believe in
psychical ability to utilize psychical ability. In other words, if one strongly does not believe in
such things, then ones mental and physical processes have no need to use it!

 In addition, Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis are bimodal, meaning they work two
ways. When we are happy, optimistic, relaxed and positive thinking/feeling in general,
psychical ability works to direct you towards what you need, i.e. what is most beneficial.

However, if one is depressed, anxious, pessimistic, stressed, and negative thinking/feeling in

general, psychical ability works to direct you towards what you do NOT need, i.e. may be
harmful. Is this the reason why negative people typically keep finding themselves in negative
situations? Perhaps, in part, but there are many other factors to consider.

 Because of the bimodal nature of psychical ability, a negative thinking or stressed individual
has two options to gain some level of predictability. On one hand, they can shift their
perspective from pessimistic to optimistic, or to relax when stressed, and reset the mode.

However, if one cannot relax, or shift their perspective, they will have to remember that their
psychical ability mode is now shifted, and act accordingly. In the case of either mode, it may
not be that your psychical ability “just stopped working,” but rather, it just stopped working
the way you are use to it working.

Once the specific functions and modes of a psychical ability are understood, my clients start
to notice “how” they are already utilizing their psychical ability on a regular basis. Once the
ability can be seen, it can begin to be understood. Once it is understood, the client can begin
to build and structure solid psychical experiential skills.

“I can stop objects from moving. What psychokinetic

influence am I using?”
When asked this question, my first response is typically to suggest that the individual
takes my free psychical profiling assessment to pin down the type of psychokinetic
influence being utilized.
However, if the individual’s results suggest more than one form, such as Autokinesis (the
psychical influence of energy in general), or Atmokinesis ( the psychical influence of
meteorological phenomena), an outdoor experiment may be the only solution to pin down
the exact type of influence.

For these experiments, the experient of the psychokinetic phenomena will need a lawn
pinwheel, an anemometer to test for aerokinetic-based wind velocity effects, and a digital
outdoor thermometer to measure for thermokinetic effects, just to start.
If neither of these meters picks up on the influence type, the experient may need to devise a
controlled laboratory experiment involving more complex, and often more costly, types of
measurement devices.

However, while some individuals appear limited to one type of influence over others, many
individuals experience many types of influence over the course of their lives. In the end,
while some find it more comforting to know what type of influence there are utilizing, it is
not always necessary to know initially, as in time, utilizing multiple types of experiments may
reveal the influence type.

Unstable psychical phenomena can be the result of many factors, but is mainly due to
instability of psychic health. One factor can be mental or physical health influencing
psychic health. Through my years of research I have found direct correlations between
psychophysiological health and psychical stability with stress or anxiety as the most
common causes.
When the psychophysiological health of an experient of psychical phenomena is
compromised to any degree (e.g. stress, anxiety, acute or chronic pain), the experient is
bombarded with an increased reactivity to psychical stimuli.

This increase is typically equivalent to the magnitude of the psychological or physiological

factor initiating the increased reactivity (e.g. mild stress = mild increased reactivity). In the
case of psychophysiological factors, ideally, experients should address the condition and
instability as soon as they emerge.

Whether the condition is the result of the psychical instability, or the psychical instability is
the result of the condition is never clear, but treating the condition appears to treat the
psychical instability every time. Another factor can be the result of the
experients immediate environment. I have found many correlations between elements in
the environment and increased psychical phenomena during my years of research.
While these elements maybe advantageous to those experiencing stable phenomena
looking to enhance said phenomena, these elements can also send unstable phenomena
spiraling out of control. Elements can include specific wavelengths of light, pigments of color,
and various types of materials in the experients immediate environment.
Experients can identify these factors via psychical assessment. Once the experient is aware
of what factors to work on, or avoid, the experient can begin their way towards psychical
Unbelievable as it may be, some experients ask me how to “shut off a psychic ability”
almost as often as other experients ask me how to develop or enhance an “ability.”  In
regards to experients of sporadic “seemingly useless” psychical phenomena, there are
two alternatives.
 Enhance the “ability” so it can be of use.
 Deviate from requirements and enhancers to allow the “ability to fade out. “
Sporadic phenomena can be briefly defined as psychical phenomena in which happen a
couple of times a year or less, that interrupts the individuals’ lifestyle. Enhancing the
phenomena (frequency and/or intensity) comes from consciously exercising the phenomena
on a daily basis. Enhancers can also be utilized; such as light and color. For more information
regarding enhancement, please take my Free Psychical Profiling Assessment.
To allow phenomena to fade, the most successful method I have found to date is though the
deviation of associated personality traits and enhancers.  Individuals who do this
unknowingly, describe the event as “though their abilities just disappeared for no known
reason.” This is most common in experients who have been subjected to drastic lifestyle
changes, typically trauma, prior to the “disappearance” of the phenomena.
Experients can assess what traits and enhancers to deviate from by taking the
aforementioned assessment, as what is mentioned are enhancers. (Just do the opposite).
For example, the opposite of category yellow is gray. There is always the possibility that the
phenomena lost will be replaced with another form of phenomena associated with the
opposite category. In fact, in any case of attempting to remove, ignore or “fade” a form of
phenomena is never absolute. In fact, it can make the situation less tolerable.

This is why I have mentioned enhancing the phenomena to the point of usage first, as that
has proven to be the easier and more efficient way to deal with sporadic phenomena.
Unfortunately, enhancing is rarely a direction experients are willing to take if all they want is
a “normal life.”
As in any field of study or discipline, branching is an important requirement in
organizing and understanding specific rules and laws that may only apply to one sub-
discipline, or in cross sub-disciplines, which would otherwise be lost in the ambiguity
of one discipline.
Branching aims to describe complex phenomena (ESP and PK: in this case considered
umbrella terms to refer to a plurality of sub-disciplines) through simpler phenomena in the
hope of finding a Theory of Psi.

As each psychical sub-discipline is relative to scientific and or philosophical sub-disciplines,

each psychical sub-discipline embodies its own specialized terminology and laws.

When attempting to approach complex phenomena (a wide range of phenomena  under one
discipline) without first approaching simpler phenomena (sub-disciplines), no distinguishing
lines are made between them, whether only arbitrary and ambiguous or not, resulting in
obscurity, misunderstanding, and the inertia of progression towards a Theory of Psi.

On average, and for valid reasons, people believe in what they have experienced in
some form or another. For a small few, this can be a single event experienced though
one form of sensory modality (e.g. visual evidentiary support).
Others on the other hand, may require many recurring experiencing through several forms
of sensory modalities (e.g. visual, auditory, tactile, etc.). Of course, many people will oppose
such phenomena even after numerous experiences.

While the two aforementioned types of individuals can be persuaded with time via
convincing experiences, the latter may be more challenging. This impossibility stems from
the fact that people tend to internalize and build upon the beliefs of the people around them
during their childhood.

If a person uses these beliefs as a permanent foundation to build a permanent core belief
structure, they may inadvertently become incapable of accepting such conflicting beliefs.

In this case, accepting such phenomena as reality would devastate if not entirely annihilate
their entire core belief system. While convincing this type of person that such phenomena
do indeed exist may be quite a challenging endeavor, usually, over much time and debate,
some level of agreement can be reached.
This is not typically achieved by explaining how such phenomena are possible in hopes the
other person understands and accepts what has been shared, but rather by the believer
learning more about the unbelievers core beliefs in which are restricting their ability to even
consider the existence of such phenomena, let alone begin

I typically answer this question via my profiling methods, as these methods appear to
identify the nature of the source of the anomalous information quite accurately
despite the complexities surrounding such a question. For many years I have worked
along side individuals skilled in clairvoyant and mediumistic anomalous
communication and have found certain characteristics exclusive to each type.  
Typically, clairvoyants and mental mediums rank high in regards to category Type Yellow,
while trance mediums typically rank high in regards to category Type Black. Throughout
formulating psychical profiles, I have obtained more reports from Type Yellows suggesting
communications with “angelic entities or spirit guides, ” “reality,” the “universe” or “Nature”
itself (as though Nature itself is a universal information system) then I have in regards to
Type Blacks.
In reports involving Type Black experients of psychical phenomena, multiple or a single 
“entities” are typically reported. These entities vary in description from ancestors, recently
deceased relatives, and spirits of the deceased in general. While such is not always the case,
as there are no pure types (i.e. people tend to blend into two to three major types), those
who score high in regard to Type Yellow typically communicate with spirit guides or Nature,
while those who score high in regards to Type Black typically communicate with spirits of the
dead or Nature (postocognition). This is of course a generalized answer.
However, Type Gray tends to only communicate with Nature. Keep in mind, when referring
to “nature” I don’t necessarily mean plants and animals, but rather the non-biological, the
information-based whole of the universe. In other words, the code of nature.

The first sight model helps the parapsychological community answer difficult
questions like “why do ghosts wear clothes?” or “how can there be apparitions of
living individuals?”
Such experiences are assumed the result of hallucinations, possibly mediated via telepathy
or clairvoyance. Such hallucinations are assumed a product of the mind and constructed
from images in the “receivers” memory, rather from the “senders” memory.

Therefore, it is assumed that no mediation of visual impressions from the sender to the
receiver has occurred, but rather the mediation of generalized information to be later
cognized via the receivers own memorial images.  Assumptions continue suggesting that the
images are retrieved from the receiver’s conscious and subconscious memory (i.e.
extrasensory experience arises exclusively from memory).
Parapsychology is defined as the application of scientific methods to the study of
certain kinds of anomalous phenomena, which basically states that a desire to be
come a parapsychologist is a desire to become a scientist.
Realizing this, one needs to decide from which scientific discipline they want to approach
parapsychology. Many parapsychologists start with a academic background in psychology,
typically a Ph.D.

Many universities offer parapsychology courses to those majoring in psychology and other

related fields. Other fields to consider are those in anthropology, neuroscience,
consciouness studies, and various areas of physics such as biophysics or particle physics.
In any respect, it is essential to have a strong understanding of quantum theory, especially if
you end up in research.  In any case, being a parapsychologist requires some form of
academic approach to succeed, especially when it comes to research, employment, and
I recommend having at least your Masters or preferably a Doctorate in a related field, all the
while taking courses related to parapsychology. If the university or college you attend does
not offer parapsychology courses, there are online options for continuing education
both pay courses and free courses. Very few parapsychologists work in the public sector
(i.e. employed by a university), as employment opportunities are very limited, in part by
limited funding.
Parapsychology is not a field for everyone, but the field does continually need fresh ideas.
While a full-time career is a rarity for parapsychologists, offering part-time contributions to
the field is always an option second to your full-time career in a related field.

This above applies to those who desire to become a researcher, counselor, or educator in
parapsychology. Alternatives to parapsychology, depending on your focus,
include metaphysics (involved in studying the fundamental nature of being and
reality), paranormal investigations (investigating locations that are reported to be haunted
by ghosts), spiritual counseling (counseling from both a practical and spiritual perspective),
and writing (in regard to experiences in your field, or your personal life).
Recent parapsychological research suggests that psychical system (e.g. psychical
processes) are both “need-based” and are the result of a normal subconscious
engagement with Nature (including reality and all constituents of reality e.g.
individuals) beyond our physical and sensorial boundaries. This engagement, termed
“psi,” void of spatial proximity (distance), can be broken into two main categories (e.g.
Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis).
Such received and assimilated information is assumed involved in the development of all
experiences. Psi is assumed to operate continuously at the basic, beginning level of human
functioning (i.e. a first sight rather than a second sight). Since it seems that perceptual
experiences begin with the psi level of engagement and shares similar functioning patterns
with other subconscious processes, psychical processes are assumed to be integrated with
these other subconscious processes.

Research has also lead to the finding that psi processes work with the memory (specifically
the long-term memory) which is stored in various regions throughout the brain. Because psi
is a fundamental basis of human functioning (e.g. perceptual experience), and the
information is received and stored throughout the mind, there may be no way to “shut off” a
psychical ability.
However, the psychical system appears to be linked to the emotional system and
personality. Typically, in an individual will low stress and well maintained mental and
physical health, psychical processes present themselves in a non-intrusive and typically
unnoticeable manner, whereby simply contributing to experience rather than be an
experience in and of itself.

Acute and chronic periods of heightened stress, mental illness (anxiety, depression, etc) and
or physical illness, can increase the noticeability of a particular form of psychical
phenomena. The resolution here is to remedy the stress (stress management, meditation,
behavioral therapy, other forms of medical or therapeutic treatment, etc.) to alleviate the
noticeability of the phenomena.

In addition, I have found correlations between personality types and specific phenomena. I

have also found that personality deviation (altering personality) can result in the
“disappearance” of one form of phenomena, to be replaced by another (e.g. telepathy for
clairvoyance). However, even if personality deviation leads the exchange of a psychical
specialty, the stress related factors will still play a critical role in the operations of the “new”
phenomena (i.e. personality deviation in conjunction with stressors will still present intrusive
In other words, if the psychical phenomena experienced by an individual is intrusive, the
individual should focus either on alleviating stressors from their life, or learning new
methods of coping with stress, as stress puts the body in continual state of “need” (e.g.
needing to reduce stress, therefore “searching “ for a means to do so, as a means to
promote system wide health). Once such needs are addressed, the phenomena will no
longer be intrusive (i.e. will appear “shut-off”).
This form of ESP is called Psychometry, i.e. “a form of extra-sensory perception
characterized by the claimed ability to make relevant associations from an object of
unknown history by making physical contact with that object.”
Psychometry is a form of Retrocognition, or Postcognition, i.e. past tense information, or
retrocognitive clairsensing/clairvoyance; involving visual, auditory, olfactory, and possibly
gustatory, if not more sensory modalities, that are received via clairsensing/clairvoyant

Basically, the supposition is, that all objects “contain” information regarding their history,
events, states, etc., including the information textually written within them. Experients of
psychometry can touch a book, or quickly flip through the pages of a book at incredible
speed and clairvoyantly (clairvoyant cognition) receive the summation of the book, either
directly from the book, or indirectly through Nature.

Other psychics, such as Edgar Cayce, have reported the ability to “absorb” information from
a book placed under their head while asleep.  How this process works for sure is unknown.
However, some assume this is the result of energy transference, or quantum correlations i.e.
a “quantum connection,” be they the result of entanglement or non-classical correlations
void of entanglement.

The topics mentioned above are topics of parapsychology. Therefore, if one desires to know
more about how such abilities work, they should look into books or journals that involve the
scientific study of psi.

The way to validate a psychical dream is through research. The most efficient way to
research a person or event in a dream is to know what information to research, but
the most essential way to research a person or event in a dream is to have all the
information necessary to being a research project.
Research has shown that one of the best ways to remember your dreams is to enhance your
working memory as the more efficient an experients’ memory is, the more critical details
they will be able to remember from the dream.

These critical details are what will help the experient develop a research strategy that could
lead to validation. Research has also shown that keeping a dream journal at the bedside to
log details about dreams upon waking preserves the crucial details of dreams, many in
which are otherwise rapidly forgotten soon after waking.

This allows for a later in-depth analysis of dreams after the experient is completely awake.
Such in-depth analysis should involve both conceptual (shapes, textures, colors, emotions,
and other sensations) and contextual (times, places, names, associated objects or events,
etc.) information recorded from the dream.

The more information acquired from the dream, the more an experient can narrow down
an exploratory search. Research tools can involve online news media in regards to events
that have already happened, but identifying an event that has yet to happen, or identifying a
person, requires the learned skill of drawing large conclusions from small observations
through efficient deductive reasoning.

Based on Klaus Scherer’s position on the psychology of emotions, professor of

psychology and director of the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences in Geneva, emotions
are characteristic of short durations, while extended durations (often lasting hours or
days) of are termed moods.
He states that moods are generally considered “diffuse affect states that are characterized
by a relative enduring prominence of certain types of subjective feelings that affect the
experience and behavior of an individual.”

Moods are typically of a low intensity and void of a specific focus, while emotions are
typically high intensity with a specific focus. Based on years of my own psychical research
initiatives, it appears that empaths are prone to “knowing or “simulating” the emotions of
others, but not the moods of others, as this involves far more content than just emotions.

However, extended exposure to other sad individuals can result in affecting the mood of an
empathist if they indulge in the momentary emotions of others consistently. In this case,
such external sources of sadness can exacerbate existing sadness (within the empathist),
which may or may not be known to the empath at the conscious level.

Another way to distinguish if a state is purely emotional or a mood is to clarify the state. If
you feel sad with brief behaviors of withdrawal or feelings of powerlessness, then this is an
emotion. However, if your feelings are better described as ‘depression’ and therefore posses
a high degree of consistency, then it may just be your mood.

In summary, if the feelings are sporadic, with a more defined beginning and an end, and
appear as spikes of high intensities, then it may be purely an emotion and could be coming
from others, but if the feelings are diffuse with no high or lows, then this may just be your
own mood.

 Scherer, K.R. (2005). What are Emotions? And How Can They be Measured? Social
Science Information: Trends and Developments: Research on Emotions.

The following is a summary of my hypothesis of the mechanisms involved in psi

When an individual finds themselves in an urgent need (psi is theorized to be a evolutionary
survival mechanism by most parapsychologists), I assume the psychophysiological stress
caused by the ‘need’ results in oxidative stress in various areas of the body.

I assume this results in the increase of the amplitude of the ultra-weak biophotonic field
around the individual (scientifically proven to exist) due to electrons in the body being
lowered to the ground state where by emitting biophotons.

At this time, I assume the biophotons then detect diverse information in regards to the
individual, the situation, and the environment via the quantum teleportation of information
(communication of information at a distance between photons; a scientific possibility).

I then assume the biophoton energy is then converted into electrical energy (scientifically
possible) and the information is then processed by the central nervous system, and sent
through the memory areas of the brain (a parapsychological theory with a very solid basis)
and shortly thereafter the information is consciously cognized by the individual.

This particular model assumes the process of receiving psi-based information through
Clairvoyance. The same model can be used to describe ESP reception and transmission, and
PK (e.g. ‘environment, biophotonic field, CNS, memory, conscious awareness’ or reverse
‘conscious/subconscious intent, memory, CNS, biophotonic field, environment.’)

(Adapted from the book “A Quantum Approach Series” by Theresa M. Kelly, MsD.)

I actually have two answers for this question. The first pertains to the experient, and
the second pertains to the experient as a function of nature.
As simply an experient, the answer is, no. However, several variables if altered, can lead an
experient of psychical phenomena into a gradual decline and or sudden discontinuance of
psychical experiences regardless of the magnitude or frequency of these experiences.
These variables include mild to severe behavioral or lifestyle changes in which no longer
support these experiences. Common alterations can include, but are not limited to,
developing an anxiety disorder (or antisocial behavior), developing or an increase in
depression, sleep disturbances, drug or alcohol use (including medications), a physical
condition or disorder, or by not exercising the underlying ability resulting in the experiences
(extrasensory perception or  psychokinesis).

As an experient as a function of nature, the answer is yes. Many reports suggest an
influencing nature, whether it is part of nature itself, or an intermediary (often designated a
spirit guide), in which appears to maintain regulations expected to be upheld by experients.

These assumed regulations appear to vary experient-to-experient based on unknown

variables. For example, common regulations reported in regards to telepathy and
clairvoyance include publicizing information deemed private or requesting information in
regards to immodest applications.
Reports suggest “misuse” or “ostentation” as the most common ambiguous reasons for the
sudden discontinuance of psychical experiences (ESP and PK).  Disregard for regulations has
been reported to result in punitive provisions, which can revoke access or influence, and is
described by former experients of clairvoyant phenomena as “a sudden inability to obtain
information regarding objects or events for an extended duration of time.”
There have been many stories throughout history of instances of super strength in
moments of intense fear. These instances are the result of the release of reserved
energy that would have otherwise remained inaccessible. In these moments what is
considered “absolute strength” (the theoretical application of muscular force) is
increased to “maximum strength” (maximum muscular force generation via the
conscious exertion of will).
But what is happening in these moments to cause this increase? When the body is under
acute stress, the sympathetic nervous system begins the preparation for sustained, vigorous
activity. This involves the  adrenal gland releasing large amounts of cortisol and adrenaline
into the blood stream.
Because of this, blood pressure rises and the heart races, whereby delivering oxygen and
energy reserves to the muscles. In moments of great fear, this process is parallel to analgesic
effects resulting in an inability to feel the pain associated with substantially increased
muscular force. Can our energy reserves be released through Will alone? Biokinetic
(Biokinesis: is the psychical influence of bioelectrical energy flow.) Healers report a wide
array of chemical influences in their own body and in the bodies of their patients.
Hypothetically speaking, if an experient of biokinetic phenomena were to find themselves
capable of forcing the release of large amounts of cortisol and adrenaline into the blood
stream while simultaneously creating a analgesic effect, then yes, a level of super strength
could be achieved. However, such a forced release would not be sustainable for long periods
of time and would be limited to the body’s mechanical capabilities (e.g. a max increase of
muscular force of 15%).

When Fear Makes Us Superhuman – By Jeff Wise December 28, 2009, Scientific American
Cell signaling is a complex system of communication that regulates basic cellular
activities and organizes cell actions. The cells ability to interpret and correctly
respond to their microenvironment is the foundation of development, repair and
potential enhancement.
Errors in cellular information processing result in diseases and ailments that are potentially
curable through Biokinetic Manipulation, or energy healing. However, modern scientists still
poorly understand the architectural organization of the nucleus and still strive to develop
therapies to treat these errors.

The energy healer enlists their own natural electromagnetic radiation to transmit
instructions to a class of proteins known as receptors that are then received by the cells. The
cell then communicates with other cells with relative types via direct contact over short
distances via cell-cell contact or over large distances and/or scales via gap junctions.

Intercellular signaling is subdivided into the following classifications:

 Endocrine Signals – Produced by endocrine cells, travel through the blood and reach
all parts of the body.
 Paracrine Signals – Target only local cells such as neurotransmitters.
 Autocrine Signals – Affect same cell types as the emitting cell such as immune cells.
 Juxtacrine Signals – Transmitted along cell membranes via protein or lipid
components integral to the membrane and are capable of affecting either the emitting
cell or cells in the immediate vicinity.
Just as signal components in signal transduction can be shared between different signal
pathways and responses to a signal inducing condition, such as stress, (physical or mental),
so to can an energy healer or biokinetic, activate multiple beneficial responses in our cells.

The probability of successful therapy or curability is based on the energy healers education
and understanding of that education regarding molecular biology. Those who are well
versed in this area of science have an elevated probability of performing beneficial
therapies. Those who are uneducated of crucial biological processes are practicing with blind
faith that results in a substantially higher probability to do more harm than good.

 Kathy Liszewski (May 2009) “Decoding Cell Communication.” Genetic Engineering &
Biotechnology News, Volume 29, Number 10
 Witzany, G.111 (2000). Life: The Communicative Structure. Norderstedt, Libri BoD.
 I. Greenwald (1998) Genes in Development Volume 12, pages 1751-1762. Entrez
Pubmed 9637676
 University of Virginia – Histology of the Endocrine Glands

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