Brampton Bulletin: M - F / C W

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Brampton Bulletin

B r a m p t o n P r i m a r y S c h o o l S t r i v i n g t o R e a c h t h e B e s t Week ending: 10.5.11 Summer Term: Issue 6

Inside this weeks issue: Multi Faith-Cultural Week Forthcoming Dates SEAL Home Activities Year 4 World War Two Week 1 Menu Governor/FOB news Gold Book Entries Weekly Attendance And finally Sweets Forthcoming Dates: Monday 13th June Y6 Cycling Proficiency Week Wednesday 15th June Reception Farm Visit Thursday 16th June CRIBs in Y5/ reception Friday 17th June Family SEAL Session 2 9.30 New Entrants Meeting 1.45 Performance to Infants Monday 20th June Class photos Tuesday 22nd June Y6 School Journey Thursday 23rd June CRIBs in Y5/ reception Choir/String Starz Rehearsal Friday 24th June Family SEAL Session 3

CRIBs opened our week with a special assembly celebrating the 400th anniversary last month of the publication of the King James Bible in English. During the day Professor Singh spoke to Year 1, 2 and 6 on what it means to be a Sikh. On Tuesday Mrs Sumerha Gill spoke to the school about what it means to be a Muslim while Year 1 and 3 visited St Peters Church and the Belvedere Gurdwara. Our teaching assistant Mrs Vadukul stood in at the last minute to demonstrate henna patterns and clothing worn on Hindu special occasions to Reception children. The CRIBs team provided a quiz, storyteller session and an ICT research activity on their bus for our children. On Thursday the children met Mrs Da Langa who told the children a story from the Jewish faith with a very relevant message for todayto treat others as you would like to be treated. Our childrens behaviour and interest in their visits and visitors has again been remarked upon positively. We hope they now have a greater understanding of the variety of faiths in our multi-cultural society today. Again we would like to thank Mr Power for all the arranging and organising that has gone into the very busy week. Our staff and children have all really enjoyed and benefitted from the special events.
Brampton Primary is a restorative school where the initial response to conflict is to find a solution where things are put right, the victims needs are met whilst also meeting the needs of the wrong doer and meet all the schools responsibilities.

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Brampton Bulletin

My changes
Children often love to learn about themselves when they were little. They love to hear about the silly things that you did when you were little, too. How much can you remember? If you have a photograph of yourself when you were little you might like to talk about the time in the photograph. Ask the child what they already know and then fill in the details when they get stuck. You might like to write down or draw what you find out.


- C H A N GE S

What I have learned

In class your child has been learning about some of the ways they have changed since they were a baby and some of the things that they have learned. How many things can you think of together? Examples might be I learned to walk. I learned to ride a bike. Talk together about what it was like to learn and what things helped. Parents or carers, can you think of something you learned to do when you were a child? Draw a picture of you learning something. You might write what helped.

Year 4 World War Two As part of their work this term on World War Two, Year 4 heard from Mr Lambert on what it was like to be a school boy in Northfleet during the war. He told them all about rationing, air raids, V2 rockets and what it was like when his school was bombed! They have also been learning about being an evacuee and why so many people had allotments. They have designed posters, using ICT, to encourage children to eat more vegetables.

Issue 6

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SCHOOL M EALS W E E K B E G I N N I N G - M O N DAY 1 3 T H J U N E 2 0 1 1

Monday Meat
Cheese, tomato & sweetcorn pizza with coleslaw & salad.

Sausage & Mash



Homemade Lamb Burger with homemade relish & chipped potatoes Jerk Pork with Rice Leek & Potato Fritter

Roast Turkey with Chicken Supreme roast potatoes with Rice

Fish or alternative Vegetarian

Jacket Potato with Cajun Fish with chilli or tuna new potatoes Pesto Pasta Spring Vegetable Bake

Tomato & Thyme Fish with new Cheese & Red Onion Quiche with New Potatoes


Peaches & Ice Cream

Zesty Lemon Cake

Very Berry Sponge Fruit Flapjack & with Custard Fruit Wedges

Iced Sponge

A choice of salads, seasonal vegetables, fresh bread, fresh fruit platter, fruit yoghurt, milk and drinking water are also available daily. Peanut Allergies Please can we remind everyone that we are a Peanut Free school in our cooked meals and we ask parents not to put any nuts or items containing nuts in their childs packed lunches. Thank you Congratulations to William Payne 1B William Payne in 1B recently entered a competition run by the Primary Times magazine and won a 4 day crash swimming course. Well done to him and it just goes to show it is worth entering these draws! Governor News Personnel Committee Before half term the Personnel Committee held their termly meeting. This committee is chaired by Mrs Riley. They had a report on staffing and absence from Miss Fisher and reviewed the performance management cycle for staff as well as succession planning. They received the Safer Recruitment and Risk Assessment for staff policies. FOB News FOB will be holding a Quiz Night on Saturday 25th June at 7pm. It is being professionally organised and is only 2.50 per person. You are invited to bring your own drink and nibbles. Details will be out in book bags so dont delay book a table for your team of 4-8 people now!

BRAMPTON GOLD BOOK Striving to Reach the Best Every week we print the names of those children who have achieved in either their work, conduct or behaviour around school and have been entered in the Gold Book. They have been mentioned in Mondays celebratory assembly. After 3 mentions children receive a bronze certificate, 6 mentions for a silver, 9 mentions for a gold, 12 mentions for a Super Gold and 15 mentions for a Platinum certificate, 18 for Diamond, 21+ for a Head teachers Award and 24 for a Special Head teacher Award and Badge.
4CLouis Thomas 4CJamie Puttick (Super Gold) 4C Victoria Obinya 4CAngie Nandra 4CRebecca Nicklin (Platinum) 4C Ning Sang Limbu 4CFaye Johnson (Diamond) 4C Holly Adams (Platinum) 6C Jamie Wise (Headteacher) Unfortunately there is not enough space to mention the childrens achievements here but if you are interested to see your childs mention please pop in and ask to see it.

Weekly Attendance

Week ending 27.5.11 RB: RJ: 1B: 1BA: 2H: 2EW: 3W: 3WH: 4P: 4C: 5S: 5M: 6B: 6C: 96.3% 98.7% 91% 96% 97.7% 97.2% 96% 95.3% 97.3% 96.7% 98.6% 94.5% 93.9% 95.2%

HOUSE POINTS Week ending 27.5.11

1st Red = 147 2ndYellow = 127 3rdGreen= 121 4th Blue= 111

Congratulations to Red House members!

Attendance since September RB = 95.6% RJ = 94.4% 1B = 94.7% 1BA = 95.9% 2H = 97.6% 2EW = 96.5% 3W = 95% 3WH = 95.1% 4P = 96.4% 4C = 96.2% 5S = 96.4% 5M = 96.8% 6B = 95% 6S = 97.4%. Total = 96.1% Well done to 2H, 2EW, 4P, 4C, 5S, 5M and 6S all above the school target of 96.1%. And finally.......Packed Lunches Please may we remind parents that chocolates and sweets are not allowed in childrens packed lunches. We are seeing a growing number of sweets, one child even had three packets of different sweets. As a healthy school we appreciate your support in this matter. Remember if you like what were doing tell us and others! If you dont, please help us improve! School Office; 020 8303 2873 Fax; 020 8298 0286

Well done to RJand the other classes above 96.1% Our

School Total was 96%. Raffle Prize Winners This weeks draw for tea with Miss Fisher was postponed to nest week due to our special assemblies this week. A double draw will take place next Monday

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