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Practice Teaching is the highlight and most exciting part of a teaching course. It is a part of the
experiential learning course of the new teachers education curriculum which guide us prospective
teachers the chance to experience the life of actual teaching environment. The opportunities and
experiences embedded in this course enable us to meet the challenges of the real learning situation.
The valid requirement made me prepare to cope with the demands of the profession.

A teacher’s portfolio is a completion of work created by student teacher. It is designed to show

teacher’s talents and constructed to emphasized their knowledge and skills in teaching

Portfolio is a document created by student teacher which reveals, relates and describe the teacher’s
duties. Knowledge, proficiency and growth in teaching.

It also offers opportunity for judging one’s work and evaluating the effectiveness of the lesson.

Each contention was documented as reference and plays vital rule in the over-all assessment of a
teacher. In fact, some school uses portfolios to make personal decisions and used it to improved
more the traditional assessment measures, such as standardized tests and observation checklist.

However, the use of this teacher’s portfolio is not universally endorsed due to its subjectivity in
evaluating works and outputs of the pupils

Having this humble piece of work come into reality means saying a word of for the people who
brought out the best of author’s life.

To God Almighty, the maker owes her life and destiny, May the Lord continue to bliss the persons
who the maker of acknowledgment with profound gratitude and sincere appreciation for having
gone out his way in making his course fulfilled.

To her parents, for being the primary inspiration in working hard and striving the best to be nothing
but the best.

To her grandparents uncles and aunties cousins brother for extending their support.

To her classmate for giving their time for providing laughter and inspiration to her hard times/

All her teachers, ,mentors, for pouring their precious knowledge and honouring her skills and talent.
Curriculum Vitae

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