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4-курс зачет/тест 2022


«AGREED»By the Head of the

«AFFIRMED»By the Deputy methodological association of
Director for Academic Affairs special disciplines and second
Minzhulina N.I. Test foreign languages

___________________ Sultanova M.N.

«___»______2022 ___________________


Discipline : Home reading

Form of holding – (oral) (written)

Course – 4
Variant 1
1. These sentences are from: David Balfour, a sixteen-year-old boy, is on board a brig bound for
America. The brig meets with a violent storm off the coast of Scotland. During the shipwreck that
follows David is cast overboard. He cannot swim and is being carried along by the waves and
choked until, fortunately, he manages to get hold of a floating board. After a desperate struggle he
is flung upon the shore.
a) “Surprise”
b)”The Happiest Man on Earth”
c)” The Snake and the Bell”
d)”No Story”
e) “The Shipwreck”

2. These sentences are from: It seemed impossible that I should die on the shores of my own
country and within view of men's houses. But the second day passed; and though I kept a look out
for boats or men, no help came.
a)” No Story”
b)” The Happiest Man on Earth”
c)”A Service of Love”
d) “The Shipwreck”
e)” The Explosion”

3.Complete the following sentence: "God damn!" said one of the white boys. Suddenly Roy
recognized one of them. It was …
a)his cousin
b)his friends
d)his brother
e) Charlie Mumford, old playmate
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4. Complete the following sentence: While he was playing Brahms on a violin from Vienna in a
Negro church in Hopkinsville, Missouri, for listeners who were poor white people and even poorer
Negroes, the sick young man thought of…
a) his home
b) his friends
c) his mother
d) his future
e) his old dream

5.Complete the following sentence: “Oh, yes madam, this is Mr. Slush latest book, I assure you. It's
having a wonderful sale." As he spoke he pointed to a huge pile of books on the counter with the
title in big letters…
a) “Seven Weeks in Sahara”
b)”Among the Cannibals of Corfu”
c)Six Months in Waggon”
d) “Golden Dreams”
e) “Among the Monkeys”

6.” From her nest in the oak-tree the nightingale heard him, and she looked out through the leaves
and wondered”. This sentence is from the text…
a) “The dog and 3 Dollars”
b)” Martin Eden” c) “The Nightingale and the Rose”
d) )”Among the Cannibals of Corfu” e) “Seven Weeks in Sahara”
7. Complete the following sentence: The first Mrs. Walker had died , when Fran was still a baby…
a) so, she did not remember ever her face
b) so, she did not remember herself
c) ) so, she did not remember her face at once
d) so, she did not remember her real sister at all
e) so, she did not remember her real mother at all
8.He was a rich man .He was a charming and accomplished host whose villa was an accepted
rendezvous of the great. The main character of the text is
b)The Drunkard
c) Lautisse
d) Bill
e) Mr. Frank
9. Complete the following sentence: … later Aubrey discovered that a pair of Degas' statuettes was
missing from a stand opposite the Titian.
a)about six minutes
b) about ten minutes
c) about four minutes
d) about three minutes
e) ) about five minutes
10. Complete the following sentence. (Mind the text “The Happy man by W.S. Maugham)
I opened the door to…
a)his wife
b) his brother
c)his friend
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d)his father
e) total stranger
11. Two days before the close of the exhibition he received a letter . The main character of the text
12.Define the story: That morning ‘young’ Jerry was alone in the cabin .His father had gone to San
Francisco and was not to be back till next day.
a)” The Snake and the Bell”
b)’The Boy Next door’
c)”As You like It”
d)”A Scholarship”
e)’The Banks of the Sacramento”
13. Complete the following sentence. ’I returned home and did a little work on the scenario.
It… very….It was fine scenario.
a) were /fine
b)was/ wonderful
c)be easy
d)was/ difficult e) was easy

14. These sentences are from: One day Tripp came in and leaned on my table. Tripp was
something in mechanical department. He was about twenty five and looked forty.
a) “Martin Eden”
b)” No story”
c) ’The Boy Next door’
d) “Is he living or is he dead”
e) “Surprise”
15. Complete the following sentence: He was almost sixty when I met him and he was the author of
about …
a) nineteen books
b) seventeen books
c) fifteen books
d) sixteen books
e) eighteen books
16. Complete the following sentence: Denny rang him up. ”Manson … … to my place at 3 o’clock?”
a)did you come
b) can you come
c)could you come
d)wouldn’t you come
e) will you come
17. Wiping his forehead he approached Denny who, with Manson, stood amongst the crowd. For a
moment Andrew felt uncomfortable. These sentences are from:
a)”Martin Eden”
b) “Surprise”
d)”The Reading Public”
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e)”The Explosion”
18. Complete the following sentence.( Mind the text “Letters in the Mail” by Caldwell):
She was pretty though…
a)not very nice
b)very young
c) not very old
d) not very young
e) not very beautiful
19. Complete the following sentence. Oh, yes , Aubrey arranged for someone to be there to
photograph me. He thought…
a) it would help to gather the people
b) it would help to collect pictures
c) it would help to collect women
d) ) it would help to collect coins
e) ) it would help to collect a crowd

20. Complete the following sentence: The author of the story ”Art for Heart’s sake” is:
a) O. Henry
b) R. Goldberg
c) W. Shakespeare
d)C. Hare
e) J. London
21. Complete the following sentence: It is impossible to describe the silent joy of our …
a) guests
b)arrival c)discussing d)coming e)meeting

22. Complete the following sentence: … … ago I was a young artist and came to France where I
was travelling from place to place making the sketches.
a) In 1678
b)A long time ago c)Some times
d)Once time to- many years ago
e)Several times
23. Complete the following sentence: Delia …something but suddenly tears appeared in her eyes
and she began to cry.
a) wants to say b)was going to say c) wanted to say d) were about to say
e)was about to say
24. Complete the following sentence: ( Mind the text “Return” by P. Abrahams.)
The action takes place in…
a)in South America b)in Western Africa c) )in South Africa
d) in East Africa e)in North Africa
25. Complete the following sentence:( Mind the text “ Hunting for a Job” by S. S .Mc. Clure):

a) my first invitation b) my first profession c) my second job d) my first application

e) my first job
26. Complete the following sentence: The boy looked for a place to hide…
a)and rushed into the room b) and rushed into the living room. c) and rushed into the house
d) and rushed into the lavatory e) and rushed into the cabin
27. Richards knew everything. All the way up Mr. Prosset fired questions on him and he fired
answers right back. These sentences are from the text:
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a)”Success Story” by J.G. Cozzens b) “Hunting for a Job” by S. S .Mc. Clure

c)”Lost in the Post” by A. Philips d)” The dinner Party ” by N. Monsarrat
e) “Letter in the Mail” by E. Caldwell
28. Complete the following sentence: It was a sheer beauty …
a) of her face that took your breath away b) of her body that took your breath away
c) of her face that attached me d) that attached us
e)that you loved her at sight
29. Complete the following sentence: She got married …just about the time you were watching the
World Series.”
a) three months ago
b)a week ago
c)a year ago
d) a month ago e)two years ago
30. Complete the following sentence: The Ramsays were …
a) friendly people
b)horribly people
c) dangerous people
d)hospitable people
e)respectable people

Variant 2
1. Complete the following sentence: If I had a pretty little wife I shouldn’t let her spend a year in …
a) New York
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2. Ramsay was in the American Consular Service, and was stationed at Kobe. This sentence is from
the text:
a) The Lion’s Skin” by W.S. Maugham
b)” Mr. Know-All” by W.S. Maugham
c)’The Verger” by W.S. Maugham
d) ‘The Happy Man” by W.S. Maugham
e) “Success Story” by J.G. Cozzens
3. Complete the following sentence: We walked side by side through the quiet village…
a) to the bridge
b)to the forest
c) to the river
d) to the sea
e) to the lake
4. Complete the following sentence: “Nice day “ said Lanny.”… … home after seven years”
a) We’ve coming
b)I’ve resting
c)You are sitting
d)I’m going
e)I’m returning
5. Complete the following sentence.(Mind the text “Hunting for a Job” by S.S .Mc. Clure):
Colonel Pope was a man who… … …
a) had a good manners
b)was born in rich family
c)watched his workmen
d) worked so much
e)was a good worker
6.Finish the following sentence: Only person the author knew in Boston was…
a) Ainsley
b)the clerk Wilmot
c)Miss Bennet
d) Colonel Pope
e)his uncle Tom
7 Complete the following sentence: Finally she agreed to write the letter for Guy and Ralf
and said that …..
a) she would send it in the evening
b) she would send it in the next week
c) she would send it in the afternoon
d) she would send it in the end of the week e) she would send it in the morning
8. Complete the following sentence.( Mind the text “The Dinner Party” by N.Monsarrat):
The thief was one of us … …
a)one of his servants
b) one of his cousins
c) one of his enemies
d) one of his princes
e) one of my uncle Octavian’s cherished friends
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9. Complete the following sentence: “ I mean what I said !” snapped the man. ”Something
a) in a bag
b) in a basket
c)in a drawer
d) in a box
e) in a cage
10. Complete the following sentence: He considered himself something of a ….
a) silly man
b)active person
c) real person
d)real man
e)professional man
11. Complete the sentence: All boys danced with me. Because they … …
a)I were my fellow
b)were my classmates
c)I was their friends
d)they were my comrades
e)were my guests
12. . Complete the sentence: It was … … when the train pulled into the little station. Lanny… into
the fresh morning air and … a deep breath.
a) Sunny day/goes/took
b) early morning/ stated/ took
c) ) early morning/ stepped/ took
d)Lane evening/gone/take
e)Early day /had gone/ took
13The action takes place in South Africa. Lanny Swart, a young coloured man, was sent by his
village folk to study in Cape Town. These sentences are from:
a)”The happiest Man”
b)”The invisible man”
d)Pledger’s Way Home”
e) “No Story
14. Complete the sentence: It has just come to my mind that you are the best girl I know, and I've
lived next door to you
a) for twenty two years
b)for seventeen years."
c) for twenty one years
d) for eighteen years
e) for twenty years
15. Complete the sentence: Every boy in the Western states knew the Pope manufacturing
Company… …
a)which produced toys d) which produced buses
b) which produced washing machine
c) which produced cars e) which produced bicycles
16. Complete the sentence: …after that another safe was opened.
a) Tree weeksb b)Seven weeks c) Four weeks d)Five weeks e)Two weeks
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17. Complete the sentence: At that time a new safe was put … …
a) in Mr.Walker’s bank b) in Mr.Richard’s bank c) in Mr.Frank’s bank
d) in Mr.Octavian’s bank e) in Mr.Adam’s bank

18. Complete the sentence: There was a lot of noise … …

a) coming from the dining room b) coming from the bedroom
c) coming from the kitchen d) coming from the living room e) coming from the bathroom

19. Complete the sentence: Clifford was… …

a)a driver
b) an actor
c)a linguist
d)a writer
e)a poet

20. Her small hands clasped themselves together, and she gazed at Jack. The main character of the
text is
a) Mrs. Turner
b)Mr. Bufkin
d)Mr. Purcell
e) Felis

21. Complete the sentence: He had no money for stamps, so the manuscript lay on the floor under
the table. Martin ..… …then his watch.
a)eating his breakfast
b) finding his lists of words
c) lost his things
d) pawned his overcoat
e)building his house

22. Complete the sentence: The taller and stronger of them was… …
a)called Rosalind and the name of the other was Celia
b ) called Delia and Laree
c)name miss Keene and Delia
d)name Celia and the name of the other was Rosalind
e) called Celia and the name was Rosalind

23.These : sentences are from After dinner that evening I began to read the scenario. There were
thirty- five pages, and as soon as I had read …ten of them ,it was clear to me that he had written a
a)”The adventure of the empty house”
b)”As You Like It”
c) “The Boy next Door”
d)”Martin Eden”
e) “The Surprise”

24. Complete the sentence: ”Nice day “ said Lanny, “. … …home after seven years”
a) I’m going
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b) I’m returning
c) We’ve coming
d) You are sitting
e) I’ve resting

25. He gave part of his pay for the ticket to Chicago. The main character of the text is:
a) Mickle b) Jay c) Nick d)Roy e)Pleger
26.While they were thus engaged Ben Price, the detective, walked into the bank and stood at the
counter watching the scene. … This sentence is from the text …
a) “The Dinner party by N. Monsarrat”
b) “Jimmy Valentine’s Reformation “ by O’ Henry
c)” A Foul play “ by R. Ruark
d)” Lost in the Post” by Philips
e)”Letter in the mail” by E Caldwell

27. The boy kept squeezing politely out of the drunkard’s way , hurrying through the crowd , and
saying anything and trying his best to be as decent as possible. The main character of the text is:
a) Mr.Purcell
b) Mr. Bufkin
c) Mr. Oslow
d) Mr. Bill

28.Deborah Franklin was beautiful in the grand, classic manner. She didn’t look in the least like a
film star or a model. but looking at her you forgot everything. It was the sheer beauty of her face
that took your breath away. These : sentences are from the text
a) “A Good Start” b)”Caged”
c)” Success story” d)”The Dinner Party”
e)”Fare of Face”
29. Insert a suitable words in the following sentence: One morning … … said he wanted to talk to
him … …
a) the headmaster b) the bank manager c) the clerk d) the bank director
e)the bank secretary
30. Complete the sentence: the author of the story “Art for the Heart’s Sake “ is…
a) O’ Henry
b) W. Shakespeare
c) J. London
d) R. Goldberg
e) C. Hare

Variant 3
1. Complete the sentence: When I was …of age, a curious incident occurred in the house in which
our family lived. … …
a) a student of 17 years
b) a gentleman of 18 years
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c) a baby of 8 years
d) a boy of seven years
e) a child of eight years
2. Complete the sentence: ”Young Jerry “ was …boy with red hair , blue eyes and freckled skin “
a)twenty –five years old boy
b) sixteen –year-old school
c) twelve-year old boy
d) fourteen –year- old boy
e) sixteen-year –old
3. Complete the sentence: …you remember that scenario that you wrote and …me about six weeks
a) have/given
b) does/gave
c) haven’t/ given
e) do/gave
4. Complete the sentence: The action of the story takes place in … in the USA.
a)1932 b) 1933 c) 1935 d) 1930 e) 1931
5. One day , very soon, we’re going to have an outbreak of an epidemic. It’s the main sewer that’s
to blame. This sentence is from the text …
a)”The Banks of Sacramento” b)”Surprise”
c)”The Happiest man of Earth” d)”Home”
e)”The Explosion”

6. Complete the sentence: It was… with… … as yesterday.

a) the same ship, the same people b) as the ship, the same people
c)the large ship, the same men d) the same boat, the same men
e) that boat, the same men
7.A sea –bread boy wouldn’t have stayed a day on the isle which is only a tidal isle, and can be
entered and left twice in every twenty- four hours. This sentence is from the text …
a) ”Surprise”
b) “The Reading Public”
c) “Return”
d)”The Explosion”
e)”The Shipwreck”

8. Complete the sentence(Mind the text “Jimmy Valentine’s Reformation” by O’Henry)

That began to interest…
a) the officers
b)the lieutenants
c) the doctors
d) the lawyers
e)the detectives
9. Complete the sentence: Grace Brooks worked….
a) as an office operator b) as a company operator c) as a telephone operator
d) as a night telephone operator e) as an operator
10. Complete the sentence: He smiled kindly “My dear man , if you want them that hardly ,
you can certainly have them …
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a)for six dollars b) for five dollars c) for eight dollars

d) for seven dollars e) for four dollars
11. Complete the sentence: Something’s happened to the top of the …
a) firm b)building c)company d)Pope Manufacturing Company
e)Empire State Building
12. Complete the sentence: “Mrs .Cartwright was a woman somewhere in the .”
a)twenties b) sixties c) forties d) fifties e) seventies
13. Complete the sentence: He ran in the direction of the sound The main character of the text is …
b)Mr. Purcell
c) Jack
d) Bill
14. Complete the sentence: Rudolf looked toward the nearer door and saw that … …
a) It was white b) It was red c) It was black d) It was yellow e) It was green
15. Complete the sentence: Mr. Larrabee and Mrs. Larrabee began their married life … a) in a
large room
b) in a little room c) in a room d)in a large building e) in a house
16. Complete the sentence.: “I’d love a game –but I’ll have to go home and change …”
a) my raincoat b)my clothes c) my hat d) my shoes e)my coat
17. Complete the sentence: He remembered the streets of Paris and Berlin. He remembered a)
b)Sydney c) Hopkinsville d)Rome e) Harlem
18.Jesse felt ready to weep .He was waiting me for Tom. Tom was his brother –in-law. Jesse knew
he looked terrible. These sentences are from the text: … …
a)” The Happiest man of Earth” b)”The Green Door”
c)”The Dog and Three Dollars” d)”A Service of Love”
e)”The Invisible Man”

19. Complete the sentence: Ray opened the box , took out the blue envelope and went to the corner
of the room …
a)to through it to the fire b) to through away c)to put it d)to write it e)to read it

20. Complete the sentence: If anybody was drunk and in trouble ashore…
a) It was Zabinski
b) It was Mike
c) It was Frank
d) It was Alexander Barr
e) It was my friend
21. Many years later , fifteenat least ,I happened to be in Seville and having some trifling
indisposition asked the hotel porter whether there was an English doctor in the town.These
sentences are from the text …
a)”Letter from the Mail” by E. Caldwell
b)”Hunting for a Job” by S.S. Melcure
c)”A Foul Play” by K. Kuark
d)”The Happy Man” by W.S. Maugham
e)”Mr. .Know-All “ by W.S. Maugham
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22. Complete the sentence: The main hero in the text “Wager with Destiny” is
a) Mrs. Kelada
b)John Franklin c) Mr. Kelada
d) Mrs. Victoria
e) Anderson

23. “From her nest in the oak tree the nightingale heard him , and she looked out through the
leaves and wondered “This sentence is from the text: … …
a) “The Dog and Three Dollars”
b)”Seven Weeks in the Sahara “
c)”Martin Eden”
d)”Among the Cannibals of Corfu”
e)”The Nightingale and the Rose”

24. Complete the sentence: Then he had a job with a night-club jazz-band in … …
a) Chicago b) Paris c) Missouri d) Berlin e)Scottish
25. Complete the sentence: Several months had passed. One afternoon when Ainsley came home …

a) he saw his dog b) he saw the familiar face of his brother c) he saw his wife
d) he saw the familiar face of Dickey Soames. e) he saw his uncle Tom.

26. Complete the sentence: The boy looked for a place to hide … …
a) and rushed into the cabin b) and rushed into the house c) and rushed into the lavatory
d) and rushed into the room e) and rushed into the living -room

27. Complete the sentence: “He was lucky “,the planter was saying to this strange … …
a) girl b) boy c) child d) woman e) man
28. Joe and Delia got acquainted at a friend ‘s house where some art and music students had
gathered to discuss art , music and the newest play. This sentence is from the text: … …
a) “ The Snake and the Bell” b) “As you Like It”
c) “A Service of Love” d)”The Explosion” e) “The Boy Next Door”

29. Complete the sentence: Most of his … … there ,musicians and actors…hungry and out of work
: ……
a) school friends /be b) old classmates / have been c) old friends/ were
d) young friends/ was
e) young schoolmates/ be
30. Complete the sentence: He had never married and lived … …
a) with his father
b)quite alone
c) with his sister
d) with his brother
e) with his uncle
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Variant 4
1.” It’s a shame!” Andrew burst out. ”I wish he were there and knew what we know” These
sentences are from the text:
a) “Is he Living or is he Dead” b) The Explosion” c) “A Service of Love”
d) “ The Snake and the Bell” e) “Return”
2. Complete the sentence: It’s true .I am still working for the … still doing a little work for the
construction line.
a) restaurant b) office c) factory d)company e) firm
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3. Complete the sentence: The Book said that he suddenly stopped painting at 53 and lived in a …..
in Rivera.
a) villa b) flat c) house d) cottage e) hotel
4. Complete the sentence: He thought the matter over from every point of view and the next day
he want to look for a suitable….
a) suit b)dress c) hat d) shop e) cap
5. But she was neither charming, beautiful nor intelligent; on the contrary she was absurd and
foolish :yet the more you knew her, the more you liked her. The main character of the text is…
a) Mrs. Brown b) Mrs. Frank c) Mrs. Milberry d) Mrs. Swain e) Mrs. Forester
6. Complete the sentence: Her daughter Olive was born…
a) five months later b) six months later c) eight months later
d) two months later e) four months later

7. Complete the sentence: We can only guess at the thoughts and emotions of…
a) our mother b) our father c) our parents d) our children e) our neighbours
8. Complete the sentence: The agent sent Roger orders to view and …
a) he took Ruth to see some houses
b) he took Ruth to see a lot of buildings
c) he took Ruth to see some flats
d) he took Ruth to see a little cottage
e) he took Ruth to see some building
9. Complete the sentence: We called him…
a) Mr Ramsay b) Mrs .Ramsay c) Mr Frank
d) Mr Clark
e) Mr Know-all

10. Complete the sentence Mind the text “Art for Heart’s Sake” by R.R. Goldberg:
Mr Caswell was…
a) a worker b) a writer c)a painter d) a doctor e) a poet

11. Complete the sentence: He borrowed large sums from a man named…
a) Jack b) Barton c) Felipe d) Brown e)Haley
12. Complete the sentence: Denny rang him up ”Manson ! … to my place at three o’clock?”
a) wouldn’t you come b) can you come c ) could you come
d) will you come e) did you come

13. Complete the sentence: When he read a letter in his box he hurried round the corner
to the telephone office…
a) where sat Adela b) where sat Eliza c) where sat Helen
d) where sat Ann e) where sat Grace

14. With the money he could afford to marry Leila, rent a studio and stop being a student. His
education To complete his education he went to Italy but after 5 months all the money
was spent and he had to return. These sentences are from the text…
a)”Success Story”
b) “Lautisse Paints Again”
c) “Then in Triumph”
d) “The TV Blackout”
e) “A Good Start”
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15. Complete the sentence: Mrs Forester was convinced to her dying day that her husband
had been a very…gentleman
a) clever
e) handsome

16. Complete the sentence: Stephen lived…

a) in an ordinary English House
b) in an ordinary American House
c) in an ordinary Italian House
d) in an ordinary Scottish House
e) in an ordinary Spanish House

17. Complete the sentence. He remembered the streets of Paris and Berlin. He remembered…
a)Sydney b)Harlem c)Hopkinsville d) Rome e) Vienna
18. Complete the sentence. At eleven o’clock that night Denny and he started out, in company with
Hawkins, Denny’s dog for the main manhole of the sewer. These sentences are from the text…
b)”The Reading Public”
c)”The Shipwreck”
d)”The invisible Man”
e)”The Explosion”

19. Complete the sentence The Book said that he suddenly stopped painting ... and lived in a villa in
a)at 57 b) at 53 c) at 55 d) at 54 e) at 56
20. Complete the sentence She was too excited to tell him the story clearly and...
a) he could understand everything
b)she began to cry
c)he waited her at the living-room
d) Bill couldn’t understand anything at first
e) he could understand everything at first

21. Complete the sentence. I must go to Oakland to see…

a) my cousin b) my sister c) my aunt d) my uncle e) my brother
22.Roger was very pleased with himself, he was committing a good action. This sentence is from
the text
a) “The Ant and the Grasshopper” by W. S. Maugham
b) “Hunting for a Job” by S.S. Melcure
c) “A Foul Play “ by K.Kuark
d) “The Bramble Bush” by Ch. Mergendahl
e)”The Escape” by W. S. Maugham
23. Complete the sentence Mr. Shelby decided to sell Tom, who helped him...
a) to look after the house b) to look after the building c) to look after the cottage
d) to look after the planter e) to look after the farm
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24. Complete the sentence From this... the car with the Spillanes was only two hundred and fifty
feet away.
a) seat b)place c)corner d)moment e)side
25. Complete the sentence Jesse felt ready to weep. He was waiting me for Tom. Tom was his
brother-in-law. Jesse knew he looked terrible.
a) “The Invisible Man”
b)”The Happiest Man on Earth”
c)”The Dog and Three Dollars”
d)”A Service of Love”
e)” The Green Door”
26. Complete the sentence Unseen by the elders, May... had shut herself in the vault.
a) the smallest boy b) the little girl c) the little boy d) the biggest girl
e) the smallest girl

27. Complete the sentence Fran Walker spent her childhood ...
a)in a large flat
b) in a large frame house on six acres of unused pasture land
c) in a large cottage
d) in a large house with a wonderful garden e)in one of small country near London.
28. Complete the sentence They had gathered treasures of every sort from all over the country and
arranged them admirably. The jewel of the show was, of course, the great Titian. These sentences
are from the text…
a) “A Good Start”
b)”Success Story”
c)”The Dinner Party”
e)”Fair of Face”
29. Complete the sentence. Each morning, when the routine of opening his shop was completed, it
was the proprietor’s custom to perch on high stool, behind the counter... and digest the day’s news.
a)unfold his morning books
b) unfold his morning magazine
c) unfold his morning paper
d) unfold his evening paper
e) unfold his evening magazine

30. Complete the sentence: First Bufkins thought it was his set in the ….
a) office
b)street c)building
d)living room ) hours
4-курс зачет/тест 2022

I variant
1e ,2d, 3e, 4e, 5d, 6c, 7e, 8a, 9b, 10e, 11e, 12e, 13e, 14b, 15c, 16b, 17e, 18d, 19e,
20b, 21e, 22b, 23e, 24a, 25e, 26d, 27a, 28a, 29c, 30e.

II variant
1a, 2b, 3e, 4e, 5c,6c, 7e, 8e, 9e, 10e, 11e, 12c, 13c, 14b, 15e, 16e, 17e, 18d, 19d,
20e, 21d, 22a, 23e, 24b, 25e, 26b, 27e, 28e, 29b, 30d.

III variant
4-курс зачет/тест 2022

1e, 2d, 3e, 4a, 5e, 6d, 7e, 8c, 9d, 10b, 11e, 12d, 13c, 14e, 15b, 16b, 17a, 18a, 19c,
20a, 21d, 22e, 23e, 24a, 25d, 26c, 27e, 28c, 29c, 30b.

IV variant
1b, 2d, 3a, 4d, 5e, 6e, 7e, 8a, 9e, 10d, 11b, 12b, 13e, 14e, 15d, 16e, 17e, 18d, 19b,
20d, 21e, 22e, 23e, 24e, 25b, 26e, 27b, 28e, 29c, 30d.

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