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Ref. No- 2022/NEET/16 Date-18/04/2022


Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya

Hon'ble Minister For Health & Family
New Delhi
Govt. of India

Sub.: Regarding Postponement of NEET PG 2022 Examination and other serious concerns of aspirants.

Respected Sir,
I am writing this letter, as I can fell the pain of every medical doctors are facing and also to bring your kind
attention towards the tough time being faced by thousands of NEET PG aspirants. In recent times doctors have been
exploited in every way possible. Pandemic has changed the fate of the world but it's our front line workers who fought
bravely including the young Interns and medical students. It’s my kind request to you kindly go through all the concerns
of the aspirants carefully and should consider their genuine prayers.

The NEET PG 2021 examination was held on 11th September 2021, but the counselling got delayed by months and
presently it is going on. All India counselling stray rounds will end on 3rd May 2022. The counselling in many states will
commence after 3rd May 2022, which will probably finish between mid to end of May making it to clash with the
examination date for the next session that is scheduled on 21st May 2022. Also, doctors attending the counselling are
not even sure if will they will be able to achieve a seat or not. This will result in the loss of one precious year of the
career of these doctors.As per the policy of NMC there needs to be sufficient gap between Counselling of one session
and next examination. But this year the all-India counselling will over by 3rd May,2022 and State counselling will start
afterwards which might go till mid of May. The examination is scheduled on 21st May, just few days after completion of
All India counselling. This is unfair to these aspirants.

More than 5000 interns all over India are ineligible for NEET PG as their internship was delayed due to COVID duties in
final year. The COVID duty was instructed by the Government to fill the scarcity of Doctors during the COVID time.The
present internship deadline doesn't allow them to appear for NEETPG 2022 and will have to wait for one year. This will
result in the loss of one precious year of the career of these doctors.

It is most respectfully prayed to the authorities to consider NEET PG 2022 aspirants following prayers:

As per the NMC policy there should be proper gap between counselling of one session and the scheduled next
examination. So the examination of NEET PG 2022 should be deferred. by minimum 9 (Nine) weeks of time. This will be
a big relief to our young doctors who are a assets to our nation.

The ineligible interns can be made eligible by extending the criteria of eligibility by few months as they have served the
mankind in tough pandemic times on the behest of government as a result of which their internships got delayed. Loss
of one year is a drastic loss to those doctors’s career. So, GOI should provide a relief to our COVID warriors.

Therefore it's my meek solicitation prithee glimpse over this issue pronto. It'll be colossal solace for all the NEET PG
aspirants. I hope Government attachment and inclination towards COVID Warriors will surely bring positive and prompt
results for these stranded doctors.

With Sincere Regards,

Yours Sincerely,

Website:- Phone no- 7002393628 Email:

Himanshu Borah
President of AIJNSA

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