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Measurement 92 (2016) 446–452

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Measurement on the structural, morphological, electrical and optical

properties of PANI-CSA nanofilms
D. Geethalakshmi a,⇑, N. Muthukumarasamy b, R. Balasundaraprabhu c
Department of Physics, Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Department of Physics, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Department of Physics, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Camphorsulfonic acid doped polyaniline (PANI-CSA) prepared by chemical oxidative polymerization is
Received 1 August 2015 spin coated on glass plates with four different PANI:CSA weight ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8) and mea-
Received in revised form 17 May 2016 surements on the structural and optical properties are done. Thickness of the films measured <100 nm
Accepted 23 June 2016
are termed as nanofilms. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy indicated the presence of dopant and
Available online 23 June 2016
an increase in degree of polymerization with increase in dopant ratio. X-ray diffraction studies revealed
the change of amorphous nature of the film to crystalline nature with increase in CSA dopant ratio.
Scanning electron microscopy showed the change of very smooth morphology of the film to rough
Chemical synthesis
root-like morphology with increase in CSA dopant ratio. Hall-effect analysis showed that the increase
Spin coating in CSA weight ratio appreciably increases the conductivity of PANI-CSA films due to increase in carrier
Semiconductivity concentration and it also represents the semiconductivity (P-type) nature in all the films. UV–visible
Photoluminescence absorption studies reveal the broadening of absorption spectrum in visible region with maximum CSA
dopant ratio (1:8). Photoluminescence spectra of PANI-CSA films excited using 300 nm, revealed that
the change in intensity and position of emission peaks are due to transition of semiconducting nature
of the film to conducting nature with an increase in CSA dopant ratio from 1:1 to 1:8.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction hydrochloric acid [14], sulfuric acid [14], phosphoric acid [14],
oleic acid [15], camphor sulfonic acid [16], etc. Compared to inor-
Conducting polymers has been observed as the center of scien- ganic semiconductors, polymer semiconductors generally need
tific interest since last decade, due to their explicit properties such high dopant concentration [17]. Doping of PANI create conjuga-
as conducting/semiconducting mechanism, reversible doping/ tional defects like solitons, polarons, and bipolarons in the polymer
dedoping process, controllable chemical and electrochemical prop- chain which produce electron hopping mechanism and generates
erties, light weight and easy processability. Among all the conduct- high conductivity. PANI is treated equivalent to inorganic P-type
ing polymers, due to high electrical conductivity, charge transport semiconductor due to its positive charge carriers (holes). As most
mechanism, environmental stability and low synthesis cost, of the components required for electronic devices are in thin film
polyaniline (PANI) stands as the most potential conducting poly- form, semiconductor PANI is also being studied in thin film form
mer. It finds application in bio sensors namely cholesterol sensor by many researchers in recent years. Shuxin Tan et al. in his work
[1], glucose sensor [2], gas sensors [3,4] and in other fields such has reported that semiconductor PANI is more suitable than con-
as electromagnetic shielding [5], light emitting devices [6,7], pho- ducting PANI in enhancing the efficiency of solar cells [8]. Also,
tovoltaic applications [8–11], light weight batteries [12], and semiconducting PANI is well suited for applications like
organic displays [13]. PANI can be tuned to either conducting or Schottky-diodes, field-effect transistors, gas sensors, LED’s, etc.
insulating nature by doping or dedoping procedure respectively, due to its higher carrier mobility and stability [18]. HCl-doped
through reversible chemical, electrochemical process. By PANI (PANI-HCl) semiconductor thin films prepared and character-
controlling the quantity of dopants, it can also be tuned to either ized by us in our earlier work, [19] though highly conductive,
conducting or semiconducting nature. The dopants for PANI are shows rapid decrease in conductivity with aging and turn into pure
insulator due to the fast escape of Cl ions. Also, the sticking effi-
⇑ Corresponding author.
ciency of the films to the glass substrate is very weak which may
E-mail address: (D. Geethalakshmi).
be due to the strong HCl acid, which is playing the role of both
0263-2241/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Geethalakshmi et al. / Measurement 92 (2016) 446–452 447

dopant (Cl ) and solvent. Moreover, PANI-HCl, if coated on trans- 3. Results and discussion
parent metal electrode (Indium-Tin-oxide-ITO) coated glass plates;
HCl being heavy acid, destroys the metal (ITO) coating on glass The colors of the PANI-HCl, PANI EB and PANI-CSA polymers
plates, if used to fabricate any thin film optoelectronic devices such appeared as green, deep blue and deep green respectively as
as solar cells. So, solar cell fabrication using PANI-HCl was unsuc- reported in the literature [24,25]. Thickness of PANI-CSA films pre-
cessful in our earlier work [19]. So, to sort-out these problems pared with different PANI:CSA weight ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8)
and to prove the applicability of PANI film in solar cells as photoac- were found to be in the range of 52–94 nm forming nanofilms
tive layer, we next concentrate on PANI films with organic dopant (Table 1). The increase in CSA dopant ratio enhances the thickness
and organic solvent. Camphorsulfonic acid (CSA) doped PANI of the polymer film, which may be due to the fact that the increase
(PANI-CSA) thin film find application in bifacial dye sensitized solar of CSA dopant enhances the degree of polymerization which in
cells as counter electrode, which impart superior photo-voltaic turn increases the molecular weight of PANI polymer similar to
performances for the device by presenting power conversion effi- PANI-HCl thin films, as reported by us in our earlier work [19].
ciency of 5.5% [20]. As it posses metal-like behavior, it was used The film with the highest CSA dopant ratio of (1:8) showed rough
as a filler in poly(methylmethacrylate) composites to produce film surface which was not uniform and the determined thickness
highly conductive electrospun nanofibers [21]. Due to high con- was 94 nm which was the maximum among the prepared films.
ductivity and light weight, PANI-CSA was found to be the most This shows that CSA quantity is responsible for increase in the
promising conducting filler material for the production of lightning thickness of PANI-CSA films. Compared to the thickness (91–
strike protection composite coatings [22]. Moreover the most often 119 nm) of our earlier dip-coated PANI-HCl films, [19] it was found
used solvent for solution processing of PANI is m-cresol, as it pro- that spin-coated PANI-CSA films were very less in thickness, stat-
motes high conductivity through transfer of delocalized polarons ing the significance of spin-coating. The sticking efficiency of
by increasing the aromaticity of the polymer chain [23]. So, here, PANI-CSA film to the glass substrate was high compared to PANI-
we concentrate on the preparation of PANI-CSA semiconductor HCl films and this may be due to the organic solvent (m-cresol)
nanofilms using chemical oxidative polymerization method. Also, and organic dopant (CSA). Moreover, PANI-CSA solution dip coated
the effect of CSA dopant concentration on the structural, morpho- on ITO glass plate firmly stuck to the metal coating without
logical, electrical and optical properties of PANI-CSA film has been destroying it, in contrast to PANI-HCl.
studied. Fig. 1a shows the FTIR spectra of PANI-HCl, PANI EB and PANI-
CSA. The spectra were recorded in the wave number range 500–
2. Experimental procedures 4000 cm 1. Polymerization of aniline to PANI-HCl, de-doping of
PANI-HCl to PANI EB and re-doping of PANI EB to PANI-CSA were
PANI-CSA was chemically synthesized by oxidative polymeriza- verified by comparing the FTIR bands observed with the bands
tion method: First aniline monomer in the solution form is poly- reported in the literature [26,27]. It is clear from the figure that
merized by drop-wise addition of ammonium persulfate (APS) in each step there is a change in molecular environment of PANI.
(NH4)2S2O8 solution in 2 M HCl at 4 °C. This results in the forma- The bands at 804 cm 1 and 1302 cm 1 corresponds to PANI-HCl
tion of polyaniline hydrochloride (PANI-HCl) precipitate with high and the bands at 830 cm 1, 1145 cm 1, 1307 cm 1, 1492 cm 1
degree of polymerization as reported in our earlier work [19]. The and 1589 cm 1 corresponds to PANI EB [28,29]. Similarly, the
resultant precipitate was washed with 0.1 M HCl, deionized water bands at 749 cm 1, 1250 cm 1, 2922 cm 1 and 3036 cm 1 corre-
and dried to get fine PANI-HCl powder. This powder was de-doped sponds to PANI-CSA [7,30,31]. Table 2 shows the list of observed
with 0.1 M ammonia solution and stirred using magnetic stirrer for bands with their corresponding functional groups.
3 h at room temperature to remove the dopant ion (Cl ). The pre- Fig. 1b shows the FTIR spectra of PANI-CSA samples with differ-
cipitate was filtered, washed with de-ionized water until the water ent PANI:CSA weight ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8). The intensity of
became neutral, and then dried in air for 48 h in order to obtain
PANI Emeraldine base (EB) (de-doped PANI). PANI EB (0.2 g) was
re-doped with camphor sulfonic acid (CSA) (0.2 g, 0.4 g, 0.8 g and Table 1
1.6 g) along with the solvent m-cresol (30 ml) to prepare four dif- Thickness of PANI-CSA thin films prepared with different PANI:CSA weight ratio.
ferent samples of PANI:CSA weight ratios (1:1), (1:2), (1:4) and PANI:CSA weight ratio Thickness (nm)
(1:8) respectively. Doping mechanism was performed by stirring
1:1 52
the solution for 3 days with initial mild heating using magnetic 1:2 68
stirrer and then filtered to get a homogeneous solution. Homoge- 1:4 74
neous PANI-CSA solution was coated on to cleaned glass plates at 1:8 94 (approximate)
1000 rpm for 1 min using spin-coating unit and dried in vacuum
for 24 h.
Thickness of all the films were determined by Profilometer
(Model: Veeco). Fourier transform infra red (FTIR) spectra of the
samples were recorded using FTIR spectrometer (Model: Shi-
madzu). Structural analysis was carried out by means of X-ray
diffraction (XRD) technique (BRUKER DS Advance model) using
Cu Ka radiation (k = 1.5406 Å). The surface morphology was exam-
ined by JEOL JSM-6360LV scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Hall-effect study was carried out using ECOPIA Hall effect mea-
surement system (HMS-2000 Ver.2.0). Absorbance spectra were
recorded using double beam JASCO UV–Visible-NIR Spectropho-
tometer (model V-570) in the wavelength range 200–1200 nm.
Band gap was determined using the absorbance spectra. Photolu-
minescence studies were carried out using FP-6500 Spectroflurom-
eter at room temperature by exciting the films with light of
wavelength 300 nm. Fig. 1a. FTIR spectra of PANI-HCl, PANI EB and PANI-CSA.
448 D. Geethalakshmi et al. / Measurement 92 (2016) 446–452

Table 2
FTIR bands and functional groups of PANI-HCl, PANI EB and PANI-CSA polymers.

Wavenumber Functional group Confirmed

(cm 1) polymer
804 CACl Aromatics out of plain bend
1302 CAN stretch of benzenoid ring PANI-HCl
830 Out-of-plane CAH bending modes
1145 In-plane CAH bending modes PANI EB
1307 NAH bending (or)
1492 Phenylenediamine unit C@C De-doped PANI
1589 CAC ring stretching vibrations
749 ASO3H vibration PANI-CSA
1250 CAN+ or C@N.+ stretching
2922 NH asymmetric stretching Fig. 2a. XRD pattern of PANI-CSA and PANI-HCl film.
3036 CH stretching

Fig. 1b. FTIR spectra of PANI-CSA samples with different PANI:CSA weight ratio.

FTIR bands of PANI-CSA were observed to increase gradually with Fig. 2b. XRD pattern of PANI-CSA films with different PANI:CSA weight ratio.
increase in dopant ions (SO3 ) except the polymer with PANI:CSA
weight ratio of (1:8). This PANI-CSA polymer with PANI:CSA
weight ratio of (1:8) shows sudden decrease in the intensity of which showed amorphous nature. The peaks at 2h = 10.5°, 15.3°,
absorption bands, representing a sudden change in the molecular and 21° (d = 8.44, 5.78 and 4.2 Å respectively) corresponds to PANI
environment at maximum CSA dopant ratio (1:8). Moreover, bands [35,36] and the peaks at 18° and 19° (d = 4.9, and 4.64 Å respec-
in the range (3050–2870) cm 1, (1082–997) cm 1 and (881–856) tively) corresponds to CSA dopant [37]. So, to obtain high crys-
cm 1 and bands at 1929 cm 1, 2353 cm 1 and 3354 cm 1 disap- talline PANI-CSA films, ratio of CSA have to be increased further
pear in PANI-CSA polymer with higher CSA dopant ratio (1:8). All which impart crystallinity to PANI polymer films.
these represent that, if the concentration of CSA dopant in PANI Fig. 3a shows the scanning electron microscope image of PANI-
exceeds a particular level, changes in the molecular structure will CSA films with different PANI:CSA weight ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and
be introduced. 1:8). All the PANI-CSA films, except (1:8) ratio, shows smooth sur-
Fig. 2a shows the X-ray diffraction pattern of PANI-CSA nano- face without any crack. It also reveals that the effect of CSA dopant
films with PANI:CSA weight ratios (1:1), (1:2) and (1:4) (all appear ratio is not noticeable in these three SEM image and this may be
similar) along with PANI-HCl film studied earlier. PANI-CSA nano- due to the very smooth surface of the films with lower CSA dopant
films with lower CSA dopant ratios (1:1, 1:2 and 1:4) exhibit high ratio. However, the film with PANI:CSA weight ratio of (1:8) shows
degree of amorphous nature which was clear from its broad root-like structure spread throughout the film, which was formed
high-angle asymmetric scattering peak around the diffraction of large number of horizontally grown, short micro-wires, assem-
angle 25°, corresponding to d-spacing of 3.5256 Å. This peak is bled in series (inset of Fig. 3a-(1:8)). This morphology was only
the characteristics of the degree of p-conjugation in PANI, as due to higher CSA dopant ratio along with low rate of solvent evap-
reported earlier [32–34]. The XRD pattern of PANI-HCl film is not oration, which led to self-assembly of atoms and molecules initiat-
as broad as the above discussed PANI-CSA nanofilms, due to its ing crystal growth at few points of the film and it extends
low degree of amorphous nature with nanofiber morphology throughout the film surface [38]. Fig. 3b shows the scanning elec-
[19]. Fig. 2b shows the X-ray diffraction pattern of PANI-CSA nano- tron microscope image of PANI-HCl film studied by us earlier,
films with different PANI:CSA weight ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8). which shows the nanofiber formation with high dense inter-fiber
Among the four films the PANI-CSA film with PANI:CSA weight fusion [19]. This complete change in the morphology of both
ratio of (1:8) shows sharp diffraction peaks which indicates that PANI-HCl and PANI-CSA films was not only due to the type of
the prepared films were of crystalline nature. This crystalline nat- dopants, but also due to the method of film formation. PANI-HCl
ure was only due to the higher CSA dopant ratio (1:8) which was film formation was dip-coated with in-situ polymerization process
confirmed from the PANI-CSA films below with lower CSA ratios, where purification of the film material is impossible, but PANI-CSA
D. Geethalakshmi et al. / Measurement 92 (2016) 446–452 449

Fig. 3a. SEM image of PANI-CSA films with different PANI:CSA weight ratio (inset: Magnified image of 1:8 film).

Table 3
Hall effect parameters of PANI-CSA films with different PANI:CSA weight ratio.

Pani:CSA Thickness r l n
wt. ratio (nm) (X 1
cm 1
) (cm2/V s) (cm 3
1:1 52 0.34 190.9 1.11  1016
1:2 68 0.59 104.9 8.49  1016
1:4 74 0.73 23.6 1.93  1017
1:8 94 1.21 11.1 6.87  1017

this film with increase in CSA dopant ratio may be due to the for-
mation of crystalline structure of the film with root like morphol-
ogy. Moreover, when comparing the Hall-effect parameters of
crystalline PANI-CSA film (r = 1.21 X 1 cm 1, l = 11.1 cm2/V s,
n = 6.87  1017 cm 3) with that of PANI-HCl amorphous film
(r = 1.08 X 1 cm 1, l = 0.129 cm2/V s, n = 5.23  1019 cm 3) stud-
ied earlier [19], it was found that the crystalline nature of the
PANI-CSA film have enhanced the carrier mobility which was the
main reason for high conductivity at low carrier concentration of
Fig. 3b. SEM image of PANI-HCl film. PANI-CSA film. Though the dopant ion (SO3 ) of the CSA doped PANI
films was heavier and was found to be difficult to diffuse into the
nanofilm formation was after many processes such as polymeriza- polymer backbone unlike the lighter monovalent dopant ions (Cl )
tion of aniline to form PANI-HCl, de-doping, purification, re-doping in case of PANI-HCl films [39]; the crystalline nature along with
with CSA followed with long time stirring of doped PANI and then root like morphology of the PANI-CSA film enhances the diffusion
spin-coated to form nanofilm. of dopant ion (SO3 ) into the polymer backbone, which is responsi-
The conductivity (r), carrier mobility (l) and carrier concentra- ble for the higher conductivity of PANI-CSA film with lower carrier
tion (n) of PANI-CSA films prepared with different PANI:CSA concentration. Thus, it is proved that the crystalline structure and
weight ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8) using Hall-effect study are morphology of the film, at the macroscopic level, affects the mobil-
shown in Table 3. It is clear from the table that the increase in ity of charge carriers and thus controls conductivity. Hall-effect
CSA dopant ratio, increases the conductivity and carrier concentra- analysis also revealed that the PANI-CSA films were all P-type
tion of the films, but the mobility of charge carriers decreases. semiconductors, through positive Hall-coefficient (Rh) value.
Among all the four films, PANI-CSA film with PANI:CSA weight Fig. 4a shows the absorbance spectra of PANI-CSA nanofilms for
ratio (1:8) film exhibited maximum conductivity of 1.21 X 1 cm 1 different PANI:CSA weight ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8). The
with the carrier concentration 6.87  1017 cm 3 and the carrier absorption peak observed around 296 nm in the spectra of PANI-
mobility of 11.1 cm2/V s. A sudden increase in the conductivity of CSA films with lower CSA ratio (1:1, 1:2 and 1:4) represents the
450 D. Geethalakshmi et al. / Measurement 92 (2016) 446–452

Fig. 4b. UV–Vis spectra of PANI-HCl film of 2 M-HCl concentration prepared at 4 °C.

wavelength 300 nm. PL spectra of all films with lower CSA ratio
(1:1, 1:2, 1:4) shows sharp high intense peaks at 361 nm and
Fig. 4a. UV–Vis spectra of PANI-CSA films with different PANI:CSA weight ratio.
494 nm and a broad low intense peak at 410 nm similar to PL spec-
tra of PANI-HCl film studied earlier (Fig. 5b). These PL peaks
observed around the wavelength 361 nm, 410 nm and
p ? p⁄ transition as reported by Varma in his ultrathin PANI-CSA
494 nm were assigned to p⁄ ? p transition, p⁄ ? polaron transi-
films of nanometer thickness [7]. The absorbance spectra of
tion and polaron ? p transition respectively. As reported by Shi-
PANI-CSA nanofilm with PANI:CSA weight ratio of 1:8 exhibits
mano et al. [45] in his work, the combination of broad low
three prominent absorption peaks at 305 nm, 442 nm and
intense peak around 410 nm and a sharp high intense peak around
848 nm confirming it as conducting polymer. These peaks repre-
494 nm of a doped PANI is due to the partial doping which con-
sents p ? p⁄ transition, polaron ? p⁄ transition and p ? polaron
firms its semiconductivity nature as illustrated in Hall-effect anal-
transition of the benzenoid units respectively as reported by earlier
ysis. The disappearance of peak around 410 nm with a sharp high
workers [40–43]. This confirms the polaron band formation in the
intense peak around 494 nm is due to the fully doped state which
band gap of polymer upon CSA doping. Red shift (296 nm ?
305 nm) in absorption spectra takes place due to the transforma-
tion of film from amorphous nature to crystalline with increase
in dopant ratio as represented by Khot et al. in his paper on cad-
mium sulfoselenide thin films about red shift in absorption spec-
trum with enhancement in film crystallinity [44]. Moreover, as
the prepared crystalline PANI-CSA nanofilm showed increase in
the absorption spectrum (305–442 nm) over the visible region, it
is a suitable material to be used as donor in solar cells to enhance
the photo conversion efficiency (PCE) as suggested by Liu et al. [10]
in his work on PANI/TiO2 solar cells. Optical band gap (Eg) of PANI-
CSA films with different PANI:CSA weight ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and
1:8) were given in Table 4. Increase of dopant weight ratio
enhances the absorption intensity and simultaneously decreases
the optical band gap from 3.8 eV to 2.5 eV. Sudden decrease in
band gap (2.5 eV) of PANI-CSA film with higher CSA dopant ratio
(1:8) was due to the broadening of absorption spectrum estab-
lished by crystalline nature of the film as discussed by Khot et al.
about the decrease in band gap with increase in crystallinity of
cadmium sulfoselenide thin films [44]. The same effect occurs for Fig. 5a. PL spectra of PANI-CSA films with different PANI:CSA weight ratio.
PANI-HCl films with increase in dopant ratio where the spectra
of maximum absorption is represented in Fig. 4b, which was stud-
ied by us earlier [19]. This proved that generally the increase of
dopant ratio in PANI enhances the light absorption capacity along
with decrease in optical band gap.
Photoluminescence (PL) spectra of PANI-CSA nanofilms with
four different PANI:CSA weight ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8) are
shown in Fig 5a. These films have been excited with light of

Table 4
Optical properties of PANI-CSA nanofilms with different PANI:CSA weight ratio.

PANI:CSA Thickness Eg
wt. ratio (nm) (eV) (1:1)
(1:1) 52 3.8
(1:2) 68 3.72
(1:4) 74 3.67
(1:8) 94 2.5
Fig. 5b. PL spectra of PANI-HCl film of 2 M-HCl concentration prepared at 4 °C.
D. Geethalakshmi et al. / Measurement 92 (2016) 446–452 451

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